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Cost of 14 days in the hospital if I test positive on arrival?


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I have my Thailand Pass in hand trip before end of December. 


about how much would the mandatory hospital stay cost me if I happen to test positive? 


I searched and couldn't find any other threads on this. 


I guess the same thing on the 7 day test, would be mandatory hospital stay. 



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2 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

Thai insurance?   There are indeed problems.  They have not been paying in a timely manner from press reports.  

That is true, but are we not talking about tourists ? How would they get Thai insurance ? I think most people will NOT have Thai insurance. Sure the expats on this forum (especially pensioners) might have Thai insurance. But of the majority of foreigners id guess they have either expat insurance or something from their home country.


The Thai insurance companies indeed have not been paying in a timely manner even asking to not have to pay and that is scandalous. If you underwrite an insurance you must pay, keen to reap proffits but when you make an error you want the people to take that hit. That is not how things work if i pay my insurance (and thank god have not needed it) I dont get money back. So why would Thai insurers be let of the hook. So far that is not happening because it would damage the image of Thailand and trust in insurers. 


I am more worried about the 14 days locked up then my insurance  not paying. I wanted my parents to come but found it a bit risky for them. The rules change so fast (just look at what is happening now).


Anyway with a good insurance there should not be a problem. But i heard that some used false papers.

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13 minutes ago, Oxx said:
1 hour ago, Moonlover said:

Isn't this why you're obliged to have Covid insurance? Surely that should cover it.


13 minutes ago, Oxx said:

Why would Covid insurance cover it if you don't have Covid?

Very few policies would cover you if you didn't have the disease.

Why would they be in a Covid isolation unit if they didn't have Covid?

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

That is true, but are we not talking about tourists ? How would they get Thai insurance ? I think most people will NOT have Thai insurance. Sure the expats on this forum (especially pensioners) might have Thai insurance. But of the majority of foreigners id guess they have either expat insurance or something from their home country.


The Thai insurance companies indeed have not been paying in a timely manner even asking to not have to pay and that is scandalous. If you underwrite an insurance you must pay, keen to reap proffits but when you make an error you want the people to take that hit. That is not how things work if i pay my insurance (and thank god have not needed it) I dont get money back. So why would Thai insurers be let of the hook. So far that is not happening because it would damage the image of Thailand and trust in insurers. 


I am more worried about the 14 days locked up then my insurance  not paying. I wanted my parents to come but found it a bit risky for them. The rules change so fast (just look at what is happening now).


Anyway with a good insurance there should not be a problem. But i heard that some used false papers.

My brother came two weeks ago on Test & Go. To get his Thai Pass he bought the insurance that was recommended on the application app/page. 2,250B for a month, I believe.

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5 minutes ago, 2long said:

My brother came two weeks ago on Test & Go. To get his Thai Pass he bought the insurance that was recommended on the application app/page. 2,250B for a month, I believe.

Not too bad, i pay a bit more per month from an international insurer. But have been doing so since i moved to Thailand. IMHO having accurate insurance (or enough money) is a must. Especially in times like this when its not so easy to fly home for treatment (aimed at the people from the UK who are supposed to be able to do that).


Not so much in The Netherlands, i first need to get registered and then pay for healthcare insurance too (part is private part is public).


But the insurers that did not pay were not those kind of covid insurance ones. They were the ones that paid out 100k if one got covid even without symptoms. 

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1 hour ago, TheScience said:
5 hours ago, Moonlover said:

Isn't this why you're obliged to have Covid insurance? Surely that should cover it.


1 hour ago, TheScience said:

But if you're not *sick* there's no obligation to pay.


Definitely want to get a PCR test and confirm covid AND doctors report. Keep everything.

And as I've already pointed out, if you're not sick (meaning testing positive) you wouldn't be in hospital. And if you don't believe me, see a professional's answer from Sheryl just above.

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1 hour ago, Moonlover said:

And as I've already pointed out, if you're not sick (meaning testing positive) you wouldn't be in hospital. And if you don't believe me, see a professional's answer from Sheryl just above.

I've heard those hospitels are very expensive and if you stay there absolutely no way insurance will pick it up.

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1 minute ago, TheScience said:



Hey, I'm just going by reports here and in BKK post. He's yet to actually get paid out on a policy mind you.

Those were Thai insurances, AXA is not. So if you read to take up all the information. There are indeed problems with insurance not paying out on time right now but those are Thai insurers that are not wanting to pay the 100k for people getting covid. Not sure how relevant it its. 

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At the beginning of the year my Mrs paid 32,000 for 10days (could have been 14 can't recall) quarantine in government hotel in bkk. 

It was at the time when you had to show proof of quarantine Hotel to embassy. 

She said it was OK, food etc (but she is Thai), met at airport driven directly to hotel, was tested a couple of times during stay.

If I were you I'd allow an extra 50k THB to be on safe side.

Friends of mine who have tested positive were allowed to quarantine at home.

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