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Government opposition ‘Pheu Thai’ party to reintroduce its policy of War on Drugs, including cannabis, following Nong Bua Lamphu mass shooting


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35 minutes ago, 2baht said:

The 2500 or so people Thaksin had eliminated during his reign had little impact on the drug problem, how many more do you think need to be eliminated for you to realise it's beyond your power to control? ????When you eliminate those that control and fascilitate the supply, and NOT the end users, you may be onto something!

Why would murdering all of your political opponents make any difference to the drug problem. ????:cheesy:


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8 minutes ago, jonclark said:

So killing people is your solution. Brilliant. 


And before you jump off the deep end refering to the tragic deaths at the nursery as your justification for such a myopic and futile final solution.  Stop. You are just being opportunistic and using the deaths at the nursery to fuel your emotive nonsense.



you may accept drug addicts and producers .....  but society doesn't.

I just don't get it '      your ok with having drug addicts on the streets ?    at the very least they need to be incarserated or is that too harsh in your book. 

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Good move politically but the timing is disgusting. Who advises these people, I mean other than thaksin?


No, I'm not a believer in a "war on drugs" as a policy.


Like any issue, this will require many new policies re: health, legal, punishment, treatment. But without controls on the distribution, all are doomed.


But take a beat, help the victims grieve, mourn and hopefully find some solace.

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1 hour ago, steven100 said:

shoot the drug makers, supplier's and addicts. They are a scourge on any society.  

I guess that a good part of Thailand's population would end up dead in this case .... but that is just a bad fantasy ... as long as there is a lot of money to be made in this business , there will be people who want this .

No war on drugs will ever be won , as long as there is a demand for this . People are quite ingenious to find ways to supply themselves with what they want , even illegal .

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7 minutes ago, jonclark said:

Drug addicts are not criminals

sorry,  I don't accept your argument that drug addicts are not criminals, I can tell you there are hundreds if not thousands of drug addicts in Thailand that are criminals and/or involved in criminal activity.... how else can they buy their fix ....   one would have to be very naive to think otherwise. 

Everyone knows right from wrong .....   everyone chooses which path he or she takes,   so a level headed kid at school would know that drugs are wrong so he's not going down that road even though his mate decides to try it ....   So there's no excuse or argument that the drug addict choose his wrong path ... he made his choice ....   surely you can understand that. 

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8 minutes ago, nobodysfriend said:

Why ?

The killer sold and took Yaba , not cannabis .

2 VERY different things . One is a chemical drug known to make people mad and crazy , the other one is a natural plant that makes people relaxed and funny ...

I would not stand on the 'natural plant' platform for 'it must be good'... cocaine and opium derive from them too! 

Edited by jacko45k
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59 minutes ago, jonclark said:

So killing people is your solution. Brilliant. 


And before you jump off the deep end refering to the tragic deaths at the nursery as your justification for such a myopic and futile final solution.  Stop. You are just being opportunistic and using the deaths at the nursery to fuel your emotive nonsense.



I'm talking hard drug suppliers like heroin, meth, yaba,  etc ....  not some weed as it's legal. 

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1 minute ago, stoner said:

you should probably see your way out of this thread. each comment you simply dig deeper into a stupidity hole that i don't see you escaping from.


wanna hit a bong with me ? 

you can believe what you like,  up to you if you like drugs .... not for me thanks.

enough on this subject. ????

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First, PERMANENT wall between Thailand and the North and West.   The YaaBaa is transported through Thailand, not necessarily manufactured here.  If someone from there wants to visit Thailand, flights only.  


Secondly, this will cause the price of YaaBaa to go to zero.   The build-up of supply.


Thirdly, weekly YaaBaa tests of all government workers related to the YaaBaa transportation.


Lastly,  tell parents if kids busted for YaaBaa they lose their house.


killing isn't the answer, we saw that in the Philippines with like 50,000 murdered and nobody really knows if some were politically motivated and a set-up.   Possibly 15,000 were not on drugs but killed to get them out of the picture.   

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