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Are we now just at the =CUSP= of Momentous Change which will alter our Lives…forever?

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Will 2022 become the pivotal year dividing what once was from what will represent our sorrier lot in life?


My Dearest Endearing Friends,


Some of you may not recall the Great War of July 1914 through November 1918, involving numerous countries, and causing death and hardship for our grandparents and great grandparents. Still, some of you, very few of you, may recall the year 1918, dimly, if you are lucky.


If you recall this Great War, and it was truly great, then you will remember that this was a turning point in social order, a time of leveling of the upper crust, for example.


And now, here we are, once more. We are poised, sitting on this divide, a division which will change society and social order in dramatic ways from what it has been to what it will become.


Here are a few reasons, among many, why 2022 will become the year which divides us from our past.


aa. We just received the IPCC report which is, as expected, just more of what was predicted during the last IPCC report.  Except, this time, the IPCC tells us that its new report is more dire.  And this was expected, also.  The IPCC is a governmental panel, and so, the IPCC must kiss the ass of all governments, and therefore cannot actually report on real science without the approval of governments. This means that the IPCC is just soft-pedalling and downplaying the actual thinking of most scientists. And, unfortunately, Mother Nature will not be listening to the IPCC.


bb.  And now, we have this Ukrainian thing, which is not a small thing, this year, 2022. The Ukrainian thing, as we can see, involves the world, and important alliances, which have the possibility to draw the world into increased confrontations and conflict.


cc. Recalling the Great War, the Great War was a turning point for much of society. Some might say that we lost our innocence, what little we had, during the Great War.  And, maybe the Great War even led to the Flappers.


dd. What we probably can expect is that, after this Covid virus, similar to the Spanish Flu in its effect on the world, is that its impact will cause follow-on effects, not necessarily flappers, but likely far worse.  In fact, when something bad happens, like a Great War, or a pandemic, then the flap hits the fan, but good.


We know this from history.


ee.  We can probably expect to see a few Phoney Wars before we finally see the Greatest War to end all wars, FOR SURE!


ff.  However, preliminarily, before we see this Greatest of All Wars, the Mother of All Wars, we are likely to see a sea change in our social order around the world, similar to the repercussions caused by the events of the years, 1914 through 1919, which saw a fairly major upheaval, as you will recall.


gg. There is no point in listing here what you already know is ongoing, and unstoppable, due to the momentum in the system; I mean the momentum in the CO2 emissions, and the momentum caused by these emissions during the past 100 years. Everyone here, any person who can read has already read the science.


Instead, let us speak about how to cope with this fear of what we all expect will happen on Earth, what will happen due to our inattention to detail and negligence, if we might be willing, and not hide our heads in the sand.


So, knowing that we all wish to hide our heads, I have stopped worrying.


And, instead of worrying, I have come to love the Thai myna bird.


Watching the Thai myna birds interact with one another, flitting around and vocalizing incessantly, has become one of my greatest pleasures. Maybe, if we do not destroy ourselves before next week, then I will upload some interesting photos of these intelligent social creatures.


hh.  Speaking of Flappers, and thinking of the Ukraine, here are some flappers from the 1920s:



ii.  I wish I had some interesting video of Thai myna birds, the birds which always lift my spirits, no matter how down I might feel about the state of the world....  BUT, there is no need, because, if you are in Thailand, then you know that these fantastic and miraculous birds are now back, in force, in Thailand, and doing what they do best.


I love these birds...so much!


Take care, everybody,




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No arguments with this post. Several "pivotal-points" we have alredy crossed.

All the measures to stop "earth warming" come way too late and are way not rigid enough.

We are all "consumers" and we are literally "consuming" this earth. In 3rd and 4th world countries, there are armies of future "consumers" waiting in the wings. They too will want cars, refigerators etc etc. This means, that we will "consume" this earth at an even faster clip. There is just no way that something like this can possibly end well.

An ever increasing number of earthlings realise, that certain future problems  can not be solved by human-intelligence or new technologies. Elderly (thingking) folks increasingly think along the lines of "After us the deluge" and "Enjoy the ride as long as it lasts". Remarkably, most polititians and economic tycoons are "elderly-folks". Not sure if they have the necessary motivation to secure the future of the next generations.

