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Payback time! Polite gunman shoots entire family dead - friend hears murders on shocking video call


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2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Killing a kid deserves no mercy - bullet to the head, end of. More and more like the wild west every day here

Let him rot in jail, I hear there's 30 plus to a room with a stinker in the same room.


He can then reflect on how beautiful life is.


Edited by 4MyEgo
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2 hours ago, Kerryd said:

I know of a couple people who were "grassed" for drugs. Old g/f of mine got a 3 year sentence after cops found drugs in a room she shared with another girl. Supposedly the drugs belonged to the other girl but the cops busted both of them.

The landlady of a building I used to live in was asked by a former tenant if she could deliver a box the tenant had left behind. The landlady was stopped by the cops who apparently were waiting for her (having been tipped off by "someone" it seems). I was told that for a couple hundred thousand baht the whole matter could "disappear". (I wasn't about to donate any money for that.)

A few months ago, a guy I know through a friend got busted. He runs a hair shop and, because business is bad, makes house calls. I'm told a friend of his asked him to come over and give him a haircut.
Shortly after he arrived, the place was raided by the cops who accused the hairdresser of being a drug dealer. (He claims he never sold drugs and what they found in his friend's room wasn't his.)
Not sure how that went down. Can't tell if the cops were watching him or his friend or if it was just a set up (which wouldn't make sense as the guy doesn't have the cash to pay a bribe and isn't the kind to do anything that would p*ss anyone off to the point they'd go through the effort of setting him up).

He's still in the remand center waiting trial it seems.

Doesn't take much though, to p*ss someone off enough that they'd go to extreme lengths to get back at someone, like planting drugs in someone's house and then tipping off the cops.

As an ex-cop in a former life, here's my take. Business is indeed bad. What's a very plausible cover for dealing and making bank in hard times? Dealing, and being a house-call hairdresser. 

No reason why one can't do the actual haircut as well, watertight alibi if he's stopped when leaving and has no drugs on him. 

Here's the other thing, the cops don't just randomly do a raid at a random time. It's a planned operation, based on hours of stake-outs, even here. 

Here's a third thing.

I met a very attractive young beautician through my missus, it was well known among her customer base that she plugged meth. For <deleted>s and giggles I asked her if she had any, and her price, she showed me a baggie with a few crumbs of crystal she claimed was a 0.1g or a "point". Now the big scam at these nano-weights is the worthless baggie weighs a third of the merch! Asking price? THB 3000

I also know Thai streetwalkers pay around B200 for about the same weight. 

I smiled my best Thai smile and asked her if she smokes it or puts it in her butt (Thais don't generally know of this more efficient ROA) she looked confused and a bit cross.

My missus had her nails done and we left. 

I may be an ex-cop but I'm no grass, I also happen to like grass, and I study Asian drug culture as a hobby, I think the war on drugs is a crime against humanity.  

And these are just the latest victims of it. For weed. Think about that, Gentlemen.

Edited by chalawaan
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5 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

People are in a fragile mental state after the COVID nonsense and we're just getting started. It was entirely predictable but the government don't seem to have done anything to mitigate or deal with 

Not sure how you connect covid to this situation in any way. He already clearly  stated why he did it, which was revenge. These type cases have been going on forever and will continue. 

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Kae believed that a friend of Bell's had planted them there so he had gone to his house to get revenge.


So he shot a whole family that he didn't think had anything to do with the alleged planting of drugs on his mother.  Why would he think that was revenge?

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6 hours ago, swm59nj said:

I like the way some people say there are more crimes in the USA and other western countries. 
Try watching the Thai news every night.  See how many crimes involving murder, robbery, rage, assault happen in Thailand everyday. Act like very little violence and crime happens here. 
In reality there is a problem with crime here.  So just because you dislike  your home country or couldn’t afford to live there .  Don’t be turning a blind eye here.  

Nonsense. Try reading foreign newspapers. 500 burglaries a day go unsolved in Britain. Knife crime, youth violence, acid attacks are rife. Many people don't go out after dark.  Crimes of violence  against women have made the  headlines because of police involvement and as for Mexico - half a million murdered in a decade and mass murder and shoot outs  in the USA are off the charts compared  to here.  Crimes of violence and rape are very common in USA prisons too. Because  real news reporting is forbidden here sensationalism is rife and gives a very distorted and exaggerated of reality. If the OP stopped watching sensationalist TV and just walked  around he would realise Thailand  is very safe. If it wasn't I wouldn't  live here. There is a serious  crime problem here as there  is most countries but all things considered it compares very favourably to the  UK and  USA, South and Central America and many other regions.

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19 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

He won't see anything of his mum in prison.

He will be watching the Glock for a long time!

Sounds like the whole lot of them are in some sort of business together, but blame Putin for this as the gun was Russian.

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16 hours ago, brianthainess said:

25 years for ganga what ever that is, is it like GANJA ? is very unlikely and no where even in the full story does it mention ganja I would suspect a class A drug not class C.

It was a very confusing article. It was mentioned the guy killed them because they were growing drugs on his property. So, what were they growing? Not opium. Not yaba. Not coco leaves. So, what other than ganga?

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2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

It was a very confusing article. It was mentioned the guy killed them because they were growing drugs on his property. So, what were they growing? Not opium. Not yaba. Not coco leaves. So, what other than ganga?

I think you misunderstand the word, 'Planted', is not growing, and growing is also not mentioned any where in the OP.

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21 hours ago, redwood1 said:

Well if your innocent mother was sent to prison for 25 years and you knew who did this to her, no telling what you or anyone else might do...


Yes these killings did not help anyone but I can have some understanding of the situation , if the mother was jailed on a set up..... 

Apparently, many people are set up in this country, I heard many stories and This happened to the wife of a friend of mine as well,...Planting drugs and telling the cops (in some cases the cops are accomplice,..)


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