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Take Me Out Thailand: American man gets blackout for his male chauvinistic attitude


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6 hours ago, bignok said:

So murderers are no issue then? This kid is harmless.

Since when was this thread about or a tool used to compare this man with murderers? When did I say that murderers were not an issue? I just chose to not dig in to that subject as it is not relevant to this thread.

But hey! As you asked a question. Yes, of course it´s an issue. As is other criminality such as rape, economic frauds and the list can be long. However, that touches a totally different subject than I was referring to.

And regarding harmless???? When did I say he posed a threat to anyone? The only threat he pose to himself, is to not get laid much with that kind of stone age mentality. Especially after being on television showing off.

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On 6/15/2023 at 11:44 AM, ThailandRyan said:

Some real sensitive and chauvinistic posters who would have been given a blackout on the show as well.  Thais watch a lot of things which you guys do not.  If you were to spend just 30 minutes watching such shows you might learn something.

Like what for instance?


Personally, for cultural understanding and social cohesion, I think Love Island has far, far more to offer the world.

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On 6/15/2023 at 11:30 AM, Sandboxer said:

I thought the article was going to be about some American moron who got black out drunk and then black-listed/deported for offending some local GenZ snowflake's little sensitivities.

Same here, thought it was a misprint also, 'blackout/blacklisted'.   So bored this AM, I finally opened the thread.


So this is what's on TV.  No wonder I stopped watching about 50 years ago.

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1 hour ago, Gottfrid said:

Since when was this thread about or a tool used to compare this man with murderers? When did I say that murderers were not an issue? I just chose to not dig in to that subject as it is not relevant to this thread.

But hey! As you asked a question. Yes, of course it´s an issue. As is other criminality such as rape, economic frauds and the list can be long. However, that touches a totally different subject than I was referring to.

And regarding harmless???? When did I say he posed a threat to anyone? The only threat he pose to himself, is to not get laid much with that kind of stone age mentality. Especially after being on television showing off.

Bit over the top. 22yo with earrings talking rubbish. 10m like him.

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On 6/15/2023 at 4:13 PM, ketilnm said:

Yes you are right. This is a show. The guy is young and handsome and can speak thai. He probably have more girls then most people on this forum ever dream of..


Thai girls (And men) is much more "followers" then western people. They not learn to think for themself in the same degree then western people..

If the majority of girls in this show vote him down, then probably the girls who actually liked him, will also vote him down, as they are afraid to stand out.



He isnt handsome and body language was poor the whole time. Can't get a gf in real life so goes on a show. I'd say he went on for fame and youtube hits. 

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On 6/15/2023 at 1:26 PM, Kaopad999 said:

Bang on the money. I keep saying this time and time again, yet so many foreigners here remain incredibly delusional and seem to think that most Thai women are going to fall at their feet. It's mostly only the poorer Thai women who want to marry a farang in order to improve their lives. The truth is, the majority of Thai womwen would much rather just date a Thai man, or even the likes of Korean guys which would be far higher up on their list. 


<deleted>. it's just when you step out of the bar you have to put the work in again.


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15 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

I have rarely read a more nonsensical and offensive post on this website.


Women crave good genetics above everything else


Setting aside for a moment that you are highly offensively conflating "good genes" with having idealized Aryan physical features, you have displayed a remarkable lack of insight and understanding about the human mating selection process. There is a lot more that goes into the calculus besides physical characteristics, including an assessment of whether someone is compatible and reliable enough to stick around to support the family unit. Things like intelligence, emotional intelligence, humor, drive, current and anticipated financial status, etc. To say it's entirely about physical features is absolute nonsense, and insulting to women in general.


"He wasn't even white"


As far as your Himmler-like assessment of his features being insufficiently Aryan to even qualify as white, I imagine you will be amused to hear that when I was guessing his paternal ancestry, I had it pegged as English, based largely on his teeth, head shape and general physique. 


When you say Thai women prefer 6 foot five farangs with white skin and blue eyes, does that include 6 foot five farangs with white skin and blue eyes who are 70 years old, have a heart condition, a hearing aid and are living on a meager pension? You sound like you see yourself as some type of Adonis, God's genetic gift to Thai women. Somebody needs to put down Mien Kampf and take a deep breath. And what, pray tell, is someone so apparently obsessed with genetic purity doing in a country like Thailand which according to National Socialist ideology can only be viewed as a racial backwater?


