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Prayuth latest: Has a swipe at social media for always making trouble where there is none


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18 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Going to assume that he is not trying to save the coffers and travel budget cattle class with the unwashed poor


Does Hornpub have a magazine too. I think the channel was blocked.

My friend just asked me.

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On 5/27/2022 at 8:12 PM, mikebell said:

Few Governments in the World are made up of Army generals who are unused to criticism.

Instead, it's made up of cycling politicians/corporate-types/militarist [one and the same] that are highly sensitive and easily offended to whatever challenging or questioning criticism that might be tossed their way....even when it's well deserved - which is all the time. 


Seems to be a universal trait among all of our "leaders", as more often than not they all tend to be of an unscrupulous character - regardless of their proposed makeup and background.


Not that I'm defending Prayut, just suggesting that he sits among fine and broad company without comparatives.

Rascals. The lot.

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10 minutes ago, billd766 said:

OTOH they were freely and legally elected by the Thai people.


His nominees and his sister won free and fair elections

I believe technically this is not true, due to cronyism, corruption and next-gen vote buying.

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29 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Is that something you think Prayuth does…treat others as he would like to be treated? Gotta say I haven’t seen much evidence to support this absurd proposition - have you? Isn’t it far more likely that he is a thin skinned autocrat who has time and again trampled, harassed, silenced, jailed and even ordered the the army to shoot those who don’t silently acquiesce to his tyranny?

Akin to many heads of state. 

Though, the manner might differ.

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9 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

That's you opinion, I believe the facts contradict you though.

You “believe” that the facts contradict me? Which facts are they? Do you care to share them? Do you think Prayuth’s ascension to power was more or less democratic than Thaksin’s.


You, my friend, exhibit all the hallmarks of an individual who has no clue as to what “opinion” and “fact” actually mean and the differences between each term. Go find yourself a dictionary - it will help you avoid further embarrassment.

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5 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

You “believe” that the facts contradict me? Which facts are they? Do you care to share them?

I know better than to waste time searching for evidence that a Thaksin zealot will likely dismiss as "yellow-shirt propaganda".  The very fact that you don't even acknowledge the basics of how Thaksin was not technically fairly or freely elected, speaks volumes.


Most rational centrists can at least admit the corruption and harm that the Thaksin dynasty had on Thailand.


5 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Do you think Prayuth’s ascension to power was more or less democratic than Thaksin’s.

It wasn't democratic at all.  That's kind of the point.


In the short term, it was obviously beneficial to Thailand, as it stopped Thaksin.  Long-term, it's harder to say as Thailand has been through a lot in the last few years.

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4 minutes ago, billd766 said:

As opposed to guns, tanks and yet another military coup.

It doesn't stand apposed to anything.  If one person says that Thaksin was elected in free and fair democratic elections, while another points out that this is technically not true, it has nothing to do with how the current regime gained power.


4 minutes ago, billd766 said:

Is that a better way to take over a country?

Did I say it was?

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2 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Finally some truth from you.

Well, yes, I'm not going to waste my time for you.  That is the truth.  ????‍♂️


2 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

I’d bet my left nut that you have not ever even once in your life bothered to search for evidence

I've searched many times, that's why I know it.  I'm surprised you haven't, to be honest.  How can you be sure of what you are saying if you haven't?


2 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

after all, why waste time when ignorance and prejudice can offer immediate satisfaction. 

I'm not ignorant, nor am I prejudiced.  What would I even be prejudiced against?  Or are you just throwing around words you heard somewhere else that you thought sounded cool?


2 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

I am curious though, if you are, right now, unaware of or unable to recall any facts that support your position

I've recalled the facts.  It's supporting evidence that I don't wish to waste my time searching for.


2 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

how exactly is it that you arrived at your erroneous opinion?

How can an opinion be erroneous?  Do you actually know the difference between an opinion and a fact?


2 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

(Hint: ignorance + prejudice).

