Popular Post Photoguy21 Posted September 26, 2022 Popular Post Posted September 26, 2022 6 hours ago, jacko45k said: It happened in countries where psychiatric health issues were not so obvious, USA, Canada etc. You mean in countries where being crazy is the norm. Understood. 1 1 2
Popular Post fuehrio Posted September 26, 2022 Popular Post Posted September 26, 2022 8 hours ago, alyx said: Does that mean that people are being admitted in psychiatric wards because they are using marijuana ??? ???? Kind of far farfetched, isn't ? Surely that would have made the headlines in the rest of the world....years ago, if marijuana was that dangerous Or maybe, maybe, nowadays, these patients declare they are using marijuana whereas a few months ago they would have ended in a court, if they had done so at the time Statistics, statistics... Flabbergasted Mental issues are on the rise globally. No wonder after the social impact by covid, lockdowns, etc. So very farfetched to blame it on cannabis 5
Popular Post kingstonkid Posted September 26, 2022 Popular Post Posted September 26, 2022 I think that there is a lot of truth to this article. That being said I think that to solely associate it to marijuana use since the decriminalization is wrong. The user may have added and been the tipping point for some people with borderline issues. Therefore the number of people being admitted has grown. While it is not a good thing in some aspects it is a good thing as people that ay have needed help are now getting it. As to addiction Marijuana use can lead to the development of problem use, known as a marijuana use disorder, which takes the form of addiction in severe cases. Recent data suggest that 30% of those who use marijuana may have some degree of marijuana use disorder.18 People who begin using marijuana before the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder than adults.19 Marijuana use disorders are often associated with dependence—in which a person feels withdrawal symptoms when not taking the drug. People who use marijuana frequently often report irritability, mood and sleep difficulties, decreased appetite, cravings, restlessness, and/or various forms of physical discomfort that peak within the first week after quitting and last up to 2 weeks.20,21 Marijuana dependence occurs when the brain adapts to large amounts of the drug by reducing production of and sensitivity to its own endocannabinoid neurotransmitters.22,23 https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/marijuana-addictive It is also worth noting that cigarette use, in the beginning, was treated the same with people saying it was better than drinking. That there were no issues with cigarette smoke and that it was not addictive. The old Mary Jane form the 70's did not have the strength or additives that the new stuff does. We are not going to know the major effects of mass use of it until a few years down the road. Just the same as Football and wrestling were harmless. CTE It takes time and people use or abuse this for a long time to find out if there are issues. 4 1
dj230 Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 Not surprised, most people I knew who were addicted to cannabis ended up with mental illnesses, hard to quit the drug once you're hooked for some. Most end up suffering from some type of depression, the rollercoaster highs and lows will do that to you. 1
billd766 Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 7 hours ago, MrMuddle said: More ridiculous claims from people who should know better. One has to wonder if they aren't being "subsidised" to make these wild assertions. How do you know that these are wild assertions? Have you checked with the hospital? Do you know more than qualified psychiatric doctors? Remember that this hospital is only one of many in Thailand. 5 hours ago, jaywalker2 said: deleted post 1
billd766 Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 4 hours ago, jingjai9 said: How well developed is the institution of psychiatrics in Thailand? How long has this area of study been available here? How many years have psychiatrists and psychologists been in practice? Why did you not do a simple Google search? Here is your starter for 10 points. Try starting a Google search here Institute of psychiatry Thailand Here are 2 of about 7.400,000 results for you. Look up the rest yourself. https://www.rcpsycht.org/en/home https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/So This institute was founded in 1889 making it 133 years old. Is that long enough for you? History Founded at the behest of King Chulalongkorn in 1889, the hospital initially occupied a five rai plot of land on one side of the Chao Phraya River. A decade later, it transferred to its current 44 rai campus. The institution's original name was the "Hospital for the Mentally Ill" (Rong Phayaban Khon Sia Sati). It was changed to the "Thon Buri Psychosis Hospital" (Rong Phayaban Rok Jit Thon Buri).[2] When Phon Sangsingkeo assumed directorship of the Mental Hospital, he changed its name to "Somdet Chao Phraya Hospital" in 1954 to remove the stigma associated with the hospital's former name. Its new name was the name of Somdetchaopraya Road where the institute is found.[3][4] In 1955, the hospital started to offer training programs in order to increase expertise in the field of psychiatry and mental health. Shortly after, the Psychiatric Association of Thailand was founded.[5] 1 1
Photoguy21 Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 Funny how so many with tell you doctors know the truth until it is something people dont want to hear then the doctors are making it all up. 1 1
billd766 Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 3 hours ago, jonclark said: "They have increased from only 122 cases in all of 2021 to 103 cases within eight months of January – August 2022." Right - so in 2021 according to the hospitals figures it was an approximate 10 a month admission rate (122/12). So far in 2022 it is a 13 per month admission rate. A rise of three all attributed to cannabis use and cannabis wasn't even decimalized for 6 of those 8 months as it was only decimalized in June. What was the admission rate for 2018, 2019 and 2020 - that might provide further context? I am surprised that this has been pinned on cannabis rather than the god awful economic situation, debt and stress caused by the past two year - obviously that had no impact whatsoever. If this is evidence then its basically nonsense. Thank you for your valuable medical opinion Professor/Doctor of Psychiatry Jon Clark. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor (an M.D. or D.O.) who specialises in mental health, including substance use disorders.
