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Thailand abstains in UN vote condemning Russia’s “illegal referenda” in Ukraine


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2 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

If you can’t comprehend the message in the statement where they even include the infringed human rights of the Ukrainians of which they have been deprived then it’s pointless carrying on, goodnight

Of course, everyone bemoans the infringed human rights of the Ukrainians. Except it's not clear who's at fault: Russians, Nato, Banderites, ... Certainly the Thais don't accuse anyone in that statement.


Please don't go. It's late and I'm lonely. We can still be friends.

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1 hour ago, Why Me said:

Yes, he did. After they voted to join Russia. Don't leave that out.

Just like Thailand's PM was elected, so don't leave that aside in your analysis as to how it came about. 

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19 hours ago, webfact said:

Thailand has abstained, as did China and India, in a vote on the UN resolution not to recognise the four regions of Ukraine which Russia has claimed, following referenda held late last month.

Thailands true colours again.... sickening.

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21 hours ago, flossie35 said:

...The areas in question are populated mainly by Russians. For the last few years, while part of Ukraine, they have been bombarded by Ukraine, with 14,000 deaths. Why would they vote to remain Ukranian? For whatever reason, Thailand has got it right... 

I have searched the web, without success, to find information about Ukrainian bombing of the areas in the Ukraine where there were violent rebellions against the government. I am not good at using the Internet and probably used the wrong search terms and I should be grateful if you kindly posted the terms you used for your search.

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Say what you will about the clownish orange man but he never started a war.


Democrats... War incorporated.


The trade off:


Give the FSA all it wants in return for votes. In power, they make backroom deals with military industrial complex and sign blank checks to be paid decades into the future. People are so stupid.

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37 minutes ago, BonMot said:

How far can a nation be pushed before it reacts.


I did state REact. The US has in the last 20 years alone waged proxy war, color revolutions and full blown warfare in dozens of countries. Today, it's active in at least a dozen or more. These are all actions of self interest.


EU are eunuchs


Russia is merely protecting it's self interests in the same way that the US would as called for under the Monroe doctrine set out 100 years ago.


Why do you care aanyway? Are you Ukrainian?


All Western EU problems are purely their own doing. Gee.. we need Russian energy resources desperately so let's boycott (genius!). Bc the genius cannot be contained... Let's put a cap on what we are willing to pay for Russian energy. It's freaking hilarious.


Russia has done nothing save for protect it's HISTORIC self interest. Apparently Thailand AGREES. So get with the program or GBH champ.


Such a laff people on this forum think they kknow something, anything about history, geopolitics.


This is another US military industrial complex proxy war.


Putin isn't going anywhere


Feel free to do donate your personal income, assets to the folly. Leave me out.


Putin will prevail and I'm taking wagers. PM me anyone.




If you believe Russia is entitled to rebuild the Soviet Empire against the wishes of those countries that have no desire to be part of that empire...


However since some of those countries that were former members of the Soviet Empire are now NATO members, and Russia made it clear early in the war that it wouldn't stop at Ukraine, it makes sense to help Ukraine defend itself.  Stop Russia now or stop it later.  The west waited until later to stop Nazi Germany; it was a costly mistake, especially for Russia. 


Your assumption that Putin isn't going anywhere may prove to be optimistic.  Let's see what happens when body bags are sent home to Moscow, St Petersberg, etc.

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13 minutes ago, coolcarer said:

How misguided and hyperbolic you say…..lol


Then go off on a homophobic rant, people dying their hair and to finish of mention how big Putin’s balls are. I detect a little insecurity from you Vlad. Very amusing though.

Methinks another case of don't feed the dinner roll.

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18 minutes ago, BonMot said:



You imply fear. No fear at any level.


Just don't approve of man on man sexual intercourse. Not my lifestyle.

Yes I know Vlad you made that very clear (twice) as one of your justifications for invading Ukraine. How’s Putin’s balls?


quote my full post next time if you insist on replying duckie,,,,,,,lol

Edited by coolcarer
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9 hours ago, BonMot said:

Haha how misguided and hyperbolic.


Apparently, by vote half the Ukraine is quite ok with being aligned with Russia. Then there's Crimea which no one country is saying squat about. Tis another irony.


