Scott Posted August 21, 2022 Posted August 21, 2022 Former President Donald Trump has launched a furious attack on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in a dispute over the GOP Senate mid-term campaign. Trump said the senior senator from Kentucky should spend more time and money helping Republican Senate candidates get elected and "less time helping his crazy wife and family get rich on China." "Why do Republicans Senators allow a broken down hack politician, Mitch McConnell, to openly disparage hard working Republican candidates for the United States Senate," Trump wrote on Truth Social.
candide Posted August 21, 2022 Posted August 21, 2022 If Trump hadn't backed up morons like Oz..... 1
Popular Post ozimoron Posted August 21, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 21, 2022 He employed Chao. I thought he was only going to employ the best. Obviously he meant the best grifters. 3 3
Popular Post Chomper Higgot Posted August 21, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 21, 2022 Never interrupt your enemies when they are making a mistake. Field Marshall, Napoleon Bonaparte. Let me know is you need a translation into the original French. 3 2
Popular Post bendejo Posted August 21, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 21, 2022 Run third-party Don, that'll teach them! It's great when they devour their own. He's going after one of the most fervent Republicans in the country. Or maybe his buddy Vlad told him to: Russia cancels Kentucky aluminum plant after Moscow Mitch fails to throw election Quote wife and family get rich on China He neglected to add "while she worked in my cabinet." The further he goes in his destruction of the GOP the tighter the noose he's hanging himself with gets. He still hasn't realized he's not a schoolboy denouncing his classmates any more. His fan base is still a fairly solid 35%, it's not going to increase much from there no matter what he says. 6 1
Popular Post Bluespunk Posted August 21, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 21, 2022 “Trump wrote on Truth Social that McConnell's comments about GOP Senate candidates were "an affront to honor and to leadership." Ah huh-it’s not like trump knows anything about either of those things… 9 2
Popular Post Jerno Posted August 21, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 21, 2022 He's such a moron. How anyone thinks he was a good President and yet fit for Office, then and possibly again, is a Great Mystery. 9 1
Popular Post OneMoreFarang Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 6 hours ago, Jerno said: He's such a moron. How anyone thinks he was a good President and yet fit for Office, then and possibly again, is a Great Mystery. Morons are all over the world. But in most countries people don't vote for those morons to lead their country. I blame about 70 million American voters who would vote again for him. And about another 80 million Americans who didn't vote at all. With all those idiots, maybe they deserve Trump. He represents his voters. I am sorry for the minority of Americans who actively fight against Trump. It must be hard to know you have so many idiots around you. 2 1
Excel Posted August 22, 2022 Posted August 22, 2022 With that verbal assault it looks like Donald has started his campaign to take the lead role in the sequel to "Unhinged" ????
Popular Post SunnyinBangrak Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 "Trump said the senior senator from Kentucky should spend more time and money helping Republican Senate candidates get elected and "less time helping his crazy wife and family get rich on China." Well Trump does have a point here. In fact, I believe after the mid-terms and the GOP taking back the house we will be spending lots of time discussing and going after politicians who are earning dodgy money from deals with the Chinese govt and related firms. This should be popular because we see accusations of corruption all the time here, even without evidence, so this is something we can all get behind. 1 1 3
Popular Post Chomper Higgot Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 I don’t like Mitch McConnell, I despise his politics but I also accept he knows a great deal about how elections are won and lost. Trump’s dummy spitting is a response to McConnell expressing his views about Trump sponsored candidates chances in the mid-terms. It’s a battle between old school Republicans and the extreme rightwing. It’s the same battle Liz Chaney has declared her position in. With up to half of all Republican voters already turning away from Trump, this is going to get real nasty. 4
Popular Post SunnyinBangrak Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 4 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said: I don’t like Mitch McConnell, I despise his politics but I also accept he knows a great deal about how elections are won and lost. Trump’s dummy spitting is a response to McConnell expressing his views about Trump sponsored candidates chances in the mid-terms. It’s a battle between old school Republicans and the extreme rightwing. It’s the same battle Liz Chaney has declared her position in. With up to half of all Republican voters already turning away from Trump, this is going to get real nasty. quote "It’s a battle between old school Republicans and the extreme rightwing. " Here we go again. The MAGA movement, contrary to what you may have been told, is NOT extreme right wing. The aims of literally making America great again are putting America first, creating a good economy that everyone will benefit from, do not start overseas wars and conflict, strong borders and the same immigration laws for all, low taxation, protecting free speech from threat, protecting unborn babies, protecting school children from predators, honest and open governance that is willing and able to answer questions, going strong against political censorship by big tech, etc etc. None of this is "extreme right wing" it is just good old fashioned common sense. 1 2 1 2 7
