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Thai health officials told to discover why many still refuse to get vaccinated


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Maybe it is because none of the people holding out trust this flip flopping, money grabbing government enough to pay for something that is not top quality. 


My brother in law paid for Modern and still has no idea when he will receive it. Had to get Sinofarm (paid again) to satisfy his employer.

What a joke... =[


How about acquiring Modern, Pfizer and J&J, then offer it for FREE to the entire population?

Then make sure it is done right the first time through without falling all over themselves in the process (them = government, hospitals, etc...) !


Not in Thailand... =[



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A third-rate education system creates people less well educated and very susceptible to rumour and fear. The younger generations are better off than the middle-aged upwards. Not everyone lives in the cities and many live a simple life.


False rumours on the effect of the Chinese vaccines, ill-effects in those vaccinated, and deaths caused by vaccination have an effect on many.



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3 hours ago, webfact said:

These are people who are either hesitant, outright anti-vaxxers or people who have been unable to get even a single Covid-19 jab. 

Lets not mention the ones who paid for Moderna in June who have been waiting to get vaxed, but not before the government allowed and made sure that the Thai Red Cross to get their hands on the 1.1 million doses of the first 1.9 million doses that arrived in the beginning of November, you know the ones that didn't pay for it upfront and ordered at the end of the ordering dates, therefore pushing those mere unvaccinated mortals down the line. 


Let's also not mention this to the media who appear to only report on what they are told to report on, journalism at it's best of course.


Edited by 4MyEgo
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23 minutes ago, connda said:

But new research is constantly surfacing.  As their are no long-term studies for the safety of mRNA vaccines, it will be literally years before the metadata shows causation.  In the meanwhile there is a full-court press to silence all but the 'officially accepted narrative."  Unfortunately, that is not how scientific inquiry works.



Steven Gundry

An interesting former mainstream doc who now runs a health supplements empire and espouses some questionable views:


"He is best known for his disputed claims that lectins, a type of plant protein found in numerous foods, cause inflammation resulting in many modern diseases.[5] His Plant Paradox diet suggests avoiding all foods containing lectins.[6] Scientists and dieticians have classified Gundry's claims about lectins as pseudoscience.[6][7] He sells supplements that he claims protect against or reverse the supposedly damaging effects of lectins.[8]"



He is the host of the Dr. Gundry Podcast on health and nutrition.[22] Gundry writes articles for Gwyneth Paltrow's Goop website which has been criticized for promoting quackery.[23]





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Vaccination reduces the risk of contracting Covid-19.... thus, the risk of that person who did not contract Covid-19 because they were vaccinated of passing along Covid-19 is zero.


When a community is vaccinated, there are of course breakthrough infections, but they occur at a lesser rate than infections in community that has not been vaccinated. 


You have also failed to mention that the vaccinated individuals are also far less likely to suffer severe symptoms and require hospitalisation than those who have not been vaccinated. 




Edited by onthedarkside
quote of, and response to, hidden post removed
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28 minutes ago, mokwit said:



Unavailability of a regime of just AZ to non Thai Nationals under 60 whose Embassy has not arranged vaccination for its citizens and who are not prepared to go to a clinic and get a certificate saying they are diabetic/hypertensive like many under 60's did.


That said I note that a link to AIS vaccination offering has been posted by TallguyinBangkokk for which I thank him.


As a Life Sciences graduate who studied Immunology I know enough to know I don't know enough, but one of the things we covered was what happens when the immune system turns on your body's own produced proteins (autoimmunity). Also as an actual Life Sciences graduate I am aware that an mRNA vaccine doesn't "change your DNA", neither am I an antivaxxer (who as we all know wear MAGA hats and drive pickups with rear window shotgun racks).


All of you experts on vaccines and the immune system I congratulate you - at the first lecture on immunology our PhD and published lecturer explained that we don't fully understand the immune system but we think we understand bits of it. if only she had known a full understanding was available on TV and Twitter.


Let me lay it out for you, unless you have studied science to the point where you can critique the methodology of a scientific paper you really should not be quoting the findings of individual research papers - especially when 40% of research doesn't replicate and there are too many non peer reviewed journals publishing. Quoting someone who can reasonably be assumed to be an authority such as a Professor of Immunology is of course different.


Also Life Sciences and medical undergraduates spend the first semester ploughing through Wolfe's 'The Biology of the Cell' or a modern equivalent because you can't really understand something such as the immune system without an understanding of the most basic unit of life: the cell. Throwing words like Immunoglobulin, Helper T cell, Cytokine around without that knowledge is not coming at it from a firm base.


Good Day to all.

Thanks. A voice of reason in the wilderness of "scared of the dark, non Vax types". You are sure right about the flag waving, fake patriot crowd. I will die for my nation, but I won't risk a vaccine. Yeah, right. Tell that nonsense to someone more gullible, please. 

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42 minutes ago, Chiang Mai Will said:

A third-rate education system creates people less well educated and very susceptible to rumour and fear. The younger generations are better off than the middle-aged upwards. Not everyone lives in the cities and many live a simple life.


False rumours on the effect of the Chinese vaccines, ill-effects in those vaccinated, and deaths caused by vaccination have an effect on many.



You mean similar to the French, Germans and Dutch spreading false rumours about Astra Zenica then? Less educated people! :cheesy::cheesy:

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4 hours ago, Thailand said:

If it begins with Sino something it's a no no, quite simple.

