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Number of Russian visitors in Phuket instantly drops, Phuket struggles to find solutions for hundreds of stranded tourists with no access to funds due to sanctions


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5 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

Great news, I am checking flights to Phuket now.

I know totally different topic and we are saddened with this war and other things  but some countries do care for their own citizens but many do not and including the US and the UK are determined to disown and yes thieve off their own Citizens with a frozen state pension but the other 96% British ex-pats in other countries get increases in pension every single year.

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31 minutes ago, RafPinto said:

Is Putins mistress with his 3 or 4 kids not hiding in Switzerland, I was reading today.

Kick them out and back to Ruskilandia.

All of them in the main would ensure their families are in secure countries and houses in many countries and perhaps Putin and others do the decent thing blow themselves up but no it won't happen or the other.

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26 minutes ago, Nabby said:

Good riddance to them too along with the Chinese locusts. China and Russia should be limiting to visiting each other -two horrid abominations of nations. 

afraid good and bad everywhere in the world!!

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4 hours ago, Benmart said:

I am grateful that I have resources to live here, but mostly that I have never met some of the creatures who post such hateful things about other people. It's the Russian government, not the individua Russian l tourist who is behind all this.

Many also have not got pots of gold but we do our best for our wonderful Thai families!!!

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2 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

I think that Cyprus is now the place they prefer tostash some Money.

has been for several Years now.


... yes, and has been for much longer.

I had a job in Syria in the late 1980s and there where plenty Ivans around (already), whenever I mentioned having worked in Cyprus before quite a few would say that they'd be 'crossing over' rather frequently ...


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4 hours ago, steven100 said:

wrong,  it's not only the russian government.. it's also the millions of russian's who did nothing to oppose the murderous regime for the past decade,  it's the millions of russian's who support Putin and his filthy Oligarchs getting richer by the day.  It's the millions of russians who are so gullible to this murderous regimes TV propergander tactics. 

"it's the millions of russian's who support Putin and his filthy Oligarchs getting richer by the day." and so says the poster who worships the unelected "there will be no coup" PM of Thailand.

Edited by possum1931
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14 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

I was an innocent Brit when Blair was responsible along the the US president for the atrocities he was responsible for in Iraq, and I would have not been pleased if people abroad started making life difficult for  me.

I hated the b@st@rd then and hate him now and blame the UK government for not jailing him.

He's been a bit quiet of late.

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7 hours ago, Thunglom said:

let's face it quite apart from not being able to pay, they is hardly a country in the world that would welcome Russians at present.

Any Russian who expects otherwise would be utterly foolhardy.

Very unfortunate for so many Russians who do not / would not support Putin's war ????. I feel sad for those, as I certainly feel sad for Ukrainians.

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2 hours ago, IamNoone88 said:

How history quickly forgets that the Russians were the allies of Britain and France in World war 1 under the Triple Entente fighting against Germany. They lost up to 2.5 million soldiers in that war, fighting with the allies. In world war two, the great allies of Britain, the US and the Soviet Union formed the Grande Alliance and that was the key to Victory. Without the Soviet Union, the allies would have lost and life would be different today. Roughly 8.6 million Russian soldiers died fighting for the allies in World War Two. They lost about 20 million people in total from all causes. A huge sacrifice.


No one recalls the history because we are too busy with Tik tok or Facebook BS but we owe a lot of our freedoms to Russia - once strong allies. 


Nato has a short memory as well. Under the Minsk Agreement, after the break up of the Soviet Union, they were not meant to expand into Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia. They did, breaking that treaty which Russia allowed to slide ..... but not without objection.


Nato and Europe then, having taken an inch, wanted to take the full yard and pushed for Ukraine to join and that was always a red line for Russian .... yet they kept pushing. Putin warned and warned again ...... you don't poke the bear. If the Minsk Agreement was observed by Nato, then it may be a different outcome today than the sh1tfight we have now.


The foolish and manipulating leaders in the West should take a leaf from Sun Tze .... keep your friends close and your "enemies" (once our greatest allies!) closer.


So have some sympathy for the Russian's stuck here. They are just caught up in something they cannot control and certainly most I meet are good solid people (as are Ukrainians). It is is mess of epic proportion .... caused by politicians.

Britain and Russia.


19th century.

Britain and Russia start off as friends....because Napoleonic France  threatens all the monarchies of Europe and that of Russia.