When "Teeng Mo" walks across the stage during his initial introduction to the women, you see he walks as if he has had some training as a male model. You will also see that the guy is a gym monkey and is physically very "buff." The idea that this guy would be rejected by the women because he wasn't Aryan enough or physically attractive enough just doesn't hold water.


A physically fit guy in his early 20's, holding American citizenship and highly proficient in Thai would normally attract a great deal of interest, especially on a show like "Take Me Out of Thailand" where presumably most of the contestants are open to leaving Thailand. Physical chemistry was, of course, probably lacking in some cases (as is always the case), but to say that he was rejected because he wasn't Aryan enough is ridiculous. He was rejected for coming across as immature, cocky, controlling, and holding male chauvinistic attitudes.


"His views weren't that controversial"


The attitudes he expressed go sharply against the grain of how most Thai women see their role in the family unit. The idea that a guy, for all practical purposes on a first date, would be saying he's planning on having as many mistresses and mia nois he can afford to support would be absolutely unacceptable to most Thai women who often than not see themselves as the head of the family unit, for example, exercising control over family finances in many cases. Yes, infidelity sometimes is tolerated, but it's almost always on a clandestine "don't ask-don't tell" basis, or when there is a tacit admission that the couple is sexually incompatible or one party has a lack of interest in sex, but saying that a significant number of Thai women would be OK with that arrangement right from the get-go shows a fundamental lack of understanding about the norms of Thai marital relations. 


If anyone is interested in getting further insight into Thai marital relations, I suggest reading The Chrysanthemum and the Sword by Ruth Benedict. While it is about Japanese culture, much of it is equally applicable to Thailand and other Asian countries. 



This dude is writing essays on a forum ????


No chance I'm reading any of that nor taking it seriously lmao


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7 hours ago, GeorgeCross said:

<deleted>. it's just when you step out of the bar you have to put the work in again.


Absolutely hate that scene . I doin't drink at those bars. Never have done, and never will do. In fact, i seldom drink alcohol these days 

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8 hours ago, PingRoundTheWorld said:

Literally the same to you. However miserable bubble that is, assuming all Thai women despise you for being foreign. What a miserable existenece. Good luck.

Where and when  did i say all Thai women despise me? 
I have dated plenty here and have a Thai girl now. I was just pointing out that not all Thai women are gonna throw themslevs at us just  becasue we're Farang.
Please tell me what part of that is untrue? 

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Looks are and always will be the most important thing for attracting the opposite sex. Without looks how are you goig to manage to attarct a woman in the first place in order to display all of the other characteristics that you mentioned?  good looks = good genetics. it's that simple.
You can have the best personality in the  word but if youé ugly then then majority of women are not gonna even give you half a chance in the first place.

Edited by Pink Mist
Reported misquoted post removed
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On 6/16/2023 at 2:52 PM, HandsomeTallFarang said:

Uhhh, they do prefer farrang, This guy is barely a farrang and quite a few Thai chicks would not even consider him a "farrang" more like just this weird, bald, short nonwhite guy, Not a farrang.


Furthermore, MOST Thai women DO prefer a farrang, as in, 6+ foot tall with blue eyes and white skin. This guy is from San Francisco, almost certainly a Latino/Latin Mix / (definitely Not White) and is the same height as the Thai host presenting.. he's not white, tall, or handsome.. that's why he was rejected. Not because of what he said, lmao.


To be clear, if 6 foot 5, handsome, Blue eyed white man had said "ugh, me grok, grok like sex, you come here or I hit you with grok's Club" all 30 of them would have had said yes in a heartbeat. If he had said "Women are just my sex toys, I don't like any of you." They would not have cared in the slightest, in fact tons of them would be even more attracted since women have a "I can change him!" Fetish 


Women crave good genetics above EVERYTHING else, not a magical combination of words you say lol. So many guys here are just clueless about women's true nature. They really think it's what this guy said that caused him to be rejected by 30+ women, not his unremarkable looks and subpar genetics. Yes, I'm sure all 30+ girls shared the same values as each other, not a single one was ok with his conservative, not-that-controversial-or-shocking views. All 30 of them. 

