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Dog Attack

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I'd like to know where it happened so i can avoid going there. Any decent human being would want to help others from suffering the same fate as his friend.


If it had happened to me and the hospital had suggested to me that the dog had done this before then i would have no hesitation in driving there one night and throwing poisoned meat into the dogs domain

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On 9/12/2021 at 6:26 AM, WEBBYB808 said:

Unfortunately,  a pit bull who does this will never stop attacking,  and may end up killing a human.  What happens  then is the question?  Whos fault is it then?  What happens  if the dog gets killed during and attack?  Will the person  being attacked  have a fine?  Where is this at?  Are there any signs that gove a warning?  It's one of the most dangerous  breeds in the world and prohibited  in some countries.  Why do Thais of all people, who don't in many cases, have an understanding  of a canines diet, even have such an animal?


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47 minutes ago, Smokey and the Bandit said:

You beat me to it. If the dog, any dog, is trained and looked after properly they are fine. unfortunately its when the owner doesn't look after the dog or there is no owner, ie soi dogs!

"If the gun, any gun, is properly secured, they are fine. Unfortunately it's when the owner doesn't look after the gun, accidents happen."


Pitbull = gun, IMO.

Edited by me4175
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10 minutes ago, Almer said:
On 9/11/2021 at 4:26 PM, WEBBYB808 said:

Unfortunately,  a pit bull who does this will never stop attacking,  and may end up killing a human.  What happens  then is the question?  Whos fault is it then?  What happens  if the dog gets killed during and attack?  Will the person  being attacked  have a fine?  Where is this at?  Are there any signs that gove a warning?  It's one of the most dangerous  breeds in the world and prohibited  in some countries.  Why do Thais of all people, who don't in many cases, have an understanding  of a canines diet, even have such an animal?



Yes...... 'Face'....... Stupid people think these dogs make them look 'Daring' and 'Loving' at the same time.... Or something similar, In the eyes of other 'Hiso friends'.... They are STUPID........ AND you can't fix STUPID...... So you must 'fight FIRE WITH FIRE....  THOSE WHO HAVE THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF INTELLEGENCE can beat this STUPID bunch....   Rat poison has Arsenic in it... Mixed with other dog food It does the job.... But bear in mind that the rat poison is geared toward a creature less than Half a Kilo..... Arsenic builds up in a body, never vacates that body, so for a dog of 10-15 kilo, You could need 10-15 doggie snacks before you see results...  So compare a rats size to a dogs size to decide what is required, and don't forget that it builds up in a body and never vacates a body.... I use rat poison fairly often for Rats and Gophers... A few years ago I had one of my 'pet dogs' find and eat some rat poison and that dog in a few days time dwindled away and died... a lesson for me about keeping my pets safe.... Just a bit of my personal experience with dogs... I hope it is helpful to this forum..

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I am not sure it has been established who the owner of the dog is, and that is the main problem in gaining any recompense. It is known where the dog lives or where it came out from, but there could be several people living at that address ? I suggest if no one admits to ownership when the police visit the home then the police should destroy the dog immediately. As far as compensation I guess it's a matter for the insurance company who paid the medical fees, to follow up ?

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1 hour ago, BangkokReady said:

They posted at 1:30am, did you expect them to stay awake all through the night waiting to see who comments?  Or should they set their alarm to wake up early in case you demand they reply?  Some people do have a life.  (Not me, but some do.)  Perhaps they posted, went to bed, got up, went to work or pursued other interesting endeavors.  Doesn't seem like an indication of "obvious troll" to me.

It was Saturday night, and I believe the OP was active yesterday.

Just saying... and I am happy to be proven wrong, but... ????????????

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Terrible story and not uncommon, I'm aware. 

But a lot of rubbish is being posted here. Dogs bred deliberately for the aggressive traits in the sire and dam will probably inherit the trait. On the other hand I knew a Staffordshire Bull Terrier breeder in the UK that bred purely for good temperament, and pedigree to boot. You can do this for any dog including ALL bull terrier breeds. Then on top of that you have the upbringing by the owner which can count for a huge amount of the dog's behaviour, whatever its genes. The main point is buy from a pet shop or a bloke around the corner at your peril. 

