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Donald Trump bids 'good riddance' to 'failed woke extremist' Nicola Sturgeon after resignation

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

Well, although it is true he will pick on anyone, women seem to be a disproportionate target of his. I don't think he likes women much, except as objects of a fantasy. 

In relation to the disagreement between Trump and Sturgeon , what is your opinion that that disagreement ?

   Do you agree with sturgeon that Male rapists (of females)  should be put in Female prisons , on the basis that they identify as being Female ?

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6 hours ago, Thingamabob said:

We should be careful what we wish for. It is by no means certain that whoever/whatever follows Sturgeon will be any less troublesome. 

Troublesome? Enacting their democratic mandate? The SNP are doing what they were overwhelmingly elected to do.

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6 hours ago, bradiston said:

Let's wait and see. But we've had a succession of Scots running the country from Westminster. MacMillan, Douglas-Home, Callaghan, Blair, Brown, Cameron. Their MPs sit in Westminster but we don't sit in whatever they call theirs. Oh yes, the Scottish Assembly. And we've had to endure several party leaders all hailing from north of the border. The best of them, John Smith, died prematurely, and the Scottish Labour Party with him.

Maybe there should be some sort of limitation on just how involved in UK politics those uppity jocks should be allowed?

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5 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

It was Sturgeon /SNPs new legislation that allowed Male rapists  to serve jail time in woman's prisons , it was passed by the Scottish government  , but blocked by Westminster because Westminster wanted to preserve Female rights and their rights to female only prisons and for them not to be forcible locked up with male rapists .

   Sturgeon resigned because her new legislation was overruled by Westminster because if its detrimental effects on females 

It was passed by the Scottish Parliament - with cross party support. That you didn't know that is unfortunate but it is the politics of another country so your ignorance can be forgiven.


But your ignorance of what happens in your own country - is that so easy to dismiss? If English politicians are so concerned about female prisoners in Scotland, why are they less so about English female prisoners? Do English women not deserve the same 'protection'?


"Transgender politics – like any politics – can be divisive. Yet in the case of Karen White, who is legally still a man but was put in a female-only prison, both sides of the transgender rights debate are united in the belief mistakes were made.


In September last year she was transferred to New Hall prison in West Yorkshire. During a three-month period at the female prison she sexually assaulted two other inmates."



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6 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:

It was passed by the Scottish Parliament - with cross party support. That you didn't know that is unfortunate but it is the politics of another country so your ignorance can be forgiven.


Well you seem to be implying that the bill got passed unanimously with cross party support , but the facts are that the bill got passed and the  vote was 86-39 with most of Nicola Sturgeon's Scottish National Party MSPs, plus lawmakers from the Greens, Labour and Liberal Democrats, supporting the new legislation, while the Scottish Conservatives campaigned against the reform. 


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20 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:



In September last year she was transferred to New Hall prison in West Yorkshire. 



Its important to state that it wasn't actually "last year" , the report is from 2018 , so its actually five years ago  

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9 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Well you seem to be implying that the bill got passed unanimously with cross party support , but the facts are that the bill got passed and the  vote was 86-39 with most of Nicola Sturgeon's Scottish National Party MSPs, plus lawmakers from the Greens, Labour and Liberal Democrats, supporting the new legislation, while the Scottish Conservatives campaigned against the reform. 


Implying? I stated a fact - the bill passed with cross party support. Labour, Lib Dem, Green AND TORY! Yes, it also got Tory support. Just like some SNP voting against it, some Tories voted for it. 


But your big beef has been: 


33 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Westminster wanted to preserve Female rights and their rights to female only prisons and for them not to be forcible locked up with male rapists .

Care to comment about the article I linked to? The thing that you are slamming Scotland for as if we are a country of deviants is already happening in your country and you are totally unaware of it.


"A report published by Fair Play for Women claimed that at least 41% of transgender women in prison were known sex offenders, and that the actual number was likely to be much higher. According to their figures, there are 113 transgender women in prison, and 13 of these were housed in female prisons. "




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2 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

What I find to be rather strange  .

