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Chinese Police to Patrol Tourist Hotspots in Thailand to Boost Tourist Confidence, Says Thai Prime Minister


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1 hour ago, bumpkin said:

It is not related to providing assistance to the Thai police.


What has been omitted from this press release is that the Chinese police will probably operate out of a Chinese 'Police station' sited locally.  This has happened in other countries.  Using body cams for facial recognition, they can remove any 'undesirables' into the secure facility from where they can (will) be secretly repatriated.



https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_police_overseas_service_stations#:~:text=In a May 2023 report,targeting the overseas Chinese community.


Thanks for posting that.  I read an article about the Chinese police stations in other countries not long ago, sounds pretty ominous.  To be sure they will keep an ear out for those critical of the status quo, we all know how much Xi appreciates criticism.  I'm anticipating a messy extradition incident that will hopefully draw the world's attention, but I don't think that will be in LOS.



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50 minutes ago, huangnon said:

Maybe the Chinese Police will be enforcing the next lockdowns here?


The CCP is a massive contributor and influence to the World Health Organization, whose "Pandemic Treaty" overrides national sovereignty to every patron country signed up to it. Wonderful news..

BS-Try a little research in your life.   https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-world-health-organization-pandemic-treaty-212446302001  

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5 hours ago, Mike Lister said:

Thai police to go on patrol, how novel.

It's time they were patrolling the roads, it is not unusual to see patrol cars parked at police stations at the side of the highways instead of out on the roads.

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1 minute ago, NoshowJones said:

It's time they were patrolling the roads, it is not unusual to see patrol cars parked at police stations at the side of the highways instead of out on the roads.

I saw a patrol car on the highway, it was 2007, late evening, I think he was on his way home.

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3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

We have had Western police for many many years, as the Tourist Police Volunteers and the Foreign Police Assistants. They have pretty limited authority  and have to have regular police with them and no power of arrest. Probably find them sitting around playing with their phones. 

So, why not bring in the Chinese under the same Tourist Police organization conditions? I get the feeling this is to be a "horse of a different color" (or in Thai context, "Says, same but different").

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3 hours ago, chrisbangkok said:

Absolutely right , they operating in many Western countries too and have been for years . 




China has a secret cop shop in Vancouver keeping track of Canadian Chinese. I can't be the only one like this.

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Hey Thailand, you can have Xi Xi Ping walk around with the Thai Cops; it will not work.  


China is having a money issue right now...folks lost a ton on Real Estate and there jobs are also going away.


Why are you not focusing on getting more big spenders from the West to come here?


More Runs.

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6 hours ago, ukrules said:


They've been here, there and everywhere for a very long time.


The only thing new is that they're operating in the open now.


Exactly . In the UK and US it has been reported there are or were Chinese Police operating undercover even with detention cells at the back of a Chinese chippy in the UK . They like to keep an eye on their people, esp the expats !

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3 hours ago, sirineou said:

I am glad that the Thai PM finally acknowledged that his police force is not up to the task, and outside help is needed. Now if he could only look into other Thai institutions . 

How about foreign PM's coming in every once in a while? 

  The police thing  sounds to me as preferential treatment for certain nationalities. that should not go over well with others.

How about having an UN police force ? or even yet simply issue a loaded  AK47 to every tourist coming in at the airport immigration booth?

Nothing spells  security like a loaded AK47 in your arms. 

It would be returned as the tourist depart, cleaned , reloaded and issued to the next tourist

I also have some other good ideas , PNDs (personal nuclear devices ) as a Mutually Assured   Destruction Deterrent )MADD)? If the PM would pm me (pun intended) I will be willing to discuss my brilliant ideas ove a beer at a venue of his choosing.

"How about foreign PM's coming in every once in a while?" Not British ones surely. Imagine Boris Johnston helping the last unelected soldier PM with his offshore bank accounts. :shock1:

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1 hour ago, fanof3d said:

You do understand that it was all in the plan to begin with. Most people don't study or research but it was always set in stone for China to be the next #1 super power and that's why you are seeing very strong agression. The U.S. has already cemented their demise thanks to crime, political craziness and policies that the rest of the world won't accept. If Russia was killing children at the rate Israel was, the u.s. would condemn but knowing what they do and acting as if all is well...hmmm. The u.s. has helped so many countries over the years but they never really understood the notion of taking care of your own. If your own nation turns on you, Game Over. What does the future hold? Who knows but China is taking advantage non-the-less. Will be interesting to see what happens.

Anyone who laughs about this is delirious. Don't laugh, speak your mind.

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1 minute ago, NoshowJones said:

I saw five parked at the police station on the 117 highway just before Nakhon Sawan.

Yes, it's very common. We ply the route from Chiang Mai to Tak on a regular basis and it's rare to see patrol cars on the road. If we do see thm, it seems as though they were called out or are inspecting trucks. Meanwhile, the Khuntan service station is police parking garage.

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Maybe part of the 'deal' with the Thai PM to 'encourage' more Chinese to visit Thailand? 

Why China’s police state has a precinct near you - POLITICO


IMO it is probably a good move.  The Chinese Police can help deal with all those Chinese criminals that keep getting into trouble and arrested in Thailand - much better than the Thai Police can. Thais have no recall, but I can remember over the last few years that a lot of Chinese have been caught breaking the law.  Everything from gun fights with the Police, to call centre scams, and gambling operations.  Now they can just hand them over to the Chinese Police and they will just 'take them away'. Plus many Chinese tourists will behave better if they know that the Chinese Police are 'watching'.  Win/Win.