Popular Post Berkshire Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 1 hour ago, SunnyinBangrak said: "Trump said the senior senator from Kentucky should spend more time and money helping Republican Senate candidates get elected and "less time helping his crazy wife and family get rich on China." Well Trump does have a point here. In fact, I believe after the mid-terms and the GOP taking back the house we will be spending lots of time discussing and going after politicians who are earning dodgy money from deals with the Chinese govt and related firms. This should be popular because we see accusations of corruption all the time here, even without evidence, so this is something we can all get behind. It's pretty obvious why Trump is attacking Mitch. Mitch had just said that the GOP may not win back the senate during the mid-terms due to lack of quality Trump's endorsed candidates are pretty lame. He didn't mention Trump but everybody knew. Trump knows that attacking McConnell is pointless because he just ignores him. So he goes after his wife. How cowardice is that? And of course, Mitch's wife served in Trump's administration. Not just any job, but a cabinet position. 7
Popular Post DezLez Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 15 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said: honest and open governance that is willing and able to answer questions Did Trump aver do that, especially answering questions truthfully? 3 2 1
Popular Post Eric Loh Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 34 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said: creating a good economy that everyone will benefit from, Creating trade wars were not good for the economy. The net loss to the country - $114.2 billion consumers paid minus the net production gains and tariff revene - was $24.9 billion. Country worse off in trade wars waged by Trump's MAGA movement. 5
Popular Post SunnyinBangrak Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 4 minutes ago, DezLez said: Did Trump aver do that, especially answering questions truthfully? Yes, he allowed reporters and media people to question him freely and he always answered them, unscripted I might add. Even dreadful hacks like Jim Acosta always was allowed to ask his silly questions and show-boat in front of his fellow media types. That was democracy, that was an honest capable President respecting his adversaries, and showing he was mentally on top of his game. As for thruthfully, well a member here posted a link to some site that had collected Trumps greatest lies. One of the first ones was something about he remembered the weather wrong on some day, he said there was no rain, yet others remembered some rain on that day. Wow so awful. The 30,000 lie claim was a big lie. "President Donald Trump, according to one well-publicized tally, has told 10,000 whoppers during this presidency. His falsehoods include such incredible claims such as accurately stating the number of new jobs since the election. Or Trump saying he signed executive orders that he did, in fact, sign. Or claiming that Sen. Bernie Sanders, who wants corporate taxes to increase, worker wages to rise, and stock buybacks to end, wants 401(k) values to “dissipate.” 1 1 1 7
Popular Post Chomper Higgot Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 42 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said: quote "It’s a battle between old school Republicans and the extreme rightwing. " Here we go again. The MAGA movement, contrary to what you may have been told, is NOT extreme right wing. The aims of literally making America great again are putting America first, creating a good economy that everyone will benefit from, do not start overseas wars and conflict, strong borders and the same immigration laws for all, low taxation, protecting free speech from threat, protecting unborn babies, protecting school children from predators, honest and open governance that is willing and able to answer questions, going strong against political censorship by big tech, etc etc. None of this is "extreme right wing" it is just good old fashioned common sense. Attempting to overthrow elections? 5
Popular Post Bluespunk Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 47 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said: The MAGA movement, contrary to what you may have been told, is NOT extreme right wing No one needed to tell me this is true...some things are self evident 3 1
Popular Post Fat is a type of crazy Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 49 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said: quote "It’s a battle between old school Republicans and the extreme rightwing. " Here we go again. The MAGA movement, contrary to what you may have been told, is NOT extreme right wing. The aims of literally making America great again are putting America first, creating a good economy that everyone will benefit from, do not start overseas wars and conflict, strong borders and the same immigration laws for all, low taxation, protecting free speech from threat, protecting unborn babies, protecting school children from predators, honest and open governance that is willing and able to answer questions, going strong against political censorship by big tech, etc etc. None of this is "extreme right wing" it is just good old fashioned common sense. Not putting America first but putting Trump first. Trump picked those who kissed his ring. It's probably been noted but the the candidate against Liz Cheney was once an anti Trumper too but she gave in to him and kissed his ring and got his endorsement. If I was a Republican I would want free thinking smart candidates - not people who are blindly loyal and just follow the irrational lies of the Trump narrative of stolen elections etc. 8
Popular Post ozimoron Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 1 hour ago, SunnyinBangrak said: quote "It’s a battle between old school Republicans and the extreme rightwing. " Here we go again. The MAGA movement, contrary to what you may have been told, is NOT extreme right wing. The aims of literally making America great again are putting America first, creating a good economy that everyone will benefit from, do not start overseas wars and conflict, strong borders and the same immigration laws for all, low taxation, protecting free speech from threat, protecting unborn babies, protecting school children from predators, honest and open governance that is willing and able to answer questions, going strong against political censorship by big tech, etc etc. None of this is "extreme right wing" it is just good old fashioned common sense. Never forget pizzagate. 5
bendejo Posted August 22, 2022 Posted August 22, 2022 In the past week Liz made a speech mentioning that she knows people who do not believe the election was stolen but publicly say they do, for the sake of political favor. Don't these people understand the consequences of their actions/inactions?
