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Will Thailand be ready for the next generation?


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3 hours ago, blazes said:


The sinking of Bangkok can be cured by hiring a few Dutch civil engineers who have several hundred years of experience behind them in combating a rising tide.



This has been suggested without much knowledgeable thought behind it. 

The Netherlands lowlands and the larger reach of the swampy river basin that makes up the greater Bangkok Metropolitan region are completely different beasts - geographically, climate, soil dispositions, etc. 


Such a task that the most competent civil infrastructural engineers couldn't solve - even your beloved Dutch variety. 

Dacca [Bangladesh] might prove to be a better comparative example to work with than that of Amsterdam and environs.


The lower great basin/flood plain of Thailand is an incredibly vast area that is quite complex in it's natural state, let alone when we add a century plus of "civilising" concrete and asphalt where it wasn't meant to be. 


The early inhabitants of this vast and unpredictable region had it down throughout the latter part of the 19th century well into the 20th century. Such well laid plans and strategies were destroy with the onslaught of modern civilisation [whatever that is]. It's been too late for quite some know. 


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3 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

555 Thailand hasn't been ready for any generation...so much as for the next:cheesy:

Yet, quite advanced as an extended social and familial order - compared to some circles of the world. 

Real thinking perspectives will differ. 

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:


The future of Thailand will be defined by a it's ability to grow it's own food and generate it's own power. Along with it's ability to defend itself from foreign takeover (internally or externally).


In many ways, Thailand is far in advance of many western countries on all those issues.

What's your drug of taste?

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8 minutes ago, topt said:

Isn't that sustainability?

Not by modern definitions.

You could grow your food with the possibility of destroying the fertility of the land.

You could burn coal and oil for as long as it lasted.


I wonder how the UK will do without the Russian gas that powers it's power stations?

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:


The future of Thailand will be defined by a it's ability to grow it's own food and generate it's own power. Along with it's ability to defend itself from foreign takeover (internally or externally).


In many ways, Thailand is far in advance of many western countries on all those issues.

The world has always been changing, as has climate and so the primary issues.  Defending against vikings plundering western Europe, establishing the US navy to protect shipping from the predations of Algerian slave traders, Victorian zeal for providing education throughout the Empire and beyond.  What has never changed is the need to be able to provide food and energy and to survive agression and subvertion. 

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:


The future of Thailand will be defined by a it's ability to grow it's own food and generate it's own power. Along with it's ability to defend itself from foreign takeover (internally or externally).


In many ways, Thailand is far in advance of many western countries on all those issues.


Yet, I'm sure such logical statements will be lost by most.

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1 hour ago, Enoon said:

Ordinary people think it's a "conspiracy"........or a "hoax".

All because they, in their most primitive, basic form, have an emotional connection to their IC car

That's ordinary people for you.

I think it's a conspiracy by those that own everything to subjugate those who own nothing, and yet I generate most of my own power, and walk or ride a bicycle most of the time.


What I find slightly odd, is that those who 'believe' usually do nothing except talk about how everyone else should change.

Edited by BritManToo
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Thailand was left behind by its own people and leadership, not since yesterday but for generations. The face prevents making mistakes and dialogues with opposing cores, the inferiority complex is overtones with racism and hatred against anything non-Thai. 

But you have to let them sort it out themselves; doomsday is around the corner and Thailand will see a rather bumpy ride into the challenges of the 21st century. The bottle neck is always on top of the bottle - go figure. Looking at how the leadership elects itself and keeps on taking its electorate on a never-ending merry-go-round, there is only hope, that the underlings and the no-haves ........ had it and  instigate a repetition of the 14 July 1789, this time not France but Thailand. Bernard-René Jourdan, Marquis de Launay could (or rather would not want to) decipher the writing in big capital letters all over the wall - the rest is history. 

But lets see what they have up their sleeves this time. Dr Thaksins daughter, completely unknown and zero experience of the CEO-job of the Kingdom, sweetheart of every dirty farang - Anutin - or then another top ticket in form of another academic (graduated at a laundromat university somewhere in California and is on record for miracles. Lourdes and Fatima are known for miracles, here it is a loose cannon who boarded a plane to Sydney with baking flour which turned into some kilogrammes of illicit material. He subsequently enjoyed four years with the compliments of the Australian taxpayers free of charge on full board basis for something he would have been handed down the death sentence in his home country Thailand. 

So, no, Thailand is in any aspect not ready for the next ten years, lets forget about the next generation - but will have to sneak through, albeit not with the show-off fanfare of the last 30 years. The Thai electorate will have to go though the drought and there is, for a change, nobody outside Thailand to blame! 

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5 hours ago, micmichd said:

Thailand is going to work together with NL. 