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7 minutes ago, stix40 said:

👍 That should put more Chinese tourists off from holidaying here being eyeballed whilst on holiday ! 


I don't think the Taiwanese tourist will be too thrilled either, especially any that are politically involved in Taiwan.

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4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

We have had Western police for many many years, as the Tourist Police Volunteers and the Foreign Police Assistants. They have pretty limited authority  and have to have regular police with them and no power of arrest. Probably find them sitting around playing with their phones. 

May I correct you we have had western volunteers not necessarily ex-police, as an exz-copper I WAs asked if I WIshed to join, sadly their work ethics ( Thai police )are so bad I declined after one outing. The Chinese Police care little for HUMASN RIGHTS saw them operating in HK just after take over and I doubt they have improved. A silent way of handing this sovereign country opver to Chinese influence and actions.  

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

What Day,,,What Date?


The announcement was made today, Sunday November 13th, 2023, by Thapanee Kiatphaibool, director of the Tourism Authority of Thailand.  According to Thapanee, a meeting with the Chinese embassy would take place on Tuesday, November 15th, and top Thai police, tourist police, and Central Intelligence Bureau officers would attend to hammer out the specifics of the plan. 

Stupid Idea, Taking jobs that Are nly for Thais  ,,,That's Illegal  Ban them from Thailand.

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Everyone that has a brain or actually does some research will know that the Thai government would eventually concede to this craziness. Thailand loves to play neutrality but it will come to bite them in the ass. IF they allow this, then they will allow anything and especially against foreigners....don't panic but keep you eyes and ears open. This isn't good for anyone. All of you foreigners with a pension sitting on your ass and don't care.....now is the time to at least look at what's going on in the world.

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1 hour ago, Marco51 said:

I never thought, as a staunch Antifa all my life, that I would miss a military government. Is is meanwhile really the more democratic choice in the view of the bit by bit deteriorating society of the (un-)elected "democratic oligarchy of a 1family rule", CCTV and facial recognition, the secret test run of cashless society via a taxpayers' financing of a crypto wallet for everyone, the new banking and taxation laws that allow government to see every penny one moves ( ...and despite all the comments, this is targeting not farang but the Thai middle classes themselves, never the rich, they know how to hide their assets "legally", no problem when assets are large enough) , new opening times for entertainment areas which are defined by owners of a monopoly alcohol production and/or large entertainment chains,definitely not sleep deprived working class or students, undisturbed by thought-through rules such as : sound insulation to protect the environment , no open air bars , drivers' alcohol controls by police after closing hours and not asking pubs to do this ...LOL,  mergers of the already limited amount of mobile phone and internet giants, Huay Wei in 5G networks reporting back to the emperor , behind the curtains agreements between a dozen Asian nations lead around by the nose by China (...or else...) to develop new financial systems to look into everybody's wallet and savings in future and control it, the official introduction of Chinese police -inofficially they had been surveying their country fellows already and unlike the Farang Tourist Police , they will not bother with advisory jurisdictions but create facts and precedence- how long until the 1st clashes with the unloved Westerners and guess who will have the controlled positive media coverage, etc. pp.......why don't Thailand just join China as the latest satrapy and hand over Phuket as first installment. Hey, isn't Phuket a part of mainland China already anyway, after all it is only thousands of miles away from mainland and as Taiwan, Spratleys and other islands has always been Chinese. After all they also allow their occupied SipSongPanNa areas the independance of wearing their own costumes and posing for quaint pictures in front of their old culture for the Chinese Disneyland tourists . Dance people, look happy! There was an album a long time ago called Selling England by the Pound................love the title.

Selling Thailand by the Satang ! 

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2 minutes ago, fanof3d said:

Everyone that has a brain or actually does some research will know that the Thai government would eventually concede to this craziness. Thailand loves to play neutrality but it will come to bite them in the ass. IF they allow this, then they will allow anything and especially against foreigners....don't panic but keep you eyes and ears open. This isn't good for anyone. All of you foreigners with a pension sitting on your ass and don't care.....now is the time to at least look at what's going on in the world.


Makes you wonder what would happen if, you as a foreigner, say something against the CCP, and the CPP issues an arrest warrant for you, do the Chinese police find you, arrest you, then drag you back to their country on a military/private plane? 

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1 minute ago, Cabradelmar said:

Thailand is a truly a supplicant to China. It's embarrassing, and dangerous. Thailand undermines their very own legitimacy by allowing China's police to roam Thailand's tourist areas. This type of thing only makes Thailand look weak and incapable (more so than they already do). Not to mention the optics of sovereignty. Who is really in change here 🤔 and will the Chinese police be allowed to carry weapons and use lethal force to detain and arrest non-Chinese? Who's laws will they be enforcing, Thai law and Chinese law? 

Why do they do this? Acquiesce or something else? Now you understand that they are looking for fighter jets and whatever. Can't operate them or take care but they DO understand that the region is hot and they can't sit idle anymore. A country (who knows who) will ask them to commit. Then what will they do? Stupid people in government......so it won't be good. Brace yourself because they will have to make a decision and I don't think the u.s. will come to help if they agree to anything with other countries.

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