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Who can beat Biden?


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16 minutes ago, bamnutsak said:

Who can beat Biden? The Republican candidate.



A "no-label" candidate, like Manchin, said to be considering "other" election opportunities, would in theory swing the election from Biden to the Republican candidate.


The 2024 presidential election will again come down to four or five states, and probably fewer than 150,000 total votes. We all remember Ralph Nader in 2000, and Jill Stein in 2016.



Do you even know the current state of the Republican party?  The de facto favorite to win the nomination right now is D. Trump.  Yes, the same Trump currently under indictment with a slew of investigations ongoing.  Trump cannot win the general election, but he has this knack for destroying presidential contenders in his own party.  So even if one were to emerge from the primary, Trump would have severely damaged said individual.  President Biden will win a 2nd term, almost guaranteed. 

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On 4/26/2023 at 8:22 PM, ozimoron said:
On 4/26/2023 at 8:14 PM, bignok said:

The Democrats caused the GFC.

Sorry @ozimoron, but I couldn't separate your name from that post and I can't find that post anywhere else anyway?


It amazes me how some of the MAGA nut jobs can come up with stuff like this – – perhaps a majority of neurons not firing properly, or perhaps they never have?

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6 minutes ago, xylophone said:

Sorry @ozimoron, but I couldn't separate your name from that post and I can't find that post anywhere else anyway?


It amazes me how some of the MAGA nut jobs can come up with stuff like this – – perhaps a majority of neurons not firing properly, or perhaps they never have?

Too young I guess, or only a belated interest in political history perhaps. That and limited sources of information.

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3 hours ago, heybruce said:

When have guns been more readily available and more lethal than now in the US?


Answer:  Never.

Not true.


3 hours ago, heybruce said:

When the US Constitution was approved the state of the art firearm was a muzzle loader rifle, and it was used primarily to put food on the table.  It also cost so much that few families could afford more than one.


3 hours ago, heybruce said:

Now anyone working a minimum wage job can earn enough for a high capacity semi-automatic handgun in a week, and they aren't used for hunting.

So it should be okay for rich to buy guns but no the poor? 



Gun ownership in the U.S. 1972-2022 | Statista


More Kool-Aid?  



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1 hour ago, Yellowtail said:

Not true.



So it should be okay for rich to buy guns but no the poor? 



Gun ownership in the U.S. 1972-2022 | Statista


More Kool-Aid?  



"In 2017, there was estimated to be near 400 million guns in the United States between police, the military, and American civilians. Over 393 Million (Over 98%) of those guns are in civilian hands, the equivalent of 120 firearms per 100 citizens."  https://americangunfacts.com/gun-ownership-statistics/


Has there ever been a time in US history when there were more guns in civilian hands than people in the country?


The same source shows that firearm sales in the US has more than doubled since 2000.


If that doesn't make guns more prevalent than ever before, then what does?


The point, obvious to most people, is that guns were once an expensive necessity.  Now they are cheap and largely unnecessary.  Easy access to guns has led to many school shootings, along with many other crimes.


This is getting far off-topic, but I'm OK with responsible people who have had basic firearm safety training owning guns.   I also have no problem with strict laws and severe penalties, strictly enforced, for people who handle or store guns unsafely.  I'm part of the majority that wants to see more gun control laws in the US. 

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39 minutes ago, ozimoron said:

According to longtime conservative David Frum, the Republican party seems dead-set on handing Donald Trump the 2024 presidential nomination despite all the signs that there is no chance that he can win because independents and swing voters find him repellant.

In his column for The Atlantic, where fellow conservative Peter Wehner noted the "Make America Great Again" movement is spiraling into back-biting and chaos, Frum suggested that a "Biden blowout" is in the offing and Republicans seem to know it but are incapable of doing what needs to be done to avert it because of the hold the former president has on his rabid base of supporters who will propel him through the primaries.

According to Frum, President Joe Biden's polling numbers illustrate he can be beaten, but if his opponent is Donald Trump running for a third time, all is lost for the GOP.



The Trump death cult. 

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19 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

? WHy continue writing these silly false accusations? This is supposed to be a serious discussion of world news.

