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'Do your own research / I do my own research' has become code for conspiracy theory followers


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6 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

I dont actually want to get Covid , but I realise I quite probably will eventually get it and I would prefer to get a natural immunity , rather than an immunity through a vaccination 

About that:


Had Covid-19 already? SA warned natural immunity unlikely to protect against reinfection with Omicron

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44 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

Simple to say, it's misinformation at it's worst.

Check this information in the FDA Pfizer-BioNTech Fact Sheets (English) and FAQs


I direct your attention to pg. 12 & 13 (on different pages for other EUA categories)

This VAERS ("misinformation at it's worst") is in the FDA documents that contain information for the various EUA's for phizer vaccines.


Your other statement: "VAERS is another thing quoted by anti vaxxers"


Maybe ponder this:

"my 4th booster injection DIDN'T work because the anti-vaxxer is not vaccinated with the 1st injection"


FDA:Pfizer VAERS.jpg

Edited by fjb 24
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12 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

I dont actually want to get Covid , but I realise I quite probably will eventually get it and I would prefer to get a natural immunity , rather than an immunity through a vaccination 

It's already clear that's your preference. But restating it doesn't make your preference any more rational. You haven't explained the grounds for your preference.

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4 minutes ago, fjb 24 said:

Check this information in the FDA Pfizer-BioNTech Fact Sheets (English) and FAQs


I direct your attention to pg. 12 & 13 (on different pages for other EUA categories)

This VAERS ("misinformation at it's worst") is in the FDA documents that contain information for the various EUA's for phizer vaccines.


Your other statement: "VAERS is another thing quoted by anti vaxxers"


FDA:Pfizer VAERS.jpg

Please, read this.  Please.


Antivaccine activists use a government database on side effects to scare the public

Successful reporting system helps flag real problems but is being twisted in COVID-19 era



Anti-Vaccine Activists Use A Federal Database To Spread Fear About COVID Vaccines

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2 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Surely you can state what you consider to be "misleading" ?

He doesn't want to bother but I will. You use the usual sophistry of "stops" in a absolute sense. It's beyond dispute that vaccinations greatly reduce the chance of one becoming ill, seriously ill or dying. They also reduce the chance of one becoming infected with the virus although not as effectively.

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3 minutes ago, placeholder said:

He doesn't want to bother but I will. You use the usual sophistry of "stops" in a absolute sense. It's beyond dispute that vaccinations greatly reduce the chance of one becoming ill, seriously ill or dying. They also reduce the chance of one becoming infected with the virus although not as effectively.

No, it doesnt . 

Having the Covid jab stops you from ever contracting the virus . 

   Get the Covid vaccination and you will not catch Covid .

Learn the rules 

Edited by Mac Mickmanus
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Just now, fjb 24 said:

Strange then that the FDA has not stopped using VAERS. It's value must exceed the limitations of the fear.

Not strange at all. The FDA wants timely reporting of any potential side effects. The website should be understood for what it is and is not. It is not attributing causation for any reported side effects. Anybody with a basic education would understand that.

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6 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

No, it doesnt . 

Having the Covid jab stops you from ever contracting the virus . 

   Get the Covid vaccination and you will not catch Covid .

Learn the rules 

You really think your caricuture of the views expressed on these pages is in any way honest. Stop making things up. This is the kind of tactic people use when they're cornered and have no legitimate way out.

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3 minutes ago, placeholder said:

You really think your caricuture of the views expressed on these pages is in any way honest. Stop making things up. This is the kind of tactic people use when they're cornered and have no legitimate way out.

No, I am now going to the hospital to get my Covid jab , I didnt previously realise that getting the jab will make me immune from catching the virus , now I am informed and will be getting the vaccination for a Covid free life 

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12 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Main stream media tried a bit to hard on the fake news with Joe Rogan, claimed he was taking horse dewormer when infact it's been around and prescribed by doctors for human use for quite some time.


I know you're going to throw a tantrum but listen to this, it's entertaining




Americans can’t walk into a pharmacy and purchase ivermectin without a prescription so these knumbskulls are buying horse dewormer at the hay and feed store. 

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Just now, LarrySR said:

Americans can’t walk into a pharmacy and purchase ivermectin without a prescription so these knumbskulls are buying horse dewormer at the hay and feed store. 

Hard to buy any human medical supplies in the USA.

