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Don't buy an Amazon pod machine (that's Amazon, the coffee bar chain, not Jeff Bozo's-Amazon).


The booklet was only in Thai and 4 pod attempts of various sizes later, we put it out in the hall. I've seen it back out in the hall twice since.


For a machine with consistently gettable pots, Netpresso is it. We gave up and went to filter coffee.


What a great idea! Buy a ready supply of tiny plastic containers, instead if taking one minute more to grind your own fresh coffee, use the toxic plastic container once, then throw them in the endless ... NOT ... landfill

8 hours ago, matchar said:
8 hours ago, couchpotato said:

Care to elaborate why you think it's rubbish.

The 'espresso' pods that came with the machine don't taste like espresso at all but more like drip coffee. They don't have the body or mouthfeel of real espresso.



Absolutely concur with this this...     the 'Dolce Gusto' makes coffee which is just like 'filter (drip) coffee'.... thats not a bad thing if thats what you like and its better than instant... but its not as good as other alternatives. 


8 hours ago, matchar said:

I have a Dolce Gusto machine and I think it's a bit rubbish.

Most of the cheaper espresso machines only come with a pressurised double wall portafilter too.


Again... another very valid point... 


6 hours ago, CecilM said:

If I ever buy a machine, then only the “illy 3.3”. Two friends, who both have Nespresso, suggested to go with illy. I tried and liked it. No fancy seasonal flavours, just straight up excellent coffee. 


Agreed... the illy Coffee is very good and the illy machine makes a good 'very espresso like' drink and gives the conventional Nespresso machine a good run for its money.


Certainly worth a look at for the Op... I personally think the latest incarnation of Nespresso machines, the Vertuo is better - its still not espresso (technically) but coffee produced comes very close. 



  • Thanks 1
43 minutes ago, Tropposurfer said:

What a great idea! Buy a ready supply of tiny plastic containers, instead if taking one minute more to grind your own fresh coffee, use the toxic plastic container once, then throw them in the endless ... NOT ... landfill

That’s what I thought too.


But… as I have read on the Internet and therefore it must be true: the average coffee maker (person) will be inconsistent in the amount of coffee used (too much) and the water used (too much) which means a lot of coffee is wasted. And since coffee cultivation is resource intensive… the production of coffee that ends up wasted is far worse for the environment than pods going into a landfill.


… if you actually care to believe such logic. ;)


(I don’t. But it’s interesting at what lengths some pod-producers go.)

On 11/6/2023 at 6:33 PM, scubascuba3 said:

I had a Nespresso. I wouldn't bother, just buy a Moka Pot circ 400 baht on Lazada and experiment with different ground coffees or beans on Lazada 

But he wants a pod machine


I won’t get into which is the best system, it’s about how you want your coffee. I love my coffee but I like it made in different ways depending what I fancy at the time so I have at least half a dozen types of coffee makers from Vietnamese drip filters to an Italian Pavoni. My pod machine is a Nespresso. I don’t use it that often and I bring my pods back when I go back home so I don’t pay Thai prices. In many countries you can recycle Nespresso pods at their stores but don’t know about here. I also have reusable pods.

  • Like 2
7 minutes ago, CecilM said:

That’s what I thought too.


But… as I have read on the Internet and therefore it must be true: the average coffee maker (person) will be inconsistent in the amount of coffee used (too much) and the water used (too much) which means a lot of coffee is wasted. And since coffee cultivation is resource intensive… the production of coffee that ends up wasted is far worse for the environment than pods going into a landfill.


… if you actually care to believe such logic. ;)


(I don’t. But it’s interesting at what lengths some pod-producers go.)


And the fact that Pods like Nespresso are made of recyclable aluminium / illy pods are made from recycled plastics... which kind of dumps on Tropp's soap-boxing.


I'm sure we could take 100's of things from such peoples daily lives which are far more polluting than a couple of 'pod made coffees' per day and highlight such comments for exactly what they are.... hypocritical bumf..

  • Like 1
2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


And the fact that Pods like Nespresso are made of recyclable aluminium / illy pods are made from recycled plastics... which kind of dumps on Tropp's soap-boxing.


I'm sure we could take 100's of things from such peoples daily lives which are far more polluting than a couple of 'pod made coffees' per day and highlight such comments for exactly what they are.... hypocritical bumf..

I like my drip coffee, or French press, or moka pot. Depending on the mood. And cheaper too. ;)


They are an environmental disaster in my opinion. Plastic pods... Yuch. Better to buy instant if you're looking for convenience, otherwise buy a coffee maker of some sort, in my case I buy beans and grind them daily. I used to buy Maxwell House and used it in a single cup coffee maker. I'm still using the single cup coffee maker. When it dies or the screen 'parts' or tears I'll probably use a "French Press".

2 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

And the fact that Pods like Nespresso are made of recyclable aluminium / illy pods are made from recycled plastics... which kind of dumps on Tropp's soap-boxing.

Come on, RIchard. He's not going to recycle....  Hopefully someone in the landfill will pick this stuff out of the trash.

