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Ruling party’s floundering popularity could reverse with the end of Covid in sight


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5 minutes ago, TooMuchTime said:

Keep injecting and hope it goes away.  Very scientific and well thought out approach.

Well, that's just my layman's opinion summed up in one sentence, but I believe it is scientifically supported, hence it is being allowed to happen.


Administer vaccines to protect people from the worst effects of the virus to allow economies to open up again.  Administer booster shots to maintain protection.  If boosters, along with continuing caution, can reduce infection and spread enough, there's a possibility that the virus could be contained or eliminated.  It will take time, but if every human can be brought to and kept at the level of being ~90% protected, it's going to have some positive effect on the situation.


What do you find unscientific about that?  Or you just don't like vaccines and prefer people getting very sick with long lasting tissue damage or dying?

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5 hours ago, smedly said:

"The end of covid in sight" and the so called  "reopening"  are two entirely different things 


They already know that fully vaccinated tourists are no threat to Thailand the question remains how to maximise the revneue from any that do come - oh wait ................................they already figured that out and it isn't working lol

And maybe (just maybe) the gov't. will soon realize they need to re-plan/re-organize:

- Quarantine

  • Reduce the no of days according to circumstances including double vaccinated folks/departure country etc.

- Covid 19 tests before flying (*perhaps with 1 hr report testing on arrival at departure airport)

- Use credible 15 minute rapid tests instead of swab tests with 4, 5, 6 days gap to get result.

(*travelers can get a swab or other types of Covid 19 test at a fully accredited private laboratory on the departure level at Sydney Airport - SMS result guaranteed within 1 hr and passenger can also nominate own and a second e.mail to receive the negative report and paper copy also available at their lab at airport within the 1 hr.)  Seems that this is well accepted by the airlines.


My son recently mentioned all of the above gets daily rehash in the professors lunch room. Plus several times someone has mentioned; 'The government urgently wants mass numbers of tourists to enter and spend, but they never recognize that tourists won't come if they must do 14 days quarantine, plus many countries have already rehashed all of the above so tourists can get in with zero quarantine, changed test structure etc.

My son says the above sentence always gets very negative comments from many of the other folks in the lunchroom. 'They don't mind.' 'They know Thailand will take care of them.' And more.

Son says most of the above comments come from the older professors and especially come from these folks who have never traveled abroad. And any younger folks who try to disagree get told to be quiet and have some respect.


There's a long way to go to some reality. 

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1 hour ago, TooMuchTime said:

LMAO going up guys!!!... for 1 day.  Sorry bub, Oct1 will have a lower 7 day average than what is shown this week.

Of course it will. Prayuth has said so, but will it be the real honest truth, or will it be whatever Prayuth wants it to be?

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4 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I agree. If they are able to bring a quick end to this, and if they are able to bring tens of millions of doses of the higher quality vaccines in, and restart tourism without any restrictions, their approval ratings might rise from 1%, to 2%. 


Regardless, if they get Covid under control, it is the end of them, and they know it. Millions will be out in the street. The economic devastation they have wrought will not be forgotten for decades. They will blame Covid, but we all know who is to blame. Gross malfeasance and horrific mismanagement, at every level. 

You're painting the usual pretty picture, Mike - 

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16 hours ago, zzaa09 said:


What end in sight


COVID era gonna be with the world for quite some time to come. 

There does seem to be slight shift in mindsets and whatnot these days - instead of fighting it, accept it and get on with our lives. 


This acceptance and living with it is beginning to be promoted by respected scientists, thinkers and the like. 

Surely, not the most popular notion. Hence, why we don't hear/read too much of such "mad talk".

The "mad talk" is promoting the idea that zero covid is possible and achievable by taking away peoples freedom, destroying the economy and reducing everyone to penury. And those freedoms will probably never be returned in full. As one commentator remarked, "power is a ratchet, not a pendulum"; ie, once taken it is tightened, not returned.

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On 9/11/2021 at 8:33 AM, smedly said:

"The end of covid in sight" and the so called  "reopening"  are two entirely different things 


They already know that fully vaccinated tourists are no threat to Thailand the question remains how to maximise the revneue from any that do come - oh wait ................................they already figured that out and it isn't working lol


Meaning that they need to urgently reconfigure (cancel) quarantine, for tourists/visitors who can prove double dose of credible vaccine, perhaps also with a booster, and come from countries which have low numbers of positives. And perhaps with a new regime of double check prompt report tests before boarding and on arrival.


One example of testing before boarding, one of the local very credible pathology laboratories /companies has a walk in testing facility at Sydney Airport on the departure level (can be walk-in, can be by appointment).


One hour result/report guaranteed, report comes by SMS or e.mail and passenger can go back to the lab and immediately get a printed copy of the report. For swab test and report AUD$150-.


Other tests also available. All well accepted by the airlines and Sydney Airport management.


I won't be surprised if many/all countries require a negative quick response test/report on arrival, for several reasons:


  • - Many countries want to maintain some method of strong control/authentication of have tests by managing/controlling a final test before passenger leaves the arrival airport.
  • - Airlines wanting to see basically the same.
  • - Many passengers wanting to see the same testing protocols to feel safe that they are not flying with people who have presented fake vaccination cards/screens etc. (Travelers buying/presenting fake Covid 19 Vaccination documents is already well reported.)


But if travelers know they must get a negative report on arrival using a very credible but fast test, they will be very hesitant to present fake Covid 19 documents. 


The reality is that quick response Covid 19 tests on arrival won't be that difficult to set up/to manage.  

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