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PART 2 Thai Wife Being Bullied By Family

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12 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

You are in Thailand, do as the Thais do. The Sinsod is just for show and should be returned after the wedding. If they refuse, it is a bessing in disguies -  they didn't stick to the rules, so stop the 2,000 a month to grannie.

You're in Thailand I would listen to Neeranam's suggestion here and pay the Sinsod but whether or not they pay back the Sinsod I'd keep on paying granny, it's only 2,000 a month. You'll never earn their respect you are an ATM to them and you always will be an ATM to them. 


In Total you pay a one time payment of 50,000 and 24,000 a year to granny. Pretty cheap if you ask me and when they ask for any more money I would very simply say "I'm sorry I wish I had some money to give you but I don't". That will make them go away quickly. 

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Not being there and don’t know your exact situation, though it appears your options are few but simple. You and your wife move to another province. Stay there and be miserable. Or step out the back Jack, make a new plan Stan and get yourself free.

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7 minutes ago, thefarangteacher said:

I’m in my mid-30. I’m not a retiree; I don’t have the kind of money those guys do due to their station in life. So from me, 2,000 baht a month is generous, especially since it’s 2,000 baht more than I give my sick parents. That’s a large part of the problem here: the family’s perception that just because I am a “farang” that I’m loaded. I’m not. The kind of sinsod someone with this attitude would ask for is something I could not afford (as written previously they’re already implying 50,000 baht would be a pittance so I’m assuming they would ask for at least double that). 

I hear you, when I got married, 23 years ago, I was working as a teacher at a government school and was 35 . 

It's important to let them know you are not rich but they will never believe you, they will think you have a house back home or something, so the main thing is to be firm but always be polite. Saying it's against your principles is the wrong thing -  you'll need your wife's support here. It took my wife a few years to realize I had no money hidden away :) 

You'll be asked to finance business ideas etc  -  I suggest say you'd love to help but first write down the first year business projected profits and a detailed repayment plan, 9/10 times they will not do that. 


My father in law hated me at first and on our first meeting sat and polished his gun(retired army) but when we had kids things changed a lot. They are half of your future kids' heritage, remember that. In time, you'll grow tounderstand their way of thinking. 

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In cultural situations, I often imagine my sister marrying a Middle Eastern guy with the long white gown. 

Imagine if he said he had no money, would anyone believe him?

Imagine if he refused to have alcohol at his wedding out of principle as in UAE they don't do that.

What would the family think?

Imagine is he refused to give Christmas presents.



Edited by Neeranam
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The Thai teacher I used in Patts ( quite plain looking , around 20 ish ) told me she was thinking about marriage and wanted a 4 million Bt SinSot . 

This is the problem - they think all Westerners are very rich and have heard stories and seen large mansions built by Thai wives of Foreigners .

As for the families - they are just trying it on - just as all low-lifes would . I guess 90 % of Thai women looking for a foreign husband are just after the money - anyone will do as long as they stump up the $ .

I don`t think a relationship like that would ever satisfy me .

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I read all the above and while some of it seems reasonable I can’t help but think that some is written by people who have no relationships in the old country and no relationships in Thailand…

Some whose idea of a relationship is P4P.

My wife also thought I was fabulously rich (and hansum) but she’s learning.

Her family are good solid hard working people and when I’m in country they treat me well.

You need limits but you also need the family onside, I can’t imagine many Thai girls willing or able to walk away from family, good luck…

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What does blood and water have to do with it?

If grandma owns land perhaps she would agree to sell your wife some prime section for those monthly payments as would be fair.  Then see how things change. 

You either like the idea of sinsod or you be a man and say no!  Old tradition had women topless. 

Edited by Elkski
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10 hours ago, thefarangteacher said:

I already compromised by agreeing to the monthly payments. That’s me accepting a “good part of Thai reality.” I’m not the party in this situation that has the “my way or the highway” attitude, which is my overall point. 

You have to live with what you do.

If you feel comfortable with the way you live and the way your wife and her family live "together" with you, then go ahead.


Personally, I sometimes think like: If I pay 1000B more to make them happy, and that saves me headache for x amount of time, is it worth it?

We live in Thailand with lots of Thai people. At the end it's their country and their traditions.

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1 hour ago, OneMoreFarang said:

You have to live with what you do.

If you feel comfortable with the way you live and the way your wife and her family live "together" with you, then go ahead.


Personally, I sometimes think like: If I pay 1000B more to make them happy, and that saves me headache for x amount of time, is it worth it?

We live in Thailand with lots of Thai people. At the end it's their country and their traditions.

Traditions? Italy has a tradition of Mafia that moved to America.  So what if it is a tradition?  It's a bad one.

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I'm surprised no one challenged me on my reference to Minnesota.  During the time of Obama, he moved all the Somalis to Minnesota, which is why we have that piece of <deleted> Ilhan Omar as a representative in Congress. 


Some Somali doctors, yes, real doctors in America, were performing genital mutilation on young Somali girls in Minnesota.


Cultural enrichment, folks.  It's a tradition.  Offer up your children if you are so LEFT inclined, and maybe the nice Somali MD will use some lidocaine when surgical removes your daughter's clitoris. 


Lovely that. 

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9 hours ago, it is what it is said:


i've never dated lower/working class woman, or sex worker, but those i have dated all said they would not want or need sin sot. non of my mates married to thais paid anything, it's a thai tradition that really doesn't apply these days. any thai putting such pressure on is a manipulator. up to you.

Why would you date a sex-worker?


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Just to say I feel really sorry for you and your wife. The Thai family is very strong, far stronger than from the West, I had the same problem but it pales into insignificant to what you both are going through, as they were never toxic 

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9 minutes ago, Neeranam said:
9 hours ago, DudleySquat said:

I am still waiting for the Rome answer from @Neeranam



he originally asked you about when in rome do as and gave an example of do as. which you have yet to reply to. i think that is what he is getting at.


so original question is ....hypothetically....yes we are aware you would never go there etc bla bla bla..... if you were living there would you respect local culture and perform genital mutilation on your daughter. to respect the locals and all. 

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2 minutes ago, Expat68 said:

The Thai family is very strong, far stronger than from the West


hogwash. what metric is used to determine if a family is stronger ? thai do a good job of convincing people this is the case. like many other things here. 

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11 hours ago, Lacessit said:

It does not mean one has to accept every Thai tenet that comes along.


A couple of years ago, I had a culture clash with my GF. Our dog was dying slowly and painfully from cancer. I wanted to do the merciful thing, and get him euthanased. She said no, against her religion.

After thinking about it, I told her I was going back to the condo. If you do not have him put down, I don't want to see you for a couple of months.

Two days later, she phoned me to say a vet had put the dog down.


She was very distressed, saying she had done a bad thing. Over time, I have managed to convince her what she did was merciful.

It never ceases to amaze me how many otherwise rational people are f@cked in the head by religion.

Apologies if off topic.


What religion are you referring to ? Buddhism is a philosophy, not a religion. Sadly in Thailand it has morphed into idol worship, with some very strange outcomes. If most Thais are Buddhists, why are they killing and eating animals, but objecting to euthanasia ? Very strange, but as foreigners we have to accept that's the way things are here. We should, however, hold our own when it comes to certain issues relating to our personal lives eg marriage, work and money.

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