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Travel sector calls for endemic status, scrapping of Thailand Pass and full normality on entry


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There is to be no golden moment for tourism this year or any time soon. If Thailand wants to keep a tourism industry it has to invest in its future but this does not appear to be the case many potential tourists have decided to opt for other countries in the region who have already opened up without entry restrictions who will report good modern and far cheaper facilities than Thailand when they go home leaving Thailand to pick up the crumbs for future tourists in a very much smaller market there will be no Russian/Chinese tourists for a very long time.

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2 minutes ago, sambum said:

"For when the police pull you over" ???? I give up!

"I am saying, stop pointing at other, it is diversion." So you are allowed to make sarcastic remarks about farangs not wearing masks, but I'm not allowed to do the same about Thais, or their Minister of Health?


To be honest, I wear a mask also, but not because I want to - I think it's ridiculous in an outside setting, but I do it because it's the law - oh, sorry, no it isn't! OK, I do it because it's EXPECTED, and I don't want to upset my hosts because I live here - albeit as an "alien" according to my visa.


I don't think there are many that 'want to'....

We are not miles apart.... I comply as I think it shows respect and consideration of those around you.. one reason I put it on quickly at this morning's road-check. It really isn't worth getting irate over.... now the driving here, another matter.

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2 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

I don't think there are many that 'want to'....

We are not miles apart.... I comply as I think it shows respect and consideration of those around you.. one reason I put it on quickly at this morning's road-check. It really isn't worth getting irate over.... now the driving here, another matter.

"now the driving here, another matter."


Correct, and probably something on which we agree! Have a good day, and don't forget to change/wash your mask - apparently they can harbour all kinds of nasty bugs if worn too often!

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2 minutes ago, sambum said:

"now the driving here, another matter."


Correct, and probably something on which we agree! Have a good day, and don't forget to change/wash your mask - apparently they can harbour all kinds of nasty bugs if worn too often!

Kinds proves a mask is stopping them doesn't it! Holds back the pollution too. Got a few boxes around and they get changed.

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40 minutes ago, sambum said:


Diversion? Pot? Kettle? You were the one who brought up the subject of masks in the first place!


So what you are saying is that because Anutin isn't a tourist or guest he shouldn't wear a mask, but all tourists or guests should? And waht about the 69 million or so Thais that are not tourists or guests? They shouldn't wear one either?


And do me a favour - I have asked before but not got a satisfactory answer from anyone:- What is the logic behind having to wear a mask on a motor bike? I can't fathom it out!

If I tried to wear a full face helmet over a mask, it would knock it off as soon as it went over my head. 

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7 hours ago, mrfill said:

Ah yes, the Federation of Thai Industries and the Thai Chamber of Commerce, well known world experts in epidemiology.


For Goodness sakes!!  As others have implied and outright said it's not about an epidemic any more, it's about money and power. As much as I rarely say "UK got it right", in this case we did.

Here Covid is almost completely history One word....VACCINATION 

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4 hours ago, LukKrueng said:

So you prefer they wait till October?


There are no interior not superior vaccines, only vaccines makers with lower or higher marketing power/budgets. Respiratory viruses cannot be eradicated by vaccines, but vaccines are much better money makers than medications, and that's the main reason the biggest pharma companies keep pushing for vaccines rather than develop specific COVID medications.

Last time I looked, both are happening in parallel  Coronavirus treatments: What progress is being made?

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9 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Thailand is currently seeing its highest ever daily new infection numbers, so right now is not a good time to ease things. I hope by July we are well past that peak. 

So is Scotland and everything is opening up there. No-one except 80+, morbidly obese and the unvaccinated are dying.



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6 hours ago, sambum said:

Which are? Be honest, check back in your history books (if they have the correct facts)


All of the items I mentioned above were invented by farangs, not Thais.

You will need to remind me which were invented by those that needed a Thailand Pass.

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11 hours ago, hotchilli said:

The knee jerk reaction to other countries will kick-in eventually.

The knee reaction to other countries will seek a new kick-back eventually.

Selling over priced insurance only sold by local "connected" operators  that almost impossible to claim on is such a pre paid winner, I cannot imagine they will ever wish to ease off. Is there any other tropical paradise with such back hoes?