 Trump is an ex President. He ran on the theme of "making America Great Again" and succeeded in brokering incredible peace deals across the world in countries governements had long given up on like NK. There is no reason whatsoever to call him and his supporters a "death cult".

Did NK stop doing something it was previously doing or something? Like perhaps shooting off missiles every other week?

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19 hours ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

? WHy continue writing these silly false accusations? This is supposed to be a serious discussion of world news.

 Trump is an ex President. He ran on the theme of "making America Great Again" and succeeded in brokering incredible peace deals across the world in countries governements had long given up on like NK. There is no reason whatsoever to call him and his supporters a "death cult".

I’m going to try to be polite the reality of trumps (peace deals)surrendering Syria to the russans and the betrayal of our Allie’s the Kurds his stupid cancellation of the nuclear deal with Iran (it was a start of peace between our countries) now they are supplying Russia with weapons his constant attacks on our allies his stabbing our institutions in the guts in his desperate attempts to grovel to Putin there by that demonic monster Putin thought he could get away with his war of conquest and extermination of a nation and it’s people the North Koreans continue to produce nukes and threaten everyone so just stop it I don’t think you are fooling anybody.if it comes to Trump against Biden trumps toast I don’t think any republican can pull it off they are out of ideas and are terrified of their base to challenge trump

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Trump’s 2024 Republican Opponents Are Caught in His Trap

Do they even realize the contradiction at the heart of their candidacies?


Well, we’re getting a look now, and the scene is grim. Instead of capitalizing on Trump’s indictment by going in for the kill, Trump’s competitors are defending him.


None of the rest of the field look like they’ll successfully reconcile their support for Trump’s stolen-election claims with their desire to supplant him. And so the most likely person to defeat Trump will, once again, be a Democrat.



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5 hours ago, ozimoron said:

In a column for the National Review likely to infuriate some readers, longtime conservative contributing editor Andrew McCarthy claimed that -- based upon a recent poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal -- he sees no path to a Donald Trump presidential victory in 2024 if he is the Republican Party's nominee.


Under a blunt and to-the-point headline that stated, "Why Trump Can't Win," McCarthy noted that he is not a "Trump-hater" and claimed he has a well-documented history of defending the ex-president -- but he is not willing to go along with the conservative pack and put on a happy face about Trump's prospects in 2024.


To make his case he pointed to the former president's dismal Wall Street Journal polling numbers and then added, "What the poll fails to convey is that there is no potential of upward climb for the universally known former president.





Yeah, it's so glaringly obvious that Trump cannot win the general election.  Which is why it's comical when people allege that the Democrats are investigating Trump because they don't want him to run.  LOL!!  Every knowledgeable Dem wants Trump to be the GOP nominee, myself included.  It will ensure Biden a 2nd term. 

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On 4/25/2023 at 4:03 PM, Tug said:

He grew up with a studder that’s why you often see that pattern when he speaks I suspect he’s much more astute than most folks think and in my humble opinion I think this administration has done a remarkable job with the cards they have been delt if he becomes president for a second term we will do just fine

"we will do just fine."  So will China, exceedingly well.

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2 hours ago, Tug said:

Why will China do extra (well) because of Biden?

because his family have taken much money from the Chinese communist party linked entities that they(and also his fans and tech censors) can not explain how they earned. This -as we remember - led to the left/deepstate/dishonest

msm having to censor the evidence and falsely claim without evidence that it was "russian disinformation".


"House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer revealed on Thursday that on March 1, 2017 — less than two months after Joe Biden left office as Barack Obama’s vice president — State Energy HK Limited, a firm affiliated with Chinese Communist Party-backed energy company CEFC China Energy, wired $3 million to Biden family associate Rob Walker. 

The windfall was subsequently divvied up over a period of about three months to at least three members of the Biden clan, and two Biden family associates. "



The argument goes something along the lines of biden being compromised by his families suspicious and inexplicable business deals with America's adversaries. If you, poster Tug, can account for why the biden's received all this money and why his fans - including yourself - spend so much energy trying to falsely deny having happened we are all ears.

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6 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

because his family have taken much money from the Chinese communist party linked entities that they(and also his fans and tech censors) can not explain how they earned. This -as we remember - led to the left/deepstate/dishonest

msm having to censor the evidence and falsely claim without evidence that it was "russian disinformation".