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On 9/12/2021 at 7:36 AM, 2long said:

Why doesn't the OP tell us all where this happened, so that TV members and their family & friends can avoid the area? Someone on here might even know about it.


Could the whole story be made up? I've read many posts recently that appear this way. ???? Just saying, not accusing.


I'm a dog lover and very much in the 'owners are usually to blame more than dogs' brigade, but pitbulls are strong and trained as well as bred to be aggressive. They have no place in human society unless under control.


I hope the OP's buddy recovers, and the dog is dealt with before a child is hurt or worse.


May I ask where did this happen? Like an exact location... http://maps.google.com/ 

It could happen on any street by any untrained or unleashed dog. One of the perils of LOS.

A pack of dogs attacked my car yesterday, as I was driving along, sadly I missed the one who got to the front of my ride.


PS. I do have a rather large Golden Retriever, that doesn't do that sort of thing..????

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Here in our village it is confirmed - even by the street dogs - that dogs are wonderful animals. We live here alraedy for 16 years, never heard about a street dog biting somebody. The motor taxi drivers near the market take a little bit care for them, some people with shops on the street, too.


I have there some favorites. Every day I go down to the village, I buy some chicken or pork sticks and feed them. One dog followes me already going downwards. When leaving the market, normaly 4 are behind me on the mainroad, up in the soi just to a bridge over a stream. There they are stopped by a Lizhu-dog, which controlles this area. Will also receive some meet. The nice thing, all show me they are happy to see me and - of course - receiving some food.


The remaining meat is for our own 2 dogs already waiting for me on the cement way up to our land. It's like a ceremony, all involved like it and are happy. Not biting each other!


But if I would meet a dog, as reported here, I would go to the village with a scythe blade on a stick to protect me. The dog would regret it attacking me!

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46 minutes ago, 2long said:

It was Saturday night, and I believe the OP was active yesterday.

Just saying... and I am happy to be proven wrong, but... ????????????

Ah, I appear to have gotten my times confused.  I imagined that it meant yesterday as in last night.  I realise now that it obviously meant Saturday night/Sunday morning period.


Sorry about that.

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20 minutes ago, 2long said:

Trust me, the OP made the whole story up and is watching us discuss the topic.

And yes, I'm as guilty as you all for taking the bait. I'm outta here. ????


Whenever someone says "trust me", don't.  All the members of a certain crime family in the US say that all the time. 


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OP Here: 

above post comments only became visible to me this morning. 

and yes thanks I do have something of a life here. late riser too…….

many useful positive comments, thanks.

few negative disbelieving cynical trolls of course.

further thanks to members & moderators for correcting / removing all the nonsense responses.

including the “pit bulls are safe” idiots. no, they are Killer Dogs who use should clearly be limited to govt. security / assault purposes…….internet “great pet dog” lunacy aside ( yes, I researched them).

btw my father was an Army killer dog trainer…. would never have one in the house…..


amount of detail, length of post & nature of incident all clearly indicate, to any rational person, that OP is (probably) genuine, without reasonable doubt. cynics here never properly explaining their doubt.


irrelevant to know “where” or provide “video”……common issue I believe……voyeurs, sensationalists, “provide links” crowd, may “go elsewhere” to enjoy the pain and distress of others.

those few foreign hill hiker groups known to use that road have been made aware.

there are other (unpopulated) far safer local hill paths.


now, moving on, has any thai court- ordered payment ever actually been made to foreigners?

no point hiring lawyer,winning case, after laying out 100k baht & six months time, if no payout.

