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Taiwanese actress hits back at RTP - Thailand's great but your "unclean" police are NOT - tells them to "stop talking trash"


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6 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Apparently, yes, so  I wonder how much she's looking forward to her and her friends' being interviewed in Taiwan by the Thai police?

Not apparently, the RTP have said in a statement they have it and it refutes what the girl says?

I very much doubt the Thai police will go to Taiwan and interview her, when all they have to do is publish the CCTV footage, then surely all this will be cleared up one way or the other?

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48 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

So we have to accept the word of the alleged drunk, obstreperous woman and disregard everything the police claim?  Doing that isn't one-sided and biased?



Possibly, but the RTP have a track record of not telling the truth, look at all the corruption cases going on. The lady is an unknown, she doesn't really have a track record?

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2 minutes ago, wadman said:

The fact that the police claims that they have CCTV footage and it exonerates them, but refuses to publish it tells you all you need to know.

Got to agree with you. They police have said they have watched the footage, so that proves they have it? Or are they lying about that also?

The fact the have not as yet published it, is very very strange, when it would prove their innocence?

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

Agreed....   Nothing has been found true or false at the moment, but the legitimacy of the public claims made by the Taiwanese lady matter little in a Thai Defamation case, IF one were to be filed. 


The obvious reason for filing such a case is not to win it, but for the publicity - I don’t put the RTP beyond acting with such hubris with the belief that this may sway the optics. 



If she made her statements while in Thailand, then she did run afoul of Thai laws.  You and I may or may not agree with the Thai defamation law, but it's their country, and they can make their laws as they like it.


But it seems that she made her statements outside of Thailand.  For Thailand to file charges, and claim that that specific law applies in this case is serious judicial overreach IMO.  It's essentially Thailand trying to control her freedom of speech outside of Thailand.  I doubt they will file a case with interpol, it will only get them laughed at.


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25 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Apparently, yes, so  I wonder how much she's looking forward to her and her friends' being interviewed in Taiwan by the Thai police?

1. for Thai police to travel to Taiwan, and do police work (even if it is just talking to her) requires official permission from Taiwan.  I doubt they will grant it.


2. She won't be afraid of Thai police in Taiwan, she will laugh in their faces.

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1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:

I just ignore the people I want to ignore....    they don’t need to go on an ignore list or anything...  

If I don’t want to get ‘trigged by someones post’ I can just ignore it. 



It may say something for my maturity levels but I find it quite amusing to verbally spar with people I disagree with...   Mods don’t like it sometimes though. 


I also find it highly amusing when some guys state... ‘Right thats it, you are on my ignore list’... as if thats some how a ‘win’ and they’ve snuck in the last word in etc.....      I never understood that response.


If someone wants to ignore another person, just do that...  why even bother telling them about it ?



It's good manners, polite and saves others wasting their time, sparing for no childish purpose,  everyone knows where they stand.

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29 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

To be "fair", you're suggesting that because she cannot provide any evidence she should just be believed?  Really?  

No.. you’ve twisted it around...    I’m suggesting the she shouldn’t be ‘disbelieved’ just because she can’t provide evidence because there is very little scope for her to have had any opportunity to collect evidence. 



29 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Maybe she would have more credibility in some eyes if she had reported the alleged extortion while she was here instead of waiting until she was out of the country.   

I don’t think you are that naive - she certainly wasn’t. 



29 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Maybe the real story will come out (either side's) after she and her friends have been interviewed by the police who are now gong to Taiwan for that purpose.  Would the RTP risk the consequences of not being able to back up their version of the events with the associated publicity of going to Taiwan if they weren't sure of their case?

The RTP may be ‘doubling down’....   who blinks first ?


The girl claims her group were detained for 2 hours. 

The GrabDriver states he was there for 1 hour before he left. 


Why did a simple police check take so long ???.....  








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BREAKING: Bangkok Metropolitan Police issued statement Mon acknowledging Huay Kwang police extorted money from Taiwanese actress Charlene An as claimed. The statement said the investigation is still in preliminary stage & it's not yet clear if the amount was 27K bt. #Thailand



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48 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:
1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:
1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

So we have to accept the word of the alleged drunk, obstreperous woman and disregard everything the police claim?  Doing that isn't one-sided and biased?

