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This year I am turning 50


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I have nightmares about this. The age I used to laugh at everyone and think how smelly they are. Karma.


Are there any actual advantages to turning 50. I kno in Thailand that automatically turns me into a handsome man, but is there anything else I should look forward to?

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You can save the cost of another 5 years of Thailand Elite membership and get an O-A visa. Instead, the pleasure of paying for useless redundant Thai health Insurance.


In 5 years. if visiting the US you can squeeze out some fast food discounts. I have never been to an Arby's. 

  • Chick-Fil-A: 10% off or free small drink or coffee (55+)
  • Arby's: 10% off (55+)



Edited by Captain Monday
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2 minutes ago, LaosLover said:

I think you're underestimating the pleasure of greatly increased ear wax too.


Twice a year, I go to a doctor by Tapie Gate to get a pea-sized globule suctioned out of each ear -even tho it costs more than having a former bar hostess scrape it out with a toothpick in a beauty parlor.


"Let me see it", I insist. Then everyone in the office comes over for a happily disgusted look.


That's out there for you too.

Try Cerumol.

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10 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

For me 50 was a milestone to get the retirement visa\extension, up until then it was hard work.


50s in Thailand should be fun, 50s in farangland most likely depressing

Enjoy you 50's in Thailand, but get to your 60's then the dynamic can change and repatriation can kinda figure in your decision making process

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