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Trump ignites fresh controversy after outlandish primetime appearance on CNN


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2 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

Yes, something must be done about future policies, but ignoring the past rather than using the past as a guide is just what Republicans WANT you to think.


The greatest economy ever created on this planet was just after WW II. The corporate taxes were high, but there were MANY tax deductions for just about anything that would help society. Corporations won't contribute unless forced to do so, that's just the nature of corporate mentality. This setup encouraged them to give back to the economy that helped them get very wealthy.


As a result, anyone willing to work had a job. A one income family could buy a house and send their kids to college. Corporations still made a hefty profit and EVERYONE BENEFITED.


Enter corporate greed, starting with union busting Ronald Reagan and that "trickle down" nonsense. Ever since then, the US economy has been brought to its knees. Corporate profits skyrocketed but so did homelessness. Two income families can barely get by, college loans have shackled entire generations resulting in low home ownership, and the future looks grim for some time to come. We are living in the Golden Age version 2.0.


I encourage folks who haven't tried to learn how to walk and chew gum at the same time - give it a go. Yes, focus on the future which needs serious fixing, but learn lessons from the past and apply them.

The World is a very different place to what it was in the 1950's and the World has moved on and it wont be going back to the 1950s again anytime soon .

   The policies that worked in the 1950s wont necessarily work today 

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Everytime a poster claims Trump did an excellent job sparring with CNN host, the only defense is "Trump Lies" Newsflash people politicians lie, biden lies. If it comes down to biden vs Trump, I bet Trump takes the cake home.

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11 hours ago, placeholder said:

Or call the Republicans' bluff. They've certainly had no problems with deficits when Republicans held the Presidency,. The problem with the Repubicans' plan is that deficits aren't really high on the lost of concerns of most Americans.

They are now.

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13 minutes ago, nauseus said:

They are now.

If you mean that not raising the debt ceiling is more of a concern, than you have a point. But if you mean that the fact that there are deficits is more of a concern, you got any evidence for that?

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13 minutes ago, riclag said:

There was a Cnn segment after the town hall asking Trump voters what they thought and the Cnn rep just couldn’t help himself by attacking 

Trump . 
The first person was asked after he set the stage that Trump is a notorious liar and something about does it bother you  he keeps talking about 2020 and not 2024!

They replied to the effect,its your narrative you keep asking about 2020.It was the first thing you asked instead of current stuff!

Kudo’s to Mr. Lesly




Hypocrisy, your name is CNN.  Why doesnt CNN stop talking about 2020? Why did they spend 20 minutes of the townhall talking about it and only 3 minutes on the economy?  This guy, just like the town hall, leads with 2020 and with no sense of irony hammers away for 5 of the seven minutes on 2020.  Even after the members of the panel agree that talking about 2024 is more important, the guy just cant help himself. He is so wrapped up in his narrative and narrow world view that he has no option but to keep pounding away with little regard for anything else. 


Edited by Hanaguma
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All debates and interviews should be immediately fact checked by ChatGBT.  Networks should all have a 3 second delay, then if the ChatGBT says it is a false statement, that statement is muted when aired 3 seconds later.

For pete's sake, we have the technology ,use it in real time so listeners do not have to wait and go to a fact checking site later (which many will not do)

Also this will not give followers any more claims, saying they "heard" it from their prophet so it must be true.   

Simple solution IMO

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35 minutes ago, johnnybangkok said:

Trump appeals to billionaires and easily led fools. Check your bank account to see which one you are.


According to Forbes Magazine, in the campaign of 2020 there were 150 billionaires under the big spenders for Biden and 108 for Trump.

Must be fake news then, I guess...

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59 minutes ago, HappyExpat57 said:

In my real life, I have eliminated most of his supporters because of their general outlook on life. However, some of them were not at all unintelligent. They all did have a common streak of white nationalist running through their veins, and the ones I can't completely remove for sake of keeping peace in the family admit they know they are being lied to but really don't care.


This is not to say all 45 supporters are white nationalists. I am saying all the ones I once knew were.

Not all Trump supporters are racist but all racists are Trump supporters. 

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51 minutes ago, JustAnotherHun said:


According to Forbes Magazine, in the campaign of 2020 there were 150 billionaires under the big spenders for Biden and 108 for Trump.

Must be fake news then, I guess...

That’s easily explained. Some billionaires have a conscience. 

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