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What makes people follow made-up morality, obey silly, foolish or simply unenforceable laws.


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12 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

2 points,

1.Heath service is not free, it's something people pay for, no customers = no profits.

2. Are you suggesting fat people are better than people not wearing seat belts?


I choose not to wear a seat belt, but I also choose not to overeat, and to exercise.

You are picking and choosing, as all of us do. I always wear a seat belt, although I didn't for a long time, until I moved to Texas and it was a law they enforced. Now I wear it because if I had an accident, especially here where the risks are high with all the incompetent drivers, I'd want to stay in the car, if by chance it flipped. Not wearing a seat belt in the US has risks not only for you, but for others. If you get into an accident, and aren't wearing a seat belt, and you die, that person can be charged with manslaughter. If your children aren't wearing one,, you can be charged also.                                                                                                                                                     Many rules are there to protect us from ourselves, and also to protect others from our irresponsibility. Drinking while driving, or just before, can hurt or kill not only us, but others. Not having insurance will ensure we will pay out of pocket for a long time, including a fine. Most everyone speeds, because they don't like the restrictions, but speed limits are there for a reason. Some roads are downright dangerous to drive, especially at night. Speed is the main reason people die on roads. Driving a tad over the speed limit isn't that bad, unless you are in a school zone.                                                                                                                                                                 Legislators make the rules, taking into account professionals who theorize what speeds are safe in all conditions. Many of us download things in torrents, which are illegal and take from the profits of artists. Rules are there to protect others, and picking and choosing is what most do, because we are all rebels and do things that we think are right for us, even though they can affect others.

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54 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Are you claiming that 120kph, in a four land divided highway, in good weather, in a nearly new car is not safe? Really? And you drive slower than that, on the open highway? And I am now a stupid man for that? If that is the case, my guess is that you have labeled half or more of the folks on this forum as such.

What I said was that increased speed also increase the risks. Nothing more. The stupid part, you where right about, though

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3 hours ago, BritManToo said:

So you're OK with driving when too old, or driving at 35mph in a 30mph zone?

Sounds like pick and choose to me!

try to use their brain and make some decisions to protect them from at least a few of the more obvious threats.


like i said...make SOME decisions....obvious threats....

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

So you're OK with driving when too old, or driving at 35mph in a 30mph zone?

Sounds like pick and choose to me!

Mental acuity, reflexes and eyesight vary with individuals, so age alone should not be a factor in the decision to drive or not. One person could be a risk at 60, another not until 80 or older.

Edited by JensenZ
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2 hours ago, BritManToo said:

1.Heath service is not free, it's something people pay for, no customers = no profits.

This is not true. Neither Thailand nor your home country make money out of people in car accidents, unless they happen to pay additional money for private medical insurance.

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19 minutes ago, arick said:

I was watching a Horror movie and the girl was being chased by the killer  she ran to the car fiddle to get her keys in the door  she finally got in the car and put her seatbelt on . 


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16 hours ago, BritManToo said:

You missed out music!

Shakira made $70M from her last love tour.

As for movies, none of the actors appear to be hurting.

And I don't really care if big greedy corporations fail.


Copyright is an odd sort of thing, charge the same for a paperback as an ebook, yet one costs nothing to make and the author still only gets 25c/sale and I have to endure ads if I buy the ebook.

Who died and made you king? YOU can decide how much a person can earn from their efforts, or how much a corporation can earn? You sound like one of those 'socialists' or 'commies'.


INCENTIVE is a great system and seems to produce a better living standard for more people than any of the other 'isms'. We're not all as altruistic as you, a guy working tirelessly every day to solve cancer, air pollution, climate change, dementia, etc., expecting nothing in return. /sarc


Frankly, you come across as an entitled brat, thinking others OWE YOU their efforts for your pleasure. You contribute nothing to society, but expect others in society to contribute to you.

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Posters claiming that people follow rules because of "heard mentality", or that people who obey rules are "sheep/sheeple" are really showcasing their ignorance, if you ask me.


Society creates a set of rules, usually by some form of democratic consensus. These are rules that we are all expected to follow, and all have to follow, to some degree


But we all have our own personal moral compass and we all have an individual opinion on what is and isn't acceptable.


There will invariably be conflicts between what social deems acceptable, and what we personally deem acceptable. At this point we have to make either a conscious, or more often subconscious, decision on if we will follow our morals, or those dictated by society. These decisions will be based on a number of factors such as the risk of being caught, the legal or social severity of the consequences when caught, and the level of personal satisfaction for doing so.


The process was nicely summed up in the post from @KhunLA


12 hours ago, KhunLA said:

I only follow the ones that are enforceable,  with consequences greater than the benefit of not following.  Or if chance of being caught.


Of course I don't need rules to use common sense, or proper decency.  

This really applies to every single one of us, regardless of whether we're actually conscious of the process.


It has nothing to do with heard mentality.

Edited by JayClay
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6 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

You sound like one of those 'socialists' or 'commies'.


 You contribute nothing to society, but expect others in society to contribute to you.

Yes, I am a Marxist!

Yes, I am retired!

Edited by BritManToo
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9 minutes ago, JayClay said:

Society creates a set of rules, usually by some form of democratic consensus. These are rules that we are all expected to follow, and all have to follow, to some degree

The elite create laws/rules to benefit themselves and control the rest.

Then they use force and fear to selectively enforce those rules on the proletariat. 

Edited by BritManToo
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18 hours ago, JonnyF said:

They are weak minded people. Incapable of forming their own moral code, they need someone else to tell them what is right and wrong.



Yes, I form my own moral code. For example, I don't like that silly prohibition of murder. I'm more of a Viking, doing whatever I feel to take what I want.


