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Majority of Thais don't want Prayuth to cling onto power past 2022, want cabinet reshuffle now, poll


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5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Wait, wasn't there another poll done recently where the majority wanted him to stay in power as he was the one they believed to be the most competent at moving them forward from Covid.  I am just a little confused obviously.  The man and his cabinet need to go as well as the unelected senate.  Fair elections need to be held and when you look at the time the man has truly been in power he will have reached the maximum amount of time allowed to be Prime Minister and that is 8 years, be it elected or unelected.  Otherwise he would become just like Cambodia's leader, China's leader and of course eventually Myanmar's leader....all dictators.

Maybe this poll was undertaken outside the house of parliament.

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2 hours ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

I am all for a change of govt. here I just don't want to see anyone affiliated with the Taksin clan to ever be back in power here.


I've been here 20 years and remember how they messed up Thailand. It would be a huge step backwards. There must be a better option. 

I can't see one... new broom same outcome.

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1 hour ago, Asquith Production said:

Some super poll when only about .0015% of the population were asked there opinion.

From this post - right at the end - "A total of 1,311 Thais aged 18+ from all social strata nationwide were polled from October 5th to 8th."


Not a lot of difference in numbers when you compare it with the  total of 1078 that participated in the "Super Poll".


I think if there was a national referendum you might see a vast majority of people in favour of change, but these "sample polls" are a waste of time and money - the result is always going to be in favour of the (political) party who organised the poll. It's a bit like having a poll of the 250 Army appointed Senators in the Upper House  and asking who they want to be in charge! (Or else!)

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Though statistically valid number I'm sure, but I give this poll as much credence as I do the others that have been reported here lately...not a lot. All depends on what margin of error and confidence level you want/accept. 

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Majority of the people may not want Prayut to another term through 2027 (scary thought) but as long as the constitution is not amended or rewritten, he still stand a good chance to continue as PM. The main obstacle being the requirement of votes from senators appointed by Prayut himself. Well unless the senators have a change of hearts. 

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1 hour ago, CLW said:

I don't get it. The majority wants immediate changes but whichever group calls out for mass protests to oust the current goverment only a dozen people show up....

Maybe because they know that protests will get them nothing but wet clothes stained by chemicals fired from water cannons.

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On 10/11/2021 at 11:29 AM, EricTh said:

The military is more powerful than democracy. I expect him to continue beyond 2022.

You are using his "exact" logic.

I have the bigger pistola.



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6 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

I would say most expats would like to see him and his side kick A-nut-in go as well.

nobody said anything about the "Gold Watch" guy, should he stay...... absolutely not, the sandstorm (sandbox 555) should take all of them

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6 hours ago, AndyFoxy said:

Thais need an equivalent of Let’s go Brandon.

They have one. The protesters have been chanting "I hear Tu" in the Thai language at protests for months. 


Coincidentally, the phrase sounds suspiciously similar to the English language phrase "<deleted> Tu".

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5 hours ago, 10baht said:

What about the majority of farangs? My highly unscientific poll shows a majority don't want him in power past 2022 hours. That's 8:22 pm for some of you. And that's today.

They say a change is as good as a holiday. But I haven't seen one in a long time.

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Thailand just has to wait until a honest, non-corrupt, new politician leader falls from the sky. It is sad to see how a country with so much potential is giving away its future, and constantly - easily visible for everyone - to see the short-term enrichment of a selected class, inactive.


Without public scrutiny.

Without legal equality,

Without penalties for privileged criminals.

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19 minutes ago, tomacht8 said:

Thailand just has to wait until a honest, non-corrupt, new politician leader falls from the sky. It is sad to see how a country with so much potential is giving away its future, and constantly - easily visible for everyone - to see the short-term enrichment of a selected class, inactive.


Without public scrutiny.

Without legal equality,

Without penalties for privileged criminals.

The last 3 points of your post sums up the current situation in  Thailand perfectly. 

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On 10/11/2021 at 3:31 PM, hotchilli said:

I can't see one... new broom same outcome.

No not a new  broom but one that is 20yrs old, just like Triggers in

'Only Fools and Horses'


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Confusion is the Norm in Thailand. 


Not about this poll,  but I have noticed five surveys came out since Feb 2019 ( Just before the election) and the data had been consistently had been remarkably consistent : 

Nobody is suitable as PM   30-40 %

Payuth       17-19 %

whoever was the third choice   10-14%


Overall speaking,  I don't think Payuth will be the PM after the next election,  whether he will enter or not.  

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1 hour ago, sscc said:

Confusion is the Norm in Thailand. 


Not about this poll,  but I have noticed five surveys came out since Feb 2019 ( Just before the election) and the data had been consistently had been remarkably consistent : 

Nobody is suitable as PM   30-40 %

Payuth       17-19 %

whoever was the third choice   10-14%


Overall speaking,  I don't think Payuth will be the PM after the next election,  whether he will enter or not.  

unfortunately he can ( and maybe) be elected without people's vote..... keep in mind he changed the constitution to allow for that to happen thus not to depend on popular vote as he knows he would/will lose

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2 hours ago, sscc said:

Confusion is the Norm in Thailand. 


Not about this poll,  but I have noticed five surveys came out since Feb 2019 ( Just before the election) and the data had been consistently had been remarkably consistent : 

Nobody is suitable as PM   30-40 %

Payuth       17-19 %

whoever was the third choice   10-14%


Overall speaking,  I don't think Payuth will be the PM after the next election,  whether he will enter or not.  

I agree with you but his biggest problem is that he is riding on the back of a tiger. While you are on the back you are relatively safe until you want to get of and are no longer in power and control. Then you will find out who your real friends are

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Its time to allow younger generations to take their place in this delicate democracy. Knee jerk politics confused with ignorance and tainted by corruption with distorted representation of the people needs to end. More honest and transparent younger people with the ability to lead, need to own the leadership of the country continue to demand equality and have people representation that is not tilted to military factions profertering on the back of the Thai people.

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