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Foreign hero’s good deed ends in Pattaya Beach brawl: Man injured trying to stop transwomen tiff


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1 hour ago, Seth1a2a said:


For the record, there was a "Lonely Planet" warning back in the 1980's about intervening in incidental fights or arguments while travelling. Though not in this case, the scam was to set the tourist up for fleecing via directly robbing him or accusing him of bodily injury by  members of the fight or fracas. A couple of guys tried it on me in Paris  at about 3 in the morning in 1984 . I just kept walking and laughed like crazy at the guy screaming for help from the other guy who was pretending to beat the crap out of him. It was as if they read the book line by line.

If it's really something serious calling the police after I clear the area might be an option.  There's been a rash of good Samaritans getting shot in the head lately.... 





That is the issue. You can't expect anyone to get involved directly, but it takes no effort or money to call the cops before you do anything - like even walking away. It might just save an innocent person's life.

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1 minute ago, Datsun 1200 said:

Is "chicks with dicks" no longer woke?


I often wonder what the ugly ones do? Have only employed one, she

"preened" herself insanely all day for the suitors that never came, 

it was very sad to watch. In looks, one of the few people that is a

1/10 poor thing. 



If you sit down with a lady boy, at least with some I've met, you'll find a very different story. Many are very well off. They have extremely rich patrons, they have cars and properties. They are sophisticated and erudite. Give a non hetero a bad name and everything else follows. Even the word homosexual is misused. The homo part of it does not refer to the Latin "man", but the Greek, "same". Yes, believe it or not, they actually like, even prefer, their own gender. Heteros just see the "opposite" sex as territory to be colonised. Why is war rape such a potent weapon?

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9 minutes ago, bradiston said:

If you sit down with a lady boy, at least with some I've met, you'll find a very different story. Many are very well off. They have extremely rich patrons, they have cars and properties. They are sophisticated and erudite. Give a non hetero a bad name and everything else follows. Even the word homosexual is misused. The homo part of it does not refer to the Latin "man", but the Greek, "same". Yes, believe it or not, they actually like, even prefer, their own gender. Heteros just see the "opposite" sex as territory to be colonised. Why is war rape such a potent weapon?

Own gender is male

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Pattaya, and all the 'inhabitant' actors, are paid by the Thai government to provide entertainment for the masses and tourists.

Think about all the improbable events daily in Pattaya.

Nobody sane would actually live a real life there. Occam's Razor maintains that the simplest explanation is probably the correct one.


In any event, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Regardless of how senseless, bloody, or outrageous things seem there, even in the Kingdom things can't be that far gone.


It's all for laughs and I applaud their efforts. Keep the comedy coming!



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4 hours ago, webfact said:

The victim, a transwoman, suffered injuries and fell to the ground. At this point, a foreign man dressed in a yellow shirt stepped forward, attempting to intervene and break up the fight…

…is a boneheaded knucklehead trying to be a white knight in a foreign country 

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4 hours ago, connda said:

Transgender = testosterone = strong, aggressive lady-man. 


Quite the opposite:


They take estrogen plus medication to suppress their testosterone in order to make them more female. It actually makes them less aggressive but moody.


That aggressive behavior towards competition is more likely caused by the lack of money to pay for certain substances, which if not consumed regularly drives them nuts.


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3 hours ago, wombat said:

what a load of excrement...
Chrissy is one of the nicest ladyboys you could meet.
for the record there are no trans in Thailand they are called ladyboys...dont infect Thailand with yo filthy farang western words

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Well done @Wombat, @Aseannow have picked your graphic for their Tweet on this subject 🙂.


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5 hours ago, kinyara said:

Best allocation of resources, 4 groups of 2 police officers permanently patrolling the full length of Beach Road in 1 km stretches each between midnight to 4am. They either want to clean the area up and make people feel safe at night or they don't, forget the one-off shows by top brass like last week and enforce some permanent visible deterrents.

Work after 5:00 pm, sure you jest. Oh, what happens if it's raining ? Anyone ever seen a BIB out in inclement weather ? 8 BIB in total, me thinks a few too short. Hows bout 8 groups of 6 ? Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm dreaming !

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23 minutes ago, fire2rescue99 said:

The best LB tussle I saw was in front on McDonalds on Second Rd at 7AM one morning. (I was just up, not retiring FYI) They seemed to be finishing up a long night. They looked quite long in the tooth. Messed hair, mascara runny and the such. Two of them were grabbing each other and whipping around in their skimpy dresses. A third and fourth stepped in not before a high heel shoe came off and was threatening to strike. 
The drama lasted a couple of minutes. Suddenly a car appeared and stopped in the lane next to the taxi stand. Watching them all get in the car was almost as good as the fight. They were pushing, shoving and bitching, but all left together. And away they went.

great story. Ive heard some weird <deleted> about things in pattaya but your story takes the cake. its one classic place. 

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One of these sat next to me on the songtow to Jomtien , rather too closely as it turns out . After a couple of minutes I felt a hand pulling at my wallet . Luckily I reacted and stopped it . Thought about punching the thief but decided against it .

Yes , they are scary , watch out for groups of them loitering on the sidewalk late in the evening . If you walk through them , chances are they will use the distraction method to lift your wallet .

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1 hour ago, persimmon said:

One of these sat next to me on the songtow to Jomtien , rather too closely as it turns out . After a couple of minutes I felt a hand pulling at my wallet . Luckily I reacted and stopped it . Thought about punching the thief but decided against it .

Yes , they are scary , watch out for groups of them loitering on the sidewalk late in the evening . If you walk through them , chances are they will use the distraction method to lift your wallet .

You felt a hand pulling at your wallet?

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6 hours ago, Bobthegimp said:


This kind of spectacle is why I came to Pattaya.


If I wanted boring I'd stay back home and watch stupid white people fight over what's going on in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, as if their opinions were going to make an iota of difference in ancient feuds. 


Here I get to watch hormonally imbalanced men dressed in drag duke it out over customers who "aren't gay" but don't tell anyone back home about their proclivities in Pattaya.   

Fair call

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If there is one thing worst than trying to stop a cat fight between women, it is trying to stop a fight between transwoman  

Of and alpacas !! alpacas spit at you!! Not very polite if you ask me. 


This is what you get when someone calls you 3 am from the US and you can't go back to sleep. 

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16 hours ago, wombat said:

what a load of excrement...
Chrissy is one of the nicest ladyboys you could meet.
for the record there are no trans in Thailand they are called ladyboys...dont infect Thailand with yo filthy farang western words

Well the topic isn't about her/him whatever is it?

What nonsense to pick out one 'who is different'.....why are you promoting this one?

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21 hours ago, wombat said:

what a load of excrement...
Chrissy is one of the nicest ladyboys you could meet.
for the record there are no trans in Thailand they are called ladyboys...dont infect Thailand with yo filthy farang western words

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Mmmmmm Chrissy chorb mak. I could handle getting roughed up by that 2am or otherwise 😁 😋


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6 hours ago, Bim Smith said:

In Thailand there is a third gender called ladyboys. Stop the western trans nonsense. Does go to show though that you can't take the man out of the transwomen. Sorry ladyboy. Oppsssss

They are men. No 3 genders. Only 2.

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22 hours ago, wombat said:

what a load of excrement...
Chrissy is one of the nicest ladyboys you could meet.
for the record there are no trans in Thailand they are called ladyboys...dont infect Thailand with yo filthy farang western words

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Mmmmmm Chrissy chorb mak I wouldn't mind a bit of rough house with 2am or otherwise 😁 😋 


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