Popular Post stoner Posted June 19, 2022 Popular Post Posted June 19, 2022 9 hours ago, BonMot said: Then there's this... Chronic pot smokers never amount to anything in life. How can you function at the best of your capacity while high af? The old psa about living in the parents basement very true. The only productive people I've ever met who were habitual smokers were growers. ok here we go was a certified customs specialist for many years in canada. i also did consulting for duty drawbacks for some major companies. i bought and sold 2 hours for over double purchase price. made 400 percent off bitcoin at the peak of the market. have been married for over 15 years. speak thai quite fluent as well. over the last decade or so i have helped hundreds of people with various treatments with cannabis oil etc. helped develop the largest private medical dispensary chain in toronto. ran the extraction department and quality control. in about 2 to 3 years max i will push my net worth over 1mn usd. quite the accomplishment considering i am high from the moment i wake up until i sleep.......... for the past 30 years. i could go on but you already made up your mind didn't you. mom i told you to cut the crust off my sandwiches. not cool. 3
sawadee1947 Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 4 hours ago, spidermike007 said: So, you are a believer in reefer madness, and still embracing a fear campaign created 90 years ago? Ganga creates peace. Alcohol seems to inspire violence. Which is the greater detriment to society? WRONG causality. It's not about effects Ganga vs alcohol. And it's not about fear having started 90 years ago. It's about possible effects on your behaviour in a wider sense. It's no doubt about that ganga will have the o.m. effects I mentioned. Sure, druggies would deny. 1 1 1 1
Popular Post SunsetT Posted June 19, 2022 Popular Post Posted June 19, 2022 13 hours ago, spidermike007 said: The hallucinogenics helped me tremendously to gain perceptions of the world, my life, and a philosophy about it all. Yep, when I was writing about weed 'opening your mind', this is so much more true of LSD. It was the 1st drug I ever tried and Ive never been the same since...555. But, as with you, in a good way. I only took it about 6 times and, ironically, the drug itself gave me the insight that I was messing with my sanity, so I stopped. Never regretted taking it though, and it should be compulsory for psychiatrists who would then truly know what they are dealing with. 2 1 1
BonMot Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 7 hours ago, Bday Prang said: And then there's this.... chronic drinkers never amount to anything in life. How can you function at the best of your capacity while drunk af? The old psa about living in salvation army hostels or under disused railway bridges or in derelict buildings is very true. The only thing chronic drinkers produce is urine often covering their own clothes and bedding First, that is simply not true. There are millions of high functioning alcoholic. Second, this is a total logical fallacy. In fact, you have a few going on there. 1 1
BonMot Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 8 hours ago, Bday Prang said: The weed is NOT illegal although I can't fault your maths. On the other hand presumably alcoholics are people of the highest quality and can only benefit society Again, the false equivalency. 1
BonMot Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 8 hours ago, Bday Prang said: heavy drinkers make light of the trauma which spinning ,nausea, inebriation, paranoia and disassociation with reality all very real if you are not used to drinking 40% by volume alchohol ore even just 5% by volume beer in sufficient quantities. nothing to do with weed just alcohol there have been many and will be more hospitalizations but not many on here complaining about cannabis are so vocal about alcohol, why is that? Again, the tiresome, trite false equivalency. Weed-head logic says remove weed insert demon alcohol and flip the argument. Trouble is it's not true. Moreover, while people can and do drink too much alcohol is far easier to gauge it's affects. A few tokes of high grade ganja and it's over for the very casual user. Of course, pot heads rarely suffer from the issues I had described because of the immunity built up. In fact, users need stronger and stronger weed just to get high. Pot heads never amount to anything in life. That's just a fact and the few that have are merely exceptions that prove the rule. Comparing to alcoholics lol. Why not heroin addicts? The topic is ganja. Not debating which type of addict is best to be. You must be high. 1 1 7
