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Colorado Supreme Court kicks Trump off ballot


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8 minutes ago, andersonat said:


Once again, The 14th Amendment Section 3.


  --  What this Section discusses is insurrection-or-rebellion *against The Constitution* ... not (only) against The Government.


 -  And so it's not only about what happened on 6 January.



Once the link is proven in court between Trump and the fake electors it will be all over.

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2 hours ago, morrobay said:

My consistency is for the electorate (right, independent , left,) to decide. Seems elements of the democrats are afraid of that. As were the republicans in the 2000 election. Where a judicial coup gave the election to bush by stopping the recount in FL. Gore won Florida in spite of that spoiler/ jerk Ralph Nader 

So if it's up to the electorate, then damn the constitution. Let's get Arnold Schwarzenegger to run. He'll for sure win the general if we ignore the constitution which states a US president needs to be born in the USA. 



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4 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

How many times have folks like you made this ridiculous argument?


Plenty of co-conspirators have already pleaded guilty, it's only a matter of time before the noose finally tightens around his fat fake-tanned neck.



If that's so ridiculous how come he hasn't been jailed for it?


Oh, I know. 

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3 hours ago, rudi49jr said:

How/why is this BS? Just because you hate the Dems and love Trump? If you want to talk BS, how about the impeachment inquiry by the House Republicans into president Biden? Do you think that is BS as well?


Anyone with just half a functioning brain cell will have recognized what Trump and his co-conspirators were up to before, on and after Jan. 6, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to be able to connect the dots. Many of his co-conspirators are now facing justice and have flipped on Trump. And Trump himself has been found guilty of sedition already, by that CO court, and is facing similar charges in Washington DC and Georgia. 

Please explain to me what the BS is that you so desperately want stopped, I’d be really interested.


BS because a "finding" from a single judge might result in some Republican voters in Colorado not having their choice of presidential candidate available as an option in the next election. Like Trump of not, others should be able to vote for the president that they want. I certainly don't love Trump but the Democrats are too busy with their witch hunts right now to even attempt to govern. Look how popular Biden is now.


The validity and value of the impeachment inquiry into Biden will hopefully be revealed after some evidence is presented. This inquiry will allow more evidence to be gathered first.  



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3 hours ago, Walker88 said:

Of course. trump called all his Goobers to DC for the 6th (via Twitter, now X..."It'll be WILD"), and then held his rally where he told them to "march to the Capitol" and "You'll never take your country back by being weak", because they were having a sale of trump Presidency-related souvenirs at the Capitol Gift Shop.


Well.....maybe not. His comments about "If Mike Pence does the right thing" kind of hint---to all but the most clueless, low IQ, Birth Lottery Loser morons---what the Bloated One's intent was.


Personally, I'm still waiting for SC Smith to add "Sedition" (10 U.S. Code § 894 - Art. 94. Mutiny or sedition) to the charges against trump, because it's a capital offense carrying the death penalty.

Wouldn't THAT be a sight...watching the adipose-rich traitor sizzle like Sunday morning bacon on Sparky!





Of course? Because you say so?


Trump asked people to protest "peacefully and patriotically" at the Capitol" - the two "p" words that are always omitted by the anti-Trumpers. The few idiots who caused the violent trouble were already there and already kicking it off while Trump was still speaking.


I hope it rains on your BBQ.

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What a surprise ! A democrat state, with a democrat court and a democrat state supreme court - what a total joke ! 


I see 3 possible outcomes of this : 


1. The supreme court over-rules it - I think is correct - it is a right wing leaning 6-3 supreme court anyway.  Trump has not been 'criminally' convicted of insurrection. The law was initiated originally I believe to stop confederates that fought against the union from running for president.


2. Supreme court agrees - I think unlikely, as it will lead to every state doing the same for each runner of both parties in every future election. There will be fighting on the streets if this happens. Biden/the democrats taking out the person ahead of them in the polls is ridiculous - America is becoming a banana republic if this happens and will be laughed at if they try and intercede in any world conflict


3. The total break up of the United States - the right leaning ones and the left leaning - say 25 states each - it may sound crazy but we are at a point where the judicial system has been politicised and each state is now going against the next. Personally, I think this is the best idea - the far left are far to radical now for any right leaning person to live with. 

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3 hours ago, Skeptic7 said:

She didn't want to be the target of Trump and his crazy and dangerous cult/mob/hitmen/lunatics. Living in fear, receiving death threat and possible bodily harm to herself and family would have been the outcome...so she left it up to the Supreme Court, which "manned up" and did the right thing. 

1. Are you seriously suggesting that the current polls showing  a large swing for Trump is now due to people becoming cult members and lunatics ?  And not just normal people fed up with 'Bidenonmic' failures and border invasions ? 


2. Hopefully the NATIONAL supreme court - not the Colorado democrat state supreme court - will man up and shove the decision right down Colorado's 


Either way, 2024 is sure going to be a fun year in USA politics for an outsider - like me !

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17 minutes ago, morrobay said:

Not lost on me is another one these people conflating normal legal proper emigration with illegal gangs from Central America, terrorists from mid east as well as millions more overloading the social/health services. * I sure hope Trump doesn't wimp out this time and call an executive order for the Army Corps of Engineers to build  the WALL from Pacific to Gulf. And spare all this " it won't work" progressive nonsense 

Wasn’t Mexico going to pay for that will? And didn’t Trump promise “we’re going to win so much you’re going to get tired of winning”. 

How did that work out, Mexico paying for that wall, not to mention all that winning?

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13 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Carlos Samour, one of three justices who dissented, argued the government could not "deprive someone of the right to hold public office without due process of law".

"Even if we are convinced that a candidate committed horrible acts in the past - dare I say, engaged in insurrection - there must be procedural due process before we can declare that individual disqualified from holding public office," he wrote.


That would be my concern as well. As long as Trump hasn't been convicted for insurrection, disqualifying him as a candidate looks like a very questionable decision. I'd assume that this decision will be overturned for this reason.


I do think he's guilty of that crime, but he has a right to due process just like anyone else. 

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