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Have You Now Come to the Complete and Utter Realization that you NEVER want to Leave Thailand?

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My Dear Friends,


Some of you may have reached this epiphany early in your stay in Thailand, as did I, years ago. And, others of you may have gradually come to the realization that Thailand is the only sane place to live, after consideration of alternative inferior options among the many countries in our world.


As you realize, and for very good reason, there are very few Thai people who wish to leave this blessed land.  Some do,...yes. However, after seeing what is outside Thailand, most yearn to return to this blessed land.


I think it is difficult to say, in so many words, the reasons why we so deeply love Thailand. And maybe, many of these reasons cannot so easily be expressed in words, perhaps it is more of a feeling.  After all, some authors have written books about the simple feelings we feel.


Even I, in all my vaunted verbosity, am unable to describe, with any accuracy, my love for this place.  I guess you just gotta experience it for yourself, longterm, in order to understand what I feel.


So, is this a serious post?  Yes...Absolutely, it is.  What could be more serious than this?


I have lived in a few places, and I have traveled to a few more places in this world. And, compared to every other place where I have lived or traveled to, there is no place that measures up, even by half, to this place, Thailand.


It may be hard to quantify or explain, understandably, for people who have not first lived in many countries, elsewhere.  You really need to live in many countries before coming to Thailand, in order to appreciate this land.


Well, this is really all that I wanted to say.  Except, I just hope that I can stay here long enough to be carried out of my digs in a pine box, and then set on fire, with a few old “old friends” enjoying the heat of the flames.


But, really, why should I care about what might be?  Here I am, NOW, in Thailand.  Should I not, more fruitfully, focus on my blessed time, NOW, instead of thinking about my funeral pyre, or what might occur in the near future?


Honestly speaking:  I have been so very blessed to come to Thailand.  This country, this land, is the best place I have ever known.


Well, sorry, I think I might have just forgotten the original question of the topic.


However, I am just saying that, if you want to live happily in Thailand, then maybe:


You must possess a genuine, abiding, and longstanding love of Asia

You must also have an affinity for, and love of, the culture of Asia, and the culture of Thailand


This is not about farang visiting coffee shops, such as old farang men congregating to talk like hens over a cuppa, completely isolated from the culture around them, something which I often see….  My apologies to you, the reader, since I could certainly have expressed this feeling far more succinctly.


Maybe I am saying that, if you, the farang, have not lived in Asia for about 40 years, then you might not grasp just how great it is… how great it is to be here.


We know from reading comments on TV that there are many here who have been in Asia longer than I.  However, most of these are now lying under tomestones, one might imagine, or they are fretting over the writing of their wills and beneficiaries.


When all is said and done, my friends, and when we compare the many countries we have visited, then….there is only one country we love most.  I am not saying that the country you love most is Thailand.  I am just saying that Thailand is the country I love most, after many years, and for so many varied and valid reasons.


Best regards,



Note:  Throughout my life, I have never been either a tourist or a backpacker, nor a packrat.


Note2:  I first came to Thailand in 1971.  And now, the year is 2022. What is that...51 years?


Note3:  Knowing what I know now, I should never have left Thailand, 50 years ago.  This is how much I love Thailand.  Each to their own, of course.


For sure, there is no other country I love more than Thailand.  This is the way I see the world, comparatively, I guess.

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6 minutes ago, it is what it is said:

no chance. my hometown is in a beautiful village in a wonderful part of the country, beats anything thailand has to offer. thailand has its place but home is home.

Would you not concede that "culture" might be a factor in choosing a place to live?


After all, we all know places which are more scenic and more upscale than anything Thailand has to offer.


Yet, in my opinion, culture is crucial, and i would be bored living in these places which might be far more comfortable, and far more high-end; and I can name a few, easily, where I grew up, and places which I also miss.

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The only thing that I was trying to say is that I grew up in a decent neighborhood, with neighbors in Gladwyne, PA.  