Popular Post spidermike007 Posted September 26, 2022 Popular Post Posted September 26, 2022 1 hour ago, jaywalker2 said: By that definition anything can be addictive, sex, video games, chocolate, yoga, etc. But the point is that marijuana does not create a physical dependency in the way that, say, that alcohol or opiates do. If they've seen only 103 patients, you have to figure that marijuana isn't the cause but the psychological state of the patients. Ganga is NOT addictive. There are no physiological effects when quitting. None. There is a mild psychological dependence. That is not even close to being the same as addiction. Ask any heroin addict. 2 1
Popular Post Bday Prang Posted September 26, 2022 Popular Post Posted September 26, 2022 So people are going crazy after 3+ months of smoking or whatever ?? How much more b/s can be excreted from the mouths of these people. What happened to all the nutters pre 9th of june ? 2 1
Popular Post poskat Posted September 26, 2022 Popular Post Posted September 26, 2022 in addition, another 1,000 thais have been hospitalized after smoking marijuana for the first time with symptoms of feeling lazy and having a strong desire to eat some type of junk food. However, the Dr.s were not able to differentiate them from the normal thai population 1 3
Neeranam Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 With the legislation of ganja, it's pretty obvious more people are going to have mental issues related to the drug, but probably fewer in issues related to alcohol and stress. 2
Popular Post Bday Prang Posted September 26, 2022 Popular Post Posted September 26, 2022 30 minutes ago, billd766 said: Thank you for your valuable medical opinion Professor/Doctor of Psychiatry Jon Clark. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor (an M.D. or D.O.) who specialises in mental health, including substance use disorders. Why are people like you so quick to believe all the predictable utterances from these charlatans , Any body at all can come out with the most ridiculous statement and you "reefer madness" types can't help but laud it as gospel truth, in a sad attempt to justify your unfounded fears which are also based on fictional propaganda from 70+ years ago 2 1
Neeranam Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 1 minute ago, Bday Prang said: Why are people like you so quick to believe all the predictable utterances from these charlatans , Any body at all can come out with the most ridiculous statement and you "reefer madness" types can't help but laud it as gospel truth, in a sad attempt to justify your unfounded fears which are also based on fictional propaganda from 70+ years ago generational thing - my mother is much the same, she's 80
hotchilli Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 11 hours ago, webfact said: Most of the drug-addicted patients are found with the use of cannabis. Idiots.
