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Anutin dashes hopes for e-cigarette legalization - orders DDC to work with police and customs


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6 minutes ago, ubonr1971 said:

it was in a uk paper recently. A 20 yr old girl in hospital after 2 yrs of vaping. Severe lung damage


this health minister is a f77l

Vape e-juices have taken a turn towards being not as chemically dangerous as far as now being diacetyl-free e-liquids.

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29 minutes ago, BestB said:

For as long as Tobacco monopoly is party or fully owned by the government  vaping will remain banned. Health has nothing to do with it.


My wife works for the Thai Tobacco Monopoly ( they recently changed their name I think) and the government is basically killing the business by taxing it such a degree they can't compete with higher quality foreign tobacco. None of this makes sense to me though since they're basically now killing both markets.

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

And he is determined to work with schools and educational organisations to make sure that e-cigarettes are not available among young people leading to more taking up regular smoking.

And those youngsters already smoking are "technically" denied a healthier alternative.   Fortunately bad and nonsensical laws are (rightly) ignored as can be seen when out and about as there are very few youngsters actually smoking real cigarettes and are choosing the much healthier option of vaping instead.   

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

And he is determined to work with schools and educational organisations to make sure that e-cigarettes are not available among young people leading to more taking up regular smoking

This is just so typical of Thai media. They report opinions of establishment types as undeniable facts. Vaping is an alternative to smoking. If you want more young people to take up regular smoking, you should go ahead and keep the alternative (vaping) illegal.

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1 hour ago, NorthernRyland said:


My wife works for the Thai Tobacco Monopoly ( they recently changed their name I think) and the government is basically killing the business by taxing it such a degree they can't compete with higher quality foreign tobacco. None of this makes sense to me though since they're basically now killing both markets.

you forgetting, only locally  made tobacco products are legally sold, so all the high taxes go back to government. Anything imported is not allowed on the main shelves. only in the airport


Try to find Davidoff or even Dunhill  anywhere retail, no chance

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That dude is a few sheep short in his top paddock.

Smoking dope is ok, vaping  is less harmful than cigs .

Must have some income/donations from dope farms ,or maybe Owns a few dope farms.

It's a good scam to collect some extra money by keeping things illegal.

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5 hours ago, RedRoadRunner said:

How this guy can hold position in the government is totally beyond believe !!!!!

If soldiers can, anyone can, their IQ is similar to the Somchai in the street. But this guy holds an engineering degree.

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There is no logic to this man's decisions, except financial enrichment for himself, his boss and their cronies.  I don't like vapes around me but banning them in law but allowing them to be sold everywhere online and physically and then cracking down on tourism vapers is ridiculous. Also allowing cannibis smoking but not vapes for health reaons makes no sense. 


Another terrible decision is the legal amendment he is introducing to make possesson of two or more speed pills considered dealing with automatic tough prison sentences. The law had only recently been liberalised to allow those caught with up to 15 speed tabs to be sentences to rehab for first offence which made a lot of sense. The prisons are already horribly overcrowded with drug offenders and sending someone there turns them into a hardened criminal with little or no chance of decent employment or rehabilitation afterwards. 


The speed decision is purely political to make it look like he is in fact tough on drugs before the election despite decriminalising cannabis under the smoke screen of medical use and the pretence that ordinary farmers could make money out of it. I didn't disagree with decriminalising cannabis but his motives show him to be a truly odious, self serving politician.  

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21 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

He likely struck a deal with the RTP. They need to continue their lucrative franchises, so better for them to keep this illegal. Convenient to fine unsuspecting foreigners. This has never been about health. 

Possibly but only a small percentage of cops have the chance to shake down foreign tourists. The implications of his plan to deem possession of more than one speed pill as intent to sell are far wider and will create much more earning possiblities for cops all over the country, specially the ones in the drug trade themselves who constantly resell the same stash after busting their customers.

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6 hours ago, Roel said:

Yes, it's almost as if one should begin to believe that family name and wealth carry more significance than knowledge and competence.

The are various photos of him and various members of a certain family holidaying together in switzerland , germany and austria .He is very much in the upper echelon of thai society . 

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2 hours ago, Dogmatix said:

Possibly but only a small percentage of cops have the chance to shake down foreign tourists. The implications of his plan to deem possession of more than one speed pill as intent to sell are far wider and will create much more earning possiblities for cops all over the country, specially the ones in the drug trade themselves who constantly resell the same stash after busting their customers.

True. But, they appear just as willing to shake down their own. Anything for a buck. 

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A few months back when I was last in Bangkok. I went out with the girlfriend and her mates.  They were all vaping.  The thing was none of them were previously smokers.  I'm finding that in London with colleagues.  It can't be good for their ĥealth as before they didn't smoke cigarettes 

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eCigs could be a big winner for the government re: citizen health, revenue/tax and a huge committee to manage all aspects of eCigs, like the proposed Cannabis Control Committee (in legislation).


Testing, authorizing products and local manufacturing, with Thai-focused flavors could be a boon.


I'd submit that some/most/all of the product I see advertised on FB is of dubious origin. It's more of the wild-west than cannabis, IMO. Gaining control of this market would benefit everyone. And even the TTM, now re-branded as the Tobacco Authority of Thailand, could run lead on production and distribution and take their cut.


Thailand is struggling with the normalizationof things like cannabis, craft-brewing, gambling/lotteries, with somewhat limited success. I'm not sure there's an acceptable (for the powers that be, and citizens) "model" yet given the proclivity for duopolies here?






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3 hours ago, DaveE13 said:

A few months back when I was last in Bangkok. I went out with the girlfriend and her mates.  They were all vaping.  The thing was none of them were previously smokers.  I'm finding that in London with colleagues.  It can't be good for their ĥealth as before they didn't smoke cigarettes 

As has been stated many times, vaping is not without it's risk/harm BUT compared to smoking it's much, much better for you. They are best not to smoke at all but if they do, vaping is the way to go.

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I am an example of stop smoking trou vaping and now also not vaping since 3 years . I know many people who stopped smoking thanks to vaping .

Updated studies says that vaping is 90% le harmful than smoking just by eliminating to inhale combustion of smoke of burned tobacco and the hundreds of chemicals used to treat tobacco . 

It might affect the Tobacco Industry more than the Vaper ????????????

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Recently went to a bar where cigarette smokers had tables set outside with ashtrays, a few metres away from the main bar.

Vapors were allowed to chimney within the main area, impossible to see clearly from one side from the other!


I detest the smell of cigarettes and think they should be banned from anywhere public, even outside, if people have to smoke then do it in private. I also believe that vaping should have similar rules, maybe allowed in open areas but certainly not in places where they'll be crowds of people or inside. 


I'm not totally against vaping or any type of smoking, it's an individuals choice but not in my face thank you.



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