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Thailand confirms first case of VITT linked to AZ jab


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15 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Were those deaths reported ‘Deaths because of the Vaccine’ or ‘directly related to complications as a result of taking the vaccine’ ??


Or, were those deaths reported ‘Deaths after being vaccinated’ ??


The reason I ask is because some articles have been highly misleading and almost ‘clickbaitey’ in their approach. 


In Thailand approximately 1520 people die daily  (of all causes from motorcycle accidents to stroke to heart failure, embolisms, etc). Given the numbers of people being vaccinated it makes perfect numerical and statistic sense that some of those will have recently been vaccinated.

In such cases whereby someone has been vaccinated and sadly passed away (with a condition unrelated to a vaccine) loved ones will naturally want to blame something and amongst the emotional laypeople the vaccines may be fingered.





That's the same as saying people died of Covid when in fact they didn't, it was an underlying condition. They may well of died from the condition they died from if this panademic wasn't around. However they've gone down as a Covid victim. If those who died after taking the vaccine hadn't taken it then they could well still be here. You don't know what you don't know, cos you don't know. 

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2 hours ago, wombat said:

i guess its true what he says then...

covid copy.jpg

I already googled the numbers and it is really mind boggling.... something to be really scared of, the chance NOT to get Covid or even to die is about 99%.... and besides that, the chance not to die of a traffic accident is now as low as 98%!

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Just now, Thaijack2014 said:

I already googled the numbers and it is really mind boggling.... something to be really scared of, the chance NOT to get Covid or even to die is about 99%.... and besides that, the chance not to die of a traffic accident is now as low as 98%!

Was it data from reliable scientific sources your looked at?
I hope you are also aware of what is known as "long Covid", which for many has resulted in ongoing renal, cardiac , respiratory and other complications.

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7 minutes ago, hasher69 said:

I know 1 person (in Chiang Mai) who died of a Blood Clot after her second dose. No previuos problems with blood clotting

Any idea what type of blot clot is was?


There are two types - Conventional Thrombosis such as a DVT or Stroke. 1 in 1000 people have a thrombotic event every year. Thrombosis is a lot more common than is widely known. 


Then there is Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT), also known as Vaccine-Induced Prothrombotic Immune Thrombocytopenia (VIPIT) and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) - This is were blood platelet count gets dangerously low and the blood cells ‘clump’ together. In effect, this is caused by excessive thinning. 


This ‘second form of Thrombosis (Thrombocytopenia) is rare, but a number of documented cases now exist, the Thrombocytopenia is though to be triggered by viral-vector vaccines such as AstraZeneca and Covishield, also now some reports from the Janssen vaccine. 



Thus: The blood clots are ‘different’ there is the relatively common Thrombosis and the much more rare Thrombocytopenia which is more dangerous when a clot occurs in the brain. 


It’s also been reported that the greatest incidence of VITT have occured after the first dose. 

It’s also noted that VITT can occur from ‘other’ vaccines, such as the influenza vaccine, so this is not solely a covid-19 vaccine related issue. 

It could be that those who suffer VITT as a result of receiving viral vector Covid-19 vaccines could potentially suffer the same effects after receiving other vaccines. 


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7 minutes ago, Tonypandy said:

That's the same as saying people died of Covid when in fact they didn't, it was an underlying condition. They may well of died from the condition they died from if this panademic wasn't around. However they've gone down as a Covid victim. If those who died after taking the vaccine hadn't taken it then they could well still be here. You don't know what you don't know, cos you don't know. 

True...  IF doctors are reporting it as a death caused by consequences as a result of taking a Vaccine then that carries more weight.


The 222 figure quoted certainly fits within the statistical norm fro VITT related cases. 


However, laypeople reporting ‘the vaccine caused the death’ is simply ‘finger pointing’ and is perhaps less likely to be the cause compared to an already existing condition. 


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40 minutes ago, DBath said:

What are those percentages? I’m curious

Much higher in terms of numbers vs %. Percentages don't really reflect the numbers (human nature), we see a small number.


Example: In 2019, figures below from the WHO for the flu season worldwide, its evident of how many people died.  


Flu: The World Health Organization estimates that 290,000 to 650,000 people die of flu-related causes every year worldwide. 


If you look at how many people died of Covid in 2020 the numbers are significantly higher as expected, why just in America the deaths of 652,654 people surpassed the numbers worldwide of the above previous flu season, so as I said, it's the numbers that make it more real as opposed to the %'s, the latter make things look mild.


So far there have been 4,600,000 deaths due to Covid 19 since it started, say 20 months ago, if it was just the flu over the same period of time one could assume that it would be around 1,100,000 deaths, i.e. if you average out the months based on the same 12 month period.