BonMot Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 7 hours ago, stoner said: ok here we go was a certified customs specialist for many years in canada. i also did consulting for duty drawbacks for some major companies. i bought and sold 2 hours for over double purchase price. made 400 percent off bitcoin at the peak of the market. have been married for over 15 years. speak thai quite fluent as well. over the last decade or so i have helped hundreds of people with various treatments with cannabis oil etc. helped develop the largest private medical dispensary chain in toronto. ran the extraction department and quality control. in about 2 to 3 years max i will push my net worth over 1mn usd. quite the accomplishment considering i am high from the moment i wake up until i sleep.......... for the past 30 years. i could go on but you already made up your mind didn't you. mom i told you to cut the crust off my sandwiches. not cool. Most of this is just dumb luck to be perfectly frank. The rest of it is nothing to be especially proud of. Wonder what your potential would have been if you didn't spend your life high as a kite. Bought crypto and watch it soar. What an achievement. Millions decided not to get out and look where they are. Unlike other trades crypto is sort of skill-less. Buy and sell. 1
jacko45k Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 11 hours ago, stoner said: for the sheer amount of cannabis smoked every day on this planet the number of incidents related to that smoking is so low it can almost statistically be 0. so when i make a generalized comment like it never happens....this is what i'm referring to. That statement is a load of gobbledygook.... what on earth are you smoking! 1
Popular Post pomchop Posted June 19, 2022 Popular Post Posted June 19, 2022 I would rather deal with a pot head than a drunk any time.... 2 2
jacko45k Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 3 minutes ago, pomchop said: I would rather deal with a pot head than a drunk any time.... Is that your rather limited choice? 1 1
stoner Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 32 minutes ago, jacko45k said: That statement is a load of gobbledygook.... what on earth are you smoking! its obviously over your head. no problem. 1 1 1
stoner Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 48 minutes ago, BonMot said: Most of this is just dumb luck to be perfectly frank. The rest of it is nothing to be especially proud of. Wonder what your potential would have been if you didn't spend your life high as a kite. Bought crypto and watch it soar. What an achievement. Millions decided not to get out and look where they are. Unlike other trades crypto is sort of skill-less. Buy and sell. wait so working 3 part time jobs in order to save and pay for school so i graduated debt free....then spending years as a professional broker advancing a career all along the way....thats all dumb luck. you are clearly quite obtuse.
jacko45k Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 8 minutes ago, stoner said: its obviously over your head. no problem. It is in yours I think! 1
stoner Posted June 19, 2022 Posted June 19, 2022 Just now, jacko45k said: It is in yours I think! what would be your guess on how much weed is smoked daily on planet earth ? a few tones maybe a few dozen or thousand ? now how many times daily do these events happen. you could run some math numbers and find out that what i'm saying is pretty bang on. lets not have facts get in the way ok. 2
stoner Posted June 20, 2022 Posted June 20, 2022 1 hour ago, BonMot said: Most of this is just dumb luck to be perfectly frank forgot to mention. i also lost 40k cad in weed stocks. that must be dumb luck too. or maybe i learned from my mistake and made smart calls with btc a few years later ? naaaa 1
pomchop Posted June 20, 2022 Posted June 20, 2022 1 hour ago, jacko45k said: Is that your rather limited choice? i have dealt with both pot heads drunks and nearly all variety of people but the subject at the moment is pot.
huangnon Posted June 20, 2022 Posted June 20, 2022 On 6/18/2022 at 4:51 PM, alex8912 said: Then how can millions of Americans who have been purchasing legal weed in many states NEVER EVER have had ANYTHING compared to a bad acid trip!! This of course includes weed that is 30% and higher in THC levels. You are scare mongering beyond belief! Acid and weed are completely incomparable. Your post should be flushed down the toilet! You've obviously never tried skunk, 1
Popular Post spidermike007 Posted June 20, 2022 Popular Post Posted June 20, 2022 4 hours ago, BonMot said: First, that is simply not true. There are millions of high functioning alcoholic. Second, this is a total logical fallacy. In fact, you have a few going on there. I know plenty of brilliant people who smoke, and it has not slowed them down. To the contrary, alot of highly intelligent people use herb to slow down their brains, create some perspective, alter their perception and boost their creativity. Speaking from experience, there is little about ganga that is harmful, as long as it does not become a daily habit. I used to smoke occasionally. It was delightful, and did not make me stupid. It did make me funnier, and enhanced my life on several levels. Dancing, sex, skiing, music, movies, and many other activities seemed more enjoyable. I consider alcohol to be infinitely more toxic to the body and mind. Not to mention society. Yet, it is legal. Like many things, moderate use can be enjoyable and relaxing for many. And from a medicinal point of view, it is astonishing. My mother smoked. She had severe degenerative osteoarthritis of the spine. She was in alot of chronic pain. It helped her alot. And my guess is it was far better for her health and mind, than pain killers. 2 2