Like this...




These were my neighbors.

BUT, it was very boring.



This is just a small house, compared to where I grew up.


Very boring, for sure.


(What?  Me joking?  No!)


Living on the Main Line, in Pennsylvania, was super comfortable.  Also, it was stultifying, and nerve-racking.  I lived on the Main Line for about 20 years, until I had had enough of it.  And then, I left for Asia.  This was the best decision of my life.


There is NO village there, and no community, only houses, and people there live a meaningless existence unless they sometimes go to the city to have their car stolen, or to attend classes at the university.


It does not matter how comfortable one's environment might be if one is living in a place with so much social distance that one never engages meaningfully with another human being.


It might look nice to you, but it is not.


Here in Thailand, I can talk to anyone I like.


Also, here in Thailand, the people who know me always smile at me, and they always greet me in the kindest way.


I will never leave Thailand.

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40 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

More importantly, can you leave Thailand?  Many are basically stuck here with condos, homes, wives, kids or low money cannot afford to move back to western civilization.

You have made a very good point, I believe.


I have heard some stories concerning others who may not have come to Asia for the right reasons.


Maybe, the question you need to ask yourself, before you come here and retire, or you come here to set down roots, is this:


Do you love Asia enough to live and die here, and have your ashes scattered here in some local river or pond, not to mention the Khwae Yai River, แม่น้ำแควใหญ่?


If you are willing to have your bones scattered here, then please come to this place, and love it.


Please Note:  I am totally OK, when I die, to leave my remains to enrich the local soil.  Either that, or, as I have said before:  Donate one's body to science, which is not easily done, if one is a farang, so we have been told.

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NEVER is such a drastic word. Why use is or even think it?

Ok, I am sure I will never have sex with some ugly old women, but for many other things, why restrict yourself?

Likely I will spend the rest of my life in Thailand. But maybe I go on holiday to another country. If bad things happen, which I don't expect, I could also possibly move to another country.


Sometimes we have threads here that people want to move to Thailand for their retirement. Sure, if you like it do it. And think about what you are doing. And maybe you are as happy as you think you will be. But maybe not. Why try to make decisions for eternity? How about: I plan to stay here for at least a couple of years.

And then, if things go different then expected, think again.

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25 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

NEVER is such a drastic word. Why use is or even think it?

Ok, I am sure I will never have sex with some ugly old women, but for many other things, why restrict yourself?

Likely I will spend the rest of my life in Thailand. But maybe I go on holiday to another country. If bad things happen, which I don't expect, I could also possibly move to another country.


Sometimes we have threads here that people want to move to Thailand for their retirement. Sure, if you like it do it. And think about what you are doing. And maybe you are as happy as you think you will be. But maybe not. Why try to make decisions for eternity? How about: I plan to stay here for at least a couple of years.

And then, if things go different then expected, think again.

As you say correctly, if one is a true scientist, one should never speak in such inflexible terms.


And, as you might have already considered, basically, what is most wrong with our world today is that the majority of us do not follow the Scientific Method.


We do not test our hypotheses.


As you know, Thailand is a very long country, though not very wide.


Just out of curiosity, what is the very best place to live in Thailand, but only a place for those not wishing to live near the water, or the ocean, where most farang and hippies seem to congregate most?


What is your opinion???



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2 hours ago, mania said:

Yup that is the truth

Then they post topics and say they use to live in mansions in western civilizations but it was boring 555

Truth is Hotel California is popular in Thailand for good reason.... they can check out anytime they like but they can never leave

People who disrespect their life in the way you describe are stupid.

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:


Ok, I am sure I will never have sex with some ugly old women, but for many other things, why restrict yourself?


I used to enjoy having sex with ugly old women, but I was younger then. 

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1 hour ago, rott said:

I used to enjoy having sex with ugly old women, but I was younger then. 

