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Transgender Person in Patong Arrested after Snatching Gold from British Tourist


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2 hours ago, SuperSilverHaze said:




Transgendered person lol


A man dressed vaguely as a woman in a dress, long hair


Everyone in Thailand refers to this lot as ladyboys. The word has spread worldwide.


Anybody remember when using the word tranny, trannies and transvestite all were unapproved?


Yes, we had a Tom, a young Thai woman who acted like a boy, and well even looked like on in this case !!! ( Possibly the other side of the Trans gender debate here ? ) Living with us here, with out "Kabokie" (... a lot of white make up !) Faced, Little Miss Pricy Pants ! Grand Daughter ( Who I love deeply, as I played the White mans Card, and was the first one into the babies room, to holder her first when she was Born. ) ...


And she, Jum, stayed, and well they were an Item, as the Auzies might put it, for 4 Months ! ...  And I liked her ... ... Liek how to get on with Toms around here .... Just treat them like they are Boys !!! and well, every thing will be fine.


And well, I do have some sympathy for them as well, being just Young Girls, acting like Boys ! ? ... If there is a School verses school, or two differing areas, Teenage Gang Fight ! ... Well they stand at the front ! right ... Hence are usually always the ones that get hit first !!! ??? Right ???

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1 hour ago, IamNoone88 said:

"transgender" is an oxymoron, meaningless and it features nowhere in my vocabulary. Ladyboy is a perfectly adequate descriptor and in my opinion, totally non-offensive. I will not yield to the woke agenda.   

I think that you could use either. ...

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3 hours ago, Mark mark said:

Well, with all due respect ! Could I be so bold to ask ! What the (Deletrd) is a Foreign Tourist wearing a 10,000 B Gold Necklace in a crowd in Patong ? ...

Everybody knows, that foreign men wear gold gold pieces to attract ladyboys.

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1 hour ago, wombat said:

I object to that word...ladyboys were ladyboys long before the woke mob stuck their agenda in

I Think ? Think, ? Trans gender applies to People who think, and feel ? That they have been born with the Opposite Sexual Items, than what they think that they should have been born with. ? Right ?


( I do not agree with this, I think that you are borne with the Sexual organs That, God ?, or well Charles Darwin, gave you. and if you are a Buch Girl, or an Effeminates Boy ... Well that is just what you are. So You should just be accepted as that, and accept it in your self also ... and Just get on with it I think. ... I am a C male ! Not an Alpha one ! .... But well that is just Life ! ... and we do all, just have to get on with it. )


... But I suspect that a LOT of the lady Boys here in Thailand ? Are, probably not Tranz, other then only being opportunists. ? ... Not all, But a Lot !!!



Like I went home with one over in Mirri (Sarawak) once, by accident, Probably a Local Sarawak Tribes person one, ... Like I WAS fooled 100% by that nice Young Fellow, ... and Jeezzzz did She have just suck a Great and Stylish dress sense !!! ... ...


... But then in the better light of My Room, ? ... I noticed his 5 O'clock Shadow. ...


... So gave him an Interview, and also Paid him, as well he WAS just a Kind Boy also. ...


And well basically his line was "Well, who wants to Load Logs on to a barge for $5 a day, ... When you can dress up nicely, ... Go out, and have fun, and also possibly, and get paid a lot More money for doing it" ...


... So, Yes, Seriously Fellows, that is what he told me.


And ... Oh ? I remember it now, ... He also told me that in the tribes up in the Highlands there, if the People did not have a girl, well they often used to just take the youngest Boy, and just dress him up like one, ... and Treat him like one ! ... Well ???  ... Just to make life a bit more acceptable, and normal, for all of the other Poor Little boys stuck up there, ... Up there in their Fairly well isolated, Fog and Mist ? ... (And septicemia, which is ? or Was ? a pretty huge problem up in the Wet and Dark Rain forests, I think, before Modern medicine, so they have told me ? ) ...  ( Or well DID I just read that in the Lonely Planet ? )


... Like I wondered why all of the People in the Bar were Laughing at me ! ... And well some locals were angry, as they considered he was Cheating me ? I think ? As they were all just trying to give me the Hint !!! ... But well the Fellow was Just having suck a Great time Playing the Hot Chicks Role !!!, that I just never noticed it. ? ...