Bday Prang Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said: Ganga is NOT addictive. There are no physiological effects when quitting. None. There is a mild psychological dependence. That is not even close to being the same as addiction. Ask any heroin addict. Quite right, people need to understand the difference between "habit forming" and "addictive" 2
jonclark Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 3 hours ago, billd766 said: Thank you for your valuable medical opinion Professor/Doctor of Psychiatry Jon Clark. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor (an M.D. or D.O.) who specialises in mental health, including substance use disorders. More than welcome. Rather patronising post, but you are more than welcome. I am glad to have assisted with your understanding. Btw. Nothing medical about my opinion, just an observation, but I am flattered that you consider it a medical opinion. 1
fusion58 Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 5 hours ago, spidermike007 said: There are a few misconceptions here. First of all, cannabis is not addicting. It does create some psychological dependence, but that is not the same as an addiction, such as one has with more serious drugs such as opiates. Stopping the use of cannabis is relatively easy, and results on no physical withdrawal effects at all. Not true. A substance doesn’t have to produce the classic physiological symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal to meet the diagnostic criteria for addiction. 1
Popular Post Bday Prang Posted September 26, 2022 Popular Post Posted September 26, 2022 2 hours ago, Neeranam said: With the legislation of ganja, it's pretty obvious more people are going to have mental issues related to the drug, but probably fewer in issues related to alcohol and stress. You are absolutely right over the years I personally have seen several people I know suffer the awful consequences of alcohol abuse and stress ,including but not restricted to lost jobs, repossessed homes , broken marriages, health problems and even death! Strangely however, due my life long love affair, with "mary jane" I know many more cannabis smokers than drinkers (or stressers) as friends and cannot think of anybody who has suffered any related problems other than being arrested and fined occasionally. The main difference , however, is that problems due to alcohol barely get a mention anymore and due to its widespread use, the anti-alcohol lobbyists are these days considered somewhat irrelevant and even just a bit weird. Whilst the slightest incident where cannabis is involved, whether or not it was a contributory factor, is immediately jumped on by hitherto unknown "experts" and becomes headline news, which only serves to propagate further irrational fears in the minds of the ignorant, but very vocal, minority of people, who despite never having tried it themselves , are desperate to stop others using it, based purely on the outdated notions of "reefer madness" from 70+ years ago, and, more recent, but equally biased and inaccurate research, commissioned to reinforce the original narrative The role of the media , especially the gutter press, in this cannot be underestimated, although it is difficult to understand their motives, other than to sell newspapers . "Big Pharma" and indeed the alcohol producing industry have their own "commercial" reasons for discouraging cannabis use and will no doubt have been using their considerable resources and influence to maintain as many restrictions as possible, as usual follow the money ! But it would be a grave injustice if people continue to be denied their right to use this "gift from the gods" due to either a conflict with the commercial interests of the pharmaceutical and alcohol industries . Or due to weak willed governments being scared of a bit of bad press, as has been the case for the last 70+ years 3
Bday Prang Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 19 minutes ago, fusion58 said: Not true. A substance doesn’t have to produce the classic physiological symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal to meet the diagnostic criteria for addiction. Absolute rubbish ....Regardless of what you say, cannabis is NOT addictive, you obviously have no first hand personal experience, so forget your classic physiological symptoms (or lack of ) and whatever else you think you know and just be told, by those of us who do know . Whilst we are at it I would love to know what kind of "addiction" has no symptoms of tolerance and particularly no symptoms of withdrawal. If there are no symptoms of withdrawal it is obviously not an addiction is it ? 1
Bday Prang Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 5 hours ago, Photoguy21 said: Funny how so many with tell you doctors know the truth until it is something people dont want to hear then the doctors are making it all up. Funny how most doctors are busy curing people of disease and other ailments but there are always a few, who , for a fee and 15 minutes of fame (and possibly a knighthood) , are willing to say anything asked of them. One does not have to look far for other examples of this, The past 2+ years of covid have provided endless examples of "doctors" and other "experts" spewing out all sorts of rubbish either at the request of various administrations, to further their various agendas, or of their own volition, for no other reason than to to raise their social media profiles. None of them were criticised when their doom and gloom predictions failed to come true, on the contrary most of them (in the Uk for example) were generously rewarded with knighthoods no less despite the fact that many of them had a long history of incorrect and panic mongering predictions going back 20 to 30 years if there was any justice the likes of Neil ferguson would be sacked and struck off So yes it is rather amusing, but also a bit worrying , when people start to believe everything that governments tell them just because it comes from the mouth of some politically funded / motivated !quack"
Skallywag Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 6 hours ago, fuehrio said: Mental issues are on the rise globally. No wonder after the social impact by covid, lockdowns, etc. So very far fetched to blame it on cannabis Social media, online shaming, opinions, stupid comments, and hate is causing problems. But agree mental issues are on the rise - kinda follows population increase you know. More people, more have mental issues. Cannabis helps not hurts IMO 2
jaywalker2 Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 3 hours ago, Bday Prang said: Funny how most doctors are busy curing people of disease and other ailments but there are always a few, who , for a fee and 15 minutes of fame (and possibly a knighthood) , are willing to say anything asked of them. One does not have to look far for other examples of this, The past 2+ years of covid have provided endless examples of "doctors" and other "experts" spewing out all sorts of rubbish either at the request of various administrations, to further their various agendas, or of their own volition, for no other reason than to to raise their social media profiles. None of them were criticised when their doom and gloom predictions failed to come true, on the contrary most of them (in the Uk for example) were generously rewarded with knighthoods no less despite the fact that many of them had a long history of incorrect and panic mongering predictions going back 20 to 30 years if there was any justice the likes of Neil ferguson would be sacked and struck off So yes it is rather amusing, but also a bit worrying , when people start to believe everything that governments tell them just because it comes from the mouth of some politically funded / motivated !quack" You're ot talking about marijuana use but marijuana abuse. 4 hours ago, fusion58 said: Not true. A substance doesn’t have to produce the classic physiological symptoms of tolerance and withdrawal to meet the diagnostic criteria for addiction. But the definition i wrong. Addiction implies a physical dependence, which creates a physical craving. What's often cited as an addiction, such as sex addiction, porn addiction, etc. is really a behavioral problem that's indicitive of underlyng psychological issues. Unfortunately, the modern psychiatric community has a vested interest in seeing addiction everywhere, which then has to be treated at great expenses and often medication.
