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Booster jabs for those who got two Sinovac doses to begin in October or sooner – Anutin


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48 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

You clearly know better than the science and medical communities. Please share your advice as to what we should do, I trust you more than those pesky experts 

You should check what I said out yourself, India Today News, a leading Indian TV news outlet.

I do not give advice, your just being synical, so try Pfizermectin, Pfizer slinging off at Ivermectin poster.

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35 minutes ago, howbri said:

There will be no end to this. Ten years from now the govt will be demanding booster shots. 

Every year new flue shots come out, Covid is a cousin of the flue, so vaccine companies will be drooling at the thought of booster , booster ,booster.

The Russians are on to a new inhaler med that they say attacks the SARS component of covid in the lungs and knocks covid in its tracks, MIR19 I think it is called and was at phase two trials.

Russia shares knowledge with Astra with it's Sputnik vaccine so any who think that MIR19 is a Russian plot to rule the world should study up a little more.

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16 hours ago, Gold Star said:

Hopefully they are finally running out of the Chinese ones by now, and we can now start using effective vaccines for everyone. 


As we all have known for many months that Delta ignores Sinovac, and it has limited health benefits compared to all the others, we could start to see some progress with dropping infection rates now, and work our way out of the top ten club of countries in the world with the highest Covid daily death counts.  




How are the quality jabs working out for Israel? After a year they are talking about jab number 4. At no point have any of these health ministers came out and said exercise, eat right, sleep enough and take care of your body. Instead they closed the gyms, parks, restaurants and told you to wear a mask 24/7. It seems to be about something other than health. 

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3 hours ago, hotchilli said:

A tad late I'd say, hospitals are 90% full with patients.

Just wondering if hospitals are ever empty?  If you have a hotel is it better to be at 90% or 50% capacity?  If you are always at 50% do you close rooms and lay off workers?  Hospitals are run on the same principle. They also test 100% of the people coming in and if they test positive, even if they are there for anything else, they are now a Covid patient. If you really believe in the narrative about hospitals being over ran watch a few tic tok dancing nurses videos. 

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40 minutes ago, Snig27 said:

We haven't all known that at all. It has a reduced efficiary in many studies but is still effective. Making things like that up is very dangerous, at a criminal level. Two studies released in the past couple of weeks have shown extremely good results - 90% in one Malaysian one. 

As much as anything, the disquiet over Sinovac is because of media flurries aggravated by poorly informed nonsense such as yours.

2 studies praising the high efficacy of Sinovac, by vested interests. The overwhelming number of studies showing it is has low efficacy and particularly against Delta is why most of the world doesn’t accept people vaccinated with it.
Unfortunately the poorly informed nonsense is coming from you.

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16 hours ago, Gold Star said:

Hopefully they are finally running out of the Chinese ones by now, and we can now start using effective vaccines for everyone. 


As we all have known for many months that Delta ignores Sinovac, and it has limited health benefits compared to all the others, we could start to see some progress with dropping infection rates now, and work our way out of the top ten club of countries in the world with the highest Covid daily death counts.  




Hmm.  and according to the worldometer you posted, China appears to have the Virus under control using their vaccine.  But I know you will just say that their figures are not to be believed, that the Chinese can't be trusted or something along those lines.  
The studies. In China, researchers recently found that the Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines had a combined efficacy of 70% in preventing COVID-19 infections during a Delta-driven outbreak in the southern city of Guangzhou.
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44 minutes ago, Midwit said:

How are the quality jabs working out for Israel? After a year they are talking about jab number 4. At no point have any of these health ministers came out and said exercise, eat right, sleep enough and take care of your body. Instead they closed the gyms, parks, restaurants and told you to wear a mask 24/7. It seems to be about something other than health. 

This is what a naturopath said, wearing masks, you are re breathing your air and germs, so if a wiff of covid sneaked into your paper protector you would be repeating that sniff into your lungs, take it or leave it.

And Israel, strangely the NZ and Australian media never mention what is happening there.

Instead they are going for it at 100 MPH with a vaccine bus now being rolled out in NZ with a name competition for the said Bus going on in the media as we speak.

One of the names touted is Jabba Whaka, Whaka being Maori canoe.


My glasses fog up when I'm wearing my medical grade mask, so I hope none of that air escaped into the  supermarket checkout booth, but I have no symptoms at present and I used the tracer app so if I was infectious they will track me down.

Also, as you will probably know by following the news down-under, some of the infected spreaders of this latest NZ Delta outbreak had been fully Pfizer vaccinated, sorry they did not have time for Jab No 3.

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5 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:

Missus is off to receive her AZ booster this afternoon in Phuket.

My missus had hers on Tuesday, as did her son and his girlfriend who are in their 20s. Just seems wrong to me to prioritize Phuket in this way for the sake of a very limited number of tourists that is benefitting very few businesses.

