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‘No turning back’: how the Ukraine war has profoundly changed the EU

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4 hours ago, Thorgal said:

The first referendum of Donbas was organized in 2014. Even Russia (Putin) was not in favor as it's not in line with the Minsk accords and the Ukrainian governing laws.


After the start of the Russian special military operation (2022) there was a need to re-organize the new referendum/elections to be able to work together between Donbas/Kherson/Zaporizhzhia regions and the Russian government. 


Schools and churches were opened again, buildings were renovated, electricity, gas and water was again available thanks to Russian intervention, except that the Ukrainian (+8 years) shelling was is not yet stopped (even constitutionally).


Most UN countries were against these latest referendums due to the unlawful character with respect to Ukrainians' Constitutional laws. Zelensky was asked to participate in these elections. He refused to participate in the negotiations for the local elections...

I hope for you that you are aware it's Russian propaganda and you do it on purpose, rather than naively diffuse it


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19 hours ago, retarius said:

I was very pleased to see the results of the Slovakian election where the people voted to reject funding for Ukraine and put in some sensible leaders who promise don't to send more money to corrupt nazis. The other piece of good news of course was that some of the GOP in Congress finally had enough and said no aid for Ukraine in the funding package. The NO AID FOR UKRAINe movement is growing, and with it hopefully an end to the war and the threat of a nuclear catastrophe. Shame on the US for engineering this conflict, and shame in the Ukrainians for being so stupid as to fight to the last Ukrainian. 

Unfortunately they only stopped money for Ukraine being included in the spending bill in which it had no place. They didn't say that they will stop voting money for Ukraine war in a stand alone bill. After all, the military industrial complex needs all the $ it can get to keep the 1% getting richer.


Seems more likely that the cutoff of funds for this war will come from Europe, and once European countries have seen the light it will be hard for the US to carry on alone.

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5 hours ago, RayC said:

All well and good but apart from those 26 examples you cite (yes, sad I counted them), what conflicts has Russia/ the Soviet Union been involved in since WW2????

Unfortunately a few eg Afghanistan, Hungary, Syria, which is why I qualified it by saying "western countries".

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8 hours ago, billd766 said:

Here is a full list going back to the 9th century.




Down towards the bottom the list carries on from 1944 to the 1960s and includes 

Korea 1959 to 1953

East German uprising in 1953

Hungarian Revolution in 1956

Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968

War of Attrition between Israel, Egypt and Russia 1969 to 1970

Eritrean War of Independence 1974 to 1991

Angolan Civil War 1975 to 1991

Ethio-Somali War 1977 to 1978 

Soviet- Afghan War 1979 to 1989

US invasion of Grenada 1983

Cold War 1967 to 1991

Georgian Civil war 1991 to 1993

South Ossetian War 1991 to 1992

War in Abkhazia 1992 to 1993

Tajikistan Civil war 1992 to 1997

First Chechen War 1994 to 1996

War of Dagestan 1999

Russo- Georgian War 2008

Second Chechen War 1999 to 2009

Insurgency in the North Caucasus 2009 to 2017

Russo-Ukrainian War 2914 to present day

Russian Military Intervention in the Syrian Civil War 2015 to the present time

Central African Republic Civil War 2018 to present day

Mali War 2021 to present day.


I had to look them up as there were so many but you did ask.


I probably missed a couple but the full account is in the link.


I have to laugh, as you accuse the west and people here of being warmongers.




Did you miss where I asked SPECIFICALLY about WESTERN countries? Instead you posted a list that had ZERO to do with my question which you actually posted, but apparently didn't read.


As for Korea, as no Russian troops were involved, to my knowledge, they were only doing the same thing as America is doing in Ukraine, and supplying military aid. Is it different when it's not America?

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9 hours ago, billd766 said:

Please refrain from calling people who support the Ukraine, "warmongers". Many of us have served in the military of our own country to keep our countries free from invasion by dictators like Putin and KNOW the cost of war in lives and destruction.

