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Restaurants told by Anutin: Once reopened there's no going back


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6 hours ago, fangless said:

In other words there will be another lockdown, they will just call it something else like restricted opening.

No the exact opposite, it will be like Phuket

Once open it will stay open regardless of the infection rates.

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5 hours ago, Gottfrid said:

And that was the smartest comment he could make with the title Health Minister? Sometimes you wish there were more words to in a colorful way describe a certain level of stupidity.

I have the words but If I print them here I'll be suspended again.

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In Europe some countries had  restricted opening with rules like, can only open between 9am and 6pm, first 30% occupancy then 50%, table and chairs to be sanitised between customers, no condiments or menus on table and the obvious wearing of masks until you get your first drink, sanitising of hands some places took temperature.

In some countries these rules were enforced with heavy fines.

Did it work? I'm not sure, only time will tell.

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4 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

No the exact opposite, it will be like Phuket

Once open it will stay open regardless of the infection rates.

They will be able to stay open but not able to serve food!

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As of now 70% have not had a jab of any kind, 90% have not had the second one [if that makes sense]

and they think it's safe to open up.

Originally they said a minimum of 70% double dosed, that seems to have been turned around the other way now.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Each test is 200-300 baht

Are you kidding me ?


I recently bought self test kits in a drugstore here in continental Europe: 1.99 € (less than 80 baht)

and then in another drugstore they had even a special price:

0.99 € (less than 40 baht).


That guy runs dozens of Zen restaurants with 3000 staff 

- and he will not get a huge bulk discount ?


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6 hours ago, Captain Monday said:

Excellent. Remove all economic restrictions lock downs don't work.


They don't work because they are pretend lockdowns. This is closed, but this this and this can open. But only until 8 or 9pm, because Covid only comes out at night. A proper lockdown, when everything is closed, is the only way to stop the spread, and that is impossible so we muddle through as best we can. Not only in Thailand but throughout the world. Just don't expect to eradicate the virus, stop it spreading, by taking half-measures. Nothing will do that, as with most other viruses.

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6 hours ago, jonclark said:

What we are seeing here with restaurants is the model that the government will adopt to schools reopening imo. All students (and parents??) will need to be double jabbed and take weekly antigen test with evidence provided to the school. The cost to be borne by the parents.  Just my opinion..but I do think this will happen. I hope I am wrong. Imagine weekly antigen tests for a large Thai school. There will be more testing than learning. 

At least the time taken to do the Antigen Tests will be productive time, as opposed to making hats from Newspaper and glue.

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43 minutes ago, apetryxx said:

One of the big problems in Thailand is the ill advised requirement that all people testing positive for the Wuhan, must be hospitalized regardless of the severity of their infection even those who are asymptomatic. Thus, over crowded medical facilities for no rational reason.


Was dating a nurse who worked on the Covid ward at a major hospital.  She said that it was so much easier as most of the patients would “just chill and maybe cough a little” (her words) and that it was the patients on other wards (who were there for surgery and such) that would need much more attending to.  

I’ll never forget when she said “I just don’t think Covid is as dangerous as they want us to believe”.

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1 hour ago, James105 said:

Are you sure that you are "protecting her"?  The chances of a 7 year old girl dying from covid is lower than getting killed by lightning or dying from the vaccine itself.    The Delta, like the Alpha does not affect kids that are otherwise healthy.   


Sounds to me like you see her as a potential bio hazard and want to stop her from going to school to protect you.    

I want my Daughter in school, (6 years old) . The chances of serious illness is rare.  My concern is health problems from all this social isolation.  She has no siblings and zero friends to play with.  I know it's wrong but I let her use her phone more than I should, her English vocabulary has improved significantly.

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Well, the restaurant I want to visit won't have vaccinated staff, I believe they've applied, but nothing yet.

The owner is a rabid anti-vaxxer, so he won't be pushing it.


Me, I've had 2 jabs, but from 2 places, so no certificate yet.


Should be interesting.  ????