I never did that. But I heard stories from friends who though they had sex with pretty women until they woke up the next morning. Like: Did I really f#$# you? Oh my god. 

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2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I never did that. But I heard stories from friends who though they had sex with pretty women until they woke up the next morning. Like: Did I really f#$# you? Oh my god. 

Being with an older lady always seemed to make it "dirtier", until one night I realised that these "older" ones I was sniffing after were 10 years younger than me.

I was never sure what lesson to take from that. 

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Sure Thailand carries a plethora of positive vibes, and as the days easily slip by I surely enjoy my time here, always something to occupy my days life is easy.

I actually enjoyed my time on the East Coast of NZ and my wanderings there 

Enjoyed the city life working in and around London, visiting Europe.....

I guess I just don't overthink things and take places as I find them......appears to keep me happy and contented, is Thailand to be the last stop......who knows ????


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At least easy to feel sane in Thailand, as long you have the resources to live a decent life there.


I love my home country, and always keep that place as a safe return base, since by history we know the future, and Asia will change fast and rapid in the future, maybe for better maybe for worse, we do not know. But we know the influence China will make on the countries in the region, and white skin can be difficult to wear when China becoming more dominant in the region, at least if you already living on minimal resources. 

For me who by family history can expect to have around 40 years to go, I feel Thailand is just a temporary place to live. 

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3 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

I never did that. But I heard stories from friends who though they had sex with pretty women until they woke up the next morning. Like: Did I really f#$# you? Oh my god. 

Doesnt that go both ways ????

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A truly mystifying post. I live in Thailand because of the low cost of living and access to women young enough to be my daughter. Even a backwater like Alabama (my former home) is more expensive than Thailand and my modest retirement income is considered "well to do" in this country. I don't have any respect for the "culture" because they don't respect MY culture. Unlike much poorer countries such as the Philippines, Thailand STILL does not have a universal healthcare system. Buying insurance here would negate the cost of living advantage because of the outrageous premiums I have been quoted. The shocking racism and xenophobia on display here is certainly no selling point. The constant efforts of immigration aimed at making it more and more difficult for expats to stay here long-term, should concern anyone wanting to live here. It's obvious that the OP is quite charmed with Thailand, but I don't really share those sentiments. At 72, I am getting too old to move elsewhere, but the medical situation seems to point in the direction of the Philippines. I am now in my sixth year of living here and I certainly regret not going to Costa Rica, which was my early choice because of the advanced healthcare system, which is among the best in the world. Stuck here for the foreseeable future and I feel like I am walking a tightrope as a healthcare crisis is almost certain as I continue to get older. Now it's time to sit back and read the flames which will invite me to "<deleted> off" if I don't love everything about this sad little country.

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TH ... Just one of 200 countries, with no special positives or negative.


Never say never ... it will do for now.  Wife & daughter are here, and if they were elsewhere, I'd be elsewhere.

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I can't predict the future, so I never say never. I thought I would never be in a long-term relationship again, someone here changed my mind.


On balance of probabilities, it is very likely I will not leave Thailand, and die here. I'm not fussed if I do.

Sure, Thailand has its minuses. Some of the shop attendants have less attention span than a goldfish. I've learned viewing Thailand's foibles with amusement is preferable to going with frustration.


OTOH, I got a fine for speeding last month in the mail recently. 500 baht. In Australia, that same level of offense would have cost me 14,000 baht, and a license suspension for 3 months.


Other posters are correct, many of us could not afford to live in their country of origin. Here, I can live quite comfortably, and also enjoy freedoms that are no longer present in an increasingly restrictive country.

During the height of the pandemic, I don't recall Thailand ever saying to its citizens abroad -  you are not permitted to return home. Australia did.


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36 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

I can't predict the future, so I never say never. I thought I would never be in a long-term relationship again, someone here changed my mind.

Told myself that a few times, 2 live ins, and 3 marriages later ...

... if ever single again, think I can stick to it, next time I'm talking to myself.

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