Hit the nail on the head. Well said. 
Looks trump everything. Look at  Richard Ramirez for example, as serial killer, yet he still had a huge female fanbase that wanted to <deleted> him. Why? well it's certainly evident that it had nothing to do with his personality..  

Edited by Kaopad999
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31 minutes ago, Kaopad999 said:

Hit the nail on the head. Well said. 
Looks trump everything. Look at  Richard Ramirez for example, as serial killer, yet he still had a huge female fanbase that wanted to <deleted> him. Why? well it's certainly evident that it had nothing to do with his personality..  

The boomers on here simply don't want to accept this reality because it means that they lead a delusional life.

They were taught, among with many other stupid boomer-isms, "Make her laugh." "Have a good job" and other sugar coated advice that has zero to do with physical appearance, when it comes to attracting a woman.


Boomers *actually* believe that there's some kind of magic combination of words you can say that will get you any woman you want. It's your personality that women really love, not your height or face.


Then these same boomers are on here posting about marriage troubles or cheating spouses.???????? But I thought your amazing personality was all that it took to win over the woman of your dreams?


Endless source of comedy.

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17 minutes ago, HandsomeTallFarang said:

They were taught, among with many other stupid boomer-isms, "Make her laugh." "Have a good job"

Indeed, it's true and those men that can 'attract' an  attractive partner solely based on their wealth. will alays find themselves in the role of a beta provider, merely fulfilling a financial support role for a woman who dosen't genuinely love, respect, or feel sexually attracted to them

Edited by Kaopad999
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59 minutes ago, n00dle said:

Do you now, Fred?

What would you do, bore him to death with overly long paragraphs?

No,show him that a 66 year old man can still get it going against an arrogant egotist that looks at women as objects, something I've always abhorred. Like him, I've spent time in a gym. 48 years to be exact, and unlike him, I don't think  women are as stupid as he thinks they are. Him saying only 3% of men are suitable, being somehow superior to the other 97%, is a childish, narcissistic attitude that anyone who isn't a narcissist can see. He himself tells how bad his relationship was with his family, how his dad abused and neglected him. Prime candidate for an adult narc. That's how they get to be like him. He was married, and is still dating, saying he's a serial dater. That's a user. One who's only agenda is having as many women as he can, with no intention to get married again. Why would an intelligent woman want that kind of creature? One that has low self esteem, looks at only the outside (he's okay looking to me, and I'm a man). Women like his money, that he wrote a few books, with other's help, borrowing much of the better material from books I've read years before he wrote his. The material saying how you treat a woman after you've dated her awhile. Why include this in your book if you have no intention to marry again? Because that part sells the book to women, and men who do want a lasting, permanent relationship. Not the 3% that only want conquests. His advice works of course, because a lot of women fall for an alpha's approach and attitude, not understanding most are only using his ideas to get laid. I'm sorry if I may have bored you with a long paragraph, but some are able to comprehend long paragraphs.

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23 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

I have rarely read a more nonsensical and offensive post on this website.


"Women crave good genetics above everything else"


Setting aside for a moment that you are highly offensively conflating "good genes" with having idealized Aryan physical features, you have displayed a remarkable lack of insight and understanding about the human mating selection process. There is a lot more that goes into the calculus besides physical characteristics, including an assessment of whether someone is compatible and reliable enough to stick around to support the family unit. Things like intelligence, emotional intelligence, humor, drive, current and anticipated financial status, etc. To say it's entirely about physical features is absolute nonsense, and insulting to women in general.


"He wasn't even white"


As far as your Himmler-like assessment that his features are insufficiently Aryan to qualify as white, I imagine you will be amused to hear that when I was guessing his paternal ancestry, I had it pegged as English, based largely on his teeth, head shape and general physique. 


When you say Thai women prefer 6 foot five farangs with white skin and blue eyes, does that include 6 foot five farangs with white skin and blue eyes who are 70 years old, have a heart condition, a hearing aid and are living on a meager pension? You sound like you see yourself as some type of Adonis, God's genetic gift to Thai women. Somebody needs to put down Mien Kampf and take a deep breath. And what, pray tell, is someone so apparently obsessed with genetic purity doing in a country like Thailand which according to National Socialist ideology can only be viewed as a racial backwater?


