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Hair Transplant Clinic Recommendations?


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Good morning all. I am looking for recommendations for a good hair transplant clinic (or tips on ones to avoid) here in Thailand. I hope to have this procedure started in the next few months.


Online I seen many clinics offering this treatment. The Bangkok Hair Clinic seems to be the most prominent one. Of course I am concerned about quality and price. I would especially like to hear from people who’ve had personal experiences with one. Thank you in advance for any help.

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You just go to Istanbul like the whole world seems to go to.  There are guys walking around the whole city with bloody head bandages and quality and price are very good from what I have heard. The Turkish lira is about 15 to one $USD. Airfare is cheap on Turkish air. Hotels cheap. Food cheap. Nobody cares or stares at your bloody head and bandages after they google " why do so many men in Istanbul have bloody bandages on their head" just like I did 5 years ago when I was there and noticed even more 3 and 4 years ago. For British posters " bloody " equals red stuff seeping from your head onto bandages on your head. Also many woman go there for boob jobs you never know who you might meet at a hotel or resort on the Turkish Mediterranean while you are healing for a week or so before you return back home. 

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I had my hair transplant done in Istanbul 3 years ago and initially I was very satisfied with the results. Clinic was great, very professional, price was very good and they seem to have lot of experience with the hair transplants. However, I can see that I will have to go for at least one more transplant in few years. If you would like to know the name of the clinic you can PM me for details.

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One doesn't need hair in this climate,If you worry about Sunburn when going outside put a cap on I Do. 

Don't have to show off with a full head of hair  we to old for that.

Anyway I looked at some transplants they look like cr@p.

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I assume you are already on Finasteride? 1mg per day will stop any further hair loss. It's branded as Firide in Thailand and available from larger chemists without prescription. Buy the 5 mg tablets and cut into 4. Your hair loss will stop within a day or two and for as long as you take the tablets each day. You might even grow a little hair back.

Edited by Stevemercer
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Not up to date with whats happening with living hair follicle transplants these days.

I had 2 series of transplants of (my own hair from the back of my head to the top) about 30 years ago by a surgeon/specialist in Kogarah, Sydney NSW.

The follicles taken came from the back of my scalp, from two strips cut out, each about 4 cm long.

I had no more surgeries after the first two, I was told that to get a great result I would need 4 or 5 surgeries in total. With time to allow the follicles to survive or not, and then another series inserted once the scalp had recovered sufficiently.

The hair that was transplanted grows very, very well even today.

It's still emerging at the same rate with no death of the transplanted follicles at all. I use electric clippers to cut all my hair off now.


I believe there are synthetic implant processes nowadays that are extremely durable - Shane Warne (the wizard spin bowler cricketer) had these inserted sequentially years ago and his hairdo/style looked good I thought.


Given the quality of Thai corrective and cosmetic surgery I would imagine you'd find a master surgeon here with a bit of research and due diligence. I'd call around the best BKK hospitals and see if they have any referrals for you.


From what I remember the surgeon told me that each of us has either a good prognosis for transplanting some not. This depends on the pattern of family balding, your individual patterning, the strength of your hair to considered for transplanting, and the amount of follicles available to be transplanted.

I never used any ongoing medications except some pain killers and antibiotics in the immediate aftermath of the twilight anaesthetic surgeries.

I could have achieved a good thick natural result if I had had about another 3 surgeries to cover the monk pattern baldness I had (and partially still have if I let the hair grow).

I didn't go ahead with the additional surgeries to achieve solid coverage because I realised with my surfing and other sporting lifestyle along with the shelling out of another $25K AUD to do the work wasn't worth it, although now that I have more bucks I have considered finishing the process, even all these years later. Yes, yes vanity is a curse!

For me the initial series of two sessions was multiple follicles but not in corn rows like you see some guys have. The surgeon had a great rep and randomly placed the flesh-plugs.

The next series (which as I say I never had) would have been single follicles randomly added to create density and a natural distribution as per my pre-baldness. If I leave the hair to grow it is somewhat clumpy i.e. 3 or 4 follicles in each plug.

I would imagine with surgical advances and experience the best surgeon can create amazing results now with very natural patterning. 

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I don't send much on ASEAN as rarely have much to say but I want to make a positive comment about hair transplants especially in Thailand.  I have had 3rd transplant in my life and the 3rd one was 5 years ago at Absolute Hair Clinic in Bangkok (absolutehairclinic.com) by Dr. KongKiat Laorwong.  First one was in the USA 25 years ago so folks are correct in saying you will probably have more than one, but they are spread out over many years.  Minor pain for only 5 minutes when they administer the anesthetic by needle.  Stings a little but very tolerable.

Dr. KongKiat Laorwong is world renowned for his skill in transplants and I will probably return for my 4th transplant and last one in Dec. 2022.  Just a final fill-in for density.  This doctor is the best and I highly recommend him.  A bit pricey for FUE type transplant but he will do the transplant without shaving your head, which is preferred by me.

I would recommend you go to absolutehairclinic.com and most of your questions will be answered.  Then if you want, go for a free consultation.  I am only a patient of Dr. KongKiat and am not correlated to the clinic in any other capacity.

General Comment:  There are those that are truly comfortable being bald and this is to be admired.  Unfortunately, I am not one of these individuals and feel no guilt for feeding my vanity even at 75 years of age.  And you shouldn't either!  

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I will also recommend Dr. KongKiat Laorwong (absolutehairclinic.com). I got a strip transplant some 10 years ago and it went very well. Back then he also had a clinic in Phuket but I think he is only operating in Bangkok now.

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I was playing with microblading. The cheapest full head is from 30k. 

Before going for that I went to try microblading on eyebrows for some 3k. Because I have a very oily skin (from walking unprotected on sun) it lasted only a few months and now just an unnoticeable shade.

So I went for hair colouring tube 25b, lasts around 1 year. I am happy with results, because I have all grey hair. Made me look 10 years younger. Just 45 minutes home job every month.

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  • 1 month later...

There are too many unhelpful replies to your question.  When I asked many years ago for recommendations bald people came out of the word-work to try to shame me into just cutting it all off.  Most of them get angry when I suggest they do them, and I'll do me.  They need to validate their own choice to themselves or something.    Anyways, I've had two good experiences at Apex in Thong Lo.  It might be a little more expensive than the average here in Thailand but they had some famous thai personalities use their services in the past so I trusted them more.   Quite happy with the results 4 years later. 

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  • 8 months later...
On 5/5/2022 at 11:16 AM, jak2002003 said:

Just shave your head and you will look good!  In fact you will look better than with a hair transplant.  


Why is it that so many who shave their heads feel a new compulsion to compensate by growing a beard ?


Get over it already.

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