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Ministries say some schools to reopen November 1st

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5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

You mean like germs and viruses are usually passed around by kids.  They don't call schools germ factories for nothing now do they?

Right but not as serious As this virus. 

Best wait until all old, sick, and obese are vaccinated. 

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4 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Ok, your entitled to your opinion as am I, that said, kids are usually the 1st to get infected at schools, then they bring it home.


For me, I'm not concerned as I have been double jabbed, but the wife isn't, that said, hopefully she gets a dose of Moderna next month as she isn't going for Sinovac followed by AZ, her choice and there are many like here.


Now kids go to school, get infected and bring it home, catastrophe as many are not vaccinated, hence the reason I suggested adults 1st, kids last as they are low risk, that said, too much emphasis is placed on education, more needs to be focused on people getting vaccinated, even if that means repeating all of our kids and paying for it all over again.


Health first, everything else 2nd in my opinion. 

Health first?  What about the number of children that have killed themselves the last year and a half because they can’t deal with isolation? If you think only if your personal health over the well being of a child you may want to think long and hard about things. The covid boggy man may get you from an infected child. Guess what you can catch it from the person at the market, can catch it from a neighbor, can catch it from your doctor when your wife gets her first injection. I’m a teacher and I’m willing to possibly get sick from one of my students as long as they are not imprisoned in their homes another second. I talk to them everyday and they hate being locked at home with no interaction with their friends. I can also see the next wave of obesity coming due to inactivity. I wonder what that will do for long term health. 

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8 hours ago, cyril sneer said:

collect their fees


once received, they will either delay opening, or resume 1st november for 3 weeks

You're optimistic. Last time they did this ("best" gov. school in Korat), they didn't even bother waiting 3 weeks. The first 3 days after reopening were for teacher "meetings" only and a few days after students were actually allowed to return, it was closed down again. 

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A possible solution for a country as small as Thailand with built-in heard mentality could be along the lines of the "Kids Parties" and bring all grades to school, 1 level at a time, for 2 solid weeks and purposely expose them to covid. House them there for the full 2 weeks and let nature run it's course. All kids would be naturally immune within 24 weeks and could resume life as normal.

In the meantime, use all the vax shots on the community with a focus on the parents. I've seen small community vax points set up in a couple of the small sois where the med units set up chairs, computer with wi-fi, were rounding up the neighbors and vaxing them, returning a month or so later and repeating the process.


ETA: They do this already (for those about to flame the idea) with lower grades called "Scouting Week" and older kids to play soldier. It'd be like controlled boarding school. Even parents with 4 kids at different levels would only be locked down watching their kids for 8 weeks. Beats the heck out of being locked down for another year.

Edited by mrwebb8825
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7 hours ago, Midwit said:

Health first?  What about the number of children that have killed themselves the last year and a half because they can’t deal with isolation? If you think only if your personal health over the well being of a child you may want to think long and hard about things. The covid boggy man may get you from an infected child. Guess what you can catch it from the person at the market, can catch it from a neighbor, can catch it from your doctor when your wife gets her first injection. I’m a teacher and I’m willing to possibly get sick from one of my students as long as they are not imprisoned in their homes another second. I talk to them everyday and they hate being locked at home with no interaction with their friends. I can also see the next wave of obesity coming due to inactivity. I wonder what that will do for long term health. 

I don't know where you live, but we are in a village and see kids riding bikes, playing sports at the local school which is closed etc etc


Our kids have all the entertainment they want at home and we get them out and about as often as we can, even if it's going for a trip to Makro an hour up the road.


Personally I believe too much emphasis has been placed on education, that said, returning kids back to school before most are adults are vaccinated in my opinion as mentioned before will be a catastrophe, one example would be if the kids infect their parents/grand parents that haven't been vaccinated and if they pass, worse case scenario, who is going to look after the kids, you ?


Suicide is real and you don't have to worry about Covid for people to commit suicide there are many factors at play there, so I don't buy Covid as an excuse, albeit it would play a part in some ending it all. 

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7 hours ago, Midwit said:

Anyone with half a brain can see that kids have statistically a zero percent chance of dying from covid. The people at risk should already have gotten the jab since the health ministry is saying Bangkok is at 70% fully vaccinated.  Anyone under 30 should be allowed to live a normal life which includes going to school. If you are afraid stay home and take all the precautions you feel necessary. 

My concern is weighed on kids infecting their unvaccinated parents/grand parents and worse case scenario passing, who then looks after the kids, even been in that situation, not a pretty way to live your growing life in Thailand.


Adults 1st, kids last as they are low risk, education can continue online until such a time as they are vaccinated, but we know that isn't going to happen.


Lets hope the numbers stay low, the death rates stay low and we can all move forward, but hope is all we have and with the wrong planning on the vaccines, we will soon see how it all plays out.