For example, I think trumpers have no right to live, and one by one I'm hellbent on eliminating them and erasing their pollution from the human gene pool. I'm well trained in all of the skills necessary to live MY moral code, and know it is my civic duty to relentlessly and without mercy follow that code. Woe to those who dare stand in my way. /sarc


Civilization created a moral code, and that long before the various superstitions that go by the name 'religion'. It largely works. Maybe it occasionally goes too far, maybe not, but few really want to live the Hobbesian world of 'poor, nasty, brutish and short' lives. Those who bark loudest about society's rules are the first to complain when something goes against them.



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7 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

INCENTIVE is a great system and seems to produce a better living standard for more people than any of the other 'isms'

Incentive, by definition, cannot create a better living standard for more people than a redistributive society. 


Incentive creates the desire for some to have more than others. You can of course separately debate the various benefits or drawbacks for society allowing this practice, but you cannot claim that it improves the quality of life for more people than a society where the aim is for everyone to be able to enjoy a similar lifestyle.

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5 minutes ago, Walker88 said:

Yes, I form my own moral code. For example, I don't like that silly prohibition of murder. I'm more of a Viking, doing whatever I feel to take what I want.


For example, I think trumpers have no right to live, and one by one I'm hellbent on eliminating them and erasing their pollution from the human gene pool. I'm well trained in all of the skills necessary to live MY moral code, and know it is my civic duty to relentlessly and without mercy follow that code. Woe to those who dare stand in my way. /sarc


Civilization created a moral code, and that long before the various superstitions that go by the name 'religion'. It largely works. Maybe it occasionally goes too far, maybe not, but few really want to live the Hobbesian world of 'poor, nasty, brutish and short' lives. Those who bark loudest about society's rules are the first to complain when something goes against them.



For every sarcasm there's an element of truth. The only thing I agree with is that those who voted for Trump don't really know him for what he is, which includes half of my own family. Trying to sound like Liam Neeson in Taken isn't scary to anyone, especially those who are actually trained in combat. I understand the Viking mentality, and chose the US football team because of it, but it doesn't work in this day and age. You act like them, you share a room with a bunch of other sweaty, weak talkers.

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8 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

The elite create laws/rules to benefit themselves and control the rest.

Then they use force and fear to selectively enforce those rules on the proletariat. 

Please try to understand the definition of the phrase "to some degree".


Of course people in power tend to create rules that suit them. They do this by manipulating people to vote for them against their own interests. But generally people do have a voice, even if they don't usually have the reasoning skills to use it properly.

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19 hours ago, BritManToo said:

Was reading the Kindle thread and thought, why are people paying for books.

Then extended that thought into why are they paying for movies and music.

What about those who won't pay for sex, or have to confess to DWP they are living overseas (and losing pension increases)?

How about driving without a seat belt, helmet, insurance, tax, driving license, after a few drinks, or too old, driving at 35mph in a 30mph zone, etc?

We seem to be surrounded by people with fixed sets or morality, do you obey them all, or pick and choose a few to follow.

For those who feel the need to pay, is using a legit library also immoral, how about listening to the radio or Spotify?


My only morality is to try to directly avoid harming anyone else.  

Can someone more moral than me explain how my worldview is wrong, and their worldview is right?

If you pick and choose then why?

You'll get your right worldview after your booze. And this is the most harmless explanation ????????????. Cheers????

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I downloaded most of the books which I read from the pirates. And I read a lot.

Now I read not so much anymore. And when I have a new book in mind, I tried to find it. When I was not able to find it within a few minutes, I just bought in online, with one click. Very convenient and not expensive.

And my favorite author is a regular guest in Soi Cowboy. So, it's like buying him a beer.


About other regulations and laws. If they don't make sense, then I ignore them as long as I think I will get away with that. But sometimes I think about why those regulations and laws exist. I.e. red lights, especially red lights at zebra crossings. I almost always stop. Because I think it is fair to the pedestrians. And I think it's time that many other riders and drivers learn that they should stop at red lights. Because there is a reason why that makes sense. 

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I’ll break a superfluous law if it suits. Those that follow arbitrary laws to the letter—stick to every speed limit, never jaywalk, pay through the nose for this or that service when they don’t need to—are more lemming than morally superior. Screw that 1984 bs! ????

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19 hours ago, BritManToo said:

How about driving without a seat belt, helmet, insurance, tax, driving license, after a few drinks,

Those are immoral as you can take up hospital space, and resources, and no insurance will leave a third party out of pocket akin to theft IMO.

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50 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I want property and wealth re-distribution, free education, housing, food and health care for all ..........

Which politician should I vote for whom will support my 'voice'?

You should vote for Labour.


Because of the two genuine options, Labour is the only option that may eventually lead to  proportional representation being implemented. Once PR is in place, you would then be able to vote for a candidate who better aligns with your views.


Change takes time. You probably won't be around to see what you want happen (assuming those are serious desires) being implemented. But if you genuinely want those things to happen for future generations, then vote Labour. To get society to the left, first you need to bring them back through the centre.

Edited by JayClay
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I think it has also a lot to do with our financial situation and how much time we like to use for what.

There was a time when I had little money and a lot of time. I searched online and downloaded books, movies, software, etc. Some was good quality, some was bad, some software didn't really work or contained viruses.

Now I pay regularly for MS Office, and I pay for ROON and Tidal. And with that I can rely on my daily used software and cloud services. And I have all the music I want in high quality and well organized. All for relatively little money - equivalent to a few espressos.

If it is convenient and not too expensive then I think it's win/win to pay. 


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