Then Britain and Russia stop being friends..............because Britain feels that Russian expansion South and East threatens Britains empire.


Britain becomes friends with the Ottoman Empire (anti Russian) and, together with France (friendly now) and Sardinia, defeats Russia in the Crimean War.


Later on the Ottoman Empire starts to get friendly with the rising German Empire, so Britain makes up with Russia to counteract Germany who, it feels, is challenging it's pre-eminence.


20th century

A big war takes place during which Britain plays a large part in defeating the Ottoman empire, Russia fights Germany for a while but then goes "commie", and signs a treaty with Germany, and Britain, together with various other countries, invades Russia in 1918.


For the next 20 years Britain and Russia are no longer friends, especially when Russia helps Germany to re-arm and signs another treaty with Germany.


Germany and Russia invade Poland in 1939.....half each.......that was the purpose of the treaty, to grab Poland without upsetting each other.


Britain is now, technically, at war with Russia, due to a treaty that Britain has with Poland..........but seems to ignore it.


In 1941, to Stalins utter astonishment, Germany invades Russia and forces it into a war for Russias survival.


Britain and Russia become friends "for the duration".


Russia survives and grabs half of Europe.......thus half of Europe finds itself under a dictatorship not far removed from the one it thought it was being saved from.


Mid 20th to early 21st century

Britain and Russia cease to be friends......then they think they are again.......then they're not.


Sometimes Russia are the good guys......sometimes they're not.


Right now they're not.



Edited by Enoon
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3 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Sad comparison in reality.  Iraq was not invaded to take over the country, but in some minds it apparently was, so I will agree to disagree with you on this point.

I am not saying you are wrong, but in both cases going by the news reports, innocent women and children were slaughtered, so there can be n excuse for that.

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18 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

The ones who are doing the shooting of innocent women and children are evil, no one is forcing them to hit their target.

your starting to pick it up .....   ???? .................................................................  :sorry:

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5 hours ago, smedly said:

I think it has become very clear recently that their so called and incorrectly named mighty military is completely and utterly over stated, it is a complete shambles, they wouldn't last a week against the highly capable western military, I had a laugh a few days ago a video clip of a Ukraine farmer stealing a mighty Russian tank with his tactor towing it down the road with a Russian soldier chasing after it,  or the guy in the car driving past a Stalled convoy rolling down his window and offering to tow them back to Russia....too funny



What I would like to see is Ukraine airforce dropping a few bombs in Russia to see how they like it, the US did something similar on Japan early in the 2nd WW, they sent bombers on a one way mission to bomb Japan, there was a movie based on that operation

Yeah, quite a caper, they ditched in China afterwards 555

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9 hours ago, pomchop said:

IF IF the Russian powers that be give a <deleted> about their stranded citizens perhaps they should negotiate for Thailand to provide some evacuation flights via UAE or ? and Russia can pay Thailand with GOLD of which I am sure Putin and his minions has a big stash.  Thailand should try to help with some temporary lodging and food as a humanitarian action but Russia should also reimburse that.  There are consequences to your citizens when your leaders invade sovereign countries, even if the citizens have no control over these leaders.


How many stranded Russians are in Thailand now?  Do they even want to return to Russia?  It is not Thailand's responsibility to house and feed them indefinitely.

What's YOUR trick to buy food and pay for accommodation without money in your wallet ?

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36 minutes ago, Silencer said:

Of course it's not ALL Russians that are to blame for the war, just as not ALL American's (or any country) are to blame for their government's decisions. However, they are 'generally' to blame for allowing Putin to keep power and expand his authorities and control over the years .....


...... and many Russians support Putin anyway. ....


...... So, I don't blame the 'average Russian tourist' for the current situation but they share some responsibility for letting Putin be the person he has become.

I tend to agree with that last statement. But we should emphasize "some", let's not forget the massive propaganda Russians have been inundated with for so many decades. For many, even with the apparent opening of Russia to the outside world in the last 30 years or so, the state of mind has probably stayed with the view that "Mother Russia" should rightfully be placed above the rest of humanity and if that is not the case, it is because there are so many "unfriendly" countries out there. Is that not reminiscent of what happened in Germany between the 2 world wars? Yes, Germans shared "some responsibility" for what happened then, but not every single German was to blame. Completely brained washed people : can they be blamed?


The list of "unfriendly countries" that was published today even includes Liechtenstein and San Marino, for fxxx's sake!

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