Nope.  ????

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4 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

Well, yes, I'm not going to waste my time for you.  That is the truth.  ????‍♂️


I've searched many times, that's why I know it.  I'm surprised you haven't, to be honest.  How can you be sure of what you are saying if you haven't?


I'm not ignorant, nor am I prejudiced.  What would I even be prejudiced against?  Or are you just throwing around words you heard somewhere else that you thought sounded cool?


I've recalled the facts.  It's supporting evidence that I don't wish to waste my time searching for.


How can an opinion be erroneous?  Do you actually know the difference between an opinion and a fact?


Nope.  ????

Opinions are wrong when they contradict facts. For example if one were of the opinion that the earth is flat, one’s opinion would be wrong.


Prejudice is holding a preconceived opinion that is not based on facts, reason or actual experience. With this in mind, let us examine your position on supporting Prayuth’s coup - let’s use an analogy:


Suppose a patient presented at the emergency room with a small but deep laceration to their pinky finger. The attending Dr offers two options for treatment: 1 - a couple of stitches or 2 - amputate the arm at the shoulder. Both these options solve the issue of the lacerated pinky, but only one makes any sense. Amputating at the shoulder is an absurd over-reaction… much the same as abandoning democracy via a military coup is an absurd over-reaction to rectify the minor deficiencies of the elected governments of Thailand since 2000.


The pertinent question for you is this, why is it that you can see the obvious with the lacerated pinky finger but are so completely blind to the obvious in regards to the coup? The reason, my friend, is prejudice. You are blind to reason and logic  and evidence and facts because of your political prejudices. It is the exact same reason the senseless slaughter of 19 school children in America cannot in the slightest amount cause the gun nutters to alter their stance and support even the weakest proposals for gun regulation. 

What a sad and sorry way to live a life.





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On 5/28/2022 at 4:43 AM, daveAustin said:

Ummmmm, let me think. The fact that you were NOT elected and continue to hold the entire country hostage! Everything about you is negative. Only positive I can deduce is it’s not as bad as Burma. You’re a joke mate! 

and yet there are TV/AN members, although very few, who actually think this unelected PM is doing a good job?? The mind sure boggles.

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2 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Opinions are wrong when they contradict facts. For example if one were of the opinion that the earth is flat, one’s opinion would be wrong.

Thinking that the Earth is flat is not an opinion.  That is believing a fact to be true which evidence suggests is false.


I would advise you to go back to that dictionary you mention and try to get a grasp on the difference between a fact and an opinion.  Back to the basics and then approach the subject anew. ????


2 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

Prejudice is holding a preconceived opinion that is not based on facts, reason or actual experience.

So I don't have any prejudice then?  Cool! ????


2 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

With this in mind, let us examine your position on supporting Prayuth’s coup - let’s use an analogy:


Suppose a patient presented at the emergency room with a small but deep laceration to their pinky finger. The attending Dr offers two options for treatment: 1 - a couple of stitches or 2 - amputate the arm at the shoulder. Both these options solve the issue of the lacerated pinky, but only one makes any sense. Amputating at the shoulder is an absurd over-reaction… much the same as abandoning democracy via a military coup is an absurd over-reaction to rectify the minor deficiencies of the elected governments of Thailand since 2000.


The pertinent question for you is this, why is it that you can see the obvious with the lacerated pinky finger but are so completely blind to the obvious in regards to the coup? The reason, my friend, is prejudice. You are blind to reason and logic  and evidence and facts because of your political prejudices. It is the exact same reason the senseless slaughter of 19 school children in America cannot in the slightest amount cause the gun nutters to alter their stance and support even the weakest proposals for gun regulation.

It's great that you feel passionate about this and want to put so much effort into having a go at an analogy.


I think, though, you're getting a little lost.  You haven't actually established why the military coup in 2014 was akin to amputating an arm at the shoulder, while the Thaksin dynasty was like a lacerated pinkie.