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6 minutes ago, WhiteBuffaloATM said:

OP Here: 

above post comments only became visible to me this morning. 

and yes thanks I do have something of a life here. late riser too…….

many useful positive comments, thanks.

few negative disbelieving cynical trolls of course.

further thanks to members & moderators for correcting / removing all the nonsense responses.

including the “pit bulls are safe” idiots. no, they are Killer Dogs who use should clearly be limited to govt. security / assault purposes…….internet “great pet dog” lunacy aside ( yes, I researched them).

btw my father was an Army killer dog trainer…. would never have one in the house…..


amount of detail, length of post & nature of incident all clearly indicate, to any rational person, that OP is (probably) genuine, without reasonable doubt. cynics here never properly explaining their doubt.


irrelevant to know “where” or provide “video”……common issue I believe……voyeurs, sensationalists, “provide links” crowd, may “go elsewhere” to enjoy the pain and distress of others.

those few foreign hill hiker groups known to use that road have been made aware.

there are other (unpopulated) far safer local hill paths.


now, moving on, has any thai court- ordered payment ever actually been made to foreigners?

no point hiring lawyer,winning case, after laying out 100k baht & six months time, if no payout.

Just from my point of view.. its so detailed and all as you said but you did not post a single picture of a wound or bill or anything. While you describe the incident being well documented yet you have nothing to back it up.


Of course payouts have been made to foreigners. if anything you keep bringing up points that you want a lot of negative remarks about. Just like the pit bull thing.. now the thai court. It is as if your that is your objective and nothing else.


Rulings sure plenty of those, getting paid.. harder as even a ruling is hard to enforce. But if they have money and you have money you can get them to pay up after a long road of trials. But if its real and as bad as you said and as documented as you say it is it should be an easy case. Unless of course the owners are dirt poor or can hide their assets.

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5 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

Thailand just doesn’t have proper accountability and response plans for aggressive dogs…


should look to the west to see how  other countries manage dog attacks  but it won’t b/c thailand manages their dogs under cultural uniqueness…



Based on 5 .5 years full time experience, may I suggestbtgat the first sentence should have finished just before "and."  It is just so easy for normal simple things to get completely out of hand in LOS.  Glad to be back living somewhere that speaking in general terms, only the weather is beyond prediction.

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1st para: not here to prove or display. full case proof does exist.

2nd para: pit bulls maim & kill every day. fact. hard not to be “ negative”.

thai court: straight question. you answered usefully but without example proof (thats fine btw).

last sentence: plainly ridiculous. doesnt fit the unfolding OP narrative here of how to get justice ……

3rd para: informative. thanks.

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On 9/12/2021 at 7:36 AM, 2long said:

Why doesn't the OP tell us all where this happened, so that TV members and their family & friends can avoid the area? Someone on here might even know about it.



3 hours ago, nickmondo said:


its pretty stupid to tell us about this dog if the OP does not tell us where it is!!!

i really dont know how some people make it through the day without help.......


2 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

Why don't they tell us their full name and address?  If this is true, they should have no problem with that.  Otherwise they must be lying.  Nowt to hide = nowt to fear!

Are you guys fresh off the boat or what - ever heard of Thailand's draconian defamation laws??

Guess not.

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neeranam :  no. urgency was my friend getting away from the scene after photos & to hospital at once to stabilize & fix his serious wounds.artery might have opened at any time. police report made next day by police station visit by him & Witness with Thai Helper. I will see him later and advise here status / way forward….. thanks for your kind interest…….

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You need to know that there's 'police report' where nothing happens and you left with what's essentially a written statement signed by the police.... 


and then there's report for the police to start proceedings, demanding compensation etc, if you don't know how the police operates, it's best handled with someone who knows, eg. a lawyer or local media in tow

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drjack: thats seriously a smart & useful question ? why would that be necessary ? explain why he should do that ? for starters he is not a member here. same reason why dont you then make your own tools ? obviously he needs help from others whilst in shock & injury recovery mode. strange & unworthy of you as a normally responsible member here.


trying unsuccessfully to limit comments here to positive / useful. I did ask for that in OP, more from hope than expectation of course…….

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