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Red Bull Boss: Case against those accused in cover up to take 14 months - will conclude end of next year


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Here's what I don't understand about this country. How can you call it a "coverup" when everyone in the world knows he's guilty.


The crime happened down the block from us when we lived in Bangkok.


It's absolutely shocking he hasn't even had to appear to face the charges yet.

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6 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Apparently he is NOT. The Thai Police CLAIM he is.

I have tried all possible spellings of his name -- no result.

Unless he's listed as "Boss", there is NO red notice out for him.

He's "out of reach of the Thai police" alright, but for entirely different reasons than stated here.


Screenshot 2021-12-10 105133.jpg


Try it yourself. Perhaps you have more luck:


Thank you.  Followed your suggestion.  There are 12 Thai nationals, 11 men and 1 women wanted by some authority but none at all wanted by the Thai autorities.  Perhaps they will file a request after having decided on the issue of the cover up.

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3 hours ago, smutcakes said:

The Hopewell was not all SRT fault there were plenty if meddelsome politicians involved in that to, as well of course massive corruption from the outset.


I am sure Hopewell company must have done very well to get the contract in the 1st place with no feasibilty study. No doubt they were all to ready to grease the wheels with big dollars in their eyes. 


He who dances with the devil should bring a long spoon.


My sympathy is with the tax payers who just day after day are fleeced by these corrupt politicians and civil servants, before a project, when the project is ongoing and then for decades after in lossess through incomptence or legal fees when it all goes tits up. Until there is some penalty for incompetence/criminaltiy/negligemce in the civil service then they will continue to rape the country dry. 

Sympathise with the general drift but the long spoon is for supping with the devil.  No spoon needed to dance.

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1 hour ago, Andycoops said:

The case is now in reverse, no pun intended, 

Clearly the brown envelopes are still being handed out hence the continued stalling.

A complete whitewash will be the eventual outcome as has been the case from the start.

How much is this costing his father and would your father pay the same amount on your behalf ?


Perhaps produce an advert for red bull showing that by drinking the stuff you will become rich enough to own a Ferrari and will be allowed to run over any policman who gets in your way.  I am sure sales will rocket.

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7 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Apparently he is NOT. The Thai Police CLAIM he is.

I have tried all possible spellings of his name -- no result.

Unless he's listed as "Boss", there is NO red notice out for him.

He's "out of reach of the Thai police" alright, but for entirely different reasons than stated here.


Screenshot 2021-12-10 105133.jpg


Try it yourself. Perhaps you have more luck:


I've been following this story for about 5 years. The bit about him being on a red notice for interpol was mentioned a year ago. I looked on their website then but couldn't find one. I've read he was in (I think) London, Dubai, Now Austria. If he was in fact on a red notice and was moving from country to country he should have been arrested. He is either not on a red notice, not moving around or has a passport with a different name. 

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7 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Apparently he is NOT. The Thai Police CLAIM he is.

I have tried all possible spellings of his name -- no result.

Unless he's listed as "Boss", there is NO red notice out for him.

He's "out of reach of the Thai police" alright, but for entirely different reasons than stated here.


Screenshot 2021-12-10 105133.jpg


Try it yourself. Perhaps you have more luck:


You don't even need his name.  Just search using Thailand as the Nationality.
Nada.  So it looks like the spin about a Red Notice is just spin.  Governments lie all the time.  Nothing new under the sun.  This kid is being protected and will never be arrested.

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I haven’t really followed this case closely, but from the on-and-off-again media interest it takes, my own opinion is that it seems to be “too far gone” — be that time and the number of “side tracks” it’s undergone… for any real investigation to be done by any “domestic” entity AND have it be widely accepted as credible.


I just think it’s been too long… taken too many questionable turns, that even IF a resolution comes to be, i’ll bet that whatever that outcome is, jr won’t be widely accepted and viewed with suspicion or distrust.


My guess, at this point, the only real way you could move forward AND have the process and results be accepted is to let a wholly external (ie non-Thai) disinterested entity do the investigation … right now, pretty much every entity who has “touched” the case, has/had some level of accountability to it.. so their actions or inactions could easily be seen through the lens of a self-interest move and not one based on law and facts… that’s why i think the only way you’ll even have a shot at getting to the real facts is to let a purely independent, purely disinterested party do it..


but that to me is the catch… be careful asking the question as you might not like the answer. 

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4 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

How do you know that "they are not interested in where he is"?

I didn't say that I "knew that" - I said that they "appeared not to be interested".


It is an impression, widely held on this forum, largely created by their constant obfuscation and unwillingness to actually do something about the case. 

A case which would have been dealt with and closed within months were it not for the extreme wealth of the - let us be charitable - prime suspect!


Of course, if you know otherwise fine, share that with us, if not I suppose that yet again, you are using these discussions in an attempt to pick a fight over semantics.

Edited by herfiehandbag
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So in this high tech day and age one person can not be tracked down. Amazing. Millions of dollars, yes dollars, have been put into the hands of politicians, judges and police and maybe others on the international scene. This will never be dealt with with any transpency for this reason.

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8 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

How would that help the RTP?

Because then they could say "We have investigated unconfirmed reports  that he has been spotted in Dubai, but after intensive investigations, we have not been able to confirm that he was in Dubai at the stated time"


Or something similar!

Edited by sambum
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13 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

Apparently he is NOT. The Thai Police CLAIM he is.

I have tried all possible spellings of his name -- no result.

Unless he's listed as "Boss", there is NO red notice out for him.

He's "out of reach of the Thai police" alright, but for entirely different reasons than stated here.


Screenshot 2021-12-10 105133.jpg


Try it yourself. Perhaps you have more luck:


Even on the run he could be prosecuted.

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Put out a reward for anyone who provides his  whereabouts and the bounty hunters would find him in a week or less.  Of course that would indicate that the "justice" system of Thailand really wants to find him to face the music.


An even bigger Lie than lost elections...."equal justice for all".

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Let's have some time to erase some leads and bribe some witnesses. And after 14 months go to higher court and waste some more months. Dear god this guy must have paid alot of people. I wonder how many will still be alive 2023

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I thought that people could legally change their name. If this has happened, and the Boss, is now

walking around with a new name. Well....  His money could then be sent to his new bank

account as well, which would be under the new name. Being rich has its rewards.

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8 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:

But arguably, still wet behind the ears (Immature, inexperienced, and naïve)  Collins Dictionary!

Yes, not condoning his behavior, but he could have just admitted it all,  and the way that Thailand works and the amount of money at this families disposal, they could have all come to a financial agreement.

But no the little sod , did a runner. so yes, very wet behind the ears and just a coward.

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16 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

It doesn't take any special skill to spot him but the reason The RTP don't do that, or react to reports of that nature, is that they have no jurisdiction outside Thailand. You don't think that the RTP can march in to a country where Vorayuth is not wanted and arrest him, do you?

What about seeking an extradition order?, most police forces can seek that from other countries, although many are exempt, I think if your Irish and wanted for a NZ crime you can flee back to Ireland and not be extradited.

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