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7 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

Not sure where you've done your research on Pfizer but you're very wrong on all counts, in addition its far more effective than the Chinese vaccines.

Against the original variant of the virus? It seems hardly effective at this point. Check the numbers in Israel if you believe otherwise ...

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2 hours ago, KhunMorris said:

So is Scotland and everything is opening up there. No-one except 80+, morbidly obese and the unvaccinated are dying.



Problem is, this is the key demographic for Thailand ????



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2 minutes ago, wolf81 said:

Against the original variant of the virus? It seems hardly effective at this point. Check the numbers in Israel if you believe otherwise ...

Against all variants Pfizer is very effective at preventing deaths and serious cases, particularly if you've had a booster.


Nothing to do with positive case numbers although your example of Israel is not a good one as their positive numbers are way down from the peak and their hospitalizations are even lower.

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14 hours ago, TooMuchTime said:

This should not happen at all.


I have said before to only open up 100% normal for all Asian countries and keep Thaipass in current state for all western countries.


Thailand is digging their own grave if they open for everyone.

A comment of a breathtaking lack of understanding.

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14 hours ago, TooMuchTime said:

This should not happen at all.


I have said before to only open up 100% normal for all Asian countries and keep Thaipass in current state for all western countries.


Thailand is digging their own grave if they open for everyone.

Your post makes no sense whatsoever besides being racially discriminatory. Asian countries in general have very poor reporting systems and do not generally have free healthcare. No one in those countries is going to volunteer to take Covid tests if they have to pay for them and they are then forced into expensive isolation facilities as they are in Thailand. The figures in these third world countries are skewed. All you have to do is look at Thailand itself it had a wonderful record of very few infections and very few deaths from Covid until the testing and subsequent isolation was made free, (as it always has been and will be in the west). Then suddenly the infection and deaths from Covid rose at an exponential rate surpassing levels in many western Countries except the UK where ALL healthcare is free and the people are not worried about losing income or effectively being fined for having Covid

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19 hours ago, webfact said:

the timetable is dependent on both approval from the World Health Organisation (WHO) and controlling incoming infection levels at below 1%.

The 1% number seems to me completely bizarre given the dynamics of infection with Omicron.  If you allow a 1% infection rate, it might as well be 100%.  And the WHO is a political organization so WHO knows which way the winds will blow day to day.  So that's not about science, that's for sure.  So as usual, all of this is about saving face at this point.  The right thing to do is to open up travel to tourists, assuming you want them to come.  Right now it still feels "NOT FUN". Tests are NOT FUN.  Quarantines:  NOT FUN.  Therefore:  no tourists.  Easy!  

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Won't happen for a while. The few that have the money are running Thailand not the people. 

And the private sector is not organized. They have no say in the matter.

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15 hours ago, sandyf said:

The UK, with a similar size population, dropped  all restrictions and they have just reported over 100K new cases and nearly 17K in hospital.

Obviously those that are in favour of removing restrictions think that everyone is quite happy to risk being infected, odds are about 1 in 20.

Never been very lucky with gambling.


Because the symptoms are are widely reported as generally no worse than the common cold. Most people are simply not frightened any more. Any how, reported numbers are expected to drop substantially next week when the government stops supplying free test kits. People will stay home if they are unwell and only seek medical attention if they become seriously so.




Edited by DoctorB
Posted before completed.
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14 hours ago, KhunMorris said:

So is Scotland and everything is opening up there. No-one except 80+, morbidly obese and the unvaccinated are dying.



No it isn't......if you want to make a point do not base it on  a falsehood..

The peak in Scotland appeared the beginning of  January at about 18-19,000/day, currently they run at about 13,000. 



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12 hours ago, DoctorB said:

Because the symptoms are are widely reported as generally no worse than the common cold. Most people are simply not frightened any more. Any how, reported numbers are expected to drop substantially next week when the government stops supplying free test kits. People will stay home if they are unwell and only seek medical attention if they become seriously so.




17K in English hospitals and over 2K in Scottish hospitals would indicate a bit more than a cold, but then there are those that have little concern for others.

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