Now one could say that the the % is about 2.36% but it's a % which to the naked eye looks low (human nature), but to me I see 2,760,000 people dead based on the above averaged out over a 12 month period, but as I said, %'s don't really reflect the numbers to me, numbers reflect the real volumes of deaths, i.e. 4,600,000 people worldwide over 20 or so months or about 2.36 times more than your annual flu, so 2,760,000 deaths over a 12 month period, take away the 650,000 annual flu deaths, that's 2,107,346 more deaths than the annual flu season worldwide.


I trust your question is answered in % and number terms which really reflects the current pandemic.


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What a joke.  Folks get the vaccine at a "vaccine center," then go home.  They start having symptoms of some kind and go to their local hospital.  The totally incompetent doctors populating these places can't make a diagnosis, so they give the hapless patient some paracetamol and send him on his way.  What would be rare, is the actual ability of anybody in a local hospital to ever make a definitive connection between a symptom and a vaccine -- and make that diagnosis.  About the only time blood clots would ever be diagnosed is in a post mortem and those are rarely ever performed.  The most likely cause of death would probably be diagnosed as bad luck, secondary to having run over a snake the day before.

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

I find it hard to believe, maybe they found the first VITT that have been reported but 1 case in 15 millions AZ jabs? should be few more according to published medical statistics..

Don’t believe all you read on social media

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2 minutes ago, Joules said:

What a joke.  Folks get the vaccine at a "vaccine center," then go home.  They start having symptoms of some kind and go to their local hospital.  The totally incompetent doctors populating these places can't make a diagnosis, so they give the hapless patient some paracetamol and send him on his way.  What would be rare, is the actual ability of anybody in a local hospital to ever make a definitive connection between a symptom and a vaccine -- and make that diagnosis.  About the only time blood clots would ever be diagnosed is in a post mortem and those are rarely ever performed.  The most likely cause of death would probably be diagnosed as bad luck, secondary to having run over a snake the day before.

You don’t know much do you. Of course blood clots can be diagnosed.

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2 hours ago, hotchilli said:

Maybe they didn't come forward with symptoms or underlying symptoms masked the issue..

Sure, makes for boring news 'An 85 year old obese female with diabetes has died after getting a vaccine shot'. And never, ever, compare the problems with this vaccine with Flu shots...


These vaccines are so much safer than not taking them - we don't need this sensationalist <deleted> making people worry more, and adding fuel to the antivaxxers rhetoric.

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3 hours ago, wombat said:

i guess its true what he says then...

covid copy.jpg

This reminds me of an off topic joke.  It will give Metisdead and chance to censor me.


Two lawyers were bemoaning all the shenanigan's pulled by so many lawyers.  One observed to the other one:  Yeah, but it's only 99% of us that makes the rest look bad."

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8 minutes ago, PB172111 said:
11 minutes ago, Joules said:

What a joke.  Folks get the vaccine at a "vaccine center," then go home.  They start having symptoms of some kind and go to their local hospital.  The totally incompetent doctors populating these places can't make a diagnosis, so they give the hapless patient some paracetamol and send him on his way.  What would be rare, is the actual ability of anybody in a local hospital to ever make a definitive connection between a symptom and a vaccine -- and make that diagnosis.  About the only time blood clots would ever be diagnosed is in a post mortem and those are rarely ever performed.  The most likely cause of death would probably be diagnosed as bad luck, secondary to having run over a snake the day before.


You don’t know much do you. Of course blood clots can be diagnosed.

D-Dimmer - a simple blood test. 

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37 minutes ago, Aussieroaming said:

Damn these incorrect media releases. They forgot to mention that the Astra Zenica vaccine in question was an imported vaccine and not the 100% effective, fantastically locally manufactured product.

Sorry no vaccine is 100% effective, whether mumps, rubella, HepB and A.

AZ is believed to have a 95% efficacy after two jabs.

I would not think the place of manufacture is even a factor given the controls which would be in place.

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23 hours ago, madmen said:


2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

How many people worldwide including us expats have died from the Pfizer vaccination Vs how many people have died from Covid 19, the statistics are out there, did you say No, see, No look ?


I for one have had my 1st dose and am still here, 2nd coming on Monday and I suspect I will still be here after that dose, that said, the odds of dying from Covid 19 unvaccinated are very high (fact).


Everyone will meet Covid 19 with our without a vaccine, and if you think your risk of dying from a vaccination is greater than being unvaccinated, then you haven't done your homework.


The above said, wish you the best of luck.

Death will come to us all. Covid has killed people. Most that have died from it are either aged, have multiple co-morbities or very obese. When someone that is in the low risk group (if you are healthy and under 20 you are very low risk) dying if a vaccine that statistically not needed is a tragedy. The best hope for all of us statistically is to not be over weight. 


