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Warranty - Online Purchase


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FYI - bought 2 brand name electric toothbrushes.

Not even 6 months old and one has died. A check online reveals a one year warranty.

Contacted the Thailand office of this International company. No warranty.

Contacted head office in USA. Their response - because I did not buy them from the "Official" online store they refuse to honor their warranty.

Foto evidence of every step - delivery, package seal, unboxing, etc provided with my inquiry.

PM if you need more details like the brand name and who I bought them from.


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In the bin and buy a new one. They're cheap enough for heaven's sake.


Life's too short (especially at our age) to be worrying about such trivia.


Hell's teeth, when I buy an item such as this, I wonder what's going to croak first. Me or it!

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32 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

In the bin and buy a new one. They're cheap enough for heaven's sake.


Life's too short (especially at our age) to be worrying about such trivia.


Hell's teeth, when I buy an item such as this, I wonder what's going to croak first. Me or it!

Shouldn't be surprised as to the selected circles that become overly obsessed with trivial things. 

Consider the source and than move on. 

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4 hours ago, seedy said:

because I did not buy them from the "Official" online store


All warranties cost money.


They sold some off cheap with no warranty to a third party and the OP did not pay the warranty premium through the manufacture's outlet. 


As has been said bin it and move on with life,

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10 hours ago, Moonlover said:

In the bin and buy a new one. They're cheap enough for heaven's sake.


Life's too short (especially at our age) to be worrying about such trivia.


Hell's teeth, when I buy an item such as this, I wonder what's going to croak first. Me or it!

Who is worrying ? First 3 letters in the OP - FYI

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10 hours ago, Nyonya said:

You got scammed bro. It's a counterfeit ; ) 

Not - the manufacturer agreed that it was not a fake, as they said in their email. Barcode checked out as to build date and model. The reason was as stated in the OP, not purchased in an "Official store"

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IWhen the price of 2 is less than the price of one from the "Official" store it is a no brainer.

11 hours ago, captainjackS said:

does "died" mean the battery doesn't hold a charge?  or something else?

Electric motor went.

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11 hours ago, Nyonya said:

You got scammed bro. It's a counterfeit ; ) 

Are you seriously suggesting that someone has gone to all the trouble of tooling up to make copies of an item that costs around 600 THB?

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When you bought it , did it say has warranty and if did, do you have any proof? 

If yes, contact OCPB, they may call the seller first but if that fails , file an online complaint.


may take 6 months but if seller is a real business you will get your money back or product fixed 

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Is it Sonicare?


I have had several of their sonic toothbrushes, which I prefer to the Braun rotating brush type. Although my dentist recommends the Braun.


The battery has died earlier than expected in a couple of them. i.e. less than a year. Trouble is, the company says the batteries are not replaceable, so end up throwing away a perfectly good toothbrush.


iFixit do say it is possible to change the battery, but that it is a difficult job. they will sell you a replacement battery that has to be soldered in. 




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Many items sold here online have no warranty or only a short week or two from seller and are often clearly stated as such in advertising.  You do not mention any warranty paperwork being sent after purchase so expect that is the case with what you had.  Often these are gray imports - that may have a warranty in original sales country only or none at all allowing lower priced sales.  


As mentioned this is a throw away item for most buyers these days and not worth the effort to get fixed unless you can do yourself - and often that is an option - or have a fan type repair shop take a look.  I have fixed in the past but really not worth the effort and returned to old hand brush myself as seems to work just as well (of course being of long in the tooth age there is a reduction in numbers).  ????

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