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2 hours ago, Neeranam said:

If you are too lazy to learn to read Thai, it's a good idea to befriend a native to help you. . 

Problem is genius is that there is no corresponding info on my Bang Sue doc  or BPH to what he is asking.

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2 hours ago, samtam said:

There is no universality in what one was given at an inoculation. Mine simply has my name, time and date of next appointment:





Or, you can pick them up for free at most pharmacies. The approach in UK is they want to eradicate cases, not make money off the facilities to achieve that; it's quite radical. (And yes, I know nothing is free etc, but having just bought an antigen kit (5x) made by Roche for THB1400, it's a bit "freer" than that.)



4 tables. Not necessarily in the same restaurant.



Yes, I got my office whiz to do for me...still drew blanks. Need to check with my hospital; it's possible the Mor Prom app for this is different to the one I completed using my pink ID.

I did Pfizer after AZ in 4 weeks, OK by USA doctors and internet sites.

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2 hours ago, James105 said:

Are you sure that you are "protecting her"?  The chances of a 7 year old girl dying from covid is lower than getting killed by lightning or dying from the vaccine itself.    The Delta, like the Alpha does not affect kids that are otherwise healthy.   


Sounds to me like you see her as a potential bio hazard and want to stop her from going to school to protect you.    

At present in the latest outbreak in New Zealand, includes a one year old baby,with Delta

There have been  no Delta deaths so far, there were 26 deaths from previous outbreaks, not Delta .

About 400 cases so far  not many in hospital. 
Many recovering at home 

looks to me that Delta is more infectious but doesn’t seem to be as deadly , we can only wait and see, look at Australia as well .

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2 hours ago, apetryxx said:

Sorry, but the facts just don’t lie. Lockdown States in the U.S. vs Non-lockdown states show roughly the same infection rates and in some cases lockdown States had higher rates. They simply don’t work as intended and to say that they do simply flies in the face of the facts. One of the big problems in Thailand is the ill advised requirement that all people testing positive for the Wuhan, must be hospitalized regardless of the severity of their infection even those who are asymptomatic. Thus, over crowded medical facilities for no rational reason.

They don't go into what you refer to as hospitals, they are more like small aircraft hangars which act as holding bays for the infected. Not a bad idea in principle, bit like religion, capitalism and Communism. They all work well as long as human beings aren't involved.

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9 hours ago, Will B Good said:

There is ample evidence to say they "work", depending on your definition of success.


Lockdowns do not eradicate the virus, or even reduce the total number of infections. 


They do if it buys time to get people fully vaccinated. In the meantime, Thailand case rate was doubling every 18 days. Now it's halving every 27. The problem, of course, is that lockdowns are very expensive, but they are effective in fighting the virus.


Also, spreading out the infections over a longer time saves lives. Not only among Covid patients, but among all the people with other problems who can't get proper treatment when the system is overwhelmed.


Source for the case rate: https://epiforecasts.io/covid/posts/national/thailand/

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5 hours ago, Will B Good said:

This would make me rethink about opening up at the present moment....




I would probably plough all resources available into the economic power house of BKK, get the vaccinations levels up (massively complex I admit) and try open up BKK, whilst keeping a lid on travel domestically and tightly restrict international travel.


Having proposed that I have lent no more than a minute thinking about it!!!!

Got it. But why tightly restrict international travel?

Thailand is already lousy with coronavirus. A potential variant even worse than Delta?


We only need to look at the rousing triumph of the Sandbox 5-10 positive out of 30,000 plus arrivals.

vacinnated and quadruple tested tourists are not the problem. Why not make it easier for them while they drop some cash and employ people along the way.


Why is getting coronavirus from a foreigner (really to be stated as an international air arrivalthe virus isn't racist) SO much worse than getting it in a supermarket from a Thai? 


Same question I wish to ask Japan , thousands of cases a day, borders sealed as tight as a Kyoto maiko with no end in sight, unless one is an elite politician or Olympic athlete or functionary.

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