Interesting but with respect, here in Cambodia "Sino something" vaccines were very much a yes, being the only ones available free to the general public including us ex-pats. So different to Thailand which still needs to find and "first dose" 10 million people. For reference in today's (23 November 2021) Cambodian press:-


"Cambodia is less than then three percent away from achieving its targeted national vaccination rate of 14.5 million people when it crossed 14,100,034 on November 22."




This is one of the contributing factors towards the country's complete re-opening and the availability of alcohol without any restrictions . I am fully vaccinated with 2 doses of Sinovac and have my vaccination card.

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2 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

You don't need to investigate, you know already.. How many people wanted to have Moderna, or Johnson and Johnson. And what does the Government do?? First jab Sinovac ordering more and more, second Astra because good for the wallet too and than as a booster Pfizer and maybe later next year more Moderna available... The people who don't want 3 kinds of vaccine they will wait and therefor they are not vaccinated yet

govt has the number of people that ordered and paid for Moderna.  The govt pushes Sinovac then decides that when a shipment of world recognized vaccines enters Thailand, the govt doesn't allow it to be freely distributed to the hospitals to give to those who paid already.  Instead the govt is jabbing those that got the Sinovac and Astazeneca.  The govt doesn't give Astrazeneca to those under 60 due to problems they have been having.  Thus I see on the regular daily news, some people have already had 3 or 4 jabs as they got the original Thai and Chinese and now get first jabs of recognized vaccines.  Since my family plans to go to the US for daughter's college, we will need the US recognized vaccines, not the Chinese or Astrazeneca here.  A new shipment of moderna just arrived, 1 million doses, I will be watching to see how many people get it as a booster before it goes out to the hospitals for those that have already paid for it.


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19 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

Why ?   2 reasons come to mind for myself;  1. prefer to avoid any side effect of, or unknown long term effects of vaccine 

Fair point, but what of the unknown side effects of Covid-19, or the unknown long term effects of Covid-19 ?

Why are you not more concerned of those than than the vaccine ?


19 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

& 2. don't feel the need to, as the infection rate and recovery rate is astronomically in your favor, both worldwide & Thailand.

If you are in a non-risk group...



19 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

My last calculation, a couple days ago, by taking world population vs deaths, and chance of dying from C19 was 0.0655%

Try that again....  


258,464,273 Covid-19 cases world wide. 

5,175,770 Covid-19 deaths world wide - thats 2.002%




IF the argument is true that without vaccination Covid-19 will continue to spread to everyone in the world, then you have a higher rate of dying from it than you have calculated. 


Thus: IF you are thinking your chances of dying from Covid-19 are 0.0655% its because of an aggregate statistic calculation that not everyone will contract Covid-19.


How is that achieved ???? (that not everyone catches Covid-19) - its either through natural immunity (which a lot of people probably have) or through vaccine immunity and protection. 



19 minutes ago, KhunLA said:

For Thailand, just now, chance of dying is at < 0.03% of the 70 million population of Thailand.

As above, the raw stats do not tell the whole story. 


IF you are over 70, living in Bangkok, going out regularly, unvaccinated your probability of getting ‘hit’ by Covid-19 is much higher than a national average. 

IF you are in Germany right now, going out regularly, unvaccinated, your probability of getting ‘hit’ by Covid-19 is again much much higher. 


If someone wishes to avoid the inevitable they have to lock themselves away. If someone wishes to avoid the ‘hit’ when the inevitable happens (contracting covid-19) vaccination reduces the chances or serious symptoms for we (all of us) have no idea if they will be impacted severely or not. 


I know of 7 people with Covid-19 (at the moment) - 4 of them are feeling really crappy with influenza symptoms (which is no fun) - its not worth shutting the world down for ‘influenza’ symtoms, but its defiantly worth vaccinating the world so we don’t have to shut it down so there are not more people with far worse symptoms than influenza symptoms !!!






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1 hour ago, connda said:

But new research is constantly surfacing.  As their are no long-term studies for the safety of mRNA vaccines, it will be literally years before the metadata shows causation.  In the meanwhile there is a full-court press to silence all but the 'officially accepted narrative."  Unfortunately, that is not how scientific inquiry works.


Likewise, there are no long term or even short term studies on the negative effects of the vaccines. That is not stopping the anti Vax crowd from lamenting anything from a drop in fertility, to heart inflammation, to Bill Gates famous implanted tracking devices, caused by getting a vaccine. Bizarre stuff coming out of the dark right these days. 

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5 minutes ago, Expat68 said:

You can take it from me who has had first hand experience that there are far far more dangerous antibiotics being dished out than the mRNA vaccines

yeah.... I had some white stuff oze and Dr have me what she said antibitics injection, holy cow... I felt like nanobots crawling thrrough me.. yeah the what thing went away but at what cost to my body?   never heard of or seen that before...

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5 hours ago, webfact said:

The Ministry of Public Health has instructed health officials across Thailand to find out why there are still so many people refusing to get vaccinated against COVID-19, so appropriate campaign strategies and incentives can be developed to encourage them to get inoculated, said Permanent Secretary Dr. Kiattibhoom Vongrachit

I [as an expat] had 2x AZ shots at a local municipality building near my home location.

Healthy Thais under the age of 60 were given 1st shot Sinovac, 2nd shot AZ

Many refused the Sinoshot after registering, and signing in at the vaccination centre.

As they checked in and asked what they were going to get they simple said no and walked away.


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