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Was doing it by pension but he didn't like the way SCB provided the paperwork but last year he accepted it,so I wasn't going back to the bank and told him just do it the money route as my bank letter showed more than enough to go that way.Always went the pension route ,but no problem,pick up passport today and just go money in bank route from now on

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10 hours ago, ouredd said:

.Anyway I said to him ok ,I am not going to bank just go the money route as my bank letter stated I have loads.

Your post is confusing.

The bank letter does not state "I have loads"...

It simply verifies that you are the owner of the account and the current balance.

Your bank book pages (or statements) so the minimum balance throughout the year. 

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29 minutes ago, ouredd said:

Ok Wise guy,I worded it wrong.I should have said I have enogh money in the account to go the 800000 route,which is there all the time,

Do this in future then problem solved...if you feel the "gayboy" was being awkward spare a thought he may have got out of bed the wrong side and his knickers were on the wrong way... nobody's perfect thas knows.


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38 minutes ago, ouredd said:

Ok Wise guy,I worded it wrong.I should have said I have enogh money in the account to go the 800000 route,which is there all the time,

So you maintain a minimum balance of 800k all year and you also have income of 65k+ per month for the 12 months. 


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