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Thai health officials told to discover why many still refuse to get vaccinated


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1 hour ago, Thaifly88 said:

It's time for the stick approach now. The carrot approach and explanations as to why people need to be vaccinated has run it's course. All those people are now vaccinated. The remaining recalcitrants need the proverbial stick applied applied to their nether regions to bring them into line with what the community expects of them. If they still choose not to be vaccinated it's absolutely time for ostracism. No access to any public areas including gyms, cinemas, shopping centres, condominiums. They can live like lepers outside the city areas and buy their food at designated roadside stalls. No further extensions to any type of visa's to the unvaccinated needs to be implemented ASAP.  

Really!! My in-laws with underlying health problems have been refused by 2 hospitals in their home province. That includes a lot of villages outside of tourist areas and major cities and towns.

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16 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Fair point, but what of the unknown side effects of Covid-19, or the unknown long term effects of Covid-19 ?

Why are you not more concerned of those than than the vaccine ?


If you are in a non-risk group...



Try that again....  


258,464,273 Covid-19 cases world wide. 

5,175,770 Covid-19 deaths world wide - thats 2.002%




IF the argument is true that without vaccination Covid-19 will continue to spread to everyone in the world, then you have a higher rate of dying from it than you have calculated. 


Thus: IF you are thinking your chances of dying from Covid-19 are 0.0655% its because of an aggregate statistic calculation that not everyone will contract Covid-19.


How is that achieved ???? (that not everyone catches Covid-19) - its either through natural immunity (which a lot of people probably have) or through vaccine immunity and protection. 



As above, the raw stats do not tell the whole story. 


IF you are over 70, living in Bangkok, going out regularly, unvaccinated your probability of getting ‘hit’ by Covid-19 is much higher than a national average. 

IF you are in Germany right now, going out regularly, unvaccinated, your probability of getting ‘hit’ by Covid-19 is again much much higher. 


If someone wishes to avoid the inevitable they have to lock themselves away. If someone wishes to avoid the ‘hit’ when the inevitable happens (contracting covid-19) vaccination reduces the chances or serious symptoms for we (all of us) have no idea if they will be impacted severely or not. 


I know of 7 people with Covid-19 (at the moment) - 4 of them are feeling really crappy with influenza symptoms (which is no fun) - its not worth shutting the world down for ‘influenza’ symtoms, but its defiantly worth vaccinating the world so we don’t have to shut it down so there are not more people with far worse symptoms than influenza symptoms !!!






My #s are for deaths from C19... <0.03% of pop. for Thailand.

Work the numbers, and only have a <0.1 % dying of, if infected / 2+mill vs 20+k deaths.

No long term #s for either vaccine side effect, which if I don't get, don't need to worry about.

Along with no long term #s for lasting effects of C19 if one of the <3% of pop. infected. 70 mill pop. vs 2+mill infected.

#s way too low for me to be concerned about.

Chance of infection for myself, way lower than most, since retired and social distancing is easy.

I don't need to be around anyone, and I'm not, unless necessary, which is rare.  Live semi rural, so very low risk all around.

Others of course, need to assess their risk, and take the action they deem necessary for themselves.


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1 hour ago, Thaifly88 said:

It's time for the stick approach now. The carrot approach and explanations as to why people need to be vaccinated has run it's course. All those people are now vaccinated. The remaining recalcitrants need the proverbial stick applied applied to their nether regions to bring them into line with what the community expects of them. If they still choose not to be vaccinated it's absolutely time for ostracism. No access to any public areas including gyms, cinemas, shopping centres, condominiums. They can live like lepers outside the city areas and buy their food at designated roadside stalls. No further extensions to any type of visa's to the unvaccinated needs to be implemented ASAP.  

Again, actually there is evidence that the virus is mutating in the immonocompromised so it is them not the unvaccinated that your suggestions should be directed towards. It's not whether you are vaccinated or not but whether you are mounting an immune response. If we took the suggestions of you and others the logical conclusion would be test everyone for antibodies and those who had been vaccinated but had not mounted an immune response who should be restricted. How is it when the boot is on the other foot? Still keen on your measures? If you are found to not have responded to vaccination then: 'it's absolutely time for ostracism. No access to any public areas including gyms, cinemas, shopping centres, condominiums. They can live like lepers outside the city areas and buy their food at designated roadside stalls. No further extensions to any type of visa's' The fact that you did the right thing and got vaccinated doesn't come into it. if you are not responding then in the interests of public safety you have to be contained (by your arguments). Best get a Netfilx subscription just in case it comes to this for you. Be careful what you wish for.

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16 minutes ago, Seeall said:

yeah.... I had some white stuff oze and Dr have me what she said antibitics injection, holy cow... I felt like nanobots crawling thrrough me.. yeah the what thing went away but at what cost to my body?   never heard of or seen that before...