Popular Post spidermike007 Posted June 20, 2022 Popular Post Posted June 20, 2022 2 hours ago, huangnon said: You've obviously never tried skunk, Lightweight. Wrong. The very powerful ganga today, can result in spinning, dizziness and some symptoms. It is strong stuff. But, rarely does it lead to any complications. In rare events, it might push someone with a serious illness over the edge. Most people will just pass out, and be fine in a couple of hours. I say that from experience. LSD on the other hand, has led to long term effects, for those with weak minds, or those on the verge. 3
Marpa47 Posted June 20, 2022 Posted June 20, 2022 On 6/18/2022 at 8:45 PM, khaowong1 said: The "he's not wearing his mask" police, are never going away. ????♂️ Masks have been in use in Japan, (just for one example and the best one IMO), for the longest time just as a courtesy / precaution — when someone is feeling like they might have something that could be communicable they wear a mask to protect everyone they come into contact with. What a concept. Never forget the time, just walking down the street in NYC and someone walking towards me unleashed the loudest, wettest, most powerful sneeze before I could avoid it, which left me bedridden a few days later with flu symptoms. This was years and years ago but will never be forgotten. The guy in fact, instead of covering his mouth, actually opened both arms as if bestowing a wonderful gift. But, as has been said over and over, (to paraphrase), with all the precautions and preventions and even effective treatments for all the various illnesses mankind and womankind can pass along to each other, there is still no cure for stupidity. And not wearing a mask will remain for many a brave, clever and proud statement of their rugged individuality… to the end.
Marpa47 Posted June 20, 2022 Posted June 20, 2022 On 6/19/2022 at 10:03 AM, BonMot said: Chronic pot addicts make light of the trauma which spinning, nausea, inebriation, paranoia and disassociation with reality all very real if the person has no tolerance for the stuff and has done a few bong rips of high thc ganja. Especially if they have never smoked before. Mixing alcohol and weed... There will be hospitalizations. A co-worker’s Jamaican father, (a Rastafarian which regards ganga as a sacramental substance), smoked a _lot_. After many years of this practice his father developed severe COPD. That’s a breathing condition where the functional lung tissue, after gradually being destroyed, can no longer a). Provide the necessary ‘oxygen in / carbon dioxide out’ function it normally had and b). Has lost the ‘elasticity’ which has usually allowed adequate exhalation of air, resulting in ever higher levels of carbon dioxide in the blood, greater and greater effort to breathe due to having to use accessory muscles to exhale just to get enough air into the lungs and finally c) loss of breath with the smallest physical activity or even at rest. This was, admittedly an exception in every way — exceptional use of ganga over exceptional length of time.. but perhaps not unexpected. Like anything, even something that is regarded as harmless or even good for you, too much of a good thing can all to often be… not so good.
Bday Prang Posted June 20, 2022 Posted June 20, 2022 7 hours ago, BonMot said: First, that is simply not true. There are millions of high functioning alcoholic. Second, this is a total logical fallacy. In fact, you have a few going on there. There is no shortage of high functioning "pot heads" as you like to call cannabis users, Elon Musk for example to name just one But the fact that cannabis has been Illegal for a long time, coupled of course with the ridiculous narrow minded views of misinformed people like yourself, generally discourages people from admitting their use too publicly 1 1
Popular Post Bday Prang Posted June 20, 2022 Popular Post Posted June 20, 2022 1 hour ago, Wagga said: "Of course, pot heads rarely suffer from the issues I had described because of the immunity built up. In fact, users need stronger and stronger weed just to get high".... .....Straight out of the mouth of a p!ss head arm chair expert. No one is making you use, like or even accept 420 but at least keep your alcohol induced views to your self. It's a free world, each to their own. So S T F U. Nice turn of phrase and very appropriate "<deleted> head armchair expert" there's a lot of them on here , Have you ever noticed the plethora of panic posts on this website every time there is an alcohol free day looming on the horizon. I think there is actually a pinned post alerting them to the scheduled "dry " days so they can send their long suffering wives to stock up for them at the local shop. Even the daily restriction regarding on buying alcohol between 2 and 5 pm is a big thorn in their side despite the fact that its only enforced in 7/11's and major supermarkets, mainly because to buy it else where would require a very basic level of Thai which in my experience most of them don't have even after 30+ years in many cases I could almost accept non (tobacco) smoking teetotallers discouraging cannabis smoking but when it comes from these old "soaks" it kind of defies any logic whatsoever.