Nicola Sturgeon , the Politician from Scotland has resigned from her position and some peoples only focus is on Donald Trump and what he says about her .

  I do realise that this thread is about what Trump has said , but why focus on Trump, why not just focus on Sturgeon resigning or ask someone else (other then Trump) what they think ?

   Its like the whole World revolves around Trump

I think he has become much less relevant since being exiled to Florida. But, the media has a fascination with him, and reports his every move and statement. And that keeps him alive. Ironic how the so called "fake media" is providing him with what little oxygen he has. 

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4 minutes ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Its important to state that it wasn't actually "last year" , the report is from 2018 , so its actually five years ago  

Well how about this court case from November last year where the UK government argued in court to allow transgender females to be housed in female prisons? Recent enough for you?


"A female prisoner, known only as FDJ, brought a legal challenge against a MoJ policy which allows prisoners to be housed according to their gender identity 'irrespective of whether they have taken any legal or medical steps to acquire that gender'.

...the MoJ argued the policy pursued a legitimate aim, including 'facilitating the rights of transgender people to live in and as their acquired gender (and) protecting transgender people's mental and physical health'."



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1 hour ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

In relation to the disagreement between Trump and Sturgeon , what is your opinion that that disagreement ?

   Do you agree with sturgeon that Male rapists (of females)  should be put in Female prisons , on the basis that they identify as being Female ?

I don't have a PC bone in my body. I do not do PC. So, you are asking the wrong guy about Sturgeon. No, I don't agree with any of those bizarre Uber policies. But, my point was in reference to the exiled man. 

Edited by spidermike007
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15 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Some of you guys never fail to take the bait.  When Trump attacks someone, it almost always has to do with a personal grievance.  So it's not about Sturgeon's politics or her "wokeness" or her world view.  It's because she was mean to him....


People on the media same-same.  "Wait until you hear what he said today!" 

A few months ago there was a poll that concluded that because people watched his public displays it was not an indication that they supported him.  He has become his own show, just like the K family.  Something to bear in mind as he heads into season 3.



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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Yes. Likely not sexually, but in general the bromance with Putin demonstrates not only his love of men, but his love of despots and dictators. 

He definitely has some sort of fetish regarding men in positions of power and influence.  Not just to dictators, he was in awe of Bob Woodward when he met him, there is even video of his fawning; he probably takes it back now because he didn't like some of the things BW wrote about him.



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4 hours ago, 2009 said:

In all fairness, Trump was probably the most "attacked" politician in history.


The sick left media even went after his son, making fun of the way he clapped his hands and talking about autism. 


Meanwhile, look at Biden's junkie offspring and all the other stuff. But not a peep from the left. He's alright. ????


Trump took it all on the chin like a champ tho.


"Trump took it all on the chin like a champ tho." ????

Really? He's been continuously whining about it, losing his temper and insulting anyone including judge and special counsel.

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Both her and J. Adern succumbed to the old saying.. if you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Gender equality in important roles is all good and well, but you gotta have the right people!  The increasing number of woke voters these days doesn't help things.

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2 hours ago, bendejo said:

He definitely has some sort of fetish regarding men in positions of power and influence.  Not just to dictators, he was in awe of Bob Woodward when he met him, there is even video of his fawning; he probably takes it back now because he didn't like some of the things BW wrote about him.



He is a tiny man who cannot handle the slightest bit of criticism or a harsh word, even though he is incredibly easy to poke fun at. He gives us alot to work with! 

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Trump attack, denigrate anyone he thinks won't adore him.


I'm an American so I look in. Probably 5% of the US population even know this woman's name.


What I would say as an outsider looking in, she was an extremely good orator and very effective at winning elections. 


Not so sure she was that great at governing after winning those elections!

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19 hours ago, JonnyF said:



Making it all the more shameful when politicians like Sturgeon and Ardern used it to score political points and endulge their own authoritarian fantasies. 


Good riddance to the pair of them.

If there is any equivalence between the two of them, every day people will be waking up feeling happy because Sturgeon has gone ( or at least going ).

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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