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At the UN, Thailand votes to condemn Russia’s aggression in Ukraine


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4 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

Have no idea what Iraq has got to do with the invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the subsequent statements and vote issued by Thailand, Thailand was not forced into anything, over 30 countries abstained, the false narrative by Putin and the Kremlin (aka lies) is well documented.


"Ministry spokesman Tanee Sangrat on Thursday said the Kingdom voted in support of a UN resolution condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and demanding Moscow withdraw its forces immediately. 


The statement said Thailand was “gravely concerned” at worsening hostilities leading to loss of innocent lives, property and civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.


It said the situation of refugees and those fleeing fighting was particularly worrying and pledged Thailand would “do our utmost in addressing humanitarian needs of the affected citizens, directly and in partnership with like-minded international organizations”.

It has to do with the worldwide support the first one gathered for its unlawful invasion, while the second equally unlawful invasion, is being condemned by the vast majority of the world. Both invasions happened under false pretenses.
Thailand waited to see where the sentiment of the majority stayed, then choose a side to stay with the majority. 
Losing Russian business VS losing international business
The choice is clear.

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10 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

By joining NATO

This is nonsense. Putin and his oppressing clan are afraid of countries in his neighborhood where the population democratically elects their national leaders, where there is freedom of expression and where these countries are then economically successful and the broad masses of the population are better off economically. Sooner or later the russian population will realize this and fight back against the repressive machine, where only a handful of Putin's oligarchs own the entire national wealth.

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19 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

No , if you're sat at home and read the stories it may seem that way . 

   But if you think about it , The Thai Government didn't want to get involved in BKK Thailand . 

   Thay didnt want to make a stand alone statement in BKK and get involved . 

   But whilst at a U.N meeting , they were asked to vote on something .


As I am always saying, the Thai government are mostly just soldiers with a soldiers mentality, as they are not an elected government they should not be voting at any UN meetings. The whole world should be a democracy, and any country that disagrees should not be allowed anywhere near UN meetings.

I am referring to countries that invade other countries or who forms coups to put an elected government out of office. Thailand is one such country.

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4 minutes ago, Ladidaa said:

It's a lot more than that, but not everyone is capable of seeing the connections. Doesn't make it BS. 

So it's about Iraq as well, Really now? try and stay on topic...

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6 minutes ago, Ladidaa said:

It's a lot more than that, but not everyone is capable of seeing the connections. Doesn't make it BS. 

The Iraq war never made it to The UN general Assembly with 140 countries voting against it. Feel free to start an OP on it to discuss further your opinions on it.

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Just now, Ladidaa said:

Of course there is. Everything is connected. Nothing in the world exists on its own, in a bubble or vacuum. 
If you can't see that, you're missing out on a lot of data.

What is the connection. Do those events disqualify the connected countries from voting? Or should they? Should every country that has ever committed a human rights violation in its history likewise be excluded from voting?

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9 minutes ago, Ladidaa said:

How about you start your own thread where only those who share your narrowminded opinions are welcomed? ????

Actually my post stated the facts so no need, I'm here discussing Ukraine/Russia/Thailand. Oh and Putin..............

Edited by Bkk Brian
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On 3/3/2022 at 10:27 AM, ThailandRyan said:

Is this a U-turn or a Flip-Flop and will Thailand stick to its signatory or was it a meaningless signature and statement since they did not mention Russia in their statement......

It's a U-turn given that the political/bureaucratic Thailand clear response was to abstain.So the next question is why? I surmise that the world's very strong reaction against Russia - despite (1) Thailand's strong historical relationship with Russia and (2) Thailand's propensity to kowtow to China - was enough to tip Thailand over to supporting the resolution.


Thailand will have noticed that Germany has left behind the Merkel policy of handling Russia with kid gloves and is now unambiguously hostile to Putin.It would be, let us say, very awkward if Germany started asking Thailand why they were being unhelpful.(Think about it)

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Resorting to personal attacks now instead of the topic at hand while still trying to draw a comparison.  I am sorry but Thailands not wanting to involve themselves should have been to abstain from the vote. By taking the stance they have they will hurt there own economy as well as their countrymen.  Just my view, but then this topic is about Thailands respons and nothing else.