The one I would recommend everybody stay well clear of/refuse is ciprofloxcin

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2 hours ago, Thaifly88 said:

It's time for the stick approach now. The carrot approach and explanations as to why people need to be vaccinated has run it's course. All those people are now vaccinated. The remaining recalcitrants need the proverbial stick applied applied to their nether regions to bring them into line with what the community expects of them. If they still choose not to be vaccinated it's absolutely time for ostracism. No access to any public areas including gyms, cinemas, shopping centres, condominiums. They can live like lepers outside the city areas and buy their food at designated roadside stalls. No further extensions to any type of visa's to the unvaccinated needs to be implemented ASAP.  

What you have not allowed for is the fact that my Thai wife and thousands of other people are waiting on Moderna. If the powers that be had stopped feeding from the trough then Moderna would have been here and many thousands more vaccinated! We were 145*** in the queue! 

I was waiting for Moderna but at 66 years old it was too long a wait. So I have had Pfizer and keeping the Moderna as boosters next year.

Hopefully, by buying elsewhere from another hospital, we are hoping the wife will be vaccinated this week. 

So if anyone wants a stick across them then look no further than An**in and CO.

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1 minute ago, berrec said:

How about approving Novavax for a more traditional vaccine for those a little concerned about mRNA and Viral Vector injections.


What's the harm in adding another one to the existing offerings if it gets more people across the vaccination line.  

Don't think it matter in Thailand.  As Sinovac is always couple with a mRNA vaccine.  Sinovac would be one I'd consider, if having at all, but don't want a mRNA as 2nd dose, and possible booster for life every 6 months, which seems to be the way they are going.


Would think Novavax, if old school vax (ignorance shining now), would also be coupled with a mRNA vax as 2nd and beyond dosing. ????

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46 minutes ago, welshissan said:

Really!! My in-laws with underlying health problems have been refused by 2 hospitals in their home province. That includes a lot of villages outside of tourist areas and major cities and towns.

I suggest that you register your MIL with the government official vaccination program for the over 60 with underlying health conditions/diseases and await the schedule date to receive the first dose. 


Underlying conditions include:

  • Severe Chronic Respiratory Diseases (CRDs)
  • Coronary artery disease (CAD)
  • Chronic kidney disease (CKD) (5th stage)
  • Stroke
  • Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy
  • Diabetes
  • Obesity (weight > 100 kg or BMI > 35 kg/m²)
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1 minute ago, worrab said:

What you have not allowed for is the fact that my Thai wife and thousands of other people are waiting on Moderna. If the powers that be had stopped feeding from the trough then Moderna would have been here and many thousands more vaccinated! We were 145*** in the queue! 

I was waiting for Moderna but at 66 years old it was too long a wait. So I have had Pfizer and keeping the Moderna as boosters next year.

Hopefully, by buying elsewhere from another hospital, we are hoping the wife will be vaccinated this week. 

So if anyone wants a stick across them then look no further than An**in and CO.

I know the vaccine roll out has been pretty rubbish and inconsistent throughout the nation, however, many who rejected Sinovac and Sinopharm in lieu of waiting for AstraZenica, Moderna and Pfizer may well have found themselves in the same spot waiting for AstraZenica, Moderna and Pfizer.


Under my advice; take what you are offered. My In-laws received their two Sinovac vaccines (1st dose in June) - they received a ‘Booster’ AstraZenica vaccine a couple of weeks ago (all free)


Had they waited for Moderna or Pfizer, they’d still be waiting now, with zero protection. 




Wife had AZ (June and August - free ) and is soon to have a Moderna (paid for) in December.


I had AZ (in June in Thailand, not knowing I was due to travel), then was called overseas where I had two Pfizer vaccines (a month apart - July and Aug and am awaiting a Moderna (paid for) booster in Feb. 




Ultimately it was the information offered which was flawed: The message should have been clear. 

Anything now and a booster in 6 months is much much better than nothing now and 1st vaccine in 6 months. 


The issue of course is that the government kept promising an influx of the western vaccines which never arrived in time. 






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58 minutes ago, Expat68 said:

The one I would recommend everybody stay well clear of/refuse is ciprofloxcin

From memory the one that bursts your tendons and you have to learn to walk again. Seen it. I don't know whey they continue to prescribe that if it is the one I am thinking of.

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13 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

I know the vaccine roll out has been pretty rubbish and inconsistent throughout the nation, however, many who rejected Sinovac and Sinopharm in lieu of waiting for AstraZenica, Moderna and Pfizer may well have found themselves in the same spot waiting for AstraZenica, Moderna and Pfizer.


Under my advice; take what you are offered. My In-laws received their two Sinovac vaccines (1st dose in June) - they received a ‘Booster’ AstraZenica vaccine a couple of weeks ago (all free)


Had they waited for Moderna or Pfizer, they’d still be waiting now, with zero protection. 




Wife had AZ (June and August - free ) and is soon to have a Moderna (paid for) in December.


I had AZ (in June in Thailand, not knowing I was due to travel), then was called overseas where I had two Pfizer vaccines (a month apart - July and Aug and am awaiting a Moderna (paid for) booster in Feb. 




Ultimately it was the information offered which was flawed: The message should have been clear. 

Anything now and a booster in 6 months is much much better than nothing now and 1st vaccine in 6 months. 


The issue of course is that the government kept promising an influx of the western vaccines which never arrived in time. 






