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Legal casinos in Thailand: Idea gains traction as MPs eyes light up on ways to seek tourist dollar


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Picture: Daily News


Daily News reported that an emergency House debate yesterday showed that both opposition and government MPs were broadly in agreement to press forward to set up legal casinos in Thailand.


But apart from a lot of talk the most that came from the debate was the setting up of a committee to look into the matter. 


The question of legal casinos in Thailand has been discussed for decades with very little progress, notes ASEAN NOW. 


With politicians and the police known to be tied up in the illegal trade there is unlikely to be much change when push comes to shove to upset the status quo.


This didn't stop a number of MPs from several parties having their say yesterday as deputy speaker Suphachai Phosu kept order.


Most were in agreement that it would be a great way to get more money from tourists. 


One suggested that entrants to the euphemistically named "Entertainment Complex" should be at least 21 years old and be able to prove they have a million baht in the bank. 


Twelve motions were on the table yesterday.


Another MP said that a big complex should be set up in Bangkok. It would't require any government money to get off the ground - local and foreign investors would pay.


Another suggested that Hua Hin would be an ideal location to spur tourism there, as previously reported by ASEAN NOW earlier this week.


Yet another member of the house said that it was time that the national coffers got their hands on the cash in the lucrative illegal casino market and other betting markets. 


This one claimed that there were 50 big and medium sized casinos in Bangkok and at least two big ones in all of the 76 provinces. 


These generate 72 billion baht. 


In addition 12 to 24 billion baht is made in 100 illegal online websites. 


The result of all this talk was the setting up of an extraordinary committee. 


Few with experience in following the issue in Thailand will be holding their breath.


Mostly down the years it has been suggested that legal casinos will corrupt the Thai people and lead to more poverty. 


This is invariably a cover for not changing that status quo and comes from the very people who profit from their compatriots' undisputed desire to gamble, notes ASEAN NOW. 


-- © Copyright  ASEAN NOW 2021-11-26


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The problem is the government are greedy, they realise they are courting danger but also know the Chinese and most of Asia are addicted to gambling, many Farangs can see the dangerous path they are taking but the powers that be can only see $$$$$$$$ 

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

MPs were broadly in agreement to press forward to set up legal casinos in Thailand

Lets see, we want to attract a "better class of tourists"  Thailand response - Lets start casino's.  Yep that sure attracts the "right" kind of tourist and certainly would not breed corruption, increase crime, or prostitution. 

Are these people delusional.  If they have an image of Thailand becoming a Monte Carlo they must be.  From my experience in the USA where they have legalized gambling they do not just attract "tourists".  They attract the locals and typically those with the least ability to lose money. 

I guess using "Thai logic"  alcohol and prostitution is bad but the alternative vice of gambling is good.  


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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Most were in agreement that it would be a great way to get more money from tourists.

More likely a relative large number of Thais will stop crossing borders to play in a casino, but that might be as good as tourists money, as it's kind of "money from abroad"...:whistling:


The joker as always is the Chinese tourists, perhaps they will flock to Thailand to play in casinos...????

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"One suggested that entrants to the euphemistically named "Entertainment Complex" should be at least 21 years old and be able to prove they have a million baht in the bank."


Another suggestion being , that those wishing to exit should be able to prove that they have substantially less than a million baht in the bank.

Oh! , and must still be at least 21 years old! ????‍♂️

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Daily News reported that an emergency House debate yesterday showed that both opposition and government MPs were broadly in agreement to press forward to set up legal casinos in Thailand.

There's enough corruption in Thailand already without having to introduce another venue.

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6 hours ago, big dendrobenaes said:

they talked about this in 2006 NOTHING happened/developed.....

so same will happen again .....!!!

In 2006, the highest institution was still alive and totally against any form of gambling. No politician would dare to bring this subject up. Now things have changed. 

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14 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Poverty will grow along with broken families as people borrow to gamble or even sell off all they have in the hopes of a better life.  A sad state of affairs.  I had a gambling problem when younger and gambled away paychecks and a house and a first marriage. 


Took determination, counseling and having g reminders of the past to help me over the urge.  Unfortunately I am one of only a few that can say I beat my addiction.


Drugs and alcohol make gambling the perfect Trifecta for a ruined life.  Of course that's just my view.

What could possibly go wrong...  (sarcasm)

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FOR GOD SAKE DO NOT ALLOW  CASINO'S IN.  Their is enough corruption in Thailand now it sure as hell doesn't need anymore. I can see what the government can only see $$$ but there is a hell of a lot more to it than that for once but it's people first. I work in a big leagues club in Australia with nearly 1000 poker machines in them and the money that goes through per day makes you want to cry, let alone any other form of gambling. It ruin's people's lives. Just keep them out They are not needed yes we have all form gambling here but the clown's running the show here love's the $$$ and taxes too.

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