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3 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

Bangkok has the highest population density and the highest infection and death rates. It makes sense to target areas like this first. Rural areas where close contact is considerably reduced and infection rates much lower are a lower priority. Targeting the most vulnerable should be prioritised within those areas.

I understand that they get vaccinated first, but we are talking about a booster jab here. That would be 3 - 0 to BKK against TRT (That Rural Team).

Do you understand that?

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No real need for anyone below 75 years of age to get this vaccine according to latest statistics.


Statistics don't look great especially for young people and such who received 2 shots after the effect starts to wane (about 3-4 months after the 2nd shot). Natural immunity may well be the way to go for the data we see in spearheading countries like Israel and certain US states. It's a nightmare over there. It would be so bad if Thailand sees the same development if the country is betting so heavily on these 'vaccines'. Why do so few countries check the actual DATA we already have? Full force ahead with these mrna shots has become a very questionable strategy really, even if politicians believe the promotional narrative of the super-dangerous Covid virus (mortality data of most countries suggests otherwise).

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4 hours ago, Snig27 said:

We haven't all known that at all. It has a reduced efficiary in many studies but is still effective. Making things like that up is very dangerous, at a criminal level. Two studies released in the past couple of weeks have shown extremely good results - 90% in one Malaysian one. 

As much as anything, the disquiet over Sinovac is because of media flurries aggravated by poorly informed nonsense such as yours.

Is Sinovac better than no vaccine at all? Yes, but barely, compared with what other options are available. Giving a population Sinovac instead of other types delays the implementation of better vaccines that actually fight the pandemic. All other vaccines are proven in all the reports I have seen to be many times better than Sinovac, in hospital admissions, deaths, and transmissibility. It is only recognized in 45 countries, mostly third world, and you wouldn't normally want to go to those anyway. If you are not using the best proven vaccines for your people, and respective boosters, you are not doing the best you can. 


Two of my friends that had both doses of Sinovac spent 2 weeks in ICU with Covid, nearly fatal. They agree. Many more of my friends have had 2 Pfizer, and none caught covid. This is my personal experience, but arguably statistically irrelevant.

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4 hours ago, thaitom said:
Hmm.  and according to the worldometer you posted, China appears to have the Virus under control using their vaccine.  But I know you will just say that their figures are not to be believed, that the Chinese can't be trusted or something along those lines.  
The studies. In China, researchers recently found that the Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines had a combined efficacy of 70% in preventing COVID-19 infections during a Delta-driven outbreak in the southern city of Guangzhou.

China is in a unique position to fight this pandemic as they enforce absolute tight curfews and lockdowns. Any complaint or opposition or non compliance suffer brutal consequences. There are no anti vaxxers or anti mask wearers there. A brutal yet effective means of control. This fact, along with China's secrecy and lies in the official narrative renders most data from China unreliable, other than what we can see via satellite.


They are still holding the 2 Canadians hostage as spies for over 1000 days now on made up charges, and have taken control of the South China sea. China has lost all credibility, and can't be trusted.

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44 minutes ago, pepi2005 said:

No real need for anyone below 75 years of age to get this vaccine according to latest statistics.


Statistics don't look great especially for young people and such who received 2 shots after the effect starts to wane (about 3-4 months after the 2nd shot). Natural immunity may well be the way to go for the data we see in spearheading countries like Israel and certain US states. It's a nightmare over there. It would be so bad if Thailand sees the same development if the country is betting so heavily on these 'vaccines'. Why do so few countries check the actual DATA we already have? Full force ahead with these mrna shots has become a very questionable strategy really, even if politicians believe the promotional narrative of the super-dangerous Covid virus (mortality data of most countries suggests otherwise).

CDC latest study says shoot up! 11 times more likely to die unvaccinated, that would put the death toll into space X orbit. What is 11 times more likely based on ? hospital deaths? deaths on ventilators/ what drug you were treated with, kidney failure, or old people, where is the data bank? Vaers might be a good place to start but rumours always exist with those that say deliberate underreporting, who said that?

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5 hours ago, Midwit said:

How are the quality jabs working out for Israel? After a year they are talking about jab number 4. At no point have any of these health ministers came out and said exercise, eat right, sleep enough and take care of your body. Instead they closed the gyms, parks, restaurants and told you to wear a mask 24/7. It seems to be about something other than health. 

Vaccines need boosters. Same as a yearly flu booster. Israel vaccinated so quickly, protection waned as time progressed. This is a natural thing. They quickly found that those that those that had boosters were not ill. They started getting the booster program going, as well as the other things you mention. Seems they are doing all the right things.

I don't expect we will ever be rid of this, as it is impossible to have everyone on the planet agree and be on the same page. We will have to decide to just live with it at some point.


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