That is an opinion.


2 minutes ago, MrMojoRisin said:

What a sad and sorry way to live a life.

Also an opinion, based on a faulty hypothesis at that, so fairly meaningless ad hom.


Like I say, it's great that you have the passion and the enthusiasm to go to this much effort.  You just need to put in the groundwork to ensure that what you are saying is factually accurate and logically concluded.


Keep trying.  ????

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On 5/28/2022 at 9:27 AM, webfact said:

The former army general has never fully got used to criticism

Are Thais in general able to take criticism? ????


Not many in my experience, but they will be the first to criticise you and stab you in the back to make themselves look competent and good. 



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13 hours ago, arithai12 said:

You are right of course, he should have gone to Japan on foot, along with all its entourage. Flying a "vip jet" as you say is what most prime ministers around the world do, not so much for comfort as for efficiency: take off at any unscheduled time they please as required by emergencies or other pressing matters, for example. May I also add that, as you surely know, prime ministers do not organize their own trips and do not check how many dollars per hour they cost.


I am certainly not a fan of Prayuth, of the way he came to power, of the objectionable new election rules, and so on. However, I view comments like yours as absolutely populistic and a perfect example of the way that social media is pervaded by people who are out just to get likes from other social users. Which, I am sorry to say, is exactly Prayuth's point. Also sorry to see you stoop so low, when I do respect many other of your posts.


As a Thai taxpayer, I think that if he is a civil servant as he claims, and spending our taxpayers' money, he should take commercial flights like everyone else. 


Curious to know, do you pay taxes in Thailand? 



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2 hours ago, billd766 said:

Compared to this lot they were nothing.


OTOH they were freely and legally elected by the Thai people. In Thaksin's case he was the only freely elected PM to complete his 4 year term, and he then stood for another 4 year term and won an absolute majority in the house. Even senators stood for election back then. Why did he not complete his second term?


He was removed by a military coup.


His nominees and his sister won free and fair elections but his sister was removed from office. Again by another military coup.


Was Thailand better off, freer, much happier, more prosperous under Thaksin? 


It most certainly was compared to every military coup who try to darg Thailand back into the dark ages.


Do I like Thaksin? not really, but compared to the current lot, he IS the light at the end of a long dark tunnel.

Excellent post Bill, but it was not Yingluck who was removed from office by the present unelected PM, it was the PM who took over from her.

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1 hour ago, possum1931 said:

Excellent post Bill, but it was not Yingluck who was removed from office by the present unelected PM, it was the PM who took over from her.

Does it really matter? Yingluck is who they were aiming at and she was the one they got, one way or another.


Oddly enough they ignored her successor and went after Yingluck until they realised what a hot potato they were holding.

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3 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

It doesn't stand apposed to anything.  If one person says that Thaksin was elected in free and fair democratic elections, while another points out that this is technically not true, it has nothing to do with how the current regime gained power.


Did I say it was?

To be fair. No you didn't say it was.


OTOH you didn't say anything at all.


3 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

Well, yes, I'm not going to waste my time for you.  That is the truth.  ????‍♂️


I've searched many times, that's why I know it.  I'm surprised you haven't, to be honest.  How can you be sure of what you are saying if you haven't?


I'm not ignorant, nor am I prejudiced.  What would I even be prejudiced against?  Or are you just throwing around words you heard somewhere else that you thought sounded cool?


I've recalled the facts.  It's supporting evidence that I don't wish to waste my time searching for.


How can an opinion be erroneous?  Do you actually know the difference between an opinion and a fact?


Nope.  ????

You are not going to waste your time on Mr MojoRisin, you are not going to waste your time with me or anybody else who disagrees with your opinion. You claim to have spent a lot of time searching but you don't post any links.

You seem to deny that the current government came into power with a military coup. 

You seem to do a lot of denying and fence sitting and giving technical opinions, whilst seeming to avoid the reality of the current situation.

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