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Former President Donald Trump files to run in 2024


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1 minute ago, placeholder said:

It is pretty absurd to posit that Trump would think running for office would shield him from prosecution. That would take the kind of ignorance that would make someone think a Senator can be impeached...

Donald Trump is calling for the impeachment of Mitch McConnell. One problem: You cannot impeach a senator. 


How does anyone elect a president so profoundly ignorant?

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17 minutes ago, placeholder said:

It is pretty absurd to posit that Trump would think running for office would shield him from prosecution. That would take the kind of ignorance that would make someone think a Senator can be impeached...

Donald Trump is calling for the impeachment of Mitch McConnell. One problem: You cannot impeach a senator. 


 I was not the one doing the positing.

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1 hour ago, nauseus said:

Scott Reed is a failed GOP campaign manager, who also failed to win a run for state rep in 2016 and who then left the US Chamber of Commerce under a cloud in 2020. Yahoo.  

So the facts you mention automatically disqualify Reed from commenting on anything related to these matters? 

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55 minutes ago, placeholder said:

One problem: You cannot impeach a senator. 

So you say you can impeach a president but not a Senator?

They may not "impeach" in the pure definition, but I do not think it is a clear cut as you state!


The Constitution gives Congress the authority to impeach and remove "The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States" upon a determination that such officers have engaged in treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. The Constitution does not articulate who qualifies as a "civil officer of the United States"!

Impeachment in the United States - Wikipedia


Keep reading the full article, it is full of interesting examples of what happens to "misbehaving" Senators and other "civil officer of the United States"!

Edited by DezLez
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8 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

He has been campaigning all over the place prior to his announcing he was going to run in 24, why then has he been quiet all of a sudden....or is he trying to figure out a way to spin all of his lies and snake oil sales techniques a different way this time, and he is finding it a bit hard....

Just taking a breather?

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2 hours ago, KanchanaburiGuy said:

Words have Connotations and Denotations. Denotations are what words actually mean, while Connotations are what we understand words to mean, even when that understanding is quite different from their definition. 




When a man or woman is described as "hot"........... the Denotation of "hot" refers to their temperature......... while the Connotation says that someone thinks they are sexy or attractive.


When Michael Jackson sang about being "Bad," he wasn't  singing about the Denotation of the word "Bad": "Bad" = bad. He was singing about the Connotation: "Bad" = Very Good!


Donald Trump was Impeached. Twice. So Donald Trump has a vested interest in using that same word to describe how someone else should be removed from their office or position


No, it doesn't work Denotatively: Senators cannot be "Impeached."


But since we still know exactly what he means when he says "So-and-so should be Impeached"........ we need to recognize there's a perfectly valid Connotative value to the word......... even as it fails Denotatively. 


William Shakespeare partly addressed this 500 years ago when he said......... "A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet." As a poet, he understood that as long as someone understands the meaning, strict adherence to definitions.........is not so important!






(Feel free to wallop me severely, now, for having the temerity to equate Trump's words with William Shakespeare's! ????


Go on, now, I deserve it!)








 Your use of denotation vs connotation in this instance is incorrect. Connotation has to do with the  overtones of a word and how those overtones differ from its synonyms. For example "slender" evokes certain connotations, whereas "skinny" evokes others. But in this case Trump was using the same word,  "impeach", to mean the same thing as applied to a Senator as to a President. How does saying a President deserves to be impeached differ in connotation from saying a Senator deserves to be impeached? How do the connotations of impeach in the first case differ from the connotations in the second case? 


The correct way to understand the connotation of "Impeached" is to compare it to "indicted". 'Impeached has connotations of "high crimes and misdemeanors." whereas "indicted"  has connotations of baser criminality. 


You might be able to get away with claiming Trump meant impeach figuratively as opposed to literally. Though, it would be a very inept figure. However, given Trump's demonstrated history of ignorance, there's no reason to suspect that he meant it any other way than literally. This is the guy, after all, who claimed that because he was impeached twice by the House and acquitted twice by the Senate, he can't tried in a court of law on what he was impeached and tried for for. His misunderstanding of impeachment  clearly extends far beyond its connotations.






Edited by placeholder
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54 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Apparently Kanye West asked Trump to be his running mate in 2024.


On his way to meet Trump at Mar-a-Lago yesterday, Kanye West was filmed walking through Miami's airport with misogynistic antisemitic white nationalist Christian fascist incel Nick Fuentes.



It's awful that antisemitism has become so normalized in the U.S. now.

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48 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

Notably, some members here a re Trump supporters who have accused others of anti-semitism.

But that’s the trouble with extremists: they can see the evil in others, but not in themselves or others just like them. 

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4 hours ago, ozimoron said:

Apparently Kanye West asked Trump to be his running mate in 2024.


On his way to meet Trump at Mar-a-Lago yesterday, Kanye West was filmed walking through Miami's airport with misogynistic antisemitic white nationalist Christian fascist incel Nick Fuentes.



Further evidence that politics and democracy in the US have degenerated into reality TV BS.  I really hope we an rise above that.

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Another one for Trump to string out in the courts for as long as he can. 


Writer who accused Trump of 1990s rape files new lawsuit

A writer who accused former President Donald Trump of rape filed an upgraded lawsuit against him Thursday in New York, minutes after a new state law took effect allowing victims of sexual violence to sue over attacks that occurred decades ago.

E. Jean Carroll’s lawyer filed the legal papers electronically as the Adult Survivor’s Act temporarily lifted the state’s usual deadlines for suing over sexual assault. She sought unspecified compensatory and punitive damages for pain and suffering, psychological harms, dignity loss and reputation damage.


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