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Why don't we cook more?

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38 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

Im not allowed in the kitchen, but my wife is a great cook she cooks almost everyday and she will do farang food for me, pies as well she tends to make a big one in a Pyrex dish, 

I get alsorts even Thai style pizzas, 


Where you got these pictures? ????

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8 minutes ago, Celsius said:


I do. As a matter of fact I do eat outside a lot. And I still think food here is garbage, but I have no choice. No thing such as western kitchen in Bangkok condo. Not paying 100k a month for something to resemble western condo and not even get a dishwasher. 


And I hope I don't hurt anyone's feelings here, but Thai food is one of the worst on the planet. Thais simply do not know how to cook.


Pls do not get triggered.....



one thing i did notice recently a lot not cooked properly like under cooked, have you ever seen Thai's make toast? just like warm bread one night we went to a well known place here in Phuket one of the family ordered a burger it wasn't cooked inside 

Edited by ChipButty
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1 minute ago, BE88 said:

I really like Italian cuisine and here where I live there is no one capable of making me those dishes so with a lot of free time I have invented myself as a chef with more or less success, I usually succeed quite well, given the mediocrity of Western food that they sell in this country, it's pretty easy to do better.

My wife makes me a top Lasagna I think better than any restaurant 

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I’m in my mid 70’s and can probably count the times I’ve cooked for myself on 2 hands. I am capable but have a no interest in cooking whatsoever. My wives have always done me proud with their culinary efforts and my Thai wife is perfectly happy to cook falang food for me at the same time as she cooks her own. It’s nothing to do with being lazy it’s simply no desire or interest in doing so. 

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2 hours ago, jerrymahoney said:

I check out online recipes and youtube cooking a bit but it is annoying that most every one says "This is the best meat loaf recipe ever" or "I made this and the family ate it all up and wanted more."

Yeat that's true, they monetize the vids by the number of click they get.

Also some of them talk too much.

But there are a lot of good ones 

I have a file in my favorites and when I find a recipe that works , I save it there for later use.  

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1 hour ago, BE88 said:

I really like Italian cuisine and here where I live there is no one capable of making me those dishes so with a lot of free time I have invented myself as a chef with more or less success, I usually succeed quite well, given the mediocrity of Western food that they sell in this country, it's pretty easy to do better.

You sound a lot like me although I have been cooking for myself for many decades, before my mother's home cooking killed me (almost serious). Like you, I do like Italian cuisine and often cook Italian dishes and sometimes play around with the recipes to suit my taste.


Tonight I will be making a home-made pizza, a small one so that I can watch the waistline, and last night I cooked a Paella which I was a bit concerned about because I hadn't cooked one for 20 odd years, but it turned out fine.


Every so often I will cook a beef bourguignon with plenty of red wine and a nice rich source in which to slow cook the beef. I do cook the occasional Thai dish and a Panang curry is tasty and easy to make, similarly with Laab Moo, Pad Krapow and Pad Thai.


I used to cook quite a few Indian curries, but it's so easy to pick one up from a takeaway, that's what I do these days as they taste more "Indian" than mine do!

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Yep, I'm lazy ........

Thai street food and restaurants everywhere.

A woman in our homes to cook Thai food for us.

But why don't we make the effort to cook our own cultures food more?


Today I did Cottage Pie, 0.5Kg minced pork, an onion, 0.75Kg of potato and some gravy powder.

Brown the mince in a saucepan with a bit of oil, add water to cover + 3 teaspoons of gravy powder (or a couple of stock cubes from 7-11) + 1 chopped onion.

Add in salt, pepper, chopped garlic if you can be bothered and leave to simmer for 10 minutes.

Peel and chop the potatoes into chunks, put in a saucepan an cover with water, boil for 5 mins.


Ladle the cooked mince into any style dish that you can put in an oven, not too wet!

Pick out the cooked potato chunks, put in a bowl with a bit of milk, mash with a fork, cover up the mince.


Put in an oven (Otto is fine) for around 15 mins at 150c, until the top browns.

Then eat.


20mins of work costs about 100bht, enough for 3-4 portions. 




That looks tasty.

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3 hours ago, bignok said:

Because 2nd rate pies arent good.

Because that is how second rate pies become first rate.


If you cook for yourself you can change and improve the recipe as you go along.


If you buy it in a restaurant it will be bland for everybody and perhaps second rate too.

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1 minute ago, billd766 said:

Because that is how second rate pies become first rate.


If you cook for yourself you can change and improve the recipe as you go along.


If you buy it in a restaurant it will be bland for everybody and perhaps second rate too.

I suppose if bored. I know a good pie shop.

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2 hours ago, Celsius said:


I do. As a matter of fact I do eat outside a lot. And I still think food here is garbage, but I have no choice. No thing such as western kitchen in Bangkok condo. Not paying 100k a month for something to resemble western condo and not even get a dishwasher. 


And I hope I don't hurt anyone's feelings here, but Thai food is one of the worst on the planet. Thais simply do not know how to cook.


Pls do not get triggered.....



Rather clueless. Lanna food is better than most food. I know French chefs, i prefer Lanna food.



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14 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:

Pies are not healthy. ????



4 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:


It depends on how many pies a day you eat and how many days a week you eat them.


It also depends whether you make them yourself or buy them in.


If you make your own, then you decide how much of what goes into them.

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15 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

Im partial to a few English style pork pies and a bit of mustard if I can get them M&S 

God, pork pies!

Terrible, terrible, terrible things and I absolutely love them! I would quite cheerfully kill for a pork pie these days.

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14 minutes ago, billd766 said:



It depends on how many pies a day you eat and how many days a week you eat them.


It also depends whether you make them yourself or buy them in.


If you make your own, then you decide how much of what goes into them.

Yeah Bill understand I'm not a food person so glad to get away from birthday parties, Christmas parties, Easter parties when I came to Thailand.

At one time in my life Branston bake beans eaten out the can was lovely. ????


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48 minutes ago, ChipButty said:

Im partial to a few English style pork pies and a bit of mustard if I can get them M&S 

I used to make them but I have a breathing and a balance problem nowadays.


They tasted great but really need Coleman's mustard.

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