Edited by Rimmer
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6 hours ago, OmegaRacer said:

So, I should get all emotional about it like you. Anything else means one doesn't care, right? What have you changed so far by watching TV and being indignant? 

Are we in kindergarten or what?


More nonsensical deflection.

The only thing more pathetic than someone apologising for Russia's actions, is someone who can't see they're doing it.



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You know what to me is most funny. America spends trillions of dollars on intelligence but still haven’t figured out that the more sanctions they impose, the more united Russians become to oppose the west. Those Russians that had pro-western points of view in the past are now turning into patriots. Resistance will be cruel. The west has no clue about Russians, never had.

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22 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

Thailand has not found its spine at last.

Words cost nothing, but if the UN as a Bloc decided to Sanction Russia, we would then be looking for those with a spine.

Well to be fair to Thailand - all they can do is vote in the UN.  Its clearly a NATO/European/American and its allies situation.  At east Thailand didnt sit on the fence at the UN meeting like India, China did (nor endorse the envision as China did at the shameful olympics) 

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23 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Ruskies have been a non-factor ruble wise since 2015 / Crimea and their first finacial crash.  So 2016 to pandemic / 2020.    No loss to Thailand, just the families here they will no longer be supporting.


Only real concern is oil imports.   Either they'll be cheaper, due to exchange rate, or stopped, doubtful, and nothing will really change, except they'll use another fake reason for raising the price at the pump.


On a global level yes agreed... but in relation to Southern Phuket there is a quite large Russian population, ranging from the rossíyskaya máfiya, to decent family types wanting to escape Putin's Russia or the climate.  There will likely be some impact, and in 2019, 1.5M russian tourists visited Thailand, probably second behind Chinese in numbers. 

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On 3/3/2022 at 12:22 PM, jvs said:

OK Thailand,now follow this up with actions!

Speak out against russia and for Ukraine,next condem any contact with russia and stop russian

tourists from coming here.


love the part.  stop Russian Tourists coming here ..PLEASE.....

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1 hour ago, Cherrytreeview said:

More nonsensical deflection.

The only thing more pathetic than someone apologising for Russia's actions, is someone who can't see they're doing it.



You know what even more pathetic? People who clearly have reading comprehension difficulties while trying to find a scapegoat to vent their frustrations.


Please find me one sentence where I condoned Russia's actions. Just one.

I remember explicitly saying the opposite. 

Edited by OmegaRacer
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7 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Probably following the lead of majority of ASEAN countries including Mynmar. Thailand holds the chair and will be odd if Thailand don't vote in unison with other members. Only Vietnam and Laos abstain. 

Yes, correct. You are likely right. Apparently someone with some wisdom got the ear of the goons.


And it would be equally odd, surprising and out of character for one communist nation to criticize another. Morality and ethics are never a consideration with the commies. 

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Yes, correct. You are likely right. Apparently someone with some wisdom got the ear of the goons.


And it would be equally odd, surprising and out of character for one communist nation to criticize another. Morality and ethics are never a consideration with the commies. 

The capitalist nations on the other hand are so full of morality and ethics.... ????????

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Thailand has always treaded carefully on conflicts that they are not directly involved in.  It's been their modus operandi since the days all their neighbors were colonized and they were at risk.  It's worked for them.   


I suspect a lot of smaller countries are nervous as to how this plays out.   Regardless of what they may think, if this situation gets bigger, they don't want to be on the wrong side.   

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18 hours ago, Sunmaster said:

The capitalist nations on the other hand are so full of morality and ethics.... ????????

Well, one cannot argue with the sentiment of your sarcasm. However, occasionally they do things to help other nations, and create plans to benefit their people. It does not happen often here. 

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