It has been her decision not to have Sinovac as she simply did not want it. We paid for Moderna back in July expecting an October arrival. Hah, that was wishful thinking hence me getting Pfizer.

We are lucky as we live out in the countryside and are very careful as to where we go. As I said earlier, hopefully at the end of this week from Virajsilp Hospital in Chumphon she will be jabbed. 

Then we are both selling one dose from THG and keeping one as a booster for next year so that will do for the moment.

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4 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Hundreds of millions of mRNA vaccines have been administered safely in the world. There is no evidence to indicate that the spike proteins generated by human cells following vaccination are a toxin or that they circulate in the body and damage tissues contrary to to what a Canadian virus immunologist claimed. This  claim was picked up by anti-vaxxer organization and widely spread. 

I suggest you look up on what's happening in Israel right now. The country that only uses Pfizer.

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14 minutes ago, HappyExpat57 said:

A friend of mine's gf went back to Isaan for the rice harvest. The village's witch doctor has informed everyone within earshot that getting the vaccine is a dangerous and bad idea.

It is always  this kind of people who are spreading bad information regarding vaccines. The witch doctor, quack doctors, baby eating believers and Fox. 

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Unfortunately still waiting for the vaccine my Cardiovascular doctor wants me to have, 1st choice Modera, 2nd BionTech.  I have pre existing cardiovascular issues (artificial arteries and narrowed arteries) and he feels the MRNA vaccines are less likely to cause problems. 

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3 hours ago, stephenterry said:

Because I've recovered from Covid, I am not persuaded that any current vax would be better than my natural immunity, as I am in good health. People do not understand that anyone can and do contract infection even if their immune system is boosted up threefold.  


Thai people and many ex-pats have been brainwashed by their governments and Big Pharma with a fear of death factor that, in reality, is minimal for those with no serious disease.

Age ? Weight ? Fitness regime ? Smoker ? Drinker ? General wellbeing ie: your joints, back etc, that's you of course ? 

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3 hours ago, mokwit said:



Unavailability of a regime of just AZ to non Thai Nationals under 60 whose Embassy has not arranged vaccination for its citizens and who are not prepared to go to a clinic and get a certificate saying they are diabetic/hypertensive like many under 60's did.


That said I note that a link to AIS vaccination offering has been posted by TallguyinBangkokk for which I thank him.


As a Life Sciences graduate who studied Immunology I know enough to know I don't know enough, but one of the things we covered was what happens when the immune system turns on your body's own produced proteins (autoimmunity). Also as an actual Life Sciences graduate I am aware that an mRNA vaccine doesn't "change your DNA", neither am I an antivaxxer (who as we all know wear MAGA hats and drive pickups with rear window shotgun racks).


All of you experts on vaccines and the immune system I congratulate you - at the first lecture on immunology our PhD and published lecturer explained that we don't fully understand the immune system but we think we understand bits of it. if only she had known a full understanding was available on TV and Twitter.


Let me lay it out for you, unless you have studied science to the point where you can critique the methodology of a scientific paper you really should not be quoting the findings of individual research papers - especially when 40% of research doesn't replicate and there are too many non peer reviewed journals publishing. Quoting someone who can reasonably be assumed to be an authority such as a Professor of Immunology is of course different.


Also Life Sciences and medical undergraduates spend the first semester ploughing through Wolfe's 'The Biology of the Cell' or a modern equivalent because you can't really understand something such as the immune system without an understanding of the most basic unit of life: the cell. Throwing words like Immunoglobulin, Helper T cell, Cytokine around without that knowledge is not coming at it from a firm base.


Good Day to all.

Yes of course you are dear, never mind it'll be better in the morning, go and have a little lie down. 

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First i will ask the advice of 2 doctors if can be vaccinated, heart patient with 3 drugs and allergic to penicilin and terpentin, my wife thyroid problems, i will ask also the composition of Rna and Dna vaccines, if no answer i don't do, i will make a blood investigation before and 7 days after inoculation, i am not an experimental guinea pigs, i will wait the Novavax vaccine, my opinion and i am not antivaxx  i am septic about this new vaccine generation, look in Israel what 's happen now with 90% 3x vaccinated.

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35 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Yes of course you are dear, never mind it'll be better in the morning, go and have a little lie down. 

Quiet day in the


35 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Yes of course you are dear, never mind it'll be better in the morning, go and have a little lie down. 

blocking you.

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3 hours ago, Chiang Mai Will said:

A third-rate education system creates people less well educated and very susceptible to rumour and fear. The younger generations are better off than the middle-aged upwards. Not everyone lives in the cities and many live a simple life.


False rumours on the effect of the Chinese vaccines, ill-effects in those vaccinated, and deaths caused by vaccination have an effect on many.



Rumours and fear? The same can be thought of people who do not question anything and just accept whatever governments _force_ them to accept. Things of that kind in the past took 10 year to be approved and become massive. And if you think it's not normal to "fear" something forced to become mainstream after a release violating the 10-year rule, and assume there are no side effects because you see none in a few months rather than waiting for the period stated, I apologize to disappoint you and comfort yourself calling the other side the one who believes rumours and is fearful.

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