When "Teeng Mo" walks across the stage during his initial introduction to the women, you see he walks as if he has had some training as a male model. You will also see that the guy is a gym monkey and is physically very "buff." The idea that this guy would be rejected by the women because he wasn't Aryan enough or physically attractive enough just doesn't hold water.


A physically fit guy in his early 20's, holding American citizenship and highly proficient in Thai would normally attract a great deal of interest, especially on a show like "Take Me Out of Thailand" where presumably most of the contestants are open to leaving Thailand. Physical chemistry was, of course, probably lacking in some cases (as is always the case), but to say that he was rejected because he wasn't Aryan enough is ridiculous. He was rejected for coming across as immature, cocky, controlling, and holding male chauvinistic attitudes.


"His views weren't that controversial"


The attitudes he expressed go sharply against the grain of how most Thai women see their role in the family unit. The idea that a guy, for all practical purposes on a first date, would be saying he's planning on having as many mistresses and mia nois he can afford to support would be absolutely unacceptable to most Thai women who often than not see themselves as the head of the family unit, for example, exercising control over family finances in many cases. Yes, infidelity sometimes is tolerated, but it's almost always on a clandestine "don't ask-don't tell" basis, or when there is a tacit admission that the couple is sexually incompatible or one party has a lack of interest in sex, but saying that a significant number of Thai women would be OK with that arrangement right from the get-go shows a fundamental lack of understanding about the norms of Thai marital relations. 


If anyone is interested in getting further insight into Thai marital relations, I suggest reading The Chrysanthemum and the Sword by Ruth Benedict. While it is about Japanese culture, much of it is equally applicable to Thailand and other Asian countries. 



Was about to post much of what you've said, but you beat me to it. Most Thai women, and other nationalities, prefer their own kind. The ones that look for farangs, have either been used and abused by locals, or they've watched their friends and family do the same, and listen to their advice. Of course we make more than the average local, and that's another selling point, but attraction isn't a choice, and a lot are attracted to the farangs they choose. I have seen gorgeous Thai women for the last 20 years plus, both in the US and when I moved here, with fat,drunk farangs, most of who never exercised a day, because of their wallet size. Every woman has their own agenda regarding a mate. Here, there and everywhere.The poorer the population, the more chance women will look more for the cash, and disregard the looks.

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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

No,show him that a 66 year old man can still get it going against an arrogant egotist that looks at women as objects, something I've always abhorred. Like him, I've spent time in a gym. 48 years to be exact, and unlike him, I don't think  women are as stupid as he thinks they are. Him saying only 3% of men are suitable, being somehow superior to the other 97%, is a childish, narcissistic attitude that anyone who isn't a narcissist can see. He himself tells how bad his relationship was with his family, how his dad abused and neglected him. Prime candidate for an adult narc. That's how they get to be like him. He was married, and is still dating, saying he's a serial dater. That's a user. One who's only agenda is having as many women as he can, with no intention to get married again. Why would an intelligent woman want that kind of creature? One that has low self esteem, looks at only the outside (he's okay looking to me, and I'm a man). Women like his money, that he wrote a few books, with other's help, borrowing much of the better material from books I've read years before he wrote his. The material saying how you treat a woman after you've dated her awhile. Why include this in your book if you have no intention to marry again? Because that part sells the book to women, and men who do want a lasting, permanent relationship. Not the 3% that only want conquests. His advice works of course, because a lot of women fall for an alpha's approach and attitude, not understanding most are only using his ideas to get laid. I'm sorry if I may have bored you with a long paragraph, but some are able to comprehend long paragraphs.

I have to commend you for your courage. It's not always easy to speak out in defense of being a "beta" male. High five, brother. There are a handful of posters on this forum who enjoy posturing as "alpha" males in order to bolster their sense of masculinity, often by attempting to emasculate others in the process. They "like" one another's misogynistic and king-of-the-red-light-district posts as if that will make them part of the alpha fraternity. It's particularly sad when they stoop to mocking older guys in order to feel more virile. They feign endless conquests, endless virility, endless alpha-ness, but the truth is most of them are probably reliving long-past glory days, have probably never truly gotten to know a Thai woman, and are only, at best, marginally getting laid more frequently, or more youthful than those they desperately seek to mock.