I refer to the people in governments that vote for sending war material to the Ukraine so Ukrainian's can die to enrich the 1% that make the weapons, while remaining safely miles and miles behind the lines.


I myself only just missed out on participating in America's war in a far off Asian country, so I am not a stay at home safely person either. It ended for us when I was about to be posted there.

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14 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Unfortunately a few eg Afghanistan, Hungary, Syria, which is why I qualified it by saying "western countries".


8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Did you miss where I asked SPECIFICALLY about WESTERN countries? Instead you posted a list that had ZERO to do with my question which you actually posted, but apparently didn't read.


As for Korea, as no Russian troops were involved, to my knowledge, they were only doing the same thing as America is doing in Ukraine, and supplying military aid. Is it different when it's not America?

So you don't consider 1940/50's Warsaw Pact countries such as Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Poland to have been Western countries?

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10 hours ago, retarius said:

Chomper I have seen your posts with shock over the past few months and you ignorance and arrogance are staggering. 

I get my news from a variety of sources and nations, including the UK, US, Japan, Thailand, Germany and other European sites, Russia, Ukraine, Singapore and China, and also from Al Jazeera and Cradle for the Middle East news. I also read specialised magazines and commentary which have supposed expert opinion, most of which is naive and not expert at all.

Having a wide variety of sources on similar events helps eliminate biases and blatant propaganda. For example, it is almost impossible to get an idea of how the Ukraine war is progressing from western only sources. It is impossible to get an idea of Ukrainian casualty figure from Ukraine news sources, or Russian casualty figures from Russian sources.

Everything you see on the TV or news media is selling you ideas to gain pour support for what the politicians want to do. When you understand that that and internalise it, you will find the world much easier to interpret. 

I say the US is the world's biggest warmonger. You say it's not because your news sources e tis CNBN or BBC. But I say, count up the numbers of war the US have started (all in the best of good faith, naturally) and the number of wars other nations have started. The US have started more wars that the rest of the world since 1945.


The poster you quoted has a cheek complaining about personal attacks, given I put him on ignore for just such activity.

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Just now, RayC said:


So you don't consider 1940/50's Warsaw Pact countries such as Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Poland to have been Western countries?

No. They were in the Soviet sphere ( given to them by Churchill and Roosevelt at the Yalta conference ) post WW2.

I'd have thought it was obvious I was referring to non soviet countries, but apparently not.

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13 hours ago, RayC said:

Maybe you don't equate the Soviet Union with Russia and/or consider former Warsaw Pact countries such as Czech (o)slovakia, (East) Germany, Hungary, Poland to be "western countries", in which case my following paragraph is null and void.


You seem to have forgotten about the whole Cold War era; in particular, the Soviet Union's expansion into Central Europe and the presence of Soviet tanks in Budapest and Prague after demonstrations against the Soviet-backed regimes in Hungary and Czechoslovakia during the '50s and '60s. 


What exactly is it about Soviet/ Russian expansionism and domination that you find so appealing?

I have forgotten nothing including how Churchill and Roosevelt gave the Soviets those European countries at Yalta.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I have forgotten nothing including how Churchill and Roosevelt gave the Soviets those European countries at Yalta.

Ahh they didn’t have much choice unless they turned an ally into an enemy those countries didn’t have a choice in the matter as I’m sure you know

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8 minutes ago, RayC said:


That is complete and utter nonsense and a rewriting of history.


The Yalta Conference agreed that there should be free elections in the former Axis states and in Poland. A pledge that Stalin obviously did not honour.


It is equally ridiculous to imply, as you seem to do, that Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland were Soviet states at the end of WW2 in 1945.

States or not, they were in the Soviet sphere of influence, and controlled by Russian aligned governments.

Were Churchill and Roosevelt fooled by Stalin, or did they abandon those countries? I'm going for the latter. The Uk has a history of abandoning countries when it suits them, eg Palestine.


So perhaps you can inform us as to which western countries not in the Soviet sphere of influence were invaded by Russia post WW2.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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