Just wondering what you consider your odds of dying if you are unvaccinated are very high “fact” is what you said. So what is the “fact”. 


Edited by Midwit
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who are the selfish people the ones who have had the jab and( think) they are safe because the news media said so, so anyone who does not do what they do are crims and should be murdered for that, so with a bit of luck they will be able to go shopping, anyone who believes the news media and or government are stupid cs when it comes to corvid 19, wait and see

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3 minutes ago, johnarth said:

who are the selfish people the ones who have had the jab and( think) they are safe because the news media said so, so anyone who does not do what they do are crims and should be murdered for that, so with a bit of luck they will be able to go shopping, anyone who believes the news media and or government are stupid cs when it comes to corvid 19, wait and see

Every now and again we get one, and every now and again we get rid of one.


Soon, soon I hope, anyone ditto that ?

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3 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

Is it confirmed as directly related? or causal following administration of the vaccine?

Age and any co-morbidities of the deceased?

How many Pfizer vaccines administered?

What was the cause of the actual death?

There are many questions to be answered, even those rare cases of pericarditis recovery, but is damage long term? we do not know.

Your post only poses more questions. 

but doesn't this also apply to all the vaccines ?

We just don't know what any long term problems are ?

We know they save lives in the short term, but after ?

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4 hours ago, DavidSSaville said:

Plandemic , vaccine passports, agenda 2030 all about loss of iindividuality. You will own nothing and be happy. 5G connected world and transhumanism. World future money biggest game in town; explains everything. Got money then above law as Does not apply to us!

Have you seen my camel?




(Jasper Carrott, Nutter On The Bus.)

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2 hours ago, Midwit said:

Death will come to us all. Covid has killed people. Most that have died from it are either aged, have multiple co-morbities or very obese. When someone that is in the low risk group (if you are healthy and under 20 you are very low risk) dying if a vaccine that statistically not needed is a tragedy. The best hope for all of us statistically is to not be over weight. 


Just wondering what you consider your odds of dying if you are unvaccinated are very high “fact” is what you said. So what is the “fact”. 

Yes, death comes to us all, however we all have a responsibility to our selves to protect ourselves from all the diseases out in the world that can dampen or shorten our lives.


A lot of us get annual flu vaccinations, I do, some of us get the Pneumonia vaccine every 5 years followed up with a booster the following year, I practise safe sex when I am riding a filly as opposed to my wife.


It's all a personal choice, COVID is as contagious as the Measles, if you understand anything about viruses, you will understand that yes, this affects mostly those older than 60 and with underlying conditions, that said it can also kill people younger with underlying conditions, Obesity plays a big part yes, but when you look at 4.6 million people having died in the past 20 months from Covid, not to mention how many are suffering long Covid and other conditions from it's infection, is it worth not wearing a condom so to speak.


Our world is constantly changing, new viruses, diseases being discovered all the time, and we need to adapt, if your worried about a vaccine that is proven to be safe and effective, then you roll the dice, me personally, I would rather take my jab and hope that when I do get infected with Covid, it's effect will be no more than a flu or cold as I am not willing to risk my life over being stubborn, I look at the science, I research a lot, I don't trust governments, but am at least intelligent enough to know that Covid has the potential to kill me, so why swim with sharks, it's all about the risk vs benefits, besides being vaccinated also provides protection to my kids through herd immunity until they too can get vaccinated, which is a part of life, e.g. your born, your jabbed and then again as you grow and then you die, it's part and parcel of the cycle, some don't want to face the music, and that's fine, I wish them a long life free of viruses and diseases if they choose not to be vaccinated.


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1 hour ago, giridhari said:

My friend got the jab and stated feeling unwell right away. On the fifth day after the vaccination he suffered a heart attack and died. He was 50 years old.

I know someone who didn't get vaccinated, got infected with Covid and died, yes she was old and had underlying conditions, that said, another person also died with one vaccination, slightly older and with underlying conditions, however the other 8 out of the 10 who had double vaccinations who were also in the same age groups with underlying conditions survived, that tells me the vaccines worked, although they all ended up in hospital as precautionary measures it provided time to disinfect the facility (nursing home) while they were in hospital.

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4 hours ago, pkspeaker said:

ok you had your dose and your still here.. must be 100% safe then.. you didn't mention that the people that died from covid are overwhelmingly old and with preconditions.. vaccines have been developed and that's ok but the govt/big pharma agenda needs to stop pushing this stuff on people under 60 and people that just don't want it..

Have to smile …. What is “Overwhelmingly old”?




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