( people who live in glass houses really should not throw stones) But on the other hand at least it gives them something different to talk about during happy hour other than "Thai Bashing" which is their other favourite subject Most of them will be 5 or 6 bottles deep by now in their chosen (farang men only) watering hole so there won't be so many pathetic replies posted for a while until they have slept it off 4
sawadee1947 Posted June 20, 2022 Posted June 20, 2022 14 hours ago, SunsetT said: Ive never been the same since Following your post you are absolutely right. But not in a good sense???? 1
BonMot Posted June 20, 2022 Posted June 20, 2022 9 hours ago, pomchop said: I would rather deal with a pot head than a drunk any time.... Probably not. What you are most likely comparing is someone completely zoned out and detached from reality (pothead) as opposed to some pitiful slobbering drunk. Alcoholics are far, far more functional they hold down all sorts of jobs. Potheads can't even land jobs most likely living in parents basement when they're 50. Again, false equivalency. 1 1
BonMot Posted June 20, 2022 Posted June 20, 2022 6 hours ago, spidermike007 said: alot of highly intelligent people use herb to slow down their brains, create some perspective, alter their perception and boost their creativity. Slow them down. Somehow I doubt that a problem. Of course surgeons, lawyers, dentists, data center managers, programmers, scientists, pilots and firemen all like to get high af prior to executing their professional duties. I understand CPAs and Big 5 accounting agencies do bong rips as lunch.
BonMot Posted June 20, 2022 Posted June 20, 2022 9 hours ago, stoner said: forgot to mention. i also lost 40k cad in weed stocks. that must be dumb luck too. or maybe i learned from my mistake and made smart calls with btc a few years later ? naaaa You're right. Naaa. You made the right play and didn't get greedy and got out. Shi+coins is just buying and selling. You decide how much risk you can deal with. Not dumb luck just dumb. Goes to show your trading accumen is not skill but chance and emotion. 1
spidermike007 Posted June 20, 2022 Posted June 20, 2022 5 minutes ago, BonMot said: Slow them down. Somehow I doubt that a problem. Of course surgeons, lawyers, dentists, scientists, pilots and firemen all like to get high af prior to executing their professional duties. I understand CPAs and Big 5 accounting agencies do bong rips as lunch. The big accounting agencies need the creative juice, to figure out a way of getting their multi billion dollar a year corporate clients off the hook, and able to pay no taxes, under an extremely corrupt US tax code. Ganga likely helps with that. Only us commoners pay taxes.
stoner Posted June 20, 2022 Posted June 20, 2022 1 hour ago, BonMot said: Shi+coins could you show me where i said sh*tcoins ? your reading/spelling accumen is brutal.....see what i did there ? 1 hour ago, BonMot said: You made the right play 1 hour ago, BonMot said: Not dumb luck just dumb did you want to chose a side and maybe stick with it or ? you must be a hoot at parties big fella. 1
herfiehandbag Posted June 20, 2022 Posted June 20, 2022 On 6/19/2022 at 6:32 PM, stoner said: so you have a personalized event relating to this topic. big deal. sorry to hear you had that experience but i beg to differ that cannabis was the reason for your attack. lets try this one more time as to avoid any further misunderstandings...... for the sheer amount of cannabis smoked every day on this planet the number of incidents related to that smoking is so low it can almost statistically be 0. so when i make a generalized comment like it never happens....this is what i'm referring to. this is your personal opinion. nothing more. It is , for me, quite a big deal as it nearly caused me to lose my vision in my left eye. It is also probably quite a big deal for my Polish colleague who was threatened with having his finger cut off if he didn't hand over his wedding ring. The police were convinced that cannabis use was responsible for this pairs state of mind. When it came to sentencing their defence used it to ask for mitigation. I don't know the statistics for crime committed when stoned - but it clearly happens. Making up claims about 0 occurrences doesn't help. If you ( and others) want to use the stuff fine, I don't really care, but spare us the "it's totally harmless and only promotes nice warm, fuzzy, peaceful feelings arguments". If that was the case then I would still be able to see properly out of my left eye. "I like it, I want it, I must have it," doesn't mean that it does not have the potential to have side effects.
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