1 hour ago, AgMech Cowboy said:
3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

And the fact that Pods like Nespresso are made of recyclable aluminium / illy pods are made from recycled plastics... which kind of dumps on Tropp's soap-boxing.

Come on, RIchard. He's not going to recycle....  Hopefully someone in the landfill will pick this stuff out of the trash.


I agree with you... Most people probably don't recycle their coffee pods - thats just the 'company optics' all corporate entities have to present now....   

... But its hardly the ecological disaster its made out to be by those blubbering from their soap-boxes.





4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

Absolutely concur with this this...     the 'Dolce Gusto' makes coffee which is just like 'filter (drip) coffee'.... thats not a bad thing if thats what you like and its better than instant... but its not as good as other alternatives. 


I have to disagree with that. My newly acquired Dolce Gusto makes coffee which is pretty similar to what I would get in a café in France. A filter coffee maker could not produce that foam and texture. Of course there are better alternatives, but for 100 euros it's great value IMO.Nescafé Dolce Gusto 50ml ESPRESSO Coffee Cup & Saucers Set of 2 | eBay

3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


What you have described (and shown in the photo) is 'foam' from aeration during the process of flowing the coffee from the pod, its not a true crema (or it looks like that anyway).


In my opinion, the Dolce Gusto does not produce 'Crema' which is the product of the emulsification of the oils when extracted from the coffee grind at pressure....   what comes out is more like a foam than a crema. 

When crema is extracted, we can see the oils flowing within it, we don't get this from pod coffee (as much as the manufacturers have tried)


This is because the pressure is created by the 'exit point' rather than the density of the coffee grind itself. In the same manner the 'double wall' porter filters artificially generate the back pressure, this cheat slows the extraction process to something akin to 'espresso timing' (i.e. 30 seconds), but, this is not the same as 'expresso extraction' with the back pressure generated by with a well dialled in espresso machine (i.e. right amount of coffee, right grind size and a 2:1 ratio of extortion per portion - IMO: ideally: 18gms grind / 36 gms coffee / 8 second heated pre-infusion / 30 second extortion)... 


A lot of effort ???... it can be, especially at the start but its worth it.


Pop in a capsule, press a button (or in the case of Dolce Gusto - switch a small lever) and there is no set up, no dialling in, no hassle... just a cup of coffee at the end...   I see the attraction, I see the same attraction with instant (Dolce is obviously worlds better than instant).



A lot of the Dolce Gusto marketing concentrates on the word crema, this seems to be an attempt to deliberately mislead the customer into thinking they're going to get a 'luxurious rich textured coffee with crema'... (again IMO) they don't... they get what I'd call a efficiently produced stringer filter coffee.


Nespresso does the same thing and of course is very well marketed, but, IMO, it backs up its marketing with a better quality end product than other Pod Machines, although the illy machine is up there too, the texture of the coffee for both is an improvement on the Dolce Gusto IMO...  the Nespresso Vertuo again nudges out further improvement on texture (again, just my opinion).



To be fair to the Dolce Gusto - it makes reasonable coffee, certainly much better than Instant (I've previously mentioned that in this thread).

I had an instant coffee yesterday (no other option where I was), I'd have happily paid for a Dolce Gusto Produced coffee in that situation !!!... 


If someone is simply looking for a reasonably priced 'point and shoot' coffee device, for the price point and for for someone who is satisfied with 'filter coffee' then the Dolce Gusto is a reasonable option - especially for 100 Euros (as you mentioned) and especially.


BUT...  In the UK (at my Folks place)...  I've stopped using the Dolce Gusto they have, and have a Moka-Pot there, I use Lavazza Qualità Rossa... (which isn't such a fine expresso grind to allow pressure to build up too high, but is very rich, 100% arabica).


A lot of digression here, but I hope its been informative without being argumentative. 


In summary: 

- if someone has time, the inclination and money: Go for a Decent Espresso machine.

- if someone has time, the inclination and no money: Go for a Moka-pot.

- if someone has no time, and money: Go for a Nespresso Vertuo.

- if someone has no time and little money: Go for a Dolce Gusto.























Thanks for the detailed explanation! Perhaps I will consider level 2 (Nespresso Vertuo) for my next purchase!

  • Thumbs Up 1


If you're talking about those machines that use little plastic coffee pods, I'd HIGHLY recommend getting one that uses a reusable coffee pod. Those plastic pods are one of the WORST offenders of plastic waste filling our oceans.

3 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:


If you're talking about those machines that use little plastic coffee pods, I'd HIGHLY recommend getting one that uses a reusable coffee pod. Those plastic pods are one of the WORST offenders of plastic waste filling our oceans.

I seriously doubt that - plastic bags perhaps?


That said would not recommend these coffee pods for anyone that wants more than a shot glass of coffee each day.

28 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

I seriously doubt that - plastic bags perhaps?


That said would not recommend these coffee pods for anyone that wants more than a shot glass of coffee each day.


I seriously doubt you know what you're talking about.


