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"Ungrateful son" beats his mother to death with a piece of timber - she'd refused to give him cash for Ya Ba


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"I have a dream" Where cannibus and beer or wine could live together harmoniously. Used in moderate combination it's delightful.


I remember in high school I never saw pot never, now there were these 2 guys who sat behind me in Algebra class who everyday when they walked in they brought this rank and sour smelling odor with them. I simply thought it was bad hygiene, ahahaaa.


Whoops, wrong thread????

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Just now, connda said:

It wouldn't be myself as pot is illegal in Thailand and I've no interest in visiting the inside of a Thai prison.  Have I used it?  Yep.  Will I use it in Thailand.  Nope.

Therefore I spent a lot of time in Thailand around drunk expats.  And having come from a country where pot is legal - I know the difference.  Those who haven't been around marijuana and used it simply have no accurate way to compare and contrast alcohol and marijuana - so - everything is Reefer Madness.  They we get stories about crazed homicidal pot smokers which make those who have been in the culture laugh because it really is so off-base that it's funny.

Really, where are there stories about "crazed homicidal pot smokers" ?

I don't recall ever seeing any , (or I do seem to recall some stories from the USA in the 1950's)

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4 hours ago, robblok said:

Can you imagine killing your own mother? I mean that is next level evil. How could one live with themselves afterwards? 

No 1 lesson of Buddhist Metaa (loving kindness) is to forgive and show compassion to yourself.


Double whammy is that you get away with it because others consider themselves "bad" if they don't adhere to the next stages and exercise forgiveness towards you.


Very different to that old "eye for an eye" stuff so beloved of "Westerners".


Yes, that's right, it has dramatic implications concerning the way Thai society, at every level, structures itself and its intrapersonal realtionships very differently to the West.


Welcome to Thailand.





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5 minutes ago, Excel said:

Terrible that and RIP to the poor lady but you have to think what sort of an upbringing was this murderer given by his parents ?  Another gutless Thai male who picks on women, in this case his own Mother to murder.

Would have been the yabba that caused him to act this way, rather than his upbringing 

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3 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Would have been the yabba that caused him to act this way, rather than his upbringing 

So educating their kids in the dangers of drug abuse is not a requirement then of good parenting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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1 minute ago, Excel said:

So educating their kids in the dangers of drug abuse is not a requirement then of good parenting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He is now an adult and adults know the effects of what drugs do and its been his choice to take drugs and adults dont do what their mum told them (not)to do when they were kids 

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5 hours ago, Paulaew said:

The other day the Chanthburi murderer of 4 was described as "disgruntled." The man in this story who brutally beat his mother to death is described as "ungrateful."


Asean Now, please let the adjective fit the crime.


Paul Laew

I think these stories  are just copied from other newspapers as with the scissors story today from the Daily  Mail a British newspaper  that still can't live down its history.

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2 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

He is now an adult and adults know the effects of what drugs do and its been his choice to take drugs and adults dont do what their mum told them (not)to do when they were kids 

You Thai with an excuse like that absolving parents of responsibility ?

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1 hour ago, Excel said:

You Thai with an excuse like that absolving parents of responsibility ?

Are you Thai ?

Blaming everyone else and accepting no responsibility for your own actions . 


always someone elses fault and you can do nothing wrong at all .

What about you?

Are your Parents responsible for your behavior ?

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11 hours ago, RandiRona said:

And still he was out?? I am not sure what it would be when they make Marijuana legal!!

Research suggests marijuana is not addictive and I can confirm that from my own experience. But other drugs are addictive. I had the same experience with meth and cocaine very difficult to stop, though I had money and could afford addiction treatment centers for meth and cociane.

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This cheap homemade ice-type amphetamine (just like the purer stuff made for the western markets) makes ya' psychotic real quick. I have never seen a drug take a person sanity and soul as quickly as ice does!

I can't tell ya how many ice addicts I have sat with who have killed, and violently, viciously assaulted nearly killing people, and because of the paranoid psychosis they attack anyone without warning don't need any provocation (unlike this addict who seems to have killed his mum cause she interfered with his need to get high).

The folks I've met were so fried they just didn't have any sort of normal feelings and responses anymore and yet they were as cunning as outhouse rats.

It's a foul drug that's for sure.

One of the worst drugs that I have ever come across. The damn stuff makes ya incredibly strong and impervious to pain while high which for anyone trying to defend themselves against them makes self protection very difficult indeed.

If ya suspect someones high on this gear get away from them as fast, as discreetly, and quietly as you can. Some of the signs are really glassy pinned out or widely dilated pupils, and a physical carriage full of tension with hyperactive movements. 


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11 hours ago, robblok said:

Idiots on drugs, hope they lock him up for a long time.  What a total criminal. Lock him up throw away the key. 

I don't think locking him up is the answer. He needs to be executed and the sooner the better.

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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

no rob ......  he was a drug addict who wanted his fix.     drugs are wrong ... weren't you taught that   !! 

