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Everyone will be exposed vs. everyone will be infected?


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Everyone will be infected.

Simply because it's a Coronavirus, so therefore in the same viral "family" as seasonal colds and flu. 


Breakout infections are occurring, and a recent post explained that's expected, and not worth overly worrying about. 


Ongoing boosters are now deemed necessary, and anti-viral pills are being developed. Quite possibly the near future will see us all keeping a strip of Covid pills or caps at home like aspirin or ibuprofen.


Just take a few when the Covid symptoms start, rest a day or two, and back to work and play. 


It's definitely going to be absolutely everywhere once restrictions wind back worldwide and people start traveling en masse again, just like seasonal sniffles and strep throats.


We can take the precautions, but let's keep it real. We're all dying anyway, and if not from Covid, then something else.


All the fuss was and is mostly about keeping our health systems from collapsing. 


Now it's about getting resistant people to understand it's not a conspiracy, vaccines are not for "sheep" and ivermectin actually is!


Also Delta is ten times more likely to be fatal in unvaccinated victims. 


But it's here forever and we'll all get a taste eventually, unfortunately. 

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From screenshot: if 93% had been exposed (to close family infected members) yet only 60% of those were seropositive, then seems safe to say that while everyone is going to be exposed  to this virus not all will become infected https://www.cebm.net/covid-19/what-is-the-role-of-t-cells-in-covid-19-infection-why-immunity-is-about-more-than-antibodies/


Edited by morrobay
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“Vaccinations protect you from becoming seriously ill , that's all .”


Right and “that’s all “ thats required, bottom line for me.

vax does also reduce the chances of getting any Symptoms to about 1/4 but I could care less about cases & infections & symptoms, only Not Dying and No Hospital. Two x AZ = Job Done !

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There is confusion regarding the meaning of the terms used 


it may help to understand what the differences are 


In absolute terms "infected" means the virus entered your body and your body reacted to it, this could go unnoticed or noticed, that can be detected through a test that looks for the virus and is measured in Viral Load 


The actual disease that the virus causes is Covid 19 which can cause symptoms that you notice or not and of course you can get quite ill if it is allowed to replicate in big nimbers, that is determined through a test that can again look for the virus in certain quanaties "Viral Load" or the antibodies 


Viral Load will determine whether you are infectious with live virus 


Vaccines help the body neutralise the virus very quickly in most people "stop it dead" and prevent you from developing the disease known as Covid 19 and stop the Viral Load increasing to a point were you are infectious 


To know if you have already had the virus and your body defeated it without you knowing or without developing a serious illness "The Disease Covid 19" an antibody test is performed 


I suppose you could scale the whole thing from 1-10 


1 - The virus entered your body and it was quickly removed, you never got infectious or ill which was helped with a vaccine. would test positive for antibodies


2 - The virus entered your body and it replicated slightly you never got infectious or ill which was helped with a vaccine. would test positive for antibodies


3 - The virus entered your body and it replicated in larger numbers you became mildly infectious had mild symptoms again helped with the vaccine. would test positive for antibodies and test positive for the virus if done while you had symtoms and would be classed as having Covid 19 aat that time.


4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9


10 - The virus entered your body and it replicated in huge numbers you became very infectious got extremely ill and died 


This is my inderstanding of  SARS CoV 2 Virus and the Disease Covid 19 and the impact of vaccines - there is no definative answer to the OP's question - it is determined on a scale of stages defined by tests with levels set by experts







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11 minutes ago, smedly said:

There is confusion regarding the meaning of the terms used 


it may help to understand what the differences are 


In absolute terms "infected" means the virus entered your body and your body reacted to it, this could go unnoticed or noticed, that can be detected through a test that looks for the virus and is measured in Viral Load 


The actual disease that the virus causes is Covid 19 which can cause symptoms that you notice or not and of course you can get quite ill if it is allowed to replicate in big nimbers, that is determined through a test that can again look for the virus in certain quanaties "Viral Load" or the antibodies 


Viral Load will determine whether you are infectious with live virus 


Vaccines help the body neutralise the virus very quickly in most people "stop it dead" and prevent you from developing the disease known as Covid 19 and stop the Viral Load increasing to a point were you are infectious 


To know if you have already had the virus and your body defeated it without you knowing or without developing a serious illness "The Disease Covid 19" an antibody test is performed 


I suppose you could scale the whole thing from 1-10 


1 - The virus entered your body and it was quickly removed, you never got infectious or ill which was helped with a vaccine. would test positive for antibodies


2 - The virus entered your body and it replicated slightly you never got infectious or ill which was helped with a vaccine. would test positive for antibodies


3 - The virus entered your body and it replicated in larger numbers you became mildly infectious had mild symptoms again helped with the vaccine. would test positive for antibodies and test positive for the virus if done while you had symtoms and would be classed as having Covid 19 aat that time.


4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9


10 - The virus entered your body and it replicated in huge numbers you became very infectious got extremely ill and died 


This is my inderstanding of  SARS CoV 2 Virus and the Disease Covid 19 and the impact of vaccines - there is no definative answer to the OP's question - it is determined on a scale of stages defined by tests with levels set by experts

Your understanding of "infected" is incorrect. The virus actually has to have commandeered cells and been able to reproduce for infection to have occurred.

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I would wager a guess that many people have been exposed and never got infected and most likely never produced antibodies for Covid.   Although it is anecdotal, I knew a group of ladies who got together to play cards once an week for several hours.   They were indoors, at a dining room table.  There were 6 of them.  Several days after a game, one of the ladies got ill, tested positive and eventually ended up in the hospital.   The other 5 were also tested, 3 tested positive and two did not.   

All of them were exposed and I am pretty sure they all breathed in the same air (masks weren't being worn at the time).   I suspect the innate immune system for two of them immediately identified something that didn't belong there and dealt with it.   In some respects, they got lucky.  At the time, the only known strain circulating was the original Covid.  I don't know if they would have fared so well with either Alpha or Delta.  

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