... ...And well, I did met him again, with his friends on the Flight back from Lubuan, to Singapore a bit later on once ! ... And well He WAS, dressed Very Nicely (As a Classy Young Woman) ... (Lot a rough one like the Thai Boys often do ???) !  ... And along with his 2 Other Friends there !  .... They were in the Seat behind me !!! .... So I just turned around and Friendly said "G'day" to him ! ... Like I knew him, or well Her ? Right ! The best dresses Girl on the Plane right ?  ... To the Great Humor, and smiles from all concerned.


So, I think ?, Like here in Asia, they should Modify the "Some Girls" Madonna song, to ... "Some Boys just want to have Fun" !!! ... Right ???


... And I call them lady Boys, Like I like calling Aboriginals, Aboriginals back home in Australia.


Like well, the Mirri lady Boys would run rings around a Lot of the Thai ones I think ... They are called Billie Boys over there you know, ... In the More British part of Asia ! ... and why ? ... Well the Billie Boy used to be the Cabin Boy on the Old British sailing ships, that heated up the water, ... in a Billie, and make the captains bath !  Right ??? ... So well now all Trannies, all over Malaysia and Singapore areas, the Old British Colonies, are called "Billie Boys" Right ? ... and I will let you work out the rest for your self. Right ?

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6 hours ago, ignore it said:

I give you a trophy.

Just brilliantly succinct.

Phrases not to be ignored!


I'm consulting my thesaurus right now to find easy to understand synonmys for the plethora of words.????????

Edited by Lucky Bones
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5 hours ago, Red Forever said:

The only people who use the "divisional woke narrative" are those on the blinkered right of politics. In UK they are known as Little Englanders and rightly mocked.

I'm pretty sure you will "woke" is an extreme leftist agenda. Not that I see the world through the blinkered lens of politics 

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9 hours ago, Bim Smith said:

Thais will always use the term ladyboy of third gender. The person who wrote this has obviously bought into the divisional woke narrative that will eventually destroy the west. It's about empowerment of the malignant narcissist. Little to do with trans rights. 

I still think of them as bundles of firewood......

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7 hours ago, Red Forever said:

The only people who use the "divisional woke narrative" are those on the blinkered right of politics. In UK they are known as Little Englanders and rightly mocked.

You seem to have your right and left mixed up , best buy some new training shoes.

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11 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Are we no longer able to use the term ladyboy, or katoey? Is the term transgender something that applies to only post op people, or anyone who identifies as a woman? 


Just wondering. 

I'm identifying as an ATM today.

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7 minutes ago, BritScot said:

I'm identifying as an ATM today.

I am a wolfatarian. I speak wolf only, but I can still type. I hunt with wolf packs, and I wear only wolf type clothes. 


In reality, this is now recognized by some school districts in the US. 


There was a time when men in white coats would come around and put someone dressed as a cat into a straitjacket.  Halloween is the exception.  Or the threat of a trip to the asylum would’ve modified behavior.

As China threatens to invade neighbors, we’re cringing when someone tells us he’s an antelope and we better acknowledge he’s got hooves whether or not visible.  How could we possibly win a war with an army filled with dogs and cats?

Do School Kids Identify As Animals?

I recently heard someone say that there are students in the Twin Falls city school system identifying as animals. They didn’t get a trip to see the school psychologist. Instead, I heard the kids are getting away with their claims because administrators and staff are too timid to lay down the law and that students who claim to be animals can get away with skipping homework.  After all, paws and hooves can’t grip a pencil and struggle with a keyboard.





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10 hours ago, Bim Smith said:

Thais will always use the term ladyboy of third gender. The person who wrote this has obviously bought into the divisional woke narrative that will eventually destroy the west. It's about empowerment of the malignant narcissist. Little to do with trans rights. 

The article was written by a Thai, so your opening comments seem a little odd. I wonder what he makes of them?

"Divisional woke narrative"? Which division would that be? 1st? 2nd? 3rd? Did you mean divisive?

"The empowerment of the malignant narcissist"? Very neatly describes a vote for Trump.


I guess "woke" is pretty much what Putin would describe as "decadent". Read his speeches. Join his army.

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11 hours ago, Bim Smith said:

Thais will always use the term ladyboy of third gender. The person who wrote this has obviously bought into the divisional woke narrative that will eventually destroy the west. It's about empowerment of the malignant narcissist. Little to do with trans rights. 

Deleted, double post

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4 hours ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

The BBC being the numero uno culprits in the UK.

Funny about that because the number one woke culprits in Australia are the ABC. It has become painful to listen to ABC radio these days.

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15 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Are we no longer able to use the term ladyboy, or katoey? Is the term transgender something that applies to only post op people, or anyone who identifies as a woman? 


Just wondering. 

You sound interested haha 555

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