- A bit of honesty is in order: I don't care much how the eathlings will live on this plundered planet 200 years from now. I rather tend to "enjoy the ride as long as it lasts". I am not the only one. Human behavior? Maybe that's the root of the problem. If so, there will be no remedy. Fundamentally impossible.

Cheers, enjoy the ride while it lasts.  

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Buying into the proposed and conventional narratives - repeated loud and often enough - is never worthy for your truer soul. 


Always astounding as to how the majority [the dumbed down] are taken hook, line and sinker. 

Most everything, within these particular sheepish followed circles, is make believe and manufactured. 

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Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

Putin the Joker.jpg

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On 3/3/2022 at 3:51 AM, GammaGlobulin said:

ii.  I wish I had some interesting video of Thai myna birds, the birds which always lift my spirits, no matter how down I might feel about the state of the world....  BUT, there is no need, because, if you are in Thailand, then you know that these fantastic and miraculous birds are now back, in force, in Thailand, and doing what they do best.







Edited by timendres
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On 3/7/2022 at 4:32 AM, swissie said:

No arguments with this post. Several "pivotal-points" we have alredy crossed.

All the measures to stop "earth warming" come way too late and are way not rigid enough.

We are all "consumers" and we are literally "consuming" this earth. In 3rd and 4th world countries, there are armies of future "consumers" waiting in the wings. They too will want cars, refigerators etc etc. This means, that we will "consume" this earth at an even faster clip. There is just no way that something like this can possibly end well.

An ever increasing number of earthlings realise, that certain future problems  can not be solved by human-intelligence or new technologies. Elderly (thingking) folks increasingly think along the lines of "After us the deluge" and "Enjoy the ride as long as it lasts". Remarkably, most polititians and economic tycoons are "elderly-folks". Not sure if they have the necessary motivation to secure the future of the next generations.

- A bit of honesty is in order: I don't care much how the eathlings will live on this plundered planet 200 years from now. I rather tend to "enjoy the ride as long as it lasts". I am not the only one. Human behavior? Maybe that's the root of the problem. If so, there will be no remedy. Fundamentally impossible.

Cheers, enjoy the ride while it lasts.  

Problem is that except for the very wealthy the ride is no longer enjoyable.


Not a day goes by that I'm not glad that I never had children to suffer what is to come.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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20 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Problem is that except for the very wealthy the ride is no longer enjoyable.

Not a day goes by that I'm not glad that I never had children to suffer what is to come.

I'm still having a good ride!

And I'm not even slightly wealthy.

Probably more to do with location then wealth IMHO.

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Some argue that Samuel P. Huntingdon's Clash of Civilizations is starting to play out with the Russia Ukraine crisis and various populist anti-establishment movements springing up. Certainly Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (for example, Justin Trudeau's a member) give plenty of ammunition to conspiracy theorists.

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On 3/7/2022 at 9:58 PM, timendres said:








This is my FAVORITE bird, of all time, anywhere.


This bird is even smarter than I, if that is even possible.


This bird once kept me company for seven months, at a time when I could not walk, and could only roll.


Bar none, this bird is the greatest in the Land!!!!

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10 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

If a guy can afford the money necessary to have a non O visa extended and pay for health insurance he's better off in LOS than trying to survive back "home". PERIOD.

Better off yes.

Wealthy, not necessarily at all. 

Most retired expats here are not required to have health insurance.

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

Better off yes.

Wealthy, not necessarily at all. 

I never said "wealthy" per se. I meant "wealthy in COMPARISON to being back home and trying to survive on the same amount of money". I had a "wealthy life style" in LOS on the same amount of money as I have for a <deleted> life back home. I paid less to live in a very nice hotel with everything than I do for the less than satisfactory room I live in now that has nothing except electricity.

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9 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I never said "wealthy" per se. I meant "wealthy in COMPARISON to being back home and trying to survive on the same amount of money". I had a "wealthy life style" in LOS on the same amount of money as I have for a <deleted> life back home. I paid less to live in a very nice hotel with everything than I do for the less than satisfactory room I live in now that has nothing except electricity.


Of course I agree with that! I'm all about that!


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