"House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer revealed on Thursday that on March 1, 2017 — less than two months after Joe Biden left office as Barack Obama’s vice president — State Energy HK Limited, a firm affiliated with Chinese Communist Party-backed energy company CEFC China Energy, wired $3 million to Biden family associate Rob Walker. 

The windfall was subsequently divvied up over a period of about three months to at least three members of the Biden clan, and two Biden family associates. "



The argument goes something along the lines of biden being compromised by his families suspicious and inexplicable business deals with America's adversaries. If you, poster Tug, can account for why the biden's received all this money and why his fans - including yourself - spend so much energy trying to falsely deny having happened we are all ears.

The irrelevance of the above has been explained to you repeatedly.  You are impervious to the logic.

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3 minutes ago, heybruce said:

The irrelevance of the above has been explained to you repeatedly.  You are impervious to the logic.

No Bruce. What has been explained(by you and other forum lefties) is that the laptop containing emails and other evidence proving big $ were paid was fake, and thus there is no evidence that the bidens did anything wrong. Naturally that stance was upended dramatically when the msm FINALLY - years after it was corroborated by those cc'd into messages - confirmed it was legit.


I am not sure why you claim I am "impervious to logic" as I have yet to see any forum posters accurately account for the suspicious millions reason for payment. Apoplogies if I missed it.


I can't see any way for biden to run in 2024 unless his families suspicious deals with AMerica's adversaries can be explained properly. 

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36 minutes ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

No Bruce. What has been explained(by you and other forum lefties) is that the laptop containing emails and other evidence proving big $ were paid was fake, and thus there is no evidence that the bidens did anything wrong. Naturally that stance was upended dramatically when the msm FINALLY - years after it was corroborated by those cc'd into messages - confirmed it was legit.


I am not sure why you claim I am "impervious to logic" as I have yet to see any forum posters accurately account for the suspicious millions reason for payment. Apoplogies if I missed it.


I can't see any way for biden to run in 2024 unless his families suspicious deals with AMerica's adversaries can be explained properly. 

Just watch him.

Joe is running.

Not Hunter.

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1 hour ago, SunnyinBangrak said:

No Bruce. What has been explained(by you and other forum lefties) is that the laptop containing emails and other evidence proving big $ were paid was fake, and thus there is no evidence that the bidens did anything wrong. Naturally that stance was upended dramatically when the msm FINALLY - years after it was corroborated by those cc'd into messages - confirmed it was legit.


I am not sure why you claim I am "impervious to logic" as I have yet to see any forum posters accurately account for the suspicious millions reason for payment. Apoplogies if I missed it.


I can't see any way for biden to run in 2024 unless his families suspicious deals with AMerica's adversaries can be explained properly. 

Here we go again.


No one denied it was a laptop, so saying the laptop is verified is nonsense.  The emails on the laptop have been verified as legitimate Hunter Biden emails.  There is nothing on the laptop implicating President Biden of anything.  There is no evidence of "selling out" the US to China on the laptop.


Evidence suggests that Hunter Biden and associates hustled some Chinese firms out of some money and the firms got nothing in return.  There is no evidence of anything else.



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On 4/30/2023 at 9:48 AM, Berkshire said:

Yeah, it's so glaringly obvious that Trump cannot win the general election.  Which is why it's comical when people allege that the Democrats are investigating Trump because they don't want him to run.  LOL!!  Every knowledgeable Dem wants Trump to be the GOP nominee, myself included.  It will ensure Biden a 2nd term. 

I think you may have a point. Similar to the 2022 Congressional/Senate election. Democrats supported GOP candidates they thought were extreme, but unelectable.  Cynical but effective. 


 I dont want either of them to run again. The Trump years were very good economically- low inflation, cheap gas, cheap flights.  But he can't recapture the same unique feeling that he had in 2016.  

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Who can forget the righties fake wailing about Hillary? "She can't even WALK!!!!"


And now: "He can't even TALK!!!". 


Looks like a major Republican platform plank is going to be about firing all of the inconvenient civil servants; another vote killer like abortion:





Still, no health plan, then?



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