bendejo Posted August 22, 2022 Posted August 22, 2022 6 minutes ago, ozimoron said: Never forget pizzagate. Nor The Bowling Green Massacre. 2
Popular Post ozimoron Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 58 minutes ago, bendejo said: In the past week Liz made a speech mentioning that she knows people who do not believe the election was stolen but publicly say they do, for the sake of political favor. Don't these people understand the consequences of their actions/inactions? They are clearly grifters who put their personal success above ethics and duty to protect the constitution. Liz Cheney gets it. They aren't doing the work of their constituents, just their donors. 3
Popular Post Eric Loh Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 Come on Mitch, grow a pair and asked Trump how his crazy family benefited from China. While on it, ask Trump why he has a bank account in.China. U.S. President Donald Trump’s tax records show a bank account in China controlled by Trump International Hotel Management, according to the New York Times, as part of its investigation into his tax returns. 2 1 1
Popular Post Berkshire Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 54 minutes ago, Eric Loh said: Come on Mitch, grow a pair and asked Trump how his crazy family benefited from China. While on it, ask Trump why he has a bank account in.China. U.S. President Donald Trump’s tax records show a bank account in China controlled by Trump International Hotel Management, according to the New York Times, as part of its investigation into his tax returns. 5555....I get your point. But since when does Trump ever care about truth and facts? He knew her background, yet made her Secretary of Transportation when he was POTUS. Trump is hyper sensitive about any criticism from high ranking Republicans. He knew McConnell had been ignoring him and didn't know how else to attack the guy in a way that really bites. So he goes after his wife, knowing that his hardcore followers--many of whom are inherently racist--would jump at the chance to attack any Chinese. I'll bet Mitch's wife has already gotten a few death threats over this. It's all very childish, but this is how Trump rolls. 4 1
Popular Post candide Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 3 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said: Yes, he allowed reporters and media people to question him freely and he always answered them, unscripted I might add. Even dreadful hacks like Jim Acosta always was allowed to ask his silly questions and show-boat in front of his fellow media types. That was democracy, that was an honest capable President respecting his adversaries, and showing he was mentally on top of his game. As for thruthfully, well a member here posted a link to some site that had collected Trumps greatest lies. One of the first ones was something about he remembered the weather wrong on some day, he said there was no rain, yet others remembered some rain on that day. Wow so awful. The 30,000 lie claim was a big lie. "President Donald Trump, according to one well-publicized tally, has told 10,000 whoppers during this presidency. His falsehoods include such incredible claims such as accurately stating the number of new jobs since the election. Or Trump saying he signed executive orders that he did, in fact, sign. Or claiming that Sen. Bernie Sanders, who wants corporate taxes to increase, worker wages to rise, and stock buybacks to end, wants 401(k) values to “dissipate.” Why is it that when I check a source linked by MAGA folks, I so often find out It's <deleted>. Quote From your source (an OPINION paper, not a research): "Rather than review all 10,000, I focused on the most recent 50 claims in both “economy” and “jobs,” mostly because I’m confident in the subject matter, and the data is well at hand. I found 27 out of 100 Trump comments to be defensible if not unimpeachably accurate." 50 selected cases out of 10,000! ???? What about the Big Lie, Crowdstrike was a Ukrainian company, "This is a flu. This is like a flu", etc... "an honest capable President respecting his adversaries"! ???? Are you trying to compete with Trump? Or did you forget birtherism, pizzagate, "lock her up", the Democrats have stolen elections, Ilhan Omar supports al Qaeda, Biden will destroy protections for pre-existing conditions, etc... And what about McConnell, who is the subject of this thread, does Trump respect him with so much name calling? 6 2
Popular Post placeholder Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 4 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said: "President Donald Trump, according to one well-publicized tally, has told 10,000 whoppers during this presidency. His falsehoods include such incredible claims such as accurately stating the number of new jobs since the election. Or Trump saying he signed executive orders that he did, in fact, sign. Or claiming that Sen. Bernie Sanders, who wants corporate taxes to increase, worker wages to rise, and stock buybacks to end, wants 401(k) values to “dissipate.” Cherry picking much? Just because not everything Trump says is a lie, is no proof that he lies massively, frequently and freely. Your citing of contrary evidence is ridiculous. 3
Popular Post PremiumLane Posted August 22, 2022 Popular Post Posted August 22, 2022 5 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said: Here we go again. The MAGA movement, contrary to what you may have been told, is NOT extreme right wing. Sure, is that why all the MAGA candidates speak like right wing lunatics, and hang out with the far-right - Marjorie Taylor Greene for a start. 3 4
candide Posted August 22, 2022 Posted August 22, 2022 I understand McConnell.......????
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