"Pods used in coffee machines are among the worst forms of human waste for the environment when it comes to long-term damage"



4 minutes ago, HappyExpat57 said:


I seriously doubt you know what you're talking about.


"Pods used in coffee machines are among the worst forms of human waste for the environment when it comes to long-term damage"



Which says nothing about oceans - they end up in landfills - not oceans.  Bad yes as hard to break down - but tiny in comparison to other trash.

2 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

Which says nothing about oceans - they end up in landfills - not oceans.  Bad yes as hard to break down - but tiny in comparison to other trash.


Great - you defend polluting the world. Great approach, winner.

10 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


This thread is about coffee - take your pathetic hypocrisy elsewhere... 




This place gets more toxic every day. 

21 minutes ago, HappyExpat57 said:
32 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

This thread is about coffee - take your pathetic hypocrisy elsewhere... 


This place gets more toxic every day. 


You're accusing those who use coffee pods of polluting the world - its a hyperbolic woke exaggeration and is side tracking the thread from the subject of the Op asking about coffee pod machines. 


Without even knowing you, with certainty there are many aspects of your daily life that you could change that contribute to pollution far more significantly than someone drinking a couple of 'coffee pods' per-day.



Your juvenile and ridiculous strawman fallacy is a perfect example woke hypocrisy and you are getting butt-hurt and pulling the 'toxic card' when you are called out.



But...  if you wanted more feed back... Your cup of tea or coffee is more polluting than a pod machine... why ?...  read into and and you'll find that pod machines have a lower carbon footprint than regular french-press, filter and instant coffee..... 



Feel free to start a new thread and enjoy your own debate on this... but don't get but hurt when people call out hypocrisy and wokeness.













  • Like 1
6 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


You're accusing those who use coffee pods of polluting the world - its a hyperbolic woke exaggeration and is side tracking the thread from the subject of the Op asking about coffee pod machines. 


Without even knowing you, with certainty there are many aspects of your daily life that you could change that contribute to pollution far more significantly than someone drinking a couple of 'coffee pods' per-day.



Your juvenile and ridiculous strawman fallacy is a perfect example woke hypocrisy and you are getting butt-hurt and pulling the 'toxic card' when you are called out.



But...  if you wanted more feed back... Your cup of tea or coffee is more polluting than a pod machine... why ?...  read into and and you'll find that pod machines have a lower carbon footprint than regular french-press, filter and instant coffee..... 



Feel free to start a new thread and enjoy your own debate on this... but don't get but hurt when people call out hypocrisy and wokeness.


Allow me to retort. I mentioned that there is a reasonable alternative to using disposable plastic pods, and you went nuclear - a perfect example of a vitriolic argument seeking a venue. You may be perfectly correct, but when you start throwing insults, you ruin what COULD have been a reasonable discussion.

1 hour ago, HappyExpat57 said:
1 hour ago, richard_smith237 said:


You're accusing those who use coffee pods of polluting the world - its a hyperbolic woke exaggeration and is side tracking the thread from the subject of the Op asking about coffee pod machines. 


Without even knowing you, with certainty there are many aspects of your daily life that you could change that contribute to pollution far more significantly than someone drinking a couple of 'coffee pods' per-day.



Your juvenile and ridiculous strawman fallacy is a perfect example woke hypocrisy and you are getting butt-hurt and pulling the 'toxic card' when you are called out.



But...  if you wanted more feed back... Your cup of tea or coffee is more polluting than a pod machine... why ?...  read into and and you'll find that pod machines have a lower carbon footprint than regular french-press, filter and instant coffee..... 



Feel free to start a new thread and enjoy your own debate on this... but don't get but hurt when people call out hypocrisy and wokeness.



Allow me to retort. I mentioned that there is a reasonable alternative to using disposable plastic pods, and you went nuclear - a perfect example of a vitriolic argument seeking a venue. You may be perfectly correct, but when you start throwing insults, you ruin what COULD have been a reasonable discussion.


There is a reasonable alternative to using plastic coffee pods I agree...   and those alternatives have been metioned and discussed without accusing people of polluting the world. 


You have accused posters of not knowing what they are talking about.

You have accused posters of polluting the world, and then added the sarcastic comment 'great approach, winner'


If you are looking for the source of toxicity - look no further than yourself.



Alternative views: 

- Many Pod machines use recyclable Aluminium Pods. 

- Those who use plastic pods use recycled plastics.

- Pod machines are more efficient and have a smaller carbon footprint than the other methods.


That could have been the discussion... But with your 'great approach, winner'  you introduced the very toxicity you have complained about. 


With your comment 'a perfect example of a vitriolic argument seeking a venue'...  There was no vitriol until you stepped in, you'll do well to consider that in future before playing the woke victim card. 






10 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

Alternative views: 

- Many Pod machines use recyclable Aluminium Pods. 

- Those who use plastic pods use recycled plastics.

- Pod machines are more efficient and have a smaller carbon footprint than the other methods.

I bet most of those pods go in the garbage in Thailand

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