IF you are calling her ‘drunk and obstreperous’ then aren’t you already accepting the claims made by the police ????

No, I'm accepting one of their claims, not all of them...yet.

OK... So you are accepting the claim made by the Police that the woman was 'drunk and obstreperous’...  

How do they know she was drunk, did they breathalyse her ??? - they don’t know she was drunk, they have just thrown out that accusation to muddy things - if she was vocal in her objections they may have ’thought’ she was drunk.


So..  The police claim she was drunk, she claims she was not drunk.... Why do you accept the claim of the police over the Taiwanese actress ?


They also claimed she was uncooperative - would you happily cooperate without any objection if you felt you were being extorted ???... I’d be annoyed and very uncooperative.




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37 minutes ago, mikeymike100 said:

I very much doubt the Thai police will go to Taiwan and interview her, when all they have to do is publish the CCTV footage, then surely all this will be cleared up one way or the other?

How useful is or will the CCTV footage be ?.... is it from a distance ?

Is it clear enough to show that nothing was exchanged ?

Were the hands of the BiB and Taiwanese lady always in clear view?

Is the footage un-broken for ‘over an hour’ (from the very start of the stop to the end when they departed). 

Does it clearly show that neither the ’Taiwanese girl or any of her friends’ departed outside of the field of view (of the cctv footage) at any time.


The Police are claiming they have footage... but that in itself could be mislead and draw us into the impression that the footage can be conclusive - the footage itself may not be very useful at all. We don’t know until we see it. I don’t think we trust the police enough to just take their word for it. 


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14 minutes ago, anchadian said:

BREAKING: Bangkok Metropolitan Police issued statement Mon acknowledging Huay Kwang police extorted money from Taiwanese actress Charlene An as claimed. The statement said the investigation is still in preliminary stage & it's not yet clear if the amount was 27K bt. #Thailand



If that's true, then we know why the won't publish the CCTV footage?

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1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:

How useful is or will the CCTV footage be ?.... is it from a distance ?

Is it clear enough to show that nothing was exchanged ?

Were the hands of the BiB and Taiwanese lady always in clear view?

Is the footage un-broken for ‘over an hour’ (from the very start of the stop to the end when they departed). 

Does it clearly show that neither the ’Taiwanese girl or any of her friends’ departed outside of the field of view (of the cctv footage) at any time.


The Police are claiming they have footage... but that in itself could be mislead and draw us into the impression that the footage can be conclusive - the footage itself may not be very useful at all. We don’t know until we see it. I don’t think we trust the police enough to just take their word for it. 


Totally agree, but the fact they won't release it, seems a little odd?

If she went to the police station, wouldn't there be camera there?

Did the cops have body cams, if not why not?

In a related article:

"CCTV is being analysed from various sources but the Grab car dash cam video from the night in question had already been deleted as it was more than 20 days old."

How convenient?

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2 minutes ago, mikeymike100 said:

Totally agree, but the fact they won't release it, seems a little odd?

If she went to the police station, wouldn't there be camera there?

It seems there was a lot of misinformation and assumptions along with some mistranslation in the original media reports of what the lady claims. 

- I believe she reported that she was ‘detained for 2 hours’.....  Someone may have read this and assume she meant at the police station and reported this as so, which was false - it seems her group were detained [at the roadside].


2 minutes ago, mikeymike100 said:

Did the cops have body cams, if not why not?

Because they don’t wear body cams in Thailand. 

(some may, but they have bought them themselves).


2 minutes ago, mikeymike100 said:

In a related article:

"CCTV is being analysed from various sources but the Grab car dash cam video from the night in question had already been deleted as it was more than 20 days old."

How convenient?

Very convenient.. but not implausible. My Dash-cam footage gets overwrites when the c memory card is full. 



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2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Yes... ALL of that, IF you believe the Police reports and believe the Police have not lied. 


IF you are saying the CCTV was 47 minutes... the GrabDrive has already stated he was there for an hour before he left....   It would seem they have not looked at the full CCTV then !!!