And climate change is not a hoax, whether man-made or not. 

work together with NL great idea get some ideas about how to run coffee shops in a roll up Sabai  good ganja

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9 hours ago, blazes said:


The sinking of Bangkok can be cured by hiring a few Dutch civil engineers who have several hundred years of experience behind them in combating a rising tide.


But then Thailand would have to change its attitude towards farang expertise. 


Luckily for Thailand, the continuing existence of Bangkok throughout this century will prove that the climate "catastrophe" was a hoax (and that climate always "changes" over the whole existence of this planet.)

Thinking Exactly that after reading the article : Dutch Designed / Built City Sea Wall & Water Management.

Then saw your post . What IS the matter with these fools ? AV IQ 90 doesn’t help I suppose.  

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14 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

I wonder what those "many ways" are???????????

Fine NHS , Fine Private Hospitals, Great Care of Old People; nothing else occurs ……

now my personal reasons for being here have nothing  to do with progressing the country….

Safe Cheap Warm Simple Family 

No Rules Tropical Lifestyle….????

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I think it's a conspiracy by those that own everything to subjugate those who own nothing, and yet I generate most of my own power, and walk or ride a bicycle most of the time.


What I find slightly odd, is that those who 'believe' usually do nothing except talk about how everyone else should change.

It is common in extremist cults for the annointed ones to exhort others to keep to the narrow path - with suitable penalties for failing to do so - while they  are exempt.  This is explicitly the case with socialism/communism where the perfect state is only reached after the dictatorship of the proletariat which as Lenin explains is a dictatorship by a group of Bourgeois over the proletariat until the latter have been inculcated with the right thoughts and behaviours.

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I agree the post about the tropical climate and vastness of the drainage basin being unlike Holland and sinking BKK is unstoppable IMHO.   Global warming will result in more weather extremes.  Utah broke many hottest day records Sunday as it has done so often the past few years.  Also worst drought in 1200 years

Indra Nooyi, the former chair and CEO of PepsiCo, is widely considered one of the most powerful women in corporate America. 

She has a new  book  " My life in full" in response to a question about why she is so concerned about low birthrates  she states  "I think we need young people so that we can keep growing. If we don’t have young people, how are we going to support the aged, how are we going to build future consumers?".  

So telling.  

Can Thailands cheap labor compete with robots?  Can a turn in the education system occur fast enough when it looks like zero change is happening? I don't think those in government want education.  They see the threat educated young people represent. 

Produce your own food?  In a drought with lots of chemicals. Whatever they are doing  is it related to the rising cancer rates?

To all you long timers, you may love many  things available in your life in Thailand but, I ask you this.  How hard is it to teach the average Thai person  new things?



Edited by Elkski
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Until recently, "climate change" was called "global warming" by alarmists, until it was shown that the globe ain't warming. So another narrative had to be introduced to feed the sheeple, and further enrich the powerful elites.


Nonetheless, it cannot be gainsaid that the climate is changing, as it has done for millennia and longer. What is contentious is how much anthropomorphic (man-made) activity has contributed to it in modern times, which cannot be proven. Furthermore, do the doomsayers believe, (if they have thought about it), that reducing egregious human consumption, pollutants and harmful gases to some kind of "net-zero" will actually impact, much less reverse, climate change? The argument is tenuous, to say the least.


Not to say that curbing large-scale, industrial waste and pollution is a bad thing, of course. But we shouldn't overlook the advances that have been brought to human civilisation because of industrialisation.  For example, plastics have brought life-changing benefits to mankind; it's disposal leaving much to be desired, however. This latter "side-effect", or unintended consequence, is something which can be improved, even eradicated, given sufficient will.


My instinct is that an immense amount of the supposed impending perils wrought by climate change are invoked by vested interests; primarily, a case of "follow the money".  Much of the  disaster scenario timelines painted by Al Gore in the misleadingly titled, "An Inconvenient Truth", did not eventuate and have proven to be a crock of faeces.  Those leading scientists who attempt to portray a different reality are ignored, sidelined, shouted down, or have their funding cut off.


At this stage, the bandwagon would appear to be unstoppable, as politics, and vast sums of money being made by those with an eye on the main chance, are the main drivers, no matter the truths or absence thereof behind the move.

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9 hours ago, scorecard said:

There's very little to no evidence that the methods and ultimate quality of education are about to change in a big way so Thailand continues to be well under-prepaared for the future. 


In the meantime countries like Vietnam, even Cambodia make big improvements and are developing (especially Vietnam) quite quickly. And Vietnam has made bif improvements in education. 

These things have been quite evident for a good decade now. 

Don't know if the Thais have the moxie, determination or logical sense to catch up. 

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