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6 hours ago, Used2LuvThailand said:

The collective barbarity of the Covid fanatics.  Their fear and hysteria means the mistreatment of children is now acceptable.  In 2019 if you had kept your children from going to school because of your 'health first' mentality, you would've faced criminal sanctions.  What remains unspoken is that these people actually fear children and as a result are accepting of their mistreatment.


CDC Covid deaths by age (don't worry I know you won't read it):



CDC Covid cases by age group (I know...too many pictures and numbers):


Your absolutely right about one thing, I won't read it.....barbaric, that's a new one.


Our kids have been away from school for who knows how many months, and if you asked them, they never want to go back, heaven forbid, teachers need to take them back to give the parents a break, as far as education, well they are doing just fine, and very well balanced, maybe that has something to do with parents also playing a role in educating them about life.

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3 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:

Adults 1st, kids last as they are low risk, education can continue online until such a time as they are vaccinated, but we know that isn't going to happen.

They’re already prioritising teenagers over adults in order the get schools open (collect fees) so we can already see this isn’t happening


Wife’s parents both high risk with no vaccine date in sight, they look after her 6 year old who won’t be vaccinated.


The kids school recently had a cluster yet they are still pushing for term 2 fees. Term 1 cost 15000 baht with 2000 refunded, no online learning offered. T.I.T

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Dear NIST Community,

We are writing with wonderful news. We just received confirmation that NIST has received government approval to resume teaching and learning on campus. Tomorrow at 3:00 PM the NIST Executive School Board will convene to review the government guidelines, after which we will announce a decision regarding the conditions under which students can return in a hybrid model. This message will also include details of the hybrid model groupings, pick-up and drop-off instructions, and all regulations required for safe campus occupancy.

We look forward to sharing more information soon.

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20 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

Make sure you have plenty of popcorn ready that day, it's gonna be quite a show!


A friend of mine heads the English department at a Chonburi school. He told me no one will be allowed on campus without proof of vaccination, both students and drivers. Traffic was already backed up every day when parents were dropping off the little cherubs. It will now take the better part of the day dropping them off THEN going through the same thing picking them up.

Not sure how they can stop kids coming to school if the government say that vaccination is not mandatory.

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24 minutes ago, sungod said:

Not sure how they can stop kids coming to school if the government say that vaccination is not mandatory.

Tell me where this government has said that it is not mandatory for kids 12 and above to attend school.  Last I heard they were requiring kids 12 and above to be vaccinated and if not they could not attend school.  They were also making sure the teachers were vaccinated, and on another form some teachers were complaining they were told if they would not get the vaccination then they would be out of a job.


Yesterday when I popped into MedPark hospital there was a International schools bus parked at the curb and was waiting for the teachers it had brought to the hospital for a vaccination to return.

Edited by ThailandRyan
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10 hours ago, Used2LuvThailand said:

The collective barbarity of the Covid fanatics.  Their fear and hysteria means the mistreatment of children is now acceptable.  In 2019 if you had kept your children from going to school because of your 'health first' mentality, you would've faced criminal sanctions.  What remains unspoken is that these people actually fear children and as a result are accepting of their mistreatment.


CDC Covid deaths by age (don't worry I know you won't read it):



CDC Covid cases by age group (I know...too many pictures and numbers):


Yep fearmongers who don't look at data and just read news articles provided by pfizer think covid is the black plague






They feel we need to vaccinate the groups with the least likelihood of death from covid.  Younger people are also the most at risk of myocarditis side effect from the vaccines.  Experts say that if Pfizer is approved for elementary school children, Pfizer executives will see a huge sales bonus!!  Profits over people.  Trust "The Science".


Remember that elderly have had plenty of time to get the vaccine if they choose to.  Even if they hadn't, it wouldn't be smart to waste supplies on those with near 0 risk when there are elderly people who would greatly benefit from the vaccine.


65+ account for 77.8% of covid deaths but only 12.7% of cases.  I think they need it more than the kids.

0-17: 0.12% of covid deaths and 14.64% of cases.


Edited by TooMuchTime
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11 hours ago, Ginner said:

Europe. the UK and US say they won't be vaccinating children as there were no trials for children under 16.


If you read about the schools in the UK will you find the virus is spreading very quickly, but 99.9% of the children under 15 who have tested positive are showing no sickness, fever or discomfort. A parent commented her 2 oldest and her youngest all tested positive and she said not one of them showed any signs of sickness.

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13 hours ago, Artisi said:

That's OK, just concentrate on those willing to learn or being forced to by smart parents. 

Not your responsibility or worry about who's there and who isn't. 