Right but when the guy killed a few people because of alcohol it was not the alcohol. Your awfully bias. But then again it is to be expected from alcie. You need your fix too.

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2 hours ago, steven100 said:

no rob ......  he was a drug addict who wanted his fix.     drugs are wrong ... weren't you taught that   !! 

I think Yabba is a horrible drug, intense and racy effects for the taker.  Probably a couple million people taking Yabba each day in Thailand.  The ones we read about are not normal. (my humble opinion) The ones we read about are people with mental problems who take Yabba.  
 Again, its a bad drug, but these guys had serious mental problems as well. 

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12 hours ago, RandiRona said:

And still he was out?? I am not sure what it would be when they make Marijuana legal!!

what country are you from, that you believe marijuana is comparable to yaba? whatever they told you is propaganda, it's time to open your mind and look at the research

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44 minutes ago, marcusb said:

I think Yabba is a horrible drug, intense and racy effects for the taker.  Probably a couple million people taking Yabba each day in Thailand.  The ones we read about are not normal. (my humble opinion) The ones we read about are people with mental problems who take Yabba.  
 Again, its a bad drug, but these guys had serious mental problems as well. 

*steven100* mode, if a guy murders a few people while drunk the guy has mental problems and its not the alcohol. If its an other drug like yabaa its the evil drug and not the mental problems of the user.


Steven fails to understand that alcohol is a drug just like yabaa and cannabis and that most users will never do these things. Just the ones that have mental problems. 


He is in denial that he is a drug user too. 

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5 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:

what country are you from

Biggest democracy in the world which gives me right to free speech and pursuit of happiness and enables me not to be bullied in submission , but let me not stop you from the pre conceived notions you have for people based on the country they belong to. 

5 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:

it's time to open your mind and look at the research

Ok , where ?? I can only hear crickets here ... Did you forget to add your research?? Since you are only talk and no action let me share something relevant , go through it and lets discuss .


Is marijuana addictive? | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (nih.gov) 

Marijuana use can lead to the development of problem use, known as a marijuana use disorder, which takes the form of addiction in severe cases. Recent data suggest that 30% of those who use marijuana may have some degree of marijuana use disorder.18 People who begin using marijuana before the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder than adults.19

In 2015, about 4.0 million people in the United States met the diagnostic criteria for a marijuana use disorder;3 138,000 voluntarily sought treatment for their marijuana use.


Is marijuana a gateway drug? | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (nih.gov)

Some research suggests that marijuana use is likely to precede use of other licit and illicit substances45 and the development of addiction to other substances. For instance, a study using longitudinal data from the National Epidemiological Study of Alcohol Use and Related Disorders found that adults who reported marijuana use during the first wave of the survey were more likely than adults who did not use marijuana to develop an alcohol use disorder within 3 years; people who used marijuana and already had an alcohol use disorder at the outset were at greater risk of their alcohol use disorder worsening.46 Marijuana use is also linked to other substance use disorders including nicotine addiction.

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21 hours ago, connda said:

Those who have never tried cannabis are coming out in force nowadays to peach the gospel of Reefer Madness and homicidal stoners.  They completely miss the understanding of the effect of THC as compared to alcohol or yaba.  Drunks and tweekers kill people.  Stoners listen to music, strum the guitar, and eat munchies while watching Netflix.  The only time I've seen a violent stoner was when the stoner was mixing pot and alcohol. 
Tweekers as they degenerate become paranoid and violent.
Drunks can snap anytime.

Pot is a gateway drug.  And the gateway leads to the use of substances that do induce violence and paranoia.  I am with P.J. O'Rourke on this issue:


Marijuana did turn out to be a gateway drug, not in the sense that people who smoked marijuana went on to heroin or crack. But a gateway drug in the sense that once you lower the social shaming and against the social inhibition against one drug, the others tend to sneak through the door. The society that winks at smoking marijuana or even applauds it is probably asking for a little bit of trouble with abuse of drugs that really hurt.


P.J. O'Rourke



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17 hours ago, RandiRona said:

Biggest democracy in the world which gives me right to free speech and pursuit of happiness and enables me not to be bullied in submission , but let me not stop you from the pre conceived notions you have for people based on the country they belong to. 

Ok , where ?? I can only hear crickets here ... Did you forget to add your research?? Since you are only talk and no action let me share something relevant , go through it and lets discuss .


Is marijuana addictive? | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (nih.gov) 

Marijuana use can lead to the development of problem use, known as a marijuana use disorder, which takes the form of addiction in severe cases. Recent data suggest that 30% of those who use marijuana may have some degree of marijuana use disorder.18 People who begin using marijuana before the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder than adults.19

In 2015, about 4.0 million people in the United States met the diagnostic criteria for a marijuana use disorder;3 138,000 voluntarily sought treatment for their marijuana use.