MikeyIdea Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 4 hours ago, Bday Prang said: Absolute rubbish ....Regardless of what you say, cannabis is NOT addictive, you obviously have no first hand personal experience, so forget your classic physiological symptoms (or lack of ) and whatever else you think you know and just be told, by those of us who do know . Whilst we are at it I would love to know what kind of "addiction" has no symptoms of tolerance and particularly no symptoms of withdrawal. If there are no symptoms of withdrawal it is obviously not an addiction is it ? 25 years ago when I went through a divorce, I smoked ganja every day for nearly a year. I started to feel the need in the afternoon, hurried home, stopped at 7-eleven to buy brownies, managed to keep my job. Well, I felt it was difficult to stop, back then, I thought it was physical withdrawal symptoms. It wasn't of course but I could feel no difference whatsoever. It was certainly not easy to stop but I have a lot of self discipline so I decided to stop and I did. What I felt when I stopped lasted about 2 - 3 weeks. What was it I felt when I stopped, cannabis cold?
Bday Prang Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 31 minutes ago, MikeyIdea said: 25 years ago when I went through a divorce, I smoked ganja every day for nearly a year. I started to feel the need in the afternoon, hurried home, stopped at 7-eleven to buy brownies, managed to keep my job. Well, I felt it was difficult to stop, back then, I thought it was physical withdrawal symptoms. It wasn't of course but I could feel no difference whatsoever. It was certainly not easy to stop but I have a lot of self discipline so I decided to stop and I did. What I felt when I stopped lasted about 2 - 3 weeks. What was it I felt when I stopped, cannabis cold? I don't know and neither does anybody else, try doing it again and see if you feel the same you can report back in 54-55 weeks let us know how you get on????
stoner Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 4 hours ago, Bday Prang said: If there are no symptoms of withdrawal it is obviously not an addiction is it ? or what exactly is this new criteria ? dab time.
ifmu Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 unless their is more information then this is fake news
Bday Prang Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 19 minutes ago, stoner said: or what exactly is this new criteria ? dab time. as far as your question is concerned , I have no idea and I doubt he's going to enlighten us anytime soon as regards your closing statement, I can't fault you????
Bday Prang Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 So to sum it up some doctors are saying is that so far in Nakon Sawan this year 103 nut jobs have sought or been forced into receiving psychiatric treatment , which they have decided was due to the effects smoking cannabis. they probably arrived at this conclusion when the patients admitted smoking cannabis ! Anyway this is to date , slightly less than the overall total for the entire previous year (despite "legalisation") but does show a slight % increase and will, quite possibly (hopefully), for them, eventually narrowly surpass it come new year. Which will be yet more final unequivocal, and irrefutable evidence of the horrific dangers of cannabis It will also go along way to validating the "serious concerns" of the 1000 or so senior "medical professionals" (the doctors bosses) who, completely off their own bat and probably without any inducement whatsoever all independently personally signed some petition last week calling for the recriminalisation of cannabis , .on behalf of whoever it was that put them up to it Somebody somewhere either isn't very happy about all this or wants to get a piece of the action
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