Edited by Gecko123
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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

No,show him that a 66 year old man can still get it going against an arrogant egotist that looks at women as objects, something I've always abhorred. Like him, I've spent time in a gym. 48 years to be exact, and unlike him, I don't think  women are as stupid as he thinks they are. Him saying only 3% of men are suitable, being somehow superior to the other 97%, is a childish, narcissistic attitude that anyone who isn't a narcissist can see. He himself tells how bad his relationship was with his family, how his dad abused and neglected him. Prime candidate for an adult narc. That's how they get to be like him. He was married, and is still dating, saying he's a serial dater. That's a user. One who's only agenda is having as many women as he can, with no intention to get married again. Why would an intelligent woman want that kind of creature? One that has low self esteem, looks at only the outside (he's okay looking to me, and I'm a man). Women like his money, that he wrote a few books, with other's help, borrowing much of the better material from books I've read years before he wrote his. The material saying how you treat a woman after you've dated her awhile. Why include this in your book if you have no intention to marry again? Because that part sells the book to women, and men who do want a lasting, permanent relationship. Not the 3% that only want conquests. His advice works of course, because a lot of women fall for an alpha's approach and attitude, not understanding most are only using his ideas to get laid. I'm sorry if I may have bored you with a long paragraph, but some are able to comprehend long paragraphs.

heeeey what did i ever do to deserve a novel with spurious percentages? just stop that <deleted>. 

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15 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

There are a handful of posters on this forum who enjoy posturing as "alpha" males in order to bolster their sense of masculinity, often by attempting to emasculate others in the process.

there are also those uf us do not think in bull<deleted> trems of beta alpha or of couse sigma, the new favour of the day.

personally i live my life as i sse fit. it is not about domination or masaculinity its abut what works for me. 

if you are hung up on all this crap you have issues you need to deal with.

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On 6/15/2023 at 1:53 PM, Gottfrid said:

I just feel sad for all Americans, that this man somehow have a US citizenship.


Regressive idiots like this guy give the rest of us a bad name.

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12 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

. They feign endless conquests, endless virility, endless alpha-ness…

“Feign” is the key word.


In reality, they spend in inordinate amount of time sniveling and crying about how pronouns, LGBT people, minorities, immigrants, liberals and the “woke mob” are ruining their lives.

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15 hours ago, fredwiggy said:

Was about to post much of what you've said, but you beat me to it. Most Thai women, and other nationalities, prefer their own kind. The ones that look for farangs, have either been used and abused by locals, or they've watched their friends and family do the same, and listen to their advice.

This is only true where there are no Thai men.

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56 minutes ago, rabas said:

This is only true where there are no Thai men.

No, this is true in Thailand. In other countries, if a Thai woman lives there, she was either born there or moved there to work or be with a husband. If she left her husband, she has been introduced to other nationalities and especially if she is still living there and working, and has her own money, she will meet others based on attraction. She might still be attracted to Thai men living there, or anyone else for that matter. When a Thai woman is independent, she will usually choose her own kind.

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On 6/17/2023 at 5:47 PM, HandsomeTallFarang said:

The boomers on here simply don't want to accept this reality because it means that they lead a delusional life.

They were taught, among with many other stupid boomer-isms, "Make her laugh." "Have a good job" and other sugar coated advice that has zero to do with physical appearance, when it comes to attracting a woman.


Boomers *actually* believe that there's some kind of magic combination of words you can say that will get you any woman you want. It's your personality that women really love, not your height or face.


Then these same boomers are on here posting about marriage troubles or cheating spouses.???????? But I thought your amazing personality was all that it took to win over the woman of your dreams?


Endless source of comedy.

What nonsense. Ugly guys with personality get girls.

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17 hours ago, n00dle said:

there are also those uf us do not think in bull<deleted> trems of beta alpha or of couse sigma, the new favour of the day.

personally i live my life as i sse fit. it is not about domination or masaculinity its abut what works for me. 

if you are hung up on all this crap you have issues you need to deal with.

All fake behaviour I think. So called Alphas are just insecure shallow men.



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