Is marijuana a gateway drug? | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) (nih.gov)

Some research suggests that marijuana use is likely to precede use of other licit and illicit substances45 and the development of addiction to other substances. For instance, a study using longitudinal data from the National Epidemiological Study of Alcohol Use and Related Disorders found that adults who reported marijuana use during the first wave of the survey were more likely than adults who did not use marijuana to develop an alcohol use disorder within 3 years; people who used marijuana and already had an alcohol use disorder at the outset were at greater risk of their alcohol use disorder worsening.46 Marijuana use is also linked to other substance use disorders including nicotine addiction.

wow, you came out swinging hard!

ok, firstly, I was curious what country you are from so I know what propaganda machine you grew up with. this isn't an assault on you or your country, every country has its propaganda to disseminate its agenda into the minds of it people. it's that simple, no offense intended on my part, I enjoy debate to get at underlying truths that are often occluded by the powers that be, but I only enjoy debates among gentlemen so let's keep this friendly, please.

I assume you grew up in India (biggest democracy), but you are quoting the declaration of independence (american) so I'm still vague on where you grew up, what you were hearing and believing and what stance it has at the moment, but India makes the most sense since it is largely conservative and marijuana isn't making much progress there. This might surprise you, but I think India should keep discouraging its billions from using pot. the workforce is so large and the output so demanding that the gov't can't afford the laziness or dissent that smoking pot sometimes brings about.

As far as research goes, marijuana has real medicinal value, being prescribed for anxiety, ptsd, pain, eating disorders brought about by cancer, etc. It also doesn't cause the problems to the body that alcohol does: liver failure, heart disease, dementia, etc.

I've heard it's a gateway drug, but if we're going to call it that, then we have to consider other gateway drugs also - cigarettes and alcohol - so that's a moot point. people will take the drugs that their situation and convictions allow. I personally have experienced cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana and mushrooms - but have found that moderate use marijuana (4 puffs a night) and microdosing mushrooms (1/5 of a tripping dose in the morning) are the only items on the menu that are beneficial to a healthy, balanced life. And an occasional glass of chardonnay if I'm in a social setting. I've avoided the harder drugs because they use up different happy chemicals in the brain so there is depression and fatigue after the high.

It's the age of information, and all this can be looked up and used for/against the marijuana movement, but keep in mind that ALL gov'ts first priority is its economy, even the democracies, so it's up to us to decide what's best for our own health. if you feel the need to unwind, but alcohol has a bad effect or aftereffect, than try an herbal alternative. all things in moderation, peace

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3 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:

wow, you came out swinging hard!

ok, firstly, I was curious what country you are from so I know what propaganda machine you grew up with. this isn't an assault on you or your country, every country has its propaganda to disseminate its agenda into the minds of it people. it's that simple, no offense intended on my part, I enjoy debate to get at underlying truths that are often occluded by the powers that be, but I only enjoy debates among gentlemen so let's keep this friendly, please.

I assume you grew up in India (biggest democracy), but you are quoting the declaration of independence (american) so I'm still vague on where you grew up, what you were hearing and believing and what stance it has at the moment, but India makes the most sense since it is largely conservative and marijuana isn't making much progress there. This might surprise you, but I think India should keep discouraging its billions from using pot. the workforce is so large and the output so demanding that the gov't can't afford the laziness or dissent that smoking pot sometimes brings about.

As far as research goes, marijuana has real medicinal value, being prescribed for anxiety, ptsd, pain, eating disorders brought about by cancer, etc. It also doesn't cause the problems to the body that alcohol does: liver failure, heart disease, dementia, etc.

I've heard it's a gateway drug, but if we're going to call it that, then we have to consider other gateway drugs also - cigarettes and alcohol - so that's a moot point. people will take the drugs that their situation and convictions allow. I personally have experienced cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana and mushrooms - but have found that moderate use marijuana (4 puffs a night) and microdosing mushrooms (1/5 of a tripping dose in the morning) are the only items on the menu that are beneficial to a healthy, balanced life. And an occasional glass of chardonnay if I'm in a social setting. I've avoided the harder drugs because they use up different happy chemicals in the brain so there is depression and fatigue after the high.

It's the age of information, and all this can be looked up and used for/against the marijuana movement, but keep in mind that ALL gov'ts first priority is its economy, even the democracies, so it's up to us to decide what's best for our own health. if you feel the need to unwind, but alcohol has a bad effect or aftereffect, than try an herbal alternative. all things in moderation, peace

haha , and I thought biggest democracy is USA , something to learn every day I guess , I am from States though I lived in multiple countries Including India , actually barring Middle east and Africa, I have travelled and lived in a lot of countries in all continents. My argument is not about legality of Cannabis , its been there for like forever. My argument is about responsible use , 'moderation' as you said it. West with its vast social security structure ensures that there is help available if someone needs one in case of mental issues or any other kind of trouble so people are able to get help if get addicted or otherwise. Now a country like Thailand , most of the addressable market for cannabis are poor, why ?  Because Rich always have access to it. So poor not having access to mental healthcare and lack of education may become victim of this rather than getting benefits like recreation and fun. I am all about giving choices to people as long as they are educated enough to know the consequences and ways to deal with it.

good convo!! 


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