When I’m in a taxi with friends and we’ve had a few, sometimes we are joking, laughing... it can get loud.

I’m not sure how that is possibly an indication that this girl was not extorted for 27,000 baht.  Quite the opposite in fact, being under the influence may have made her an easier mark in the eyes of the police officers at the check-point.


Some of the logic behind the obfuscation is remarkably questionable, utterly desperate in fact. 



Another twist in the tail: Video shows Thai police did extort Taiwanese actress: Chuwit (nationthailand.com)

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3 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

Wow, if this is true then, after all the disinformation (lies) by the police, its going to look pretty bad for the RTP, I wonder if TAT will say anything?????

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9 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:
46 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

To be "fair", you're suggesting that because she cannot provide any evidence she should just be believed?  Really?  

No.. you’ve twisted it around...    I’m suggesting the she shouldn’t be ‘disbelieved’

For the benefit of everyone reading this, including all my haters, I'll emphasise that I accept the RTP force, as an entity, is corrupt.  I also know that not every single officer is necessarily corrupt.


You are suggesting that she shouldn't be disbelieved, even though she has produced no evidence, whatsoever, that her story is 100% true.   I'm suggesting that it would be reasonable and fair to give the same consideration to the police in this case, not every case, as, so far, they are claiming to have evidence backing their version.   


Those who are demanding that the police evidence should be made available to the public right now, in the  middle of the investigation and just before they interview the woman in Taiwan are not being reasonable with those demands.   If it turns out that the police do not have that evidence, the public will soon know as there is now so much publicity surrounding it.

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2 minutes ago, anchadian said:

Thai police confess to extorting Taiwanese actress




Flip flopping Thailand. Now I wonder if the officers were told they could save there jobs by being truthful in light of Chuvits enlightening information and so now the flop.

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45 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

OK... So you are accepting the claim made by the Police that the woman was 'drunk and obstreperous’...  

How do they know she was drunk, did they breathalyse her ??? - they don’t know she was drunk, they have just thrown out that accusation to muddy things - if she was vocal in her objections they may have ’thought’ she was drunk.

The Grab driver made that claim about the four people that he was transporting in his car, not the police.

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1 hour ago, wadman said:

1. for Thai police to travel to Taiwan, and do police work (even if it is just talking to her) requires official permission from Taiwan.  I doubt they will grant it.


2. She won't be afraid of Thai police in Taiwan, she will laugh in their faces.

Apparently they have already been in contact with the Taiwanese authorities buy, obviously, would need their co-operation to do the interviews.   They wouldn't be saying that they will be going there if they weren't going to be allowed access to the woman.


She could refuse to be interviewed and "laugh in their faces" but that would not do her credibility of accusations with no evidence any good if she did refuse.

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5 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

For the benefit of everyone reading this, including all my haters, I'll emphasise that I accept the RTP force, as an entity, is corrupt.  I also know that not every single officer is necessarily corrupt.


You are suggesting that she shouldn't be disbelieved, even though she has produced no evidence, whatsoever, that her story is 100% true.   I'm suggesting that it would be reasonable and fair to give the same consideration to the police in this case, not every case, as, so far, they are claiming to have evidence backing their version.   

In essence, I agree with you - we should be impartial.

In practice extremely difficult given the fact that this is the RTP and is widely accepted as being one of the most corrupt entities in Thailand. 


We have the luxury of using judgment, opinions and experience where there are no facts. 

This may lead to unfair or bias assumptions - however, I think most of us contributing to this thread are in agreement that where there is smoke there is most defiantly fire in this situation. 


IMO (and its just an opinion) the BIB surely extorted this lady - I don’t see any other explanation for her claims unless she’s some neurotic attention seeking narcissistic psycho - but this does not see to be the case. 


5 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

Those who are demanding that the police evidence should be made available to the public right now, in the  middle of the investigation and just before they interview the woman in Taiwan are not being reasonable with those demands.   If it turns out that the police do not have that evidence, the public will soon know as there is now so much publicity surrounding it.

Erm....   it seems that evidence has just been made public. 







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