Would that that were true in the school's eyes. All I get from them is that I need to make my online lessons more fun, or that I should contact the students and arrange to teach them some other time. Bear in mind that when we were teaching in school pre covid I had M5 classes where I didn't see 3/4 of the students for the whole semester!

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20 hours ago, mikosan said:

at least they will have received a full education, for what it's worth. 

They could leave two years earlier - no one would notice.  My UK grandsons know more than most Thai graduates except in the fields of Thai History/Language.

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Some schools to reopen,  Boys can get 2nd Pfizer,   Is there anyone in this country who can think or decide more than 1 hour ahead?????  It seems it is impossible after 6 months schoolclosure to make a decision. Schools are open or not but not maybe, some, only if...... IT seems very clear in red and dark red areas keep them closed until 1 st January and let the term expand to Songkran than. December is a month with a lot of days off so no problems  as kids don't study so much in this month. Other areas can start on 1st of November with half classes even studentnumbers in the even weeks and the uneven numbers in the uneven weeks. If there is an outbreak in a school or area close again... So difficult to decide?? 

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 "Is there anyone in this country who can think or decide more than 1 hour ahead?????" 


Perhaps but none of them are in positions of power. Smart Thai people dont make it to positions of power, because smart people ask questions. People that tow the line and have family connections make it to positions of power....After living here a long time, I have seen no real change yet in Thais being able to face reality or think outside the box.  I expect SNAFU for the coming term....I expect people running around like chooks with their heads cut off...again as usual. I expect cases to rise and lockdowns to restart. In short, a dogs breakfast. I sincerely hope I am wrong. 

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By the way, I am also REALLY looking forward to the hordes of multi millionaire tourists that arrive very soon....You know, the ones that have NO INTEREST in nightlife whatsoever...they just want to look at temples and learn about basket weaving.....Yeah.....La La land. 


There are so many smart people here that cant get a break because of the dinosaur systems that are still in place. 


Please, let me be wrong. 

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1 hour ago, Flink said:

Would that that were true in the school's eyes. All I get from them is that I need to make my online lessons more fun, or that I should contact the students and arrange to teach them some other time. Bear in mind that when we were teaching in school pre covid I had M5 classes where I didn't see 3/4 of the students for the whole semester!

Repeat what I said, not your responsibility to get the kids on-line. 

Your responsibility ends with preparing a competent lesson / plan, being on-line at the appointed time and presenting that lesson to the best of your ability - take a role call at the commencement of class, call students to be involved during the lesson (check they are still there) and report all those absent to the school or class teacher - end of story. 

As for contacting students and arranging a time to suit them - sure, that sounds like a good move - - not. 

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1 hour ago, ikke1959 said:

Some schools to reopen,  Boys can get 2nd Pfizer,   Is there anyone in this country who can think or decide more than 1 hour ahead?????  It seems it is impossible after 6 months schoolclosure to make a decision. Schools are open or not but not maybe, some, only if...... IT seems very clear in red and dark red areas keep them closed until 1 st January and let the term expand to Songkran than. December is a month with a lot of days off so no problems  as kids don't study so much in this month. Other areas can start on 1st of November with half classes even studentnumbers in the even weeks and the uneven numbers in the uneven weeks. If there is an outbreak in a school or area close again... So difficult to decide?? 

About 5 or 6 too many steps in your plan, your comment says it all, can't think further than 1 hour ahead and that's only about the next meal of coffee break. 

As for anything substantial - forget it. 

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2 hours ago, Ginner said:

If you read about the schools in the UK will you find the virus is spreading very quickly, but 99.9% of the children under 15 who have tested positive are showing no sickness, fever or discomfort. A parent commented her 2 oldest and her youngest all tested positive and she said not one of them showed any signs of sickness.

Nevertheless the hospital admissions and deaths are on the up... these kids can be part of the link. Older people are being symptomatic as many of their vaccines are 6 months and more past now. 

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7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Tell me where this government has said that it is not mandatory for kids 12 and above to attend school.  Last I heard they were requiring kids 12 and above to be vaccinated and if not they could not attend school.  They were also making sure the teachers were vaccinated, and on another form some teachers were complaining they were told if they would not get the vaccination then they would be out of a job.


Yesterday when I popped into MedPark hospital there was a International schools bus parked at the curb and was waiting for the teachers it had brought to the hospital for a vaccination to return.

Read it several times in the press, not sure where you have been.

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Try google Ryan, took me all of a nano second to find an article saying its not mandatory


“We are 100 percent ready for the student vaccination campaign. We want to stress, however, it is not going to be mandatory for students to return to school and unvaccinated students will still be welcome. There will be many safety procedures and processes in place to prevent Covid-19 in schools, such as temperature checks, mask-wearing, “bubbles” for learning, social distancing, and other rules.” The deputy mayor concluded.



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