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Krabi tourism entrepreneurs say they do not agree with Thai government’s plan for reopening in November


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I think that when some international travelers do arrive in Thailand in November and December and

send back lots of pictures of all the closed small businesses. The big reopening of Thailand, will falter

even more.  I have seen many pictures already of the closed places, in Pattaya, Hua Hin, and Koh Samui, 

and I am waiting for 20-22, as there are still too many restrictions and rules, and risks of further

COVID spikes to even want to go to Thailand this Winter.  Good |Luck to all the brave 

travelers and expats.


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The whole country is a basket case as far as tourists are concerned, who the hell would jump through the paperwork hoops presented by this stupid government, they say that they want to open up the country to tourism but make it as hard as possible with a nice Thai smile 5555

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very strange position those businessmen have.

If they don't open they won't have any income.

Even one person, the owner, can serve guests. Whether hotel, eatery, massage, any shop or service place.

The next season will be in a year. 

This season they can make enough money to survive for the rest of year.

It looks like they are waiting for the government handouts and are spoiled by tourist boom in the last 20 years

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7 hours ago, internationalism said:

very strange position those businessmen have.

If they don't open they won't have any income.

Even one person, the owner, can serve guests. Whether hotel, eatery, massage, any shop or service place.

What about unpaid electricity bills? You're thinking of this problem is as simple as the thai government.

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electricity bill can be minimal, if no AC is used (my monthly is below 500b).

My friend has complained to the electric authority of his high bills above 5k per month and blaming faulty meter - he was running all day 4 aircons and the whole family were often taking hot bath (using electric heater).

If there are no clients switch off aircon and all not essential appliances. Lighting with energy saving bulbs or LED doesn't use much power.

My favourite guest house in kanchanaburi was cut out from electricity yet before covid, their unpaid bill was over 20k run over many months. The owner probably spend incoming money on something else, instead on his business. 


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On 10/16/2021 at 7:31 AM, Bkk Brian said:

The government must think its as easy as flicking on a switch and the small businesses will be able to open again when many of these people are now on food hand outs. Whats needed is a stimulus package to them first.



The only stimulus package that will attract tourists is bar girls and massage shops.....



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I know many on Samui who will not re-open. They put their life savings into trying to stay afloat, got little or no assistance from this stingy government, and ended up plowing through their savings, trying to keep their businesses running. Eventually they shut down. A promise from an administration that lacks even 1% credibility at this stage, is not going to be enough to get most businesses re-started. 


So, the tourists will show up, but what will they see? And when the word gets around, that the tourist areas of Thailand look like a post apocalyptic disaster zone, will any more come?








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On 10/15/2021 at 5:31 PM, Bkk Brian said:

The government must think its as easy as flicking on a switch and the small businesses will be able to open again when many of these people are now on food hand outs. Whats needed is a stimulus package to them first.

I disagree with this and use the U.S. as an example.  They gave out so much stimulus that many people do not/need to come back to work.  Giving them a stimulus seems to mostly stimulate people to do more of nothing.

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3 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

I disagree with this and use the U.S. as an example.  They gave out so much stimulus that many people do not/need to come back to work.  Giving them a stimulus seems to mostly stimulate people to do more of nothing.

Yea much better to let them rely on food hand outs by charitable people, this is not the US or UK where there have been good schemes in place to help.............jeeez 

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