Then there's all the Obama, Biden mischief in Ukraine hmmmm.


Ironically, Ukraine just as or more corrupt as Russia. Biden (Obama, MIC) stamp of approval.


Appears just as many former E bloc counties are ok with being aligned with Russia as not. Giving historic, energy, geopolitical concerns that is understandable as well as US mischief and color revolutions.


EU grumblings about duly elected officials.


Soviet era... Hahaha. Russia isn't going back to command economy but plenty of Communists running around in western counties demanding all sorts of civilization wrecking stupidity. Demanding society give them a livelihood for sitting about smoking weed, dying hair pink and engaging in homosexual activities. None of this is the least bit productive. The free money.. we see the damage now. It's called inflation


Russia and China have new international money transfer system in place, petro dollar will disappear soon. That will go a long way to putting these US proxy wars in place.


Nazi Germany, Soviet blah blah. This is just fear mongering meanwhile you apparently support never ending wars in distant lands to prop up throughly incorrigible regimes.


Nazi Germany is now 100 years in the past.


Bringing this back to Thailand. Regardless how we feel about it.. each country has a god given right to its own self determination. Thailand abstained.


At least Putin has balls. He always held all the cards but then the west decided to only play weak hands. This is on the Russia's border. No lessons learned from Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. Russia has forever and to think US troops flying homosexual flags could spend even one winter in a trench in Ukraine with their tranny admiral at the helm and battle the bear... well, that is folly indeed.


It's not Thailand's war. It's not USs war. Shi+ happens. Send YOUR private donations now to Zelenski his parents need to upgrade their million dollar home in IIsrael


There will be more votes like this for Thailand. If you don't support the country time for all to go. Domestic or international policies... Time to go

A deflecting rant that doesn't directly address anything in my post.


Nazi Germany existed less than 100 years ago, in living memory of many.  The lessons learned in failure to address an aggressive empire building dictator are timeless.


Votes conducted at gunpoint in occupied territories are as meaningless as votes can be.  If China decided to take Manchuria back and then held a vote in the occupied territory would Russia accept the result?


I never posted that countries that wished to align with Russia shouldn't be allowed to do so.  I posted that countries that are threatened by Russia are free to make alliances to protect themselves.


What Biden and Obama mischief in Ukraine are you referring to?  Give referenced examples.


Your admiration of Putin's "balls" is telling.   Do you have posters of shirtless Putin in your room?  I've observed that sometimes vocal, anti-gay macho men are gay but in denial.


Zelenskyy appears in public and visits front line soldiers.  Does Putin do that?


Thailand abstained on the UN illegal referendum vote because it doesn't want to call attention to its constitution written by the military following a coup and approved in a referendum that fell well short of democratic standards.  However the Thai constitutional referendum was still far better than the farce Russia imposed on the occupied territories in Ukraine.

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3 hours ago, BonMot said:

Much to say but I'll leave it at:


Ironic you have so much disdain for Thailand yet you apparently call it home. You also appear to know precisely why their vote came down as it did. How insightful.


Zelenski is a media whore and a fraud. He's managing media and begging for billions. He's no more soldier than his maid. As point of fact he's a comedian and gay dancer not soldier nor even respectable politician. Putin doesn't need to be on the front line. Apparently Zelenski does.


Ukraine vs Russia. Would have been over months ago save for the billions sent by west.


Typical myopic liberal rant. Can never let the Nazi thing die...


Please make your personal Ukrainian donation at the door.


"Much to say etc:" 

But you didn't........ 

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2 minutes ago, connda said:

(a euphemism for bringing so-called 'democracy' to the unwashed people of color in the ME/NA/Global South as these philanthropists shoulder the "White Man's Burden"), bomb them into the stone-age and steal their resources for the benefit of the West. 

Those who 'abstained' understand they they too are under a constant threat of US sanctions and Western NGO sponsored democracy regime change. 

Look at Saudi Arabia.  MBS didn't bend a knee to Biden and agree to forestall oil production cuts until after the mid-term elections.
So now that Saudi Arabia failed to bow to the political whims of a US president?  They are going to sanction Saudi Arabia.

It's not difficult to see why non-aligned countries world-wide are willing to band together in economic and security alliances to keep from become a target of the collective West.  Thailand included.

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