Most preppers buy their stuff from pet shops, it's essentially the same product.

(Antibiotics in particular) 

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5 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

No, I am now going to the hospital to get my Covid jab , I didnt previously realise that getting the jab will make me immune from catching the virus , now I am informed and will be getting the vaccination for a Covid free life 

You're the first person on this forum that's ever said or implied that. Do you have any evidence?

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5 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

No, I am now going to the hospital to get my Covid jab , I didnt previously realise that getting the jab will make me immune from catching the virus , now I am informed and will be getting the vaccination for a Covid free life 

So you think that doubling down on your nonsense will somehow validate it because it's like multiplying a negative quantity by a negative quantity? Doesn't work like that. False is false  no matter how many times you repeat it.

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1 minute ago, placeholder said:

So you think that doubling down on your nonsense will somehow validate it because it's like multiplying a negative quantity by a negative quantity? Doesn't work like that. False is false  no matter how many times you repeat it.

I have changed my mind and now agree with you and will be getting a Covid vaccination because it will stop me from contracting the virus and anyone who says otherwise is spreading false information 

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55 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You don't know anything, and don't speak for anyone.

Drop the 'we know' unless you're going to post links and your medical qualifications.

Stop spreading misinformation!

You're right. He should have said "Those of us who get our information from MSM (or as I like to call it "SaneStream Media") and consider the results of scientific research the best indicator of what's true".

Because that clearly excludes you and a few others here.

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Just now, Mac Mickmanus said:

I have changed my mind and now agree with you and will be getting a Covid vaccination because it will stop me from contracting the virus and anyone who says otherwise is spreading false information 

No one has claimed that and you know it. You get push-back on your false claims and you start sulking like a 5 y/o. Classy.

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1 minute ago, Phoenix Rising said:

No one has claimed that and you know it. You get push-back on your false claims and you start sulking like a 5 y/o. Classy.

Yes, I am now informed and I now realise that myself stating that having the Covid jab doesnt stop you from contracting the virus was a false claim .

   We live and learn and now I know the facts , getting the Covid jab  stops you from contracting the virus 

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1 hour ago, Jeffr2 said:

Thailand has admitted to under cases and deaths.  As have pretty much every other country.  Heck, many don't report at all.  So the numbers you use are not good.

Accurate or not, still the only numbers we have, or should we guess ?

If not liking the 0.03 % then double it to 0.06%, or triple it to 0.09% ... still liking my odds.

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30 minutes ago, EVENKEEL said:

Main stream media tried a bit to hard on the fake news with Joe Rogan, claimed he was taking horse dewormer when infact it's been around and prescribed by doctors for human use for quite some time.


I know you're going to throw a tantrum but listen to this, it's entertaining




So what? Joe "Conspiracy" Rogen found a nutter doctor. Not hard, there are a few around. The even had a convention recently in the US, where a number of them contracted Covid!

Happened quite recently but can't find the link.

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This is a great forum because it allows a wide range of views to be expressed which encourages interesting debate. However, the increasing prevalence of politically motivated members posting vaccine misinformation is making the forum toxic. It is becoming too time consuming and onerous to continually push back against this antisocial behaviour.

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2 minutes ago, LarrySR said:

An overwhelming majority of the recent Covid deaths in the USA are concentrated among the unvaccinated in the red states. 

Whatever your political persuasion , it is rather unpleasant to say its "funny" that many people have died . 

   Thats one strange sense of humour that you have .

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27 minutes ago, LarrySR said:

An overwhelming majority of the recent Covid deaths in the USA are concentrated among the unvaccinated in the red states. 

This is about as close to natural selection as we're going to get in this day and age....555

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On 12/5/2021 at 6:03 PM, Jingthing said:

I was educated fairly well to be a critical thinker. To always question authority. Looking at history, that makes very good sense.

the trouble with all those that say you don't know what you're talking about is that they come from todays education system where they are smart enough to remember what they have been told but not intelligent enough to question it.

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You say you look at history, and be educated?  Then you must know that the word “conspiracy” does not mean “not true” . 
You must know that the definition of the word “conspiracy” is,

  1. An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.
  2. A group of conspirators.
  3. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.   Are you claiming those things do not exist?  Are you saying there are no such things as conspiracies?   I really don’t think you have actually studied history. 
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