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NY grand jury votes to indict Donald Trump, sources tell CNN


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Here is an issue that complicates life for Trump even more....his aides are expressing fear the man will decide to create more controversies by deciding to hold a press conference.


Trump's aides express fear he'll hold a press conference after his Manhattan arraignment (msn.com)


After receiving the bad news, the former president quizzed his legal team on how he will be treated and what he can expect when he turns himself in while his aides make travel arrangements.  According to the report, his advisers are urging him to show up and then get out of town as quickly as possible avoiding any public appearances.


Those same aides also worry he will create problems if the publicity-hungry Trump decides to address the press after being booked, fingerprinted and facing a judge.


The Post reports, "Trump and his team have not decided yet what arguments to make or which lawyers will speak during his arraignment Tuesday, in part because they have not seen the indictment or evidence."

The report went on to add, "Despite Trump’s desire for iconic images, his aides have been trying to convince him to make the trip to New York a quick one and avoid any public appearances or news conferences, citing safety risks — and so far, Trump seems inclined to oblige. They also hope to have him back out on the campaign trail by the end of next week."

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10 hours ago, placeholder said:


You may not want to but you do. Here's what you wrote:


"It’s a good question, here’s my take.

Outside the USA, a lot of people in the western world see no real problems caused by Trump's policies over 4 years.

However, that same group can see the damage caused by Biden's policies over only 2+ years.

Most of these people recognize that as the USA loses global influence, then their own countries become more vulnerable. So, if you remove the character assassinations, political bias and hatred, you might see why Trump still has so much support, at home and abroad....whatever the media says!"


Trump Ratings Remain Low Around Globe, While Views of U.S. Stay Mostly Favorable
Trump foreign policies receive little support

As has been the case throughout his presidency, U.S. President Donald Trump receives largely negative reviews from publics around the world. Across 32 countries surveyed by Pew Research Center, a median of 64% say they do not have confidence in Trump to do the right thing in world affairs, while just 29% express confidence in the American leader...

In nearly all nations where trends are available, Trump receives lower ratings than his predecessor, Barack Obama. 



International opinion of Joe Biden in 6 charts

For over 20 years, Pew Research Center has tracked international public opinion of world leaders, including the U.S. president. In his second year in office, Joe Biden receives generally positive ratings in the countries surveyed by the Center. In most of these places, Biden’s ratings are higher than those of his predecessor in the White House, Donald Trump, but lower than his own ratings in 2021.








I only wrote the first para. You should have stopped there.

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22 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

Lost count of the number of conspiracy theories in that post. Makes you think, if there was any wrongdoing by Trump his haters could stick to factual accusations rather than conspiracies.

It’s encouraging to think you might know what a ‘conspiracy theory’ is.


Now try some self reflection.

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25 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

Lost count of the number of conspiracy theories in that post. 

I only made 2 assertions.


And yet you "lost count". That's seriously mathematically challenged.


No wait, arithmetically challenged -which usually gets sorted out in grade school.


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4 hours ago, LaosLover said:

It's not convoluted at all.


You're old guy, you need healthcare, he'd strip you of it if he could. His first act as president was to try to kill imperfect, but widely liked Obama-care. This is unarguable. Pretending it's "convoluted" is disingenuous.


In Appalachia, I see collection jars for local children who need chemotherapy. I enjoy making fun of England, but sick children there don't have to beg for dimes to stay alive.


NYPD is famous for overtime at the drop of a hat. After 9/11, my brother paid off his house in a year. In fact, their overtime budget for the year is already blown. Citing NYC cop overtime as proof of libruls being "terrified" is misinformed.


No wait, it's deluded wishful thinking, mixed in with a goon-like desire to see people "terrified".


Whenever Trump appears anywhere, local expenses for police and sanitation go through the roof. Trump always promises to reimburse them, but he usually stiffs them. That's why you see him performing his shows now in Waco, not Dallas or Atlanta.


He needs cheap, nowhere venues because no one else wants him, even in the deepest red states. He may "love" Texas, but he stiffs them -just like he'd stiff you if he could.

That's a lot of words, but even though you quoted me, you didn't really address what I said.


Seems an awful lot of Americans prefer to lose Obama care than elect Joe again.


BTW, if the UK ( seeing as you brought it up ) doesn't find the money to pay nurses a decent wage, the NHS may not be able to save those children any more. They've been talking about the end of the NHS for quite a while now.

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3 hours ago, LaosLover said:

There is no person on earth who'd love to break up the alliance and stick you with defending yourself on your own dime.

I suppose you meant to include "more than I" in that.


However, I have to agree with you. IMO it's shameful that NZ spends sod all on defense and expects the US to protect us. We should do more, a lot more to be a part of an alliance.


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1 hour ago, Skallywag said:

Many of his most rabid supporters are in jail or indicted or "retired" .  Some things are just not worth getting arrested for.  

We shall see on Tuesday at 14:30 NY time... 01:30 Wednesday here in Thailand

I suspect it won't amount to much, but if they try to put him in jail- well they'd better draft in a few extra cops for that one.


"We shall see"- indeed we will. Interesting times are on their way.

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57 minutes ago, LaosLover said:

In this odd little internet backwater of fading oldsters, it's mostly grieving about a loss of testosterone.


Blind worship of a fake he-man who "tells it like it is" (gag me) gives a momentary lift of fully delusional and fictitious self-agency.


He can't help you, he won't help you. We see a lot of sullen and defensive hamster wheel spinning here to avoid this comically obvious truth.


Cue passive aggressive confused emoticons. Confused? They got that right.

IMO, your lot don't seem to get that it's not about Trump per se, but "dislike" of Washington.

Trump may depart from the fray, but IMO every contender will have to be at least at face value against the swamp.

It's not like Washington is going to change if they think that getting rid of Trump will allow them to return to business as usual.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

While I have no intention of using such a device, if posters want to use such, why bother actually writing anything? Just post whatever a machine said.

Well it seems the ChatGPT is at least leaving the door open for your view to become reality.....yet.................



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5 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO, your lot don't seem to get that it's not about Trump per se, but "dislike" of Washington.

Trump may depart from the fray, but IMO every contender will have to be at least at face value against the swamp.

It's not like Washington is going to change if they think that getting rid of Trump will allow them to return to business as usual.

But the 'drain the swamp' is just another lie sold by Trump. No one likes to think of faceless bureaucrats dictating to the masses but that's how governments work. Sure there are issues with 'Washington' but they are issues that have gone on for many, many years and will go on for many, many more. The reality is it's just another non-